
The cover was commissioned by me and done by Ningiou on Twitter.

"Yongen-Jaya, this is Yongen-Jaya" a synthesized voice announced, startling one of the subway passengers. "Please remember to take your belongings with you as you exit. Thank you for riding with us."

Said startled passenger was a woman that any onlooker couldn't help but do a double take when they first saw her. Her wild hairstyle that seemed to defy gravity along with her fashion set her apart from the average person. For some it wasn't what she looked like that caught their attention, but rather the fact that they were within walking distance of her that did. K/DA's presence was still relatively new to the music scene, but that hadn't stopped their hit songs from creating groups of fans in several different pockets of the globe. Those fans immediately fell in love with the four stars of the group and that was something Akali learned relatively quickly.

The subway's announcement hadn't been unexpected to her, but it had roused her from a state of thought she wasn't aware had consumed her. Adjusting her hat and shutting the notebook that laid in her lap, she quickly stood from her seat. The notebook's hardcover concealed the few words she had written since purchasing it, but the layer of security did little to hide away the preserved mental image of the page she had been staring at. Lines traveled from East to West on the white paper, but not a single letter rode them from one side to the other. She had moved her pen down once, twice, three times, but each time it immediately came back up. None of her usual brainstorming techniques were proving useful. The first few pages were near incomprehensible with several words and phrases scratched out of existence.

The creativity afflicted woman sighed as her shoes carried her onto the subway platform and up a set of stairs. She had evaded paparazzi, starstruck fans, even the image her parents had planned for her since before she was born, but even she couldn't avoid writer's block. Her fellow group members had several suggestions for her to combat this creative curse, but they all failed to be the remedy.

Traveling to Japan for a change in scenery was her last ditch effort before… well, she wasn't quite sure what would follow if this failed. It certainly wouldn't be the end of her musical career, she'd be damned if an obstacle like this took her out of the game, but she knew if she couldn't love the words she wrote it would turn a hobby she once loved into a crippling slog.

The trip so far had been a good idea, it allowed Akali to reconnect with some old friends and it reminded her that her Japanese would always have room for improvement. While she was here she had leaned toward penning verses in the natively spoken language. It was another change thrown into one of her creative routines, but sadly it had yet to have any sort of pay out.

She adjusted her hat once more as she navigated Yongen-Jaya station, her focus had gotten away from her long enough and she was navigating an area she didn't visit often. Looking down at her phone she double checked the address that her friend had sent her. She still had a bit of a walk ahead of her, but she was happy knowing that she was on the right track. Her only fear was that she'd arrive too late as her day had been full of ups and downs with dusk now beginning to set in. Sadly, she'd encounter one more familiar obstacle before she'd step foot outside of the station.

"Woah, what the eff! Isn't that the chick Futaba has been freaking out about?" a male voice exclaimed loud enough for the dead to hear.

"Weren't you ever taught that it's impolite to- Oh my gosh I think it is!" a female voice replied.

Akali was thankful she wasn't facing them as it gave her time to make sure any displeasure wasn't present on her face. Ninety-nine percent of the time she adored her fans and would never feel any sort of discomfort at being recognized, but they had caught her on one of the most inopportune days at the most inopportune time. Not to mention it always felt weird when fans said phrases that made her feel like she was some sort of exhibit at a zoo instead of a human being. She did her best to show she was real just like anyone else, never compromising her previous hobbies like rapping and performing on the street just because she had achieved some fame.

With her composure collected, the popstar turned to see two blondes that had just entered the station bounding toward her. The male was the taller one of the two with a bit of a slouch that seemed to express disinterest despite his outburst while the female was definitely the more energetic, practically bouncing along with her twin tails with each step she took. Both were wearing variations of what seemed to be a school uniform.

"Hey! Akali!" the female called despite both of them already having her attention as they caught up.

"Hey guys!" Akali replied in the cheeriest voice she could muster, "what can I do for ya?"

"Can we pleeeeeeaasssssse get an autograph?"

Before she could agree the taller one felt the need to interject.

"Why do you want one, you don't even listen to- OW!"

"It's not for me," the girl explained as she shot her friend a look while pulling her elbow away from his ribs. "Don't you ever think about anyone but yourself?"

Akali had to stifle a laugh at the sudden shift things had taken. Even without knowing either of them it was easy to tell these two had known each other for quite some time. With two people so expressive she couldn't help but tease the two as her forced smile shifted to a smirk, "oooo, gonna sell it on the Internet?"

Her playful remark was right on target and the girl immediately became a little flustered with shock spreading over her face, "No, I would never! That'd be so lame!"

The popstar laughed, "I'm just kidding! Who's the autograph for?"

"It's for our friend Futaba, she's been listening to your album nonstop," twin tails explained as she quickly regained her composure and began digging through her book bag. "She wanted to get tickets for your concert in Tokyo but she's really shy and not the best with crowds…"

Akali nodded understandingly and accepted the notebook and pen handed to her, placing her own in one of her jacket pockets. "What's she into?"

"Ummm… video games, food, anime, manga, computers…"

Akali smiled as she finished writing in the girl's notebook, "got it, here you go."

The blonde beamed as she put her notebook back in her bag before her face became apologetic, "I know my amazing 'friend' here called me out but do you think that-"

"We could take a picture?" the popstar finished her question, receiving a bashful nod in reply. "Of course!"

Dusk had comfortably set in by the time Akali arrived at her destination. The unexpected meeting with the two friends of one of her fans had gone a little longer with them introducing themselves while throwing a few compliments her way. A few people had stopped and stared at the strange interaction but had promptly returned to their own business. Outside of the station she had two more run ins with fans, but luckily they were rather short.

She pulled up her phone once more to check if she had the right place, and sure enough, she did. In front of her sat a small coffee shop that had a red and white awning sitting over the door which simply said, 'curry & coffee Leblanc'. She began to breathe a sigh of relief but was stopped as the French door began to swing inward revealing a bespectacled barista with black unkempt hair. His hand began reaching for the 'Open' sign which was about to change her sigh of relief to a sigh of defeat but he stopped short.

"Good evening," he greeted, his voice warm and welcoming. While Akali had trouble deciding whether to ask if they were closed or to reply back in a simple greeting he continued. "Did you want to come in?"

"I…" She began, uncharacteristically flustered, "if you're not closing for today, yes please."

He smiled, "well we're closing but I'm willing to make an exception."

"Why?" she asked cautiously, used to being offered the bending of rules simply because of her fame. Getting special treatment was one thing about stardom that she hoped she'd never like.

"Because you looked at me like I had just told you that your pet hamster died while you were away."

The popstar felt her cheeks warm up as she realized how obvious she had made her disappointment. "Well if it's really okay-"

"Six PM me says it's alright but I don't know about six-o-five PM me so you better choose quick," he replied with his customer service smile becoming playful.

"Six PM me has decided to follow you in then," she smiled back.

"Sounds good," he pulled the door the rest of the way inward, leaning against it and gesturing her inside.

She gave her thanks and stepped into a cafe that was the perfect combination of unique yet ordinary. Rustic booths with stained glass lamp shades hovering above them sat on the left side while a bar counter with tall chairs sat on the right. It was the cafe equivalent of being in a diner that hadn't updated its look for decades but by doing so it had set itself apart from the rest. The warm lighting and color palette gave off a feeling of comfort that Akali normally only achieved at home.

"Now you look like I had just given you your first pet hamster," the barista teased as he headed behind the counter after flipping the door sign to 'Closed'.

She couldn't help but giggle a little at the remark as she sat at the counter, "why do I look like someone who is so infatuated with hamsters?"

"Well I'd say cat instead, but mine would throw a fit if he overheard me talking about cats dying or being given away."

"Sounds like a moody cat."

He laughed, "he certainly has his moments."

As if right on cue a hissing noise could be heard coming from a short hallway located deeper inside the cafe. Akali turned to see a black cat with white paws holding what seemed to be a displeased look in its cyan eyes. It strutted toward her with typical catty confidence that was to be expected from, well, a cat.

"Meow," it called as it jumped into the seat next to hers, its attention directed at its owner.

"Morgana it's six!" its owner replied an immediately exasperated tone causing Akali to raise an eyebrow.

"You talk to cats?" she asked, the animal in question shifting its focus to her.

"Just this one," he sighed. "He's trying to tell me it's time for bed."

The popstar laughed, "isn't Morgana a girl's name?"

Morgana hissed.

"Well now you've done it," the barista snickered, "he's cross with you now."

"Oh no! How do I make it up to him?"

Morgana meowed.

"He says there is no making it up to him and it was a direct act of war."

"Really?" she replied, curiously staring at the cat that was now glaring at her.


"Not even if I…" Akali began, slowing reaching for Morgana who was now leaning back and staring at her hand like it was diseased. The poor cat was defenseless as her fingers began to scratch between its ears, its previous hisses immediately replaced by purrs.

The barista who had simply watched this unfold with a smile on his face translated for his pet again, "he says that's unfair and he refuses to go to war with someone that fights without honor."

"So all is forgiven?" Akali's blue eyes moved back to meet the barista's steel ones. In that moment she had to admit he was cute. When she first saw him he seemed pretty ordinary, but now having talked to him a little longer she could tell there was something different about him.

"Basically," he replied, holding her eye contact before clearing his throat. "Anyway, what would you like? We've got more coffee beans in here than I can keep track of and curry that pairs perfectly with each one."

"Oh right, I'm in a coffee shop," she laughed, leaning back in her seat to examine a chalkboard that advertised flavors and specials. Of course she made sure not to compromise petting Morgana, lest he declare war on her once again. She had enough fights with catty personalities to last a lifetime.

"Well..." she returned her focus to the barista, "your name sounds like a good place to start."

He turned to look at the chalkboard, "huh, that's weird. I don't see a 'your name' blend up there."

Akali chuckled, "does this place close at six because after then an evil curse turns you into a smartass?"

He laughed, "no, it's because wearing this apron for much longer is damn near torture."

"Why don't you just take it off then?"

The barista looked askance, "this isn't that kind of establishment, miss."

"Oh my god," the popstar rolled her eyes, "I must've walked into the wrong place by accident then. You're lucky your cat is cute or else I would've just walked right out hearing that news."

"Morgana tends to be my ace in the hole."

"Not this time though, because I haven't forgotten that I asked you for your name."

He put his hands up in defeat, "very well, you've caught me. My name's Akira."

"That wasn't too hard now was it?" she smiled and extended her non-dedicated cat scratching/petting hand, "I'm Akali."

Akira returned the gesture, exchanging a welcoming yet firm handshake. His hand felt soft to the touch, but there was something extra to the way he gripped hers that felt… unexpected. It wasn't a bad thing, but it just felt like something a simple barista wouldn't have. The closest thing she could equate it to was the fighters in the dojo she grew up in. It always felt like they transitioned their strength and social standing into everything they did, even to something simple as handshakes.

Deciding to put her theory to the test she ordered the house blend and while she didn't understand just how curry went well with coffee, she asked for his recommendation. After that she simply observed him, forgetting about Morgana, ignoring the TV in the corner of the cafe where people were advertising useless miracle products, even forgetting about how all over the place her day had been. She didn't know all the steps that went into making a cup of coffee, but she was still impressed by the agility and accuracy of each of Akira's movements. Just like the students in her parent's dojo, he made every move with confidence.

"How's the view space cadet?" the barista that had been the center of her thoughts asked as he waved his hand back and forth.

Akali nearly jumped in embarrassment when she realized she had spaced out while blatantly staring. In only a handful of minutes she had unknowingly sunk into her chair while propping her elbow up onto the counter to rest her head on her hand. "Uh, out of this world?"

"Nice save," he commended as he placed her order in front of her. "Enjoy."

The first thing that hit her was the aroma of the coffee, it had a strong sweet scent to it that yanked her out of her daze. It was almost as if drinking the coffee wasn't necessary to wake the person up. She held the cup in both of her hands, blowing on her drink to try and calm the heat. It smelled so good she couldn't help but be impatient and she took a tentative sip, the hot liquid burning her lips for a quick second.

She must've let out a sound of discomfort because without looking up from the cleaning he was doing Akira chuckled, "careful, it's hot."

"Now you tell me," Akali felt herself smile once more. She couldn't remember the last time she had a conversation this fun with a complete stranger. "Anything else I should know before I continue with my meal? Maybe that this chair has four legs or that my hat covers my head?"

"I can't just give away wisdom like that for free."

"This place must really be struggling if you're charging for that."

"That sounds like something a person who hasn't tried the curry would say."

"Is that right?" Akali took another sip from her coffee. This time its sweet and nutty flavor coated her tongue making her taste buds dance in unison. She had to stop herself from immediately drinking the rest of it, the warm drink almost breathing new life into her. She set the cup down and could see Akira just smiling out of the corner of her eye.

That sip of coffee alone blew every other one she'd ever had out of the water. But she still felt a bit cautious about pairing something like curry with it. She picked up her spoon and dug it into the rice, picking up a moderately sized bite of the red curry.

The second she tasted it she regretted questioning the combination. The spicy dish complemented the sweet drink so well and she was melting into her chair all over again. If any of her bandmates tried this they'd be dancing in their seats. Even Evelyn would have a hard time keeping up a disinterested face.

During this thought Akira had momentarily disappeared from view after heading toward a back corner of the cafe. The sound of him washing a dish or two could be heard before he came back around and smiled. "Now you look like-"

"I found out my pet hamster learned how to dance?" Akali guessed, causing him to laugh.

"No, like someone who is really enjoying their meal."

"And here I thought one of us had an obsession with hamsters."

"Nope," he replied, looking over the counter at a napping Morgana. "Just talking cats."

The conversation fell to a comfortable silence after that. Akali noticed Akira busying himself with small tasks around the cafe before he returned back behind the counter, a book in one hand. She was a little curious as to what he was reading, but the cover lacked a title. The silence allowed her to sit and enjoy the rest of her food while basking in the air of comfort the little cafe provided. It continued to remind her of being at home but even this felt different.

She loved her bandmates in KDA, wouldn't trade them for the world, but living with them meant never escaping the pressure to keep climbing in her career. That came with its pros and its cons. She got to see her friends every day and she could just walk around the house to find three huge reasons to be motivated to keep working and creating art, but that also meant never truly being able to be alone. Sure she could lock herself in her room to sit in isolation, but everything in that sanctuary was bought with money earned through her K-pop career and would serve as a constant reminder to keep working even if she might not feel mentally up to it. This was all without mentioning that it would make her bandmates worry and add unnecessary stress to their lives.

Here there was no fans to meet, no huge responsibilities to take care of, and no pressure to be firing on all cylinders all the time. There was just amazing coffee and curry with even better conversation on the side. She had to admit that in a way she was surprised that her career hadn't been brought up. It was entirely possible that Akira had never heard of her or K/DA, but they were still in Tokyo, a place her group always hit when on tour. The likelihood of him never seeing an advertisement for one of their shows on one the many incandescent screens around the city was pretty low. Not that she minded though, if anything the lack of comment on her profession is what made being here at this moment so desirable.

"Hey," Akira's voice brought Akali out of her trance to see him gesturing to her empty dishes. He had an embarrassed look on his face, his confidence from before nowhere to be seen. "I'm really sorry, I'd normally offer you more and let you stay as long as you'd like but I promised a friend I'd help them with something and I completely forgot."

"No worries that's completely okay!" Akali tried to assure him, "you guys are technically closed anyway and I really appreciate you letting me in despite that. I-" she hesitated a beat, "I really needed this."

"I'm glad you enjoyed what you ordered," he smiled, regaining his composure. "I'm still really sorry though, I'll make it up to you if you decide to come again."

"No no, it's really okay. You don't have to make anything up to me." She insisted as she stood from her seat. "Just let me know how much I owe you and I'll be on my way out."

Despite trying her best to reassure him, Akali still saw the apologetic look in his eyes as he rang her up. She really didn't understand why as she had pointed out that he stayed open for her, but it did say a bit about the kind of person he was. She made sure she had her belongings before heading for the door, but something stopped her as she began to open it.

"Hey Akira," she called, throwing a look over her shoulder to make sure she had his attention.


"The coffee and curry were delicious but they weren't the only thing I enjoyed."

Phantom Thieves Group Chat:

*Ann has posted a picture*

Ann: Fuuuuutaba you'll never guess who we ran into!

Futaba: ( ; O ;) Why didn't you tell me sooner?!

Ryuji: We were at the station and she was just there.

Futaba: T-T Life is pain!

Ann: For what it's worth, I got her to write you an autograph in my notebook.

Futaba: L( ' O ' L) GIVE IT HERE WOMAN!

Ann: I'll give it to Akira the next time I see him.

Futaba: Akira! Y( '-')y Fetch!

Akira: Woof.

A/N: Quick little author's note, this is probably going to be a two or three part one shot. Not too sure how far I want to take Akira and Akali's friendship but we'll see how I'm feeling. Also this is the first Persona x LoL fanfic and it's a silly oneshot, rip. This is the first chapter of something that I've completed in a while so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm rusty. Hopefully you enjoyed what you've read so far and please consider leaving a review if you did.