Disclaimer: I do not own Mean Girls… I wish though.

Author's Note: So, it's been a while… but I finally have chapter 3… enjoy!

p.s: if story comes out strange, trying opening it on the app: should work.


"HEY! Water Boy! Pass a bottle." yelled a voice from across the football field.

Tino Vitale groaned, as he got up from the (uncomfortable) bleacher he was sitting on; walking over to a bright orange cooler. He dug around the ice, until finally grabbing a cool bottle of water.

"Here.." he murmured, giving the bottle to the sweaty jock walking his way. Who in return, quickly snatched the bottle and ran back to where the rest of the team were practicing.

Tino trudged back to his seat, glancing over at the football team in dejection.

"I should be there practicing with them..."

Yes, ladies and gents! It had been 3 months since football season had started, and the school's record this season was terrible… to say the least; with the team losing 4 games and winning only 1.

Now, Tino was no psychologist. Hell, he would argue that his worst trait was the fact that he couldn't quite read people. That being said, if he had to pinpoint the causation of the abysmal performances of the team, he'd argue that it'd have to do with Shane Oman and Aaron Samuels.

He wasn't exactly too clued in with the drama that occurred around school, but from what everyone was talking about Aaron Samuels hooked up with Shane Oman's girlfriend.

No wait! It was Shane Oman who hooked up with Aaron Samuel's girlfriend.

… somebody hooked up with somebody else… and that was about all that Tino knew.

He sighed. "Well, being Water-Boy isn't that bad." He thought to himself. "… at least I still get to come to practice… err, even if I don't actually get to do it myself."

"TINO!" yelled Coach Carr from across the field. "WATER! … NOW!"

Tino slowly got up again, walking over to the orange water cooler. And as he slowly trudged it across the field, he couldn't help but crack a small smile for acting too much like himself.

He was worrying too much. And if there was anything this school had taught him, it was not to sweat the small stuff.

... and then he got hit by a football (ouch).

Gretchen Weiners was beginning to feel small beads of sweat form on her forehead, as she walked the empty North Shore hallways.

It had been 10 minutes since she left class for a "bathroom break" and as she rushed down to the 3rd floor bathroom, she was sure it would only a matter of time before Ms. Norbury sent up a "search party" to go find her.

She opened the bathroom door and saw a hysterical Regina George weeping by the bathroom stalls, and an awkward Karen Smith trying to comfort her.

"Regina are you-"

"-Who told Aaron?" she snapped back.

Gretchen shifted from side to side, a desperate uneasiness slowly growing in her. "Told Aaron what?"

"Don't bullshit me, Gretch!" spewed Regina, a strange taste of venom, evident in her tone. "No one else knew about what I did in the projection room above the auditorium expect for us and Heron."

"…and now the whole school knows you've been screwing Shane Oman, instead of studying of SATs." Murmured Karen. "At this rate you're never going to get into college, Reg."

Gretchen bit her lip. "Not helping Karen." She mumbled.

Regina smashed her fist against the ceramic washroom floor and let out a little scream, the oh-so familiar apathetic attitude, now disintegrating into utter chaos; like a thunder cloud getting ready to strike…

… and Gretchen was sure that she was the one that the lightning would hit.

"We can fix this," she murmurs with faint strength. "I'm sure Aaron has a side chick or something… we can frame him; that should waver the attention of the school."

Regina got up slowly, her otherwise porcelain face now tainted with the stain of dripping mascara. "Well, whatever it is… do it quick."

And with that, she makes her way out of the bathroom; probably to go find Shane or a potential side chick for Aaron.

Gretchen sighs, leaning against the backwall. "Do you trust Cady?" she suddenly asks, turning to Karen.

"Well, she bought me those beauty smoothies from the mall this one time, and she promised me to help me with Math homework."

Gretchen raises an eyebrow out of disbelief. "But all those things are so… little."

Karen shrugs. "… it meant a lot though." She mumbles. "Anyway, I have to go meet Seth Makowski."

"Your cousin?"

"Yeah," she says proudly, while picking up her purse. "We're using study period to go on a date."

Gretchen wishes to protest at just how wrong that sounded, but doesn't have to energy to; and so decides against it. "Have fun," she mumbles, watching Karen (excitedly) walk out the bathroom door.

Gretchen stands there silently for a while; alone. Until she decides to trudge back to class, before Ms. Norbury, herself, comes down to find her.

A million things pacing around her mind. But none so apparent than the thought of just how foolish she must be, to care so little about the little things.