Chapter 1: Seventh Year Assignment

Rose Weasley waited patiently at her desk, eyeing History of Magic Professor Dean Thomas as he patrolled around the classroom. In his right hand, he held a black hat. At first inspection, the article of clothing was old - a Muggle top hat, which Rose had remembered seeing on a figure in a Muggle history book she read as a child.

Every seventh year at Hogwarts was required to conduct a full biographical report on a famous witch or wizard from history. The project was one of the most daunting undertakings in a Hogwarts student's career: not only did it determine whether one passed the History of Magic course for the final term, it also served as the student's N.E.W.T. examination.

"Miss Weasley?" Professor Thomas smiled kindly down at her as Rose reached a hand in. She didn't really care who she was assigned - ever the quintessential student, she would attack the project with gusto. At last, she plucked out a piece of parchment and unfolded it:

Harry Potter.

Rose stared. Not only was Harry Potter the most sought-after subject for a project like this, he was also... her uncle. And godfather. Her parents' best friend. The hero of their entire nation. She had never heard of any seventh years before her being lucky enough to profile him. Rose raised her eyes to her professor, who maintained his kind smile.

"Harry's a good mate," he told her. "Made a deal with him a while ago to only give out his name once."

Rose's brow furrowed. "You made sure I would pick him, didn't you?"

Dean winked. "Better you than some starry-eyed stranger." Dealing out the last few scraps of parchment, he announced, "For those of you with a living subject, you are expected to conduct an in-person interview. Otherwise, research from those who knew the deceased subject will suffice. Dismissed, seventh years."

There was a clamor as students rushed for their bags, congregated together to compare subjects on their way out the door.

"Oi, what do you say, Rosie?" The green-eyed boy called as he fell in step beside her.

Rose smiled. If there was one person who might have an even better claim on interviewing Harry Potter, it would be his own son. Albus Potter was her favorite cousin. They were born only months apart, had played together in the same crib (Rose had seen the pictures). Gone up through school together.

"Who did you get, Al?" she preemptively asked.

"Elphias Doge," Albus grumbled. "Been dead for years. But I think my dad knew him. I'll probably start an angle that way. You?"

Rose half-smiled, half-grimaced. "Your dad."

Albus nearly walked into a wall. "My... dad?"

"No, the Minister for Magic," Rose deadpanned.

"Also known as your mum," Albus grinned. She hit him on the arm.

"Professor Thomas told me he pretty much rigged it so I would pick him. Can't imagine why. If anyone should do it, it should be you."

Albus shrugged. "I don't know. Ever since the Incident..." Rose winced. She remembered the Time Turner fiasco from several years ago. "We've gotten better. Hard to know if something like this might muck it up again."

"Muck what up again?" A blond head of hair appeared, slid his palm into Al's in greeting before bending and kissing Rose on the mouth. Rose smirked up at her boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy. When the best mate of her cousin had first asked her out, she had accepted mostly out of curiosity. But he had charmed her. Embarking on a relationship had been scary and new, but Scorpius was kind. Not at all like his ancestors. Putting a gentle arm around her, Scorpius glanced at the parchment.

"Lucky!" he gawped. "I've never heard of a seventh year getting to profile your dad, Al!"

"Albus got Elphias Doge," Rose reported before Albus could.

"Meh," Scorpius shrugged. "There's enough information on him; you'll do all right."

"What about you, mate?" Al inquired.

"Dunno. I'll find out next period." He nuzzled his nose into his girlfriend's red hair. "When are you gonna sit down with him? Your uncle, I mean."

"I thought I might start tonight, over at his place. He has his own study." She bit her lip. "Uncle Harry's a very private person. Best to meet him on his own turf."

Al nodded. "A wise decision. Maybe best to stay with your parents tonight, eh? Then start fresh in the morning."

"Great." Rose beamed. "I'll make it back for you lot's match against Hufflepuff, I promise."

"I have no doubt you will," Scorpius grinned. The bell tower chimed and he gave her a fierce kiss, drumming his fingers along her porcelain cheek. "Gotta dash. Give Mr. Potter my best. I love you!"

"Love you," Rose giggled back. Being done with classes for the day, she decided that she would walk beyond the grounds before Disapparating.

Rose appeared in front of the Potters' front gate. The latch squeaked as she pushed her way in, and she marched across the pristine yard and knocked on the front door. A woman who bore a quite similar resemblance to herself answered.

"Rosie, my darling! What a wonderful surprise!" Aunt Ginny wrapped her niece in a hug. "When did you get here?"

"Just now," Rose smiled. "Auntie, have you seen Uncle Harry?"

"Yes, dear, he's in his study. Worked from home today. Go on up, and I'll put the kettle on!"

"I'm all right, Aunt Ginny, but thank you." Rose took the steps two at a time, before approaching a large oak door and quietly knocking.

"It's open!" a voice called from within.

Rose creakily nudged the door aside. Her uncle and godfather was at his desk, perusing over papers. His glasses were pushed down to the bridge of his nose - the telltale sign that he was working. Though wrinkles were beginning to set into his face, Rose could not deny that Uncle Harry was handsome. Her favorite picture of him sat on her parents' dresser, of the three of them laughing at her Mummy and Daddy's wedding. Her mother, the picture of the blushing bride, her father looking jovially smug and proud as a peacock, and Uncle Harry, trying to strike a bad boy pose and failing. His boyish, ecstatic grin always gave him away.

The grin that her uncle gave her now, as he lowered his papers and circled the desk. "Rosie, my dear! What are you doing here?"

"To see you," Rose grinned. She held out the piece of parchment to him. "I... I was assigned to profile you. For my History of Magic N.E.W.T."

Harry's brow furrowed, even as he gave an amused grin of recognition. "Ah, I remember that assignment. James got paired with Gwenog Jones last year - got an exclusive interview with her, thanks to Ginny's Quidditch connections. Even then, he barely passed!"

Rose giggled. "Al's doing Elphias Doge."

"Hmm," Harry murmured in acknowledgement, putting his feet up on his desk. "And that boyfriend of yours?"

Rose blushed. Her relationship with Scorpius Malfoy had caused quite a stir in the family, especially amongst her parents. Her father was furious, and barely tolerated Scorpius. Though she didn't understand why, Rose was trying to be patient and let the interactions run their course. It had to get better soon... it helped that Harry was so understanding of the boy, on account that he was his youngest son's best friend. "Dunno. I'll find out when I return to the castle."

"Well, it's good to see you, kiddo!" Harry beamed that rare, special smile just for her. "I'd be happy to interview with you. Better you than some stranger."

"You know, that's just what Professor Thomas said. But all the same, thanks for squeezing me in."

"Oh..." he waved his hand away. "Always time for you."

"So: Aunt Ginny said you were working from home today."

"Yes, the Cave!" Harry laughed. "Ginny refers to it as denning."

"Well... it looks good on you. New suit, sitting behind that desk..."

"Knife to the heart, kid, knife to the heart," Harry parried back dryly with a smirk. Rose knew from her mother that it hadn't been easy for him, scaling back his Auror duties, even as its Department Head. But Aunt Ginny had wanted him safe - hell, Rose's mum had wanted him safe - from the most dangerous missions. He could pretend, but Uncle Harry had been more than a little wounded when her father had once told him flat-out, "Mate, you're getting too old for this shit!"

Rose now transitioned, getting right down to business. "I've been asked to do a biography on you, so I was hoping to start at the beginning. What was your childhood like?"

Her uncle paused. Stiffened for a moment. Intuitively, Rose deciphered that her uncle's childhood had been less than happy. She brushed away her concern, determining to probe it later. "Uncle Harry..." she said gently. "We don't have to start with that. We could... well..." she tripped over her words. She could never explain it, but something about being in his presence had always made her feel uncharacteristically less than confident. Especially when he got that look in his eyes - that look that told her he was far, far away, in the recesses of his traumatic, jarring past. "I actually had a question."

Harry's eyes swiveled back in her direction, the brooding, haunted look in them gone.

"I know how you and Mummy and Daddy all became friends. But... how did you all become... family?"

Harry smiled. "A wonderful question. Come with me." He gave a jerk of his head, and Rose followed his uncle over to a closet at the other end of the study. Opening the lacquered pine doors, a giant bowl of water came sliding out of the closet.

Rose gaped. "You own a Pensieve? But they're rare... extremely!"

Harry's eyes twinkled. "It didn't used to be mine. It was... left to me." Procuring his wand, he drew a silvery strand from his graying hair and placed it into the Pensieve. He held out a hand. "Ready?"

Rose nodded. Then uncle and niece dove into the Pensieve.