Waking up at dawn was a pain in the ass, even for a god. Rachel was out cold, and my mother barely woke up after I shook her sexy nude body,"We need to talk to the girls," I cooed as she grumbled in annoyance,"Come on, mum. They just got revived from the dead, they'll need help before they wake up."

"Quickie first," Sally groaned, but I could tell that she was fully awake now, so I lifted her up and kissed her, making her moan,"Okay, that is almost as good."

"No it's not," I stated, snapping my fingers, giving us both clothes to wear.

My mum nodded in agreement, then checked what I got her. She had her hair us in a sexy ponytail, with a white top and jeans on, but she wasn't concerned about that,"No panties? Seriously?"

"It'll just make tonight easier," I shrugged, taking her in my arms.

"Ooo, what are you going to do to me tonight, baby?" my mother asked, dragging her finger over my face in a provocative manner. Her eyes were so lustful, and her statement so seductive I was tempted to push her against the wall of the cave and fuck her brains out. Thankfully, I was reminded of the girls in the other room when I heard a tired grumble.

"That'll be a surprise," I kissed my mother to stop her from pouting, then pulled back,"They're waking up? What do you think is the best approach?"

We walked to the room, my mum thinking for a moment, then spoke up,"If I was in their shoes, I wouldn't want to feel forced in any way. The best way to do this is to just get them reacquainted to being alive by getting them with a group of friends and loved ones, then tell them while their support is there."

Nodding along, I smiled,"Then that's exactly what we'll do."

I opened the door to the room and smiled, seeing all of the girls subconsciously cuddle one another. It was kind of odd, seeing them alive again, and even more so to see Bianca looking so sexy. Don't get me wrong, the Daughter of Hares was a very pretty girl when I last saw her, but now that she was aged up, she almost made me drool. Silena was currently wrapping her arms and legs around her like a koala and was muttering incoherently in her sleep, her perky body looking as stunning as when I last saw her. Zoe, who seemed to be waking up first, was rolling away from the group hug, her eyes fluttering open tiredly, she looked as gorgeous as she did atop Mount Tamalpais.

The Hunter sat up slowly and looked around, obviously confused and still disoriented. She rubbed her eyes then tried to focus her vision as she looked at me, then gasped,"Percy? Is it really you?" I chuckled, both out of happiness from seeing her and noting that she had stopped say "thy" while dead.

"Yeah, it's me, Zoe," I smiled, cautiously moving closer to her,"It's great to see you again. This is my mum, Sally."

"Hello," Zoe gulped, nodding towards my mum,"How long have I been...dead?"

"Four years," I answered, then motioned towards the other girls,"I don't think you'll recognise Silena, but there is someone I would like you to see. I brought her back too."

Zoe cautiously moved closer to Silena and rolled over Bianca to see her face, gasping as tears threatened to pour from her eyes,"How is this possible?"

"I'll explain that when the others are awake, they went through the same thing you did," I went over to the ex-lieutenant and smiled,"It's really amazing to see you."

Not wanting to interrupt, my mum sat on a seat and let Zoe and I just sit and get comfortable. Zoe seemed to get scared for a moment and shot up,"What happened with the war, and milady? And my sisters?"

"They are all fine," I stated,"The war ended two years ago, in the Battle of Manhattan. I defeated Kronos and ended the war, the Hunt help too."

Seemingly calming down, Zoe sat back down, holding my hand as if to make sure what was happening was real, that she wasn't just imagining things. Sally spoke up behind us,"They're waking up."

The ex-lieutenant shot up again and bolted to Bianca's side as she stirred awake. The Daughter of Hades looked incredibly confused, but nevertheless shared a great smile as she wrapped her arms around Zoe,"Oh my gods, I can't believe I see you!"

Bianca hadn't noticed me yet, and was too busy excitedly talking to Zoe about being alive again. She'd probably been more aware of the transition from dead to alive because of her heritage and was just accepting the fact easily. Silena had woken up from all the excited chatter and rolled over to look at me,"Now I know I'm dreaming," she cooed,"No way I'd wake up with Annabeth's man in real life."

"I wouldn't say that," I smirked, lifting her into a spinning hug,"You are one of the bravest women I know! Not for the fighting the drakon, but for tricking Clarisse."

"Percy? Percy!" Bianca cried, flinging herself at me,"I can't believe it. How did you bring us back?"

"Back?" Silena asked,"As in-"

"You're all back from the dead!" I finished, smiling.

"How?" they all questioned at once.

"We need to take you somewhere before we tell you," my mother spoke up, happily observing the whole exchange, but I could sense the remains of a IM in front of her,"Hi girls, you don't know me, but I'm Sally Jackson, Percy's mother. It is lovely to finally meet all of you."

The revived girls all exchanged glances and nodded, so we went on our way. I explained to the girls everything that has happened since Bianca died and stopped right after the end of the Giant War. When they found out about my trip to Tartarus with Annabeth they all gasped and asked me if I was okay, which I was...now.

Our small group eventually arrived at the bottom of Half-Blood Hill, right next to the Dining Pavilion. A small crowd was there and my mother smiled as she pointed at them,"Those are the people I want you to see."

With that we all ran over and entered the Dining Pavilion, and were met by a horde of people: the Hunters of Artemis all sat at their table, tapping their feet impatiently; Artemis stood across from them, biting her cheek and her pregnant belly showing slightly; Nico and Will sat together, holding hands while the Son of Apollo calmed his boyfriend; Aphrodite and all of her children sat at their table too, Drew looking less excited and more scared than the others.

Many more sat there, and all of them had relationships with at least one of the girls. All of the revived girls stood in shock, tears running down their faces. Nico was the first to notice them and stood bolt upright, staring at his sister. Bianca took a step towards him, and her copied the movement, until they were right in front of each other. They both wept from pure joy as they both held onto one another, afraid to let go.

All the other families started to meet up, tears being shed and stories shared. I decided to wait after everyone had spoken for about an hour before I got the girls private attention for a moment.

"So, you all wanted to know how you are alive again?" I queried, already knowing the answer. They all nodded anyway and I held my mums hand, taking a deep breath,"On my eighteenth birthday, I discovered something that would end up not only changing my life, but the future of the world itself."

"What?" Zoe asked,"Does it have anything to do with miladies pregnancy?"

"It has everything to do with it," I began to tell them my story, explaining their situations and everything they would need to know. They all seemed to take it well. Silena was practically rubbing her legs together the entire time, and I knew straight away she didn't object to the idea. She ran off quickly to the Aphrodite table and started chatting away with Piper. Bianca was shocked, she didn't seem against the idea, as she blushed and excused herself to talk to her brother, his boyfriend and her Hazel, who had formally introduced herself to her earlier.

Zoe was silent. She didn't move, she didn't talk, she did absolutely nothing. Then she sucker punched me. If I hadn't been a god, it would have knocked me out, but all I felt was a slight bit off pain and a small cut on my cheek bone, producing ichor. Artemis ran over to check on me and ask Zoe what was wrong, but just as she was done checking my face her ex-lieutenant was gone, a trail of her footprints leading to her Cabin.

"What did you do?" Artemis asked accusingly.

"Nothing. I just told her what she needed to know," I stated, backing away in fear for my huge dick that would likely be cut off if I said the wrong thing.

"So everything," the Goddess of the Moon clarified, to which I nodded,"Including the fact that you got me, a formally Maiden Goddess and her best friend, pregnant?"

"Shit," I muttered,"I'll go talk to her."

"You better," my mum said, taking Artemis' hand,"How are you doing?"

"Fine, I just want my mother here to help me during this time," Artemis replied.

I went on my way to Cabin 8 and knocked on the door, leaning my head against it after to reply for a minute,"Zoe?"

"Go away, you goddess rapist!" she screamed from inside.

Angered by her accusation, I opened the door, dodging the arrows she shot at me when I did,"I clarified. It was all consensual," she didn't seem to believe me and went to kick me in the chest, but I caught her foot and pulled her into a hug,"Do you really think I'd be alive right now if I had raped any of the women I had told you about? They all agreed."

Taking a ragged breath in my arms, Zoe sighed,"I didn't."

I pulled away from her,"It's okay if you don't want to, Artemis and I can convince Zeus to let you stay on Earth anyway. I was just informed differently."

"Oh, don't get me wrong," Zoe stated, taking my hand in her soft ones,"I was intrigued by the idea of losing my virginity to you. It's just I've been one for millennia, and the fact you thought just because I was curious I was willing infuriates me."

"Sorry, I got the wrong impression," I apologised, bowing my head,"We will not do anything. Not until you are ready, okay?"

"Okay," Zoe smiled, then noticed the cut on my cheek,"Sorry about that."

"Nah, I sort of deserved it," I laughed,"It was a good hit. If I wasn't a god, I'd be out cold right about now."

"Feel lucky I pulled the punch then," Zoe chuckled,"We wouldn't want you going to the dam infirmary."

"You finally got it!" I bellowed, wrapping her up in a hug,"I think I'm in love with you."

"Ditto," the ex-lieutenant chuckled,"It's all I really had to think about for the past few years."

"Your love for me or the fact that you didn't have a sense of humour?" I joked.

Laughing, Zoe shook her head,"I hate you."

We shortly met back up with everyone at the Dining Pavilion. Zoe had went straight over to Artemis again, explaining why she did what she did and the conversation we had after. She seemed to still think of Artemis as her authority figure and wanted to report everything. After that Zoe, Artemis, and my mother all started to have girl talk, so I took my leave to check on everyone.

Apollo was sitting, talking to Will and all of the children of Hades about gods knows what, and when he spotted me he excused himself and slung his arm over my shoulder,"Hey bro, how you doing?"

"Great, Apollo," I answered,"What might I have done to be getting your attention?"

Chuckling, the God of the Sun looked around the area and simply said,"Knocked up half of Olympus."

"Fair enough," I sighed as we endeavoured farther away, towards the lava wall. We simply flashed to the top and sighed as we watched the world. It was close to two in the afternoon now and the sun hang high above us, making it another glorious day,"Good job," I joked with Apollo.

"Funny," he laughed, looking around,"But onto business. How long ago did you cause the first pregnancy?"

I stroked my chin in thought and sighed,"I don't think my mum got pregnant until round about the same time as Annabeth, which was a month and ago. Amphitrite was a few days before though."

"You really don't slow down do you?" he jeered while I chuckled,"So most of the women will give birth in two months. You'll have to organise what they want to do about the birthing procedure and I just want you to know, I'm happy to help with all of them."

"Thanks man, that's really kind of you," I patted him on the back,"I'm going to have that conversation with everyone at once to figure it out."

"Cool..." Apoll looked thoughtful for a moment and looked around,"Do you love my sister, Percy?"

Taken aback by his sudden question, I was confused, but decided to answer honestly,"I love every woman I have sex with, your sister is definitely not an exception. Artemis holds a special place in my heart. Why do you ask?"

"You obviously know the story about how difficult our birth was for our mother?" I nodded to his question,"I just don't want her to go through anything like that. And the main reason it happened to mum was because Zeus didn't care, he'd had his fun, she had to deal with her own problems. Artemis shouldn't have that."

"And she won't, not as long as I'm around," I stated,"You and I are sort of like brother-in-law now, Apollo. I promise, I'll take care of Artemis."

He smiled genuinely for a moment then reached,"Dude, I don't want to know about how you take care of my sister!"

"Shut up! You know what I meant!" I countered.

The two of us sat on top of the lava wall for a couple of hours just hanging out, getting to properly know each other. I had meant what I said about being brother-in-laws, I fully intended to marry all of my lovers. Hence why I was attempting to bond with him, and it surprisingly went well. Sure he was rather vain, but he was nice and really funny, we planned on teaming up with Hermes to prank the next Council Meeting.

We got thrust out of our guy time by the Conch Horn signalling dinner. Apollo took his leave, and I walked over to the Dining Pavilion. As always, all of my lovers sat at the Poseidon table, Rachel looking like she just woke up as she whispered with Elisa about last night. I sat next to my mum and noticed her staring at Zoe at the Hunters of Artemis' table as she spoke up,"I see why you like that one. I spent all day talking to her and she never stopped impressing me."

"Have you fallen in love, Sally?" Annabeth joked from the other side of me.

"No," my mother blushed,"Maybe. I love everyone at this table equally, and all I hope is that she joins us."

Artemis chuckled from across the table,"She might be joining us soon?"

I sat up and turned to her,"What did you do? Work your secret seduction magic you kept bottled up until I came along?"

"Tempting as it might of been, no," the Goddess of the Moon giggled,"After her conversations with both of you she is infatuated. Kept on asking me questions about what you two were like during my first time and stuff like that."

"Whoa," I gasped,"I can't wait until tonight then."

"Be careful with my girl, will you?" Artemis ordered,"If you hurt her I won't do that trick you like."

Instantly I did the Boy Scouts Salute,"I swear I'll never hurt her."

Athena chuckled from her spot at the table,"What do you do to him that's that good, Artemis?"

"If I told you then that would make the threat meaningless," the Goddess of the Moon jeered.

My harem all continued chatting away, striking up bets for the next time we all got together on who would cum first. I barely paid any attention, but bet on Thalia and her sensitive nipples. I knew I'd easily win at least twenty drachmas from that bet.

After dinner was done I walked over to Zoe as everyone walked over to the Hearth,"Have you had a nice day after Sock O'clock?"

"While being most enjoyable, punching your pretty little face was my favourite part," the ex-lieutenant jeered, linking our arms,"Care to sing corny campfire songs while Nico acts like how I remember him?"

"Brilliant, let me get my Mythomagic cards," I chuckled as I thought about another way to tease the Son of Hades, who I noticed had heard our jokes,"I hope it doesn't work like Pokemon, I don't think I'm his type."

Nico literally fell over while most of the people nearby burst into fits of giggles. I helped him up and apologised to him, but he just chuckled and went over to Will, holding his hand. A couple of steps behind me, Hazel gasped,"He held his hand first, and without any form of argument. You should have brought Bianca back years ago."

The camp sing-a-long was as corny as always, but it allowed Zoe and I to have a laugh. She seemed to have calmed down a lot from earlier and after a couple of people stood up to leave the camp fire she smiled at me expectantly and took my hand,"Are you going to bring her along to?"

"Whatever you want, baby," I replied. Zoe nodded to me and I grabbed my mum by the hand,"Want to go back to the palace?"

"I thought you'd never ask," the Goddess of Nurturing stated, smugly. We grabbed a tight hold of Zoe and flashed away, appearing in my palace, in the living room.

"Wow! This is a nice place you have here," Zoe complimented,"Who'd you have to fuck to get this place-oh wait."

My mother burst into fits of laughter, while scoffed,"The fucking was the easy part. Stopping so we could actually come here, that was hard."

"As well as something else," Sally chuckled as she stroked my arm. She turned to Zoe and looked serious for a moment,"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," Zoe moaned, stroking her pussy through her clothes,"Milady told me everything about her first time with you two. And I really like both of you. And I've been trapped in the body of a teenager for the last few thousand years, with tons of bottled up hormones. I need fucked."

Gulping at her sexy action, I stepped forward and queried,"How much?" I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her, our lips hovering over each other,"How much do you need fucked?"

Zoe grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, rubbing her covered crotch against my now rock solid cock. The ex-lieutenant literally ripped off my shirt in her lustful haze, so I copied the action and tore apart her top and unclasped her bra.

I had always been a fan of Zoe's C-cups and immediately lifted her up so that I could lick, kiss and suck on her perky nipples. She was a moaning mess, and she peppered my forehead with kisses as much as possible. The ex-lieutenant let out a gasp as her shorts and panties were pulled down, to reveal her pussy, that covered my jeans in her juices.

Looking over Zoe's shoulder, I saw my mother, on her knees, devouring the Daughter of Atlas' pussy. The girl was screaming her head off and had loosened her grip on my body in her lust. I put her down on all fours and Sally continued eating her out. Her mouth hung open in pleasure as she stared at my trapped boner,"I need to taste it!"

"Really?" I chuckled as I pulled off the rest of my clothes, my cock hitting her across the face when it was released. Zoe eyes were now completely clouded by lust, and her mouth began to water. She curiously began to pump my cock with her hand as she moaned at the top of her lungs,"Do you want me to hold back? Or do you want me to give you everything I have?"

Her eyes stared at mine as she grabbed the base of my cock and pointed the head at her mouth,"I want you to shove all of it down my throat. No matter how much I gag you have to keep going and you can only stop fucking my face once you've shot cum down my hungry throat."

"That can be arranged," I answered as my mum shoved her tongue up Zoe's ass and made her shake and moan erratically through an orgasm. As she screamed, I grabbed the back of her head and pushed my cock down her eagerly awaiting throat. The ex-lieutenant moaned at the feeling of her mouth being filled and began to take my huge cock, inch by glorious inch. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she tasted my pre-cum and she looked at me expectantly once she calmed down.

"Uck mm fae," she moaned against my shaft.

I got the message, pushing my cock all the down her throat. Zoe gagged and choked around it, but kept moaning and bobbing up and down on it, licking the bottom of my shaft wholeheartedly. Behind her my mum was fingering her pussy,"Oh you love my sons cock, don't you, Zoe?"

"Yesh," the ex-lieutenant moaned around my cock,"Ish tashs sho good!"

"Just wait till he cums down your slutty little throat. You'll love that," Sally cooed, spanking the girls ass lightly,"Do you want his cum?"

"Oh mm godsh, yesh!" Zoe screamed around my cock.

"Where do you want it?" my mum didn't get a reply for a minute as I started to fuck the poor girls face and make her gag, so she spanked her,"Answer me!"

"Everywhere!" the Daughter of Atlas cried once I pulled her off of my cock,"I want to taste him! To feel his cum-shooting cock down my throat, in my womb and in my ass!"

"You heard the girl, darling," my mother moaned, finally taking off her clothes,"Fuck her to oblivion with me."

Getting close to an orgasm already, I didn't even answer her, I just grabbed Zoe's head and began to skull fuck her relentlessly. I moaned and grunted whenever she took me all the way to the base, and felt like I was about to cum every time she lightly dragged her teeth over my shaft as she pulled back.

Wanting to taste the ex-lieutenants cum, I ordered my mother,"Lick her pussy for me real quick," she quickly obliged and got back to licking Zoe's drenched folds, driving her to an orgasm,"Now give me a taste."

My mum sat up and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I could taste Zoe's cum all over her tongue and lips and moaned. I was so close now. I pushed deep down the Daughter of Atlas' throat and shot streams of cum down her throat, straight into her stomach.

I pulled out of her mouth once my orgasm died down and sighed in fulfilment, closing my eyes. Once my eyes opened I was met by the arousing sight of Sally and Zoe making out passionately, fondling one another's tits and asses. I instantly got hard again and stroked myself until I was back to my full length, which was easy with the show the girls were putting on.

As soon as I was back to full mast I grabbed my mother by her hips and pulled her so that she was on all fours, with my cock teasing her entrance,"Zoe and I have came, I think it's only fair you do too."

"I agree," Zoe hummed, sitting in front of Sally's face,"As long as she uses her magic tongue on me."

Sally moaned at the condition and dived straight in, latching her mouth to Zoe's clit immediately. I took that exact moment to thrust half of my tremendous length into my mums drenched pussy, causing her to moan against the ex-lieutenants folds. That didn't stop me as I pulled all of my cock except the head, from her pussy, then pushed back in again until I was hitting her womb.

The moment I did that my mother screamed in orgasm, and triggered Zoe's from the vibrations of her scream. I hadn't even fucked her properly yet, so I just kept thrusting into her at a godly speed (haha cause I'm a god now) and spanked her. So she kept on eating Zoe out and that made Zoe scream at the top of her lungs. To shut her up I pulled her into a kiss and altered my angle slightly so that I could repeatedly hit Sally's sweet spot.

Every time I hit her sweet spot my mum came erratically. She was using all of her composure to eat out Zoe and send her over the edge again, but eventually gave up trying and gave up holding back her screams of pleasure at my endless onslaught. Not wanting to cum yet, I pulled out of my mum and pumped my shaft,"Are you ready, Zoe?"

"I've been ready since you took me to the dam snack bar," Zoe moaned, laying on her back on the floor, spreading her legs invitingly. After the ex-lieutenants joke, my mother was left looking extremely confused, which was a feat for a person who literally couldn't move from having to many orgasms.

Finally, I positioned myself over Zoe's entrance, prodding it lightly to tease her. Not the patient type, the Daughter of Atlas wrapped her legs around me and tried to force my cock in, but she was so wet I slipped across her pussy. I chuckled lightly, then moved slowly into her.

Merely feeling my cock enter her made the ex-lieutenant go over the edge, squirting all over my cock and abs. I stroked her hair as she moaned and stopped pushing into her once I felt her hymen. I pulled back lightly, and broke through her inner wall, kissing her to muffle her screams, then stopped moving to let her get accustomed to my girth.

I had to wait for two minutes before the Daughter of Atlas began to thrust her hips desperately against mine, needing my cock to destroy her tight little pussy. I smiled at her pleading, lustful eyes and promptly began to pound into her, tearing apart her pussy. Zoe screamed in ecstasy, lovingly peppering my shoulder with kisses while I fucked her senseless.

Zoe probably hadn't stopped cumming the entire time, as she was screaming and squirting more and more with every thrust. As I got closer to cumming too Zoe pulled me closer and whispered in my ear,"Percy, I think I'm in love with you and your monster cock. Please, don't stop fucking me, I need all of your godly cum dumped into my fertile womb, now!"

That was all I needed.

Her words tipped me over the edge. I didn't stop fucking the Daughter of Atlas, even as I came inside her. As I came i noticed Sally had passed out on the floor next to me, with her fingers deep in her pussy and actually shot a second load into Zoe's womb just from the pure sexiness of what I saw. I felt a now familiar presence take over and spoke up,"You are now the Goddess of Tracking!"

The ex-lieutenant had passed out from exhaustion, so no anal tonight. Yet I was fulfilled, and summoned a blanket to wrap around the the three of us and passed out, smiling happily.

Chaos Hunter here, thanking you all for reading this chapter, it is by far the longest one, and the best written.

But anyway, I hope you are all doing well and I am hoping you all fill out the new poll for this story I put on my profile, it will last until Tuesday.

I also have a wee challenge for you all. Basically, the 60th review on this story will be put into the story if it is a suggestion. So good luck, my lovely smut readers.