This is only the HTTYD2 script and the final few moments of Fated Present, and yet there are already 41 pages in this Word document. I have entered college, currently am a freshman. I wrote Watching Your Fate Change before my freshman year of high school and posted it over the course of 4 months before the New Years. I was very frustrated with Watching HTTYD fics back then and am still so annoyed by a lot of "watching" stuff I come across. Including my own, nowadays (though mine is still more fun to read).

I want to write a modern AU for the books and I have always wanted to write one for the movies anyway. Since I haven't seen any Watching HTTYD2 fanfics, I'm not frustrated enough to write my own. Huge gumption issue there yo. None of these fics are getting finished!

My writing, I think, has regressed over the years. I enjoy reading my old fics more than anything I write now (yes, I read my own shit, fuck off). Clara and Zero are meta AF now that I think about it. I swear to god they existed before WYFC! That fic was both a result of Clara and my frustrations; she was not a result of my frustrations and that fic.

My name is Marge, not Clara. I do have a protagonist named Marge, but if Darren Shan can do it, so can I. She's not going to pop up anywhere near here, btw, no worries. Also, Clara isn't the protagonist type! Too OP, who'd wanna read about her directly unless it was from a fanfic about the main story? No. It would be like one of those time-travel Merlin fanfics, but the fic is canon and the original never existed. That'll be hard to pull off.

The AN has gone on too long. I don't want things to continue immediately after FP, though I'm good with going to after Gift of the Night Fury, since I haven't seen the show in a long time. I still have to catch up to the one on Netflix too, damn. BTW, HTTYD2 is no longer on Netflix, so this'll have to be done with only the script for the most part.

Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go. And the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart.

"Booring," Snotlout sings.

Okay bud, you ready?

Toothless grunts, yes. Hiccup jumps from the saddle and dives headfirst to the ground. Toothless pulls in his wings and follows beside him.
While falling, they exchange a glance. Toothless paws at Hiccup, spinning him around in the air. They close their eyes and let the wind rush past.

Smiling, Hiccup brings his dragon closer. He and Toothless were closer, that much was obvious.

Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever. That year, I gave my best friend a pretty great gift.

"Oh yes, great gift," Gobber said, "That's why he tore it apart."

Somehow, Hiccup thought that to be a whole gift all by itself.

Hiccup grabs hold of Toothless's saddle, and clicks the pedal. Toothless's wings extend, and he pulls up just in time. His wings slice snow off the top of two trees on the ground.
Toothless roars with excitement.

"Yeah!" Hiccup cheers, feeling what he thought was only a hundredth of the rush he must've been feeling in the movie. Berk cheers along.

"How does Hiccup always come up with the best winter games?" Bucket asked himself, clapping.

He gave me a better one.

'Hel yeah I did,' Toothless roars, licking his rider.



Hiccup continued to stare at the screen, high on destiny.

"That's it?" Snotlout asks, bored.

"Yes. Now let us leave, Clara," Zero said, voice low and threatening. Hiccup scowled but didn't speak. He really didn't like Zero.

"But Zero! We just have to-"

"No. They are going back and you are coming with me. The Piru Council will be furious and we'll both get in trouble."

"I don't want to!"

"Too bad," Zero responded.

In an instant, Hiccup was out. The last thing he heard was a cry for "Zero!"

Hiccup woke up. He was in his bed. Hadn't he been on his desk last night?

Outside, the sun was lowering.

Meaning it was sometime around three o'clock.


Hiccup jumped off his bed, glad as ever to sleep with his boots on. He raced outside, intent on reaching Gobber's only to find the smithie empty and closed. Around him, Vikings of Berk were only just waking up.

Had they all woken up late?

(End the expositional flashback; start boring yet mandatory expositional precedent to story. Skip to second chapter if birthday cake doesn't interest you.)

A few months would pass before the villagers could understand what could have possibly made them all "sleep in" that day. It came in the form of a birthday cake.

It was left in the care of the teenagers of Berk (for some odd reason) while Bucket went to tell Stoick the "good news."

They weren't quite sure it was a birthday cake, nor that it was anyone's birthday at all. They only knew that it was a big cake and it could either be poisoned or delicious.

It's an occupational hazard, thought Snotlout, inching his way toward the gigantic and colorful cake. It looked too good. Frankly, death by cake was sounding like a great way to go at the moment.

He raised a finger toward the icing, licking his lips in anticipation.

Before he could touch it, a force pulled him backward, and he fell on his behind.

"What the- Hookfang!" he complained loudly, knowing the culprit despite his helmet covering his eyes. "You always do this!"

Though one would usually agree that the dragon was a little tough on his rider, Hiccup simply stared at Snotlout with eyes that said, "You're kidding me, right?"

"Snotlout," Astrid spoke aloud, directing a similar stare at him, "Hookfang might've just saved your life. We've been avoiding contact with this cake for a reason."

Fishlegs raised his hand to answer an unasked question. "Yeah! It could be poisoned, or it could be made of rocks. Heck, it could actually be a very patient changewing in disguise!"

"I don't think it's quite that, Fishlegs," Hiccup smiled halfheartedly. "However, we don't know who sent it, so we can't know if it's dangerous or not."

It looked very glamorous for a cake that Bucket had found by the rocky shores of Berk. Not a speck of dirt had reached it, somehow, and the frigid weather kept it looking steadily delicious.

"You just want first dibs," Snotlout jeered, raising his helmet to glare at Hiccup. Hiccup's stare returned full force.

"I don't know," Tuffnut joined the conversation with a suspicious white streak on the corner of his mouth, "it's doesn't taste like poison."

"And he should know," Ruffnut poked her head out from behind him. Crumbs fell out of her mouth as she spoke.

"Tuffnut, Ruffnut!" Hiccup exclaimed, raising his hands in a motion that could have meant he either wanted to help or strangle the twins. "I clearly told you not to touch the cake!"

"Don't look at us," Ruffnut averted her eyes offendedly and pointed at their Zippleback. "Barf and Belch started it." The dragon's faces were conspicuously covered in cake.

The urge to strangle was winning.

"Are you kidding me? If your dragon jumped off a cliff would you-" Hiccup thought better of the statement and decided to drop the thought before anyone could make fun of him. "Whatever. Are you guys feeling ill?"

"A little, but it could just be the mysterious goo Ruff found under her bed and made me eat this morning."

"I feel fine," Ruffnut added. Behind her, Barf and Belch nodded at each other with kindred enthusiasm.

"So, the cake is fine," Snotlout claimed, jumping to his feet and toward the treat.

"We should still wait for the chief," Astrid told him with crossed arms, but he was already smashing his face in. She glanced at his dragon, but Hookfang was lying in a corner of the training area, looking at Snotlout with total indifference. He'd tried. Astrid couldn't blame him.

"Well," Fishlegs inched his way toward the cake shyly, "it does look like it's safe to touch." He looked to Meatlug for her silent encouragement, which she gave wholeheartedly. Immediately he began to dig in as well.

Hiccup's hand was covering his face, simultaneously disassociating him from the other teenagers of Berk and hiding a small smile.

Astrid made her way to his side, glancing at him smugly. Hiccup could have a lot of feelings about the teenagers, most of which bordered on frustration and amusement.

He was also a teenager, just like them.

He gave up hiding his face and showed her a simper. "If you can't beat 'em," he started, taking a step forward. Behind him, Toothless gave a huff of despair at human antics.

Astrid wasn't taking any chances. If all her friends suddenly got paralyzed, they needed at least one person to head to the village for help. Her arms remained crossed, her stare remained on the teens.

"Though that cake does look pretty good," she said quietly. Stormfly nudged her forward. "No, I refuse." She had to stay strong. If not for duty, then for dignity.

She watched almost (almost!) jealously as Hiccup took a final step toward the cake and raised a hand to scrape some of the frosting. He made contact and almost managed to bring his finger to his lips when…


The riders of Berk jumped back when a pink-haired woman jumped out of the cake from an entrance at the top. Hiccup fell on his butt and Toothless jumped to his side in an instant. Astrid took out her ax simultaneously. Each dragon stood at their corresponding owner's side.

The woman inside the cake continued to smile, as if waiting for a reaction from the teens. She'd certainly gotten one, but it was apparently not the one she hoped.

"No? No one?"

"Uh, guys," Fishlegs whispered hesitantly, though the witch could probably hear him, "What kind of cake is that?" He was regretting every bite he'd taken by the second.

"It's a pop-out cake," the pink-haired one answered, climbing out and jumping to the ground. She landed on her tiptoes and almost tipped over before regaining her balance.

While her hair was pink, her shirt and skirt were violet. On her left shoulder, a diamond as blue as her eyes connected the front and back of her shirt.

"Get it? It's because I popped out of the cake."

"I get it," Tuffnut answered, looking around. It wasn't too hard to understand, right?

"Yeah, we all get it," Ruffnut said, glaring at her brother and throwing a hard punch at his shoulder.

"See, they get it. It's vanilla, by the way. The cake and the frosting."

"Whoa, you mean I'm not imagining the pink chick coming out of the giant cake?" Snotlout asked, secretly pinching himself to see if he was asleep, but his skin was too thick to feel much. Hookfang huffed out a flame, which pushed on his back painfully.

"Ow! Hookfang, why don't you love me?!"

Snotlout glared at his dragon before he realized the pain had been, in fact, quite painful.

"Odin, I'm not dreaming?"

"You're not dreaming," Hiccup responded, standing a head behind Toothless. He kept a hand on his dragon, eyes on the pink one.

He wasn't eager to kill the witch in front of him. Sure, he might not want to kill her for the same reason he didn't want to kill dragons, but it felt different than simple (yet oh so complicated) empathy.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

Astrid glanced at him, glad she wasn't the only one feeling familiar. She looked at Fishlegs to find he wasn't too terrified either. Even Snotlout and the twins seemed to recognize the pink one.

"Define 'know,'" she said, twiddling with her thumbs and swinging her skirt from left to right childishly.

"She's obviously a witch," Astrid said. Hiccup raised his eyes to meet hers. "She could have altered our memory. She's probably evil."

He looked doubtful.

"I am not evil," the witch exclaimed in offense. "I am a nice witch! You were right about the rest though."

Fishlegs was the first to cower behind his dragon, yelping out, "She's a witch!"

Snotlout let out a loud curse and proceeded to do the same. "Witches are nothing but trouble!"

The twins, predictably, were highly attracted to trouble. "Whoa, you can do magic?"

"Can you teach us?"

Hiccup intervened without fault, bringing his hand up to push them away. "Uh, no. No no no no no no, not on my watch. Away from the witch. Barf and Belch, please?" He sent the Hideous Zippleback a pleading look, which was backed up by a soft growl from Toothless.

Somewhat reluctantly, the Zippleback's heads grabbed their respective twin by the scruff of their shirt.

"Hey, put me down!"

"Ah, you're pulling my hair!"

Hiccup turned to the witch, now officially the spokesperson of the group (and apparently all of Berk because his father had not bothered to show up to check on the cake yet).

"I'll believe you aren't evil," he said, much to the group's chagrin.

Astrid and Toothless looked at him like he was crazy. He ignored them.

"For now," he added because he might be a little trusting (or crazy), but he's not stupid.

Stormfly looked ready to attack with deadly spines, so Hiccup made sure to stay in between her and the witch. Astrid's chagrin grew.

"You said you erased our memories," Hiccup continued. "Mind giving those back? If you want us to trust you, that is."

She grinned smugly. "You sound like you already trust me."

He didn't answer. It was mostly for her benefit to give them back the memories, he wanted to reason. Instead, he fixed the same stare he'd given Snotlout earlier on her.

She started to look guilty. "I don't really have an unspell for the forget-me-yes spell," she admitted pitifully. "Sorry."

"You mean there are memories in my head that I will never recover," Fishlegs shot out from behind Meatlug, distressed by the idea of lost knowledge.

"I mean, not really." She shrugged. "They wouldn't be in your head anymore. Besides, I showed you the future, but by now, you've lived through all that. So, everything should be fine." She nodded with a tenor of finality.

"What?" Hiccup shook his head, clearing a jumble of thoughts with each turn. "What do you mean you 'showed us the future' and that we've 'lived through all that?'"

"Is there an echo in here?" she asked the hanging twins, who shrugged their shoulders as best they could. "Who cares, I want to show you the second movie!"


"I mean prophecy! That's why I came here. Well, actually, it was mostly an accident I landed here, but beggars can't be choosers! I've been waiting years for this, and I gotta do it before Zero finds out I landed here!"

"You're losing me," Hiccup said.

"That's okay."

A loud voice trailed into the arena, apart from the ongoing conversation. "…nd so doubtful. I'm just saying, if they really liked my foot, they might like my peg!"

Stoick (with a very highly raised eyebrow) entered the scene with Gobber at his side and the witch's mood seems to shake at the sight.

Ah, so she was afraid of his dad. Hiccup took note. Or Gobber. No, she was looking at Stoick.

"Hiccup," Stoick said, "What is this about a big cake- and who is this?" The chief doesn't take a step back, though he does take a wary stance when he spots the witch.

The witch, in turn, averted her eyes.

"Why's there a hole in the cake?" Gobber asked with disappointed eyes.

Though she doesn't look very afraid, he thought, just…sad.

"U-uhm," the witch brought her thumb to her mouth, biting it. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea." She drags her eyes to the ground where her feet danced timidly.

Who would want to see them react to that scene? No, no, that's horrible, I can't even imagine it, Clara worried with a furrowed brow and a bitten thumb. I should go.

While her inner turmoil was taken out on her poor thumb, the Berkians discussed the witch.

"She said she can show us the future. That she has already before," Hiccup said, facing his father. Gobber stood between them and to the side, a useless middleman to the altercation.

"She's a witch," Stoick argued.

"She's a 'nice witch.'"

"There is no such thing."

"You said that about dragons too," Hiccup complained.

A strange set of thoughts—mostly because this fic must get written somehow, no matter how meta it gets—brought Clara to the conclusion that she should just go for it, even if the aftermath was heartbreaking.

"Guess this is happening," she said out loud. Even she was surprised about what would happen next. I can't believe I'm doing this.

Nobody paid her mind, but it didn't matter. In a matter of seconds, those present were unconscious.

You don't know this, but Clara remembered too late she had changed the theater a while back to show the Guardians Rise of the Guardians, which made it quite cramped for the entire village.

Fortunately, she felt some of the scenes she'd be showing weren't quite "show the entire village" appropriate and restricted herself to kidnapping only the Berkians in the arena. Sadly, this means Gothi will not be making an appearance. Maybe only the writer is sad about this though...

Somewhere across an ocean or two or three, many dragons were freaking out at the sudden disappearance of their human caretaker. She now sat at the back of the theater, next to a Stormcutter.

It took a while to calm the Vikings and dragons, but Clara was good at controlling people's limbs.

"I did this last time too, but back then I was afraid you guys would hurt the dragons, not me," she made conversation while she set up the DVD player in an unnecessarily manual manner. "I must be real special to have both species going at me now."

"Kidnapping doesn't gain you much favor," Astrid retorted, and Hiccup couldn't help but agree. He patted Toothless, who seemed to be stuck in attack mode.

"Calm down, buddy," he whispered. Toothless did not. Stubborn.

"You're complaining a lot more than last time," the witch noted. "It was Stoick who wouldn't shut up before. He wouldn't even get my name right; can you believe it?"

Although, she had taken precaution and sealed Stoick's lips this time.

"We don't know your name," Hiccup responded.

She looked surprised. "Oh," she laughed, "right, the forget-me-yes. I'm Clara."

She pressed play. The screen lit up with temporarily blinding light, forcing the onlookers to squint.

I make no promises, but at least I have written down up the the first five minutes clip's ending! Which is more than I can say I've had in the past, what, four or five years since the 2nd movies been out?

TL;DR: The birthday cake is a -lie- trap. Clara kidnaps the teens, Stoick and Gobber, and Valka (plus their dragons at the moment). They don't remember watching the first movie and Gift of the Night Fury, but they have been through that. It's like one week after GotNF. The author has gotten involved because Clara would not be forcing Stoick, Hiccup, Valka, and Gobber to watch this movie otherwise. Neither would the author if she thought she could.

But the author can't, so the author will force the duty on Clara.