Watchtower, One Week Later

"You say this Madara character stopped Firefly's arson and impaled him with spears to quote on quote 'teach him a lesson', then makes sure he'll survive before trying to fly off, at which point you and Batwoman engage him and lose, but then he spares you when you're at his mercy before he just up and leaves?" Superman summarized, getting a nod from Batman, who had just recounted his meeting with Madara.

"That's correct. He is capable of flight, telekinesis, has skin like steel, and is skilled in hand to hand combat. He may also be able to create and control water, since the area we found him in was soaking wet and no water sources had been disturbed."

"From what I've heard, he seems to have noble intentions, if a bit extreme." The Martian Manhunter said thoughtfully, his face not showing any emotion as he spoke.

"You said he made a gesture when he sent you flying, is it possible he manipulated air currents rather than using telekinesis?" Superman asked.

"There was no wind, it was pure force. Also, he seemed to be capable of creating and manipulating a strange black metal, the same thing his spears were made of." Batman replied.

"Is it possible he's an alien?" Flash asked, unsure.

"I've cross-referenced his abilities with all known species that can pass for a human in my ring's database, I've got nothing." Green Lantern Hal Jordan replied uneasily.

Suddenly, a voice echoed out from within the room as a hazy and distorted figure appeared behind Batman.

"Greetings Justice League, You may call me Madara, I have gathered much information on this new world, both in general subjects and on its political stability as well as knowledge about all of you." Madara said, his voice distorted, as if he was a radio suffering from interference.

"I have come to the conclusion that the world is in danger of destroying itself, much like my homeland was. In order to prevent this, I have come to you in the hopes of forging an alliance. I intend to establish an organization that will spread peace throughout the world and end all suffering. When I attempted to do this in my homeland, I was misguided and believed that in order to create peace, I needed to strip a person's free will on a large scale." Madara continued as he explained his goals.

"I now realize that my old methods only lead to more bloodshed. I ask of you, join me and together we can abolish these corrupt governments and ensure true prosperity for all. What is your answer?" Madara concluded, remaining silent as he allowed them to decide. He didn't have to wait long.

"No." The majority of the league said, only Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman remained silent. This did not go unnoticed.

"J'onn, Diana, you're not actually considering this, are you?" Batman asked.

"He does make a valid point." J'onn admitted. "The people of Earth are constantly arguing and fighting with one another, wasting resources and causing suffering to place themselves on top."

"If he really wants to establish a unified government to ensure peace, can he really be that bad?" Diana asked.

"I see that you understand my intentions. Understand that I do not intend to conquer the world for my goal or cause unrest and anarchy to make people accept my regime. I plan to do this slowly. I will become the leader of a country, legally, and ensure that the people prosper. I will prove that my methods work to establish peace and eradicate suffering, and others will look to me as a leader. People will want to follow me, and in time my goals will be realized. It's simply a matter of politics." Madara explained casually as the league listened to every word.

"Who are you trying to fool? We know that it won't stay that way for long." Batman replied.

"You are free to believe whatever you wish. Humanity is flawed Batman, but they will soon be guided by me into a better tomorrow." Madara said, his form flickering out of existance.

"I see what you were afraid of Batman, he's out of control, not to mention arrogant." Superman declared after a moment of uncomfortable silence had passed.

"What's so arrogant about him? That he wants world peace? Aren't we working for the same thing?" Wonder Woman asked. "All I heard was that he's taking a hands-on approach rather than coaxing it along."

"Diana, didn't you hear him? He thinks he's a God!" Green Lantern protested.

"We have encountered gods before, though they all seem to be antisocial and would rather rule the world than bring peace to it." J'onn remarked. "If any of you are interested, he was broadcasting from somewhere in eastern Africa, possibly Somalia."

"How do you know that?" Flash asked.

"The method he used to speak to us was created out of thought waves taken form, a type of astral projection, and I was able to trace them back to the area they originated from." The Martian explained.

"I say we go to Somalia and confront him, all in favor?" Superman asked, recieving raised hands from everyone, although some simply wished to meet him in person.

"Alright, we're going to Somalia and we're going to have a little talk with Madara." Superman declared as he stood up and walked to the hanger bay.

Somalia, Africa, one hour later

"Madara! Madara! Madara! Madara!" A large crowd of Somalian people cheered as the god-like Uchiha stood on a makeshift pedastal of crates and driftwood, a large group of restrained men in front of him. The armored man raised his hand in the air, silencing the crowd.

"I am happy I could be of assistance, this is only one of the things I plan to do to bring peace to the world. In time, I plan to eradicate things like crime and piracy entirely, once my political regime is put into effect." Madara said, receiving more cheers and praise at the news that they would not suffer at the hands of criminals for much longer.

In the distance, the Justice League watched as the self-proclaimed God soaked up the people's adoration. He even had a small smile on his face.

"We can't attack him in front of the people who see him as a hero, it wouldn't look good and could cause problems." Batman observed as he looked through his binoculars.

"I thought we were here to speak to him, not attack him." Wonder Woman said, glaring at the caped crusader. Before anyone could speak up, a familiar voice was heard.

"If you'd like to speak to me, I'm willing to listen." Madara said, startling the League. Superman was going to ask him a question, but it was answered before he could. "If you're wondering how I snuck up on you, it's because I was one was considered to be one of greatest shinobi of all time in my world. If it's about when I moved, I can make more of myself." The shinobi continued.

"We came here to tell you that if you intend to conquer the world, we will not hesitate stop you." Batman said, not the least bit nervous that someone managed to sneak up on him. Not many people can do that.

"I do not intend to conquer the world, I intend to willingly unify it under my rule. It may take time, it will take time, but that is a small price to pay for peace." Madara replied calmly.

"Does anyone else think that Bats just doesn't like this guy?" Flash asked. "I mean, he brought down a group of pirates, saving a coastal village in Somalia in the process, he stopped Firefly from burning down Gotham, he wants to win the world over instead of conquering it, and he's gunning for world peace! I'm not really seeing any signs of a bad guy other than him just looking scary!" Flash said, earning a glare from the caped crusader.

"Be that as it may, he still used an obscene amount of excessive force against a defeated villain. There were five spears in his body before they crumbled to dust." Batman said, glaring at the Uchiha.

"He was a complete psychopath, burning buildings and people for no reason other than to set things ablaze. People like him only respond to force. I want you to visit him in prison, and tell him that if he attempts to do that again that you will not interrupt his next lesson in suffering." Madara replied. "If you mention me, I'm certain he will whimper in fear and do anything to avoid me."

"I can see that you have good intentions, but using excessive force on criminals is not the way we do things around here." Superman said quietly.

"As I have said before, we work to achieve the same goal, but we use different methods. It is for this reason that I ask you to join me, even if you do not wish to take orders from me, simply having your support would be beneficial to my goals." Madara requested. Before the heroes even had a chance to talk it over, Batman gave his answer.

"No. I refuse to help you place the world under your control. I won't put an obvious tyrant in a position of power just because he claims to want peace!" Batman growled angrily, shocking the League at his angry refusal.

"We'll leave you be for now, but we won't hesitate to stop you if you present a threat to the world." Superman said firmly, giving the Uchiha a stern look. It was then that the Man of Steel and the rest of the League took their leave, with Batman giving one final glare in Madara's direction. As soon as the team left, Madara was left to ponder their words.

"I suppose it was to much to hope you would join me." Madara sighed, before his look turned serious. "But I can't help but wonder...could you really stop me?"

Jump City, Several Weeks Later

It had already been almost four months since the battle between Terra and Slade. Beast Boy continued on with his life, in a sort of a reverie: saving lives, beating up the bad guys, playing video games, the usual stuff. But there was one thing that was missing no matter what he did: Terra. He had so many conflicting emotions running through his head, he didn't know what or how to feel. He wished that none of it had happened, that he never felt that horrible feeling or remorse that he did after her betrayal. Despite what she did to him and the rest of the Teen Titans, Beast Boy wanted to help Terra, but he wasn't sure what his friends would think about that. He knew that the other Titans were still angry at Terra and confused with her actions towards them. They all just wanted to understand. Robin, however, was a mystery. Beast Boy knew that he would always be the mystery guy of the team.

Robin knew what he felt. When he first met Terra, he felt compassion for her because, in a way, he saw the part of himself that none of the Titans knew about in her: the part of him that was just a normal teenage kid that didn't have parents or a real home anymore. After she left and came back, he had been hesitant, but he trusted her. When she betrayed him and the other Titans by working for Slade, he didn't feel compassion, he felt like he was the only one who really understood what she was going through. He had been in her shoes before, not knowing where to draw the line between good and evil, right and wrong, feeling as though you don't even know who you are and being lost at the same time, having to fight his friends that he cared for, although the situations were completely opposite. For awhile, he had been talking to Bruce Wayne, the person who had been his mentor, teacher, friend, and adoptive parent. They had been e-mailing each other back and forth, writing about various things. Robin had told Bruce what had happened to Terra in an e-mail. He later received another e-mail saying that Bruce and a friend had developed a cure for someone in her type of situation and that if Robin wanted to use it on Terra as a test run to see if it worked, all he had to do was go to Gotham. Robin wrote back saying he would be there the very next day.

The next morning, Robin awoke very early, wanting to leave without running into any of the other Titans. He quickly packed a bag with a few items in it, and headed downstairs. He wasn't so lucky, however. Beast Boy was awake and in the living room.

As Robin walked past him, Beast Boy said "Morning. You headed somewhere, dude?"

"Good morning, Beast Boy. Yeah, I was. I was getting ready to head into town for a few hours, okay?" was Robin's reply.

"Sure, Rob, see you later." Robin headed toward the garage, got on his R-cycle, and headed for town.

Robin reached Gotham with plenty of time to spare. He parked his motorcycle in a nearby, secluded alley. He got off and turned into an empty dead end alley. After making sure that no one was around, he changed into the suit that he had brought with him. He smoothed down his hair with a comb. The last thing he took off was his mask. He walked out of the alley to see Wayne Enterprises in front of him. He walked through the doors and promptly got on the elevator to the topmost floor. He walked over to the receptionist's desk and said "Hi, can you please let Mr. Wayne know that I am here to see him? It's his son, Richard Grayson."

"Yes sir, one moment please." She hits a button on her phone and says" Mr. Wayne, there's someone here to see you. He says his name is Richard Grayson and he's your son?"

"Thank you. Let him in please." Dick smiled at the lady then entered into Bruce's large office, closing the doors behind him.

Dick Grayson better known as Robin sat in front of Bruce Wayne. Their relationship had been strained ever since Dick had decided to go out on his own to make a name for himself, away from Batman. Robin alone set up the Teen Titans, but the funding for the equipment still came from Bruce, so Bruce still had something over him. The strained relationship had died down to the point that they were still at speaking terms. However, there was still some residual resentment coming from both parties.

"So," Dick started, "Is it ready?"

Bruce stared at Dick intently before answering, "Yes. But I still don't understand why you want to do this?" Bruce asked.

Dick shrugged. "Terra's a friend and we have to help her."

"Well, Dick, this friend of yours betrayed you and the city you protected as well as tried to kill you." Bruce sat up straight, looking Dick straight in the eye. "Why would you want to bring her back on your team?"

Dick stared Bruce straight in the eye and answered, "She's our friend and was used by Slade just as I was. She deserves a second chance. Anything else?"

Bruce sighed and opened the drawer. He took out a small device and handed it to Dick. "This was developed in the Watchtower. This should remove the armor covering your friend, without hurting her of course."

Dick took the device and nodded thanks to Bruce. He smiled slightly at his mentor, partner, father and friend. Dick stood up and walked towards the door. "Bye, Bruce. See you soon," he said before opening the door and walking out.

Bruce placed his hands under his chin, his elbows on the table. He smiled, "Sooner than you think Robin, sooner than you think."

"My my my, what a sorry state you have ended up in," Madara mused in an alleyway as he looked straight at the same unconscious girl he easily defeated when he first arrived in this world who was still wearing the armor that was grafted to her nervous system. It looked like she had been on the run for some time now Madara examined her feeling her heart as well as her pulse.

"Her pulse and heart rate is steady," The Uchiha looked over the costume and narrowed his eyes at it. "Such a depraved monster that Slade was, doing this to a mere child," Coating his hands with chakra he carefully began removing the costume, the chestplate, metal wrappings, gauntlets and boots as well as the headset. This left Terra in sleeveless black two piece undergarments.

"There we are," Madara said as he lifted Terra up, cradling her small form in his arms. "Come girl, time to reunite with those you called comrades."

Terra opened her eyes slightly and saw a blurry figure. "Who…" she said weakly.

"An ally, child," Madara spoke, "Now rest, I am taking you home." Terra fell asleep after that statement

Madara stood up, before giving a disgusted glance at Terra's armor. A simple gesture of his hand completely destroyed it, leaving a molten puddle of melted metal.

AN: I apologize for this chapter being short and taking so long to upload it, but it's still better than just writing up an author's note as an entire chapter. So here we have Madara's first confrontation with the Justice League but they did the smart thing by deciding not to start a fight with him... at least for now with some of the heroes showing their support for Madara's cause. On another note, I decided to wrap up the Terra plotpoint right away to avoid confusion. Will Terra be able to find redemption after everything she's done? You'll just have to wait and see.