Chapter 1

UA Sports Festival Begins!

Opening 2

The first scene shows Kai walking at the cross intersection in Tokyo while All Might jumps high in the air as his reflection showed in the skyscraper's glass windows. Kai stops and looks up into the sky, seeing All Might just above the sun's face until the title "My Hero Academia Line of Good and Evil" appears.

The next scene shows a sequence of Class 1-L stretching and doing their training for the UA sports festival. First person is Usagi who was stretching her legs at some park. Next person is Eli stretching his arms and back at a construction site. Then, it shows Tatsumi with his Driver on himself stretching his legs at the school's tracking field and finally, the next scene shows Yuki Drago stretching at what appears to be a backyard of some mansion. He stops and turns to see something, and the scene quickly changed with Kai, Usagi, Eli, Arisa, Ai, and Makoto as a group while the other half of Class 1-L are seen as another group, consisting of Yuki Drago, Felicia, Maruto, Miru, Tatsumi and Junko (who was sleeping while standing until she tripped, but Tatsumi catches her before she hit the ground).

The next sequence of scene shows them performing in the UA sports festival. Usagi jumps high, kicking through a fire. Eli is using his Bug Body Quirk to zip and fly in the air while Tatsumi transforms into his Kamen Rider Mix and lay a punch at somebody. Then, it shows Yuki Drago standing in the darkness and with serious facial expression while Hitoshi Shinso turned a little bit and gave a silent glaring stare.

The next scene shows All Might jumping in and landing on the city streets. He then turned facing away, zooming away from as Erasure Head, Present Mic, Speed Girl, and three members of Club SMH appear with UA High standing tall in front of them while the students of 1-L watched as the building looked to be looming or standing over them.

The final sequence of scene shows each member of Class 1-L doing their attack, with Kai Uno as the last guy, throwing his punch with a bit of green glow in his hair until it stops and the final scene shows everyone jumping into action in the same right direction.

Summer was just around the corner. I had repeated this so many times before, but a lot happened since I joined UA High in spring a few months ago. So many experiences I endured, different, unique people I met, and yet, I still didn't know if this is the place I really belong to.

This is the story of my life, where I become a hero, whether I liked it or not.

From last time, two new transfer students joined my class. Their names were Felicia Marvell and Arisa Kawasaki. After their introduction, they were assigned to their seat. One of them, Arisa, sat right behind me. She gave me a small grin while she was passing by to her seat.

"Now that two new students joined our class, this is a good chance to announce that the UA Sports Festival is fast approaching," my sister stated. "Mr. Uno!"

I looked up at my sister. "Please explain to the class what the UA Sports Festival is!"

I sighed, complying to her small order and explained it. "UA Sports Festival is a sports festival hosted by UA High. However, unlike any other sports festival at regular high schools, it is one of the biggest events in Japan. All students from the four courses; Hero, General Study, Support, and Business, will compete against each other in numbers of unique sports in a robin-round style tournament."

"That is correct," she praised. "Good job, Mr. Uno! You get a gold star."

'Oh yeah. My sister or our homeroom teacher treats us with a golden star in her notebook for a satisfactory answer and behavior. She really enjoyed her job, but also treating our class like if we are in kindergarten or first-grade.' I thought, with an annoyed look as I sat back down.

"This sports festival is also a wonderful opportunity for you guys to show off what you are made of. A lot of people, including many Pro Heroes, will come and see this event," she explained furtherly. "In fact, the entire country will see it since it will be on live! I want you all to do your best and as for my transfer exchange students, I know both of you just arrived, but I want you both to train hard and do your best at the festival as well! That is all!"

After a few classes, lunch break began. Everyone in my classes was pretty excited.

"Yo, dudes, and dudess! Isn't this so exciting?" Eli asked excitedly. "I can't wait to show off my Quirk to everyone!"

"Personally, I really don't like sports in general, but if it means to be the best, I won't back down," Maruto said confidently.

"It is a rare opportunity for us to show off what we're capable of," Aku commented. "We must be prepared and trained hard to win."

"This is even a bigger opportunity for me. Now, I can see other students' Quirk!" Tatsumi mumbled.

Yuki Drago just sat quietly alone at his own desk, just like me.

"I don't know about this whole festival and all, but I don't think I will do so well," Miru said doubtfully. "My Quirk isn't really too useful in sports unless I read people's mind in tactical sports."

"At least it is easier to use," Makoto said. "My Quiet Gamble is based on pure luck. I don't know what kind of Quirk I will get whenever I use it."

"I really don't know how Junko would do things at the festival," Miro said as she looked at the sleeping Junko. "She's always sleeping!"

"Come on! Cheer up, you two! Let's do our best and show what we are made of!" Usagi cheered them up, which made them feel a bit of relief and confidence.

"I agree," Felicia spoke up. "As Miss Uno said, let's do our best."

"Speaking about the teacher, I noticed our homeroom teacher shares the same name with that boy over there. Are they related?" Arisa asked as she was talking about me.

"Oh yeah! His name is Kai, and our homeroom teacher is his older sister," Usagi answered.

"Really? That's shocking!" Felicia surprised.

"I see," Arisa said as she walked over to my desk. I looked up at her. "Hello, Kai. It's nice to meet you."

"Hey," I replied.

"I didn't know that you and our homeroom teacher are a sibling. That's really neat!" Arisa commented.

'I think it's more annoying than neat,' I thought.

"So Kai, what do you think of the UA Sports Festival? I am sort of nervous, but it does sound exciting," Arisa said.

"It is natural to feel nervous." I looked at the source of the voice. It was Yuki Drago and he approached my desk.

"A transfer student, like yourself, had only arrived at this school just recently and already you feel the pressure now that the school's sports festival is coming, where millions, probably billions of people in this country will be watching the school. A lot of Pro Heroes will be watching as well for scouting purpose. Whoever is in the top or at least in the winning league, then whether you win, or loss will determine if you will be successful in the outside world," he said.

The atmosphere of our class felt a little heavier as almost to the point we lose our breath.

"Umm, I see…" Arisa hesitated. "But, I bet it will be a fun event! I have never been to a sports festival before."

"Then, that attitude you expresses will be your downfall," he stated.

"Huh?" Arisa looked confused as the atmosphere became a bit more serious. "What do you mean?"

"What I am saying is if you find this event fun, so be it, but unlike the rest of us, we're not here for fun. We're here to become a pro hero," he stated seriously as he walked away to exit.

"Hey, you!" He stopped to turn around to the source of the voice.

It was Felicia. She walked up to him and said, "Aren't you being rude to her?"

"I only speak the truth. She can think this is a fun game, but we're not here to play games. We're all competitors now. Only the one with the strongest resolve can be at the top. That's all I am saying," Yuki responded.

"Alright, I understand that, but how you said is still rude to Arisa like that, so apologize to her," she demanded.

"There is no need for that. As I said, I only speak the truth," he responded.

An intense heat was building up between the two. Everyone could feel it and it wasn't a good feeling.

"Hold it!" Arisa shouted. "Please don't fight. I apologize for what I said."

"Arisa!" Felicia gasped. "This boy here was being rude to you just a few seconds ago!"

"I know, but he was only just speaking out his mind. He didn't mean to hurt anyone," Arisa explained as she walked up to Drago and lowered her head to him. "I apologize for what I said before. I now understand how serious this sports festival is. Please accept my apology."

We were all quiet, feeling glum, but also perplexed for some of us. Felicia looked harsh, but she didn't say a word. Even Junko didn't make a snore as she was sleeping very quietly as if she knew that there was an argument going on.

Yuki nodded, not saying a word as he left for the door, but when he opened it, we were in for a surprise.

Many students from other classes huddled just outside our homeroom's door.

"Holy Carrot! Where all these guys come from!?" She exclaimed.

"They're all from the other courses!" Tatsumi stated.

"So this is Class 1-L. For a small class, it sounds like there's already a dispute among you all." One voice among the group of kids spoke.

The source of the voice revealed to be a young man as he revealed himself out of the group. He had a messy indigo hair that sticks out and his purple eyes looked triangular a little bit. His eyes also had a very dark bag underneath them.

"Wow! So, where did you all dudes and dudess came from? What courses?" Eli asked honestly.

"My name's Hitoshi Shinso from General Studies Department," the young man revealed. "I only came here for one reason and I already said this to Class 1-A as well. I came here with a declaration of war, but I and all these other students eavesdropped and heard everything. It sounds like to me that declaration of war is already started among your group."

Yuki Drago gave him a scowling glare and said, "This is a matter within our class. Move out of my way."

Hitoshi and Yuki stared at each other for few seconds. Even the other students stayed quiet as they felt an intense heat between them. Soon, Hitoshi stepped back, allowing Yuki to walk through and went on his way.

Just as if someone broke the silence, one young man shouted from among the group of students. This young man had long silver hair, thick pale eyelashes, and razor-sharp teeth.

"Rrraaawww! I'm Tetsutestu from Hero Course's Class 1-B!" He shouted.

"Holy Carrot!" Usagi gasped. "What is up with everyone!? Better yet, what is up with Yuki today?"

"I have no idea!" Makoto commented. "He was such a quiet guy until just now."

"Even if I want to use my Quirk to read his mind, I rather not know," Miru stated.

"Man. Everyone is on tense today," Maruto sighed.

Tetsutestu felt annoyed as he was being ignored.

"Hey! Did you all even hear me!?" He shouted angrily as he pushed his way forward through the group of people until he was out of them and pointed at my class accusingly. "You guys are worse than Class 1-A!"

"Wooh, wooh. Easy bro," Eli responded calmly. "It's alright. I hear you. So, what are you dude and dudess for? Ah! Here to get my autograph?"

"What?" Tetsutetsu gasped. "No! That's not what I am here for! I am here to spy on you all, scout you, to see who you are!"

"Of course. Since our class was involved with the villain attack at USJ and got out of it, our class and most likely Class 1-A became a hot topic among the student body. They came here to check us out before the sports festival," Aku explained.

"That's why we're all here. We want to check why the two hero course classes, Class 1-A and 1-L are so famous, but just like those 1-A jerks, you guys are as arrogant as they are," Hitoshi stated.

"Hey, we're not arrogant!" Usagi argued.

"That's right!" Felicia stepped in. "You can't just judge the class based on what happened to them or what they did!"

"She has a good point there," Eli said. "Look, I don't know what you guys think of us, but we're practically same here in person. Let's just be cool with each other, Ok?"

"Same?" Hitoshi repeated. "We're not same at all. You guys are in the hero course. While we are in other courses. Many students who applied UA for the hero course didn't pass, so that is why some of us decided to be in the other course. If we do well in the sports festival and even win it, the teachers will consider our transfer to the hero course. That is the same for removing someone from the hero course as well."

"What!? So if any of us don't perform well at the sports festival, we'll be removed from the hero course!" Tatsumi gasped.

Rest of us didn't say any words except for ones who were involved in the conversation.

"That's why I came here to say a declaration of war like I mentioned before," Hitoshi said.

"Yeah! I declare a war, too!" Tetsutetsu declared. "Whoever gets to the top wins it all!"

"Pu…Pu…Please!" Arisa said loudly. "Please stop fighting! Let's all be friendly!"

Her words, unfortunately, was a deaf ear to them and the party involved.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." Someone pushed through the group. "There you are, Tetsutetsu!"

"Huh? Kendo?! What are you doing here?" He asked the girl who just showed up.

She had teal colored eyes and orange hair tied into a ponytail that hangs from the side of her head.

"Come on, Tetsutetsu. Be more mature, and don't be so unfriendly to other classes," she scolded, making him growl a bit, but complied to her words as she then looked at Hitoshi. "And you too. Everyone let's all just go home. There's nothing else to see here."

The other students felt the same thing. Hitoshi didn't say any words as he also left, too. They all left, clearing out of the way so that we could finally leave our home classroom.

"Sorry about my classmate's rudeness," the girl apologized. "Well, good luck to you all at the sports festival."

"Thank you very much," Arisa replied kindly as she bowed to her.

"Oh, no need for formality. My name is Itsuka Kendo, by the way," she introduced. "Anyway, see you guys later."

She dragged Tetsutetsu down the hallway as he tried to resist, but to no avail.

'Man, that happened,' I commented in my mind. 'Something tells me I'm not going to enjoy this year's sports festival.'

In another two weeks, my classmates trained during their free times for the sports festival. Of course, I had to do my own training for it as well, but while training, I think about what Hitoshi Shinso from the General Studies course said. If one does well in the sports festival, the school will consider their transfer into the hero course. If someone in the hero course doesn't do well in the sports festival, the school can drop that person out from the hero course.

I was thinking about it to myself and took a moment for a breather during my training. "If I don't do well at the Sports Festival, I wonder if I can …No, that won't make any sense. There's no way my sister would accept it! Unless…"

- My Hero Academia –

The morning of the festival began. Already there were many people, including Pro Heroes from all over the place in Japan, and even some from around the world.

There were food stands, games, and even a few carnival rides for young people, including children.

"Wow! That looks fun!" A young woman with two blue horns commented. "I want to ride on that!"

"Stop it there, Mt. Lady." A strict man stopped the lady with a bark growing out of his arm. "We're working here for security, not for fun."

"Aaah, spoilsport…" She puffed her cheek.

"I got to say. UA High is going all out for this year's festival. I think it's a first time they do carnival rides this year," Death Arms commented.

"That's true. They haven't done so last year. It's probably because so that it eases the public's uneasiness. Some people criticize that it's best for not to do the sports festival this year," Kamui Woods stated.

"That would've been suck for the school, but I can see why," Mt. Lady said as she munched on the takoyaki balls. "Good thing they didn't!"

As they walked and watched around, Mt. Lady stopped for a moment.

"Hey, look over there," Mt. Lady said.

"Is it another food stand?" Look, for the 3rd time, we're not here to…" Kamui Woods realized that it wasn't what he thought Mt. Lady was looking at.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jude Light, is it?" Some news media caught Jude Light in person. He was accompanied with another Pro Hero, who was a woman in light blue and white skintight suit with diamond pattern on her sleeves, middle of her belly button area, and legs.

"Could we ask you some questions?" One of the media members asked. "What is your purpose here for today? Is it for scouting purpose?"

"Well, actually, I am here to enjoy the festival," Judge Light replied kindly, but then changed his tone to more serious look. "But I am also here to watch over things."

"What do you mean, sir?" The newswoman asked.

"My subordinate here and I are here to make sure that nothing terrible happens here, and making sure that everyone feels safe when we are in the presence," Judge Light said.

"I see! But, that's a job for the security though…" The newswoman said.

"I will be the judge of that, maim!" Judge Light interrupted. "Security or not, it is the job of the Pro Hero to make sure that the public feels safe whenever we are at present. Whoever disobeys the peace, they will face my judgment. That is all."

"It's that Judge Light guy," Mt Lady said. "I wonder if he can take over me…"

"Don't you dare think that he would take over your job for security, Mt. Lady?" Kamui Woods said strictly.

"Um yeah! I was just kidding. Ha, ha, ha!" Mt. Lady chuckled as she sweated a little nervously.

"Come on, guys. Let's go somewhere. Frankly, I don't like that Judge Light fellow," Death Arms said as he walked away.

"Why? Are you jealous that he's been on one of the hot topics on the TV lately?" She asked.

"It's not that! I am not jealous of him!" Death Arms argued.

"Right," Mt. Lady replied as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get on with our job," Kamui Woods reasoned them, but he thought about Judge Light and though he doesn't dislike him, he didn't like about Judge Light's thought on villains.

- My Hero Academia –

"Are you ready, all!" Present Mic exclaimed. "The UA Sports Festival is about to begin! It is your very own MC for this year's first-year stage, Present Mic, yo!"

The spectators cheered in response, feeling excited and looking forward to the sports games.

"This year for the first-year stage, I am here with two awesome assistants! First, my lovely assistant MC, please welcome the fastest one around, Speed Girl!" Present Mic presented my older sister.

"Hey, everyone! This is Speed Girl, coming at you fast on live!" Speed Girl announced.

"And, my good ol' friend and co-worker, Mummy Man!" Present Mic presented Erasure Head in all bandages.

"….I hate you," Erasure Head replied.

"Um, please all welcome to Mr. Erasure Head, one of our fellow faculty and teacher here at UA High!" Speedy Girl quickly changed the topic. "So, Present Mic, how about let's introduce our competitors today?"

"You're quick on the topic, Speed Girl," Present Mic said. "Alright, folks! Let's us introduce you the competitors for the UA Sports Festival's first-year stage!"

"Please welcome! The first group of students from the first year! They are the famous class at UA High, and you may have heard about them! Please welcome, the hero class, 1-A!" Speed Girl announced.

Midoriya and his classmates appeared and walked over to the center of the stadium. The spectators cheered for them at all, if not most of the people here wanted to see them.

"Then, up next, though not as popular or famous as Class 1-A, they are tough and strong! Just lacking behind Class 1-A. Here comes, hero class, Class 1-B!" Present Mic exclaimed as the members of Class 1-B presented.

I remembered the two class members from 1-B; Tetsutetsu and Kendo. They looked confident and proud (though Tetsutetsu looked little too serious).

"Then, here comes the General Study classes, 1-C, D, and E!" Speedy Girl stated excitedly.

"Support Class F, G, H are also here, too! Don't forget about them as they are some of the finest classes who make awesome support devices and upgrades for future generations of Pro Heroes!" Present Mic said.

"They are just equally important in our societies!" Speed Girl explained.

"You got that right, Speed Girl!" Present Mic said. "And speaking about, here comes the Business courses, Class 1-I, J, and finally K!"

All the classes from the four major course type gathered in the stadium ground.

"Well, it looks like that wrap-up. Everyone is present!" Present Mic declared.

"Wait, Present Mic! There is one more class we haven't introduced yet!" Speed Girl stopped him.

"Oh, you're right, Speed Girl! Thanks for reminding me!" Present Mic stuck his tongue out jokingly.

"Are you guys even taking this job seriously?" Erasure Head mumbled.

"We have our best in last! Presenting the last class from the Hero Course! They may be the smallest class in all of UA High! Couples of oddballs, but good-hearted and strong kids! Plus, they happen to be my precious students…." Speed Girl spoke through the mic. "and, personally they are like my babies." She said that part in cute, baby tone voice. "Here they come! The one and only, the last class of the Hero Course, Class 1-L!"

My classmates and I walked out of the hallway. The sunlight shined on us as crowds of people cheered at us.

Usagi was the most excited as she was jumping around and waving at people. Tatsumi was writing down stuff in his notebook privately as he walked to the stage while everyone else looked confident at their best. Yuki, however, looked emotionless while Junko tried her best to walk, even though she was still sleeping, with help from Makoto and Miru at both her side.

'Well, this is it. The UA Sports Festival begins today…' I thought.


Dakara Hitori ja Nai

Usagi was laying on the grass with petals of cherry blossoms fluttering everywhere in the air. She catches one of the petal and grins. All the girls of Class 1-L is shown together, laying on the grass (with Junko sleeping as always) and enjoying the scenery they are in.

The next sequence of scene shows the girls and their activity together. It shows (in order and while silhouette of each member walking together along the scenes move from right to left) in the classroom doing their classwork with few members having a little trouble, running at the tracking field for training class, and then eating together at cafeteria. The scene changes to them as a group on a rainy day in their school uniform, looking gloomy and quiet as they watched up the sky as if they are waiting for the sun to appear or the rain to clear away. The sunlight beams through the rain cloud, stopping the rain.

The next scene shows the girls jumping excitedly during a training course while the guys of the class are behind them while Speed Girl watches them over. The scene changes to them running together as the boys try to keep up with girls smile and laugh together as the sun shines over them while the petals of the cherry blossom flow away in the winds.


For all of you who knows me, I am back with this story, My Hero Academia Line of Good and Evil! For all you newcomers, welcome to my story! This is the start of season 2, and it's been almost two months since I ended season 1.

This season will hold many similarity to the anime's second season, but it will also have some original story arcs, new characters (Heroes, Villains, Anti-Heroes), and all those good stuffs. It's going to be fun!

Unlike what I did for season 1, this season will be longer, probably longer than the original anime show. I hope you enjoy this story and stay on this new journey because, well, a lot of stuff will happen.

With all that said, I hope to see you all next time and have a PLUS ULTRA day!