Disclaimer: I do not own Boku No Hero Academia.
"Don't fret, All Might. We're here."
What? But how? How can that be? Is it really you, are you really–
"Nana?", his own voice was so weak, it was but a whisper. As soon as he had said it, he realized that the person in front of him wasn't Nana, it was a man. A slender one, his back crouched and his hair blonde or white or even grey, it was hard for him to see with his vision becoming blurry. With the way he was standing there, he somehow reminded the former hero of Tomura. But when the man turned to look at him, All Might could really see was Nana's face again. And then the face of another male he didn't know, just before it changed back to being Nana. It was like a glitch on a TV screen and he wasn't sure if what he was seeing was really happening.
"So it is you, little brother.", his archenemy interrupted him. He raised his arms, as if he was waiting for the new arrival to greet him with a hug.
"We are not your little brother, All for One.", the being spoke with the voices of multiple people, though the only one All Might's could properly pick up was that of a woman, that of his teacher and predecessor Shimura Nana's.
"But I recognize your voice, my brother.", All for One insisted and lowered his arms, almost disappointed. Slowly, All Might was starting to understand what was happening. It seemed that while the symbol of evil could only see the first wielder of One for All, his brother, All Might was seeing the person he was closest too, his own teacher. Somehow, all of the previous wielders seemed to share one body and mind at the same time.
"How are you here?", the man finished All Might's original question, but the person standing in light didn't answer him immediately. Instead, he turned to All Might, Midoriya and Tomura, who were all lying behind him in a battered state. Midoriya unconscious, Tomura bleeding out, making All Might the only one witnessing what was currently happening.
"The bundled power of One for All has summoned me.", they said and first looked at Tomura, "He carries the blood of her, a part of me. The past."
Their eyes wandered to All Might: "Symbol of peace: You are the present."
Lastly, their gaze came at an end at the beat freckled teen: "The ninth, chosen by the present: The Future."
The moment our hands were connected!
The being turned back to All for One and slowly started to walk towards him. Their steps were very slow, short and careful but even though their body looked physically weak, their whole presence radiated light and power. All of it was so pure and bright that All Might couldn't tear his eyes from them. Was he hallucinating or was this person, these people, the real manifestation of One for All? Like a messiah, here to save them from the evil threatening to throw this world into darkness? Yes, their sole presence brought warmth into All Might's heart. He forgot he was tired and he suddenly felt younger and stronger than ever before. Without him realizing he stood up, taking in all the energy that was sent out by the predecessors. All Might felt himself recovering; he felt like he had been out in the cold for endless nights, tired with his bones hurting, but not able to fall asleep and waiting for the day to eventually come. And just when he was about to give up hope, the day was reborn and rays of light and warmth of an orange sun, rising behind a mountain so high it reached the sky, touched his face, filling him with new precious life. He took all of it in, accepted it without ever questioning. Nothing that felt like this could ever be wrong.
And apparently, so did his apprentice. Midoriya Izuku's physical exhaustion seemed to visibly erase from him and suddenly, he opened his eyes and sat up, looking around and not understanding what was going on.
"All Might!", he cried, but the man's eyes never left One for All and when Midoriya followed his gaze, the teen couldn't either.
"I.. why do I feel.. like I know you..?", he stuttered and stood up as well, accepting the wonder that was One for All.
When All Might finally managed to look somewhere other than at One for All, he almost believed himself back in a dream: The wound on Tsukauchi's head stopped bleeding. Young Todoroki's lungs filled with air and he awoke from unconsciousness. Gran Torino rose from the ground, not like an old man but a young child, full of energy. Endeavor, Bakugou, Kamui Woods – all of the heroes suddenly rose from their sleep, their wounds healed and they way they moved, it looked like that their strength had been restored as well. Whatever was happening didn't even stop when it came to the members of the League of Villains. Before One for All had reached All for One, everyone involved in this fight here on the top floor, was awake, confused and staring at that mighty being.
Everyone but those who had died. No, the dead remained lying: All the police men, who had turned into monsters (or "Nomus"), their lack of quirk making them an easy target for All for One, however he had managed to transform them. With them, the handful of pro heroes that had lost the fight against said monsters. And Shigaraki Tomura. That was the moment the magic in All Might's heart ended.
At the same time, Kurogiri placed himself in front of his master, just like he had placed himself in front of Tomura only a few minutes ago, shielding him from whatever may come from this strange being that had been walking towards them. But his warp gate did not have the usual effect: As soon as the walking manifestation of One for All touched the black and purple gate, Kurogiri felt his power being drained. He immediately retreated, hiding behind the form of his master, trying to convince him to give up: "We need to flee, Sensei! This.. person is dangerous!"
All for One dismissed his servant's word: "Are you joking, Kurogiri? This is my chance to get back at him. Him, my little brother, who is responsible for everything that ever got in my way. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here right now."
The being only stopped a single step in front of All for One, both looking at each other in silence for two or three seconds before starting to float into the air, ascending into the skies and leaving all the people that been captured by the light behind.
Only All Might's eyes didn't follow them. He stumbled over to Tomura and fell to his knees.
He swung his arms around the young man's upper body and hugged him tightly to his chest. Tomura had been alive only a moment ago! Why, why, why! How could this happen?! All Might tried to feel for a pulse, for a heartbeat, but Shimura's grandchild gave no signs of being alive.
The symbol of peace didn't hear the people around him suddenly calling his name.
He didn't hear the fight of the two mighty beings up in the air, just above them.
The only thing he heard was himself, calling the name of the young man in his arms.
"Young Tomura!"
"You have to trust me."
"I will help you."
"Please wake up!" Please hear my call!
"I will always be there, Tomura."
"Please wake up..", All Might whimpered, but his calls didn't get to him and reluctantly, the symbol of peace was starting to accept it: That it was too late.
All Might's tears fell onto former villain's face, as he finally let them loose, running down the ragged skin around his eyes. Had it not been for the blood, Tomura would have looked like he was asleep. So calm and finally at peace.
All Might hugged Shimura's grandson tighter and closed his eyes, shutting out the world around him for good.
Forgive me.
I couldn't be there for you.
A picture.
A memory.
Tomura smiling. Not the villainous baring of his teeth, his real smile. The boyish grin he briefly showed without realizing when All Might had asked him about games.
I couldn't show you the world.
"All Might..", Midoriya pulled him back into the real world and the blonde understood. He gently placed Tomura's body on the ground.
In the end, I couldn't save you.
"Shigaraki Tomura!", Kurogiri suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pushed him aside. The fog man knelt down to his protégé, ripping out pieces of fabric from his vest and bandaging the young man's wounds on his arms, doing it in such a fast yet delicate way, that made it look like he was used to it, like he had been doing it for hundreds of times. Probably because he had – just how much pain had All for One really caused the boy?
The boy's devoted servant was trying to stop any further blood loss and though All Might doubted that at this point, it would be of any help, he didn't stop the man either. Did Kurogiri still not understand that Tomura was no longer with them? Was Kurogiri even able to understand it? What or who was he?
"You really care about Tomura?", it was more of a statement than a question, but All for One's follower answered nonetheless.
"My only purpose is to care for Shigaraki Tomura!", he said it like he was trying to justify himself.
Just who are you really?
"All Might!", Midoriya called him once more and when All Might turned to look at him, he faced them all.
"All Might. We need to fight.", Endeavor said and they purposely ignored Kurogiri and the other members of the League. They could deal with them later; this was about the real threat.
"There's time to grieve after we win, Toshinori.", Gran Torino added and All Might knew he was right, but..
He turned his head to look at Tomura, Kurogiri at his side softly trying to wake him by calling his name, again, again and again..
Why should I fight? It's obvious I can't save anyone. I couldn't save you..
"Do it, Toshinori!", the voice hit his mind like a lightning.
Who–? Nana?! Is that you?, he looked up into the sky, where All for One was attacking One for All. They dodged the attacks targeted them and whenever the king of evil tried to provoke them by aiming at other buildings of the city, One for All blocked and absorbed those hits. But he never hit back.
How many innocent people must have gathered watching to see what was happening on this mission? All of them were in danger as long as All for One was breathing.
This can't keep going like this! I need to do something!
"Use the power I've given to you."
What are you saying?
"Use it! Be proud, Toshinori! You weren't born with it, you've fought for it!"
I can't! I can no longer use the power of One for All! If I do, my body will give up before I can even reach them!
"You can! Trust me! Trust us!"
All Might looked down at his own hands, feeling the warmth of the power he once held, starting to boil inside his blood. Could it really be, that..?
I couldn't save him, Nana.. Your grandson..
"Trust in the power of One for All and you will see the miracles it can create."
Had she ignored his apology or did he just not understand what she meant by those words? He looked back to the other fighters and it seemed as if they were waiting only for him.
"Let's go, All Might. Let's do it for him! For him and everyone else!"
"Yes, young Midoriya. Let's go!"
Another dream? Or is this another memory? Where am I this time?
It was cold.
"Is someone there?", he called and added, "Or am I truly dead this time? 'Cause I'm really getting tired of these trips down memory lane."
For a few seconds, it was quiet. Not even an echo resonated in this darkness.
Eventually she spoke: "You're not dead. Not yet."
He knew that voice, that presence. And then she was in front of him, a tall woman with wide shoulders. Her hair long and black, her eyes grey – Tomura's polar opposite. Who would ever believe them to be related?
She wasn't solely a presence like the last time, but here in front of him in what looked like flesh and blood.
Once more, her hand stretched out to him.
This wasn't their first meeting but Tomura discovered that whenever he saw or felt her, he perceived her as the ideal of a human. She seemed so strong in body and mind and.. whatever she gave of; it always confused him. He saw her and felt ashamed for what and who he was, or rather forwho he had become. How could someone like him be her legacy?He wanted to deny her, to reject her hand again and at the same time.. he would follow her to the end of the world, wanting to learn from her experiences, wanting to hear her story. What was it with people like her and All Might, that they managed to bring the light into the dead heart inside his chest? What was this curiosity? It was so unlike him! Was this the true power of One for All? Or had his master just blinded him to how wonderful people could be, when you opened up to them, even just a little? That it wasn't only pain they could cause you?
"Then where am I?"
"The spirit realm. Where the souls of people wander, who are neither alive nor have died. Where the people of One for All reside until our power is longer needed. Until the world is at peace."
He chuckled. World peace? What a childish dream.
She hadn't quite answered his question, so he rephrased: "What am I doing here?"
Shimura Nana smiled and placed the hand she had been offering on top of his head, ruffling his hair. Why was it that everyone around him still saw him as a child, even if he was over twenty years old?
"Can't you feel it, Tenko? Can't you feel the power of One for All's origin running through your veins?"
He furrowed his brows.
"I don't understa–"
"Close your eyes. Feel it, beating like another tiny heart inside your own. Open up to it, let it in: Accept it."
What did he have to lose? Tomura did as she told him and he closed his eyes, focused and tried to ignore the cold and void around him, to just listen to whatever was supposed to be inside him.
And truly, there was something. Something foreign that hadn't been there a moment ago. Or maybe it had been there and he hadn't noticed. But since when? And why? The only event where he could have gotten this was when his master had given him back his decay.
"What is this?"
"It's his quirk, Tenko. The power your teacher wielded for over a hundred years. He trusted you with it."
"How– but why? I betrayed my master, I betrayed All for One!"
"He trusted you. But you made the right decision not to trust him."
Yes, he had made that decision deliberately, but hearing it like this he couldn't help but feel like a coward. And a traitor.
"All for One and One for All are the two different sides of the same coin. This means that now, you are one of us."
He didn't grasp her words before falling to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes and all of his emotions floating to the surface. But he held them back; no way was he going to cry in front of her again!
"And what use is this power for me if I can't help him?! If can't help All Might?", his fingernails dug into the skin of his neck, "What am I doing here? I don't want to be here! Why am I always so weak? Why am I so useless?!"
How many times had the symbol of peace helped him now? He had come back to him after all that had happened. Tomura remembered the pillows, and the books and the shoes: It wasn't so much about the gifts themselves than about what they told him: From the very first moment, even before Tomura had been brought to Tartarus, All Might had watched him and started to care.
"You are wanted, Tenko."
Once a feared criminal, he now cowered here in the darkness, alone.
If I am truly wanted, why am I still so alone?!
He didn't care if she saw him like his. He just wanted to be free of this pain that was breaking him apart. He just wanted to be at All Might's side!
His grandmother knelt down in front of him and gently removed his hands from his neck, forcing him to look up at her.
She smiled.
"Tenko, listen to me. Everything I did, I did for your father and therefore for you."
He wanted to break free from her grasp at these words. Would she say the same things if she knew that it had been him? That he had killed his father, her son? Like others before her, she would push him aside, reject him before he could reject her and although he wasn't walking among the living anymore, he wouldn't be able to deal with this hurt again. If she would reject him, then..
Before he could think any further of what would happen to him if she did that, her strong arms clutched and pulled him to her and with a sad voice, she whispered the words he had longed to hear from someone, anyone, since that fateful day: "I know. And I forgive you."
No longer did he hold back his tears.
Was this was closure felt like? Freedom?
Tomura raised his arms and hugged her back, closing his eyes and cherishing this moment for as long as it went.
Thank you.
His grandmother then slowly pushed him away.
"This is the only time I can do this. Even the powers of One for All have their limits. So don't die on me – keep on living.", she wiped the tears away from the ragged skin around his eyeswith her gloved hands, "Never forget who you are. Farewell, Tenko."
Before he could oppose, she was gone and he was falling.
Tomura's eyelids shot up.
"Shigaraki Tomura!"
"Kuro..giri?", he asked and slowly sat up, immediately feeling the stinging in his arms. They were bandaged with a fabric he recognized to be from his former servant's vest and he smiled. After all of that had happened, Kurogiri was still doing these things for him..
"Shigaraki! Are you alright?", Mr. Compress asked as he ran over to them.
"Tomura!", like always, the blonde girl kept calling him by his first name despite him never agreeing to it.
"Shigaraki! I'm so glad you're alive! Why not just die you punk!", Twice's split personality, charming as always.
Those he once had called his comrades joined them, all of them but Dabi, who was busier watching the fight going on above and around them. And who probably didn't care about him or the League anyway.
even friends?
He would never lead them again. He had walked the path of a villain his whole life. Now, it was time for a different route.
Tomura raised himself from the ground that was covered with shards and chunks of cement.
"The League of Villains is no more."
"What are you saying, Shigaraki? What about Stain's will?!", Spinner grabbed his shoulders and forced him to turn and look at him, at all the members of the League.
He shook his head, freeing himself from Spinner's grasp and looked up into the sky. And then his eyes met hers. Or his. Theirs.
Their presence was like the one he recognized to be his grandmothers but at the same time, it was like All for One's.
Then why did he feel like he was watching into a mirror?
The being smiled at him and then, before All for One could hit them, dissolved in a bright light that showered them in a rain of billions of tiny white stars.
He accepted it. He breathed it and like the dead lying around them, he felt his own awakening.
I am alive.
End note: Originally wrote a huge text with thousand excuses on why this is late but we all know how life can be. I am going to finish this.
Answer to Villain: SAME
Answer to HankFlamion18: aah I hope you're still around here. I always love to read your reviews!
Answer to Galaxy diamond: aww~
Answer to Ansley: Ok sorry for taking so long, so first congratulations on becoming a mother! And second, I am currently involved in a huge project in my company, so updating this as frequently as I hoped or even adding a schedule is going to be impossible. Sorry!
Answer to Guest: aww~ *gives handkerchief*
Answer to That One Draconequus: Glad you like it and I hope you're still around
Answer to The Violent Kurumi: Thank you! Yes I will finish it :0)
Answer to fanakatsuki: here it is : )