Peter Parker had been a hero for a long time, he had fought thugs, mercenaries, supervillians, alians, demons, gods. He had even seen and defended the Web of Life and Destiny from an interdementional race of beings who ate people like him! Despite all of this though he could honestly say he had never felt so unnerved before.
It was like the air was wrong somehow or the universe shifted an inch to the left. It was weird. He didn't like it. It made him feel… sad.
"Hey Reed?" Johny Storm the Human Torch asked his brother in law.
"Yeah?" the smartest man in the universe asked in turn seeming destracted.
"Did something… happen recently in the universe? Like is reality falling apart again or did a god die or something?" The youngest member of the Fantastic Four asked in a somber voice.
"No I don't think so." Reed mumbled, "But it does feel like something is wrong doesn't it?"
"I thought so. It feels sad doesn't it?"
"Yes Johny, it does."
"Okay everyone line up." Steve Rodgers, the legendary Captain America told his fellow Avengers.
"What is it Capsicle?" Tony Stark asked the technically older man.
"Don't be a fool Stark." Wanda Maximoff snarked, "Obviously something has happened, can you not feel it?"
"I just thought I needed some more coffee or burbon… or both." The billionare shurgged thinking about how all day it had seemed like there was sheen of dull grey over everything. Talk about depressing.
"Both of you shut up." The former spy Natasha Romanof snapped. Unlike the two of them she and Steve knew what they were feeling was. Someone had died, they didn't know who or why they were feeling affected, but they knew.
Galactus looked over the cosmos silently for once his hunger far from his mind. This feeling, he had not felt it in so long. Not since the end of his universe so many eons ago. It felt as if an entire era had ended for him. Him who measured time in the death of galaxies.
"A great tragity has befallen this reality." The World Eater spoke calmly.
Beyond the ken of normal beings a figure sat silently in an old padded wooden chair at a large writer's desk, a small smile on his face. He like many had felt the shift in the cosmos, but unlike them he did not cry. Instead he simply stood from his chair and made his way over to his studieo's lone door, opening it for the first time instead of willing himself beyond it. "Hello old friend." He greeted the old man on the other side.
"Good to see you Jack." The old man smiled sadly, "though I wish it was under happier circumstances."
The now named Jack nodded with a small smile, "Don't we all Stan? Don't we all."