Daisy And The Guardians
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Stan Lee and Marvel own these characters.
Massive Space Battle (Again)
Daisy and The Guardians were trying to escape from a Kree warship gunning for them. Rocket was firing everything at the incoming fighters, laughing excitedly as he does while Groot was still eating popcorn. Peter was flying fast, hoping desperately to avoid blasts from the Kree warship.
"I told you that we should have gone right"! Peter yelled at Rocket.
"Would you shut up and keep flying. We agreed that you'd fly us out of here and I'd kill these guys ARRRRRH". Rocket yelled back at Peter as he continued firing excitedly.
Daisy and The Guardians got into this mess because they were trying to steal an important Kree artifact that Daisy believed could be used against her kind: The Inhumans. Daisy and Gamora put together a brilliant plan to steal the weapon while Rocket would draw them away but unfortunately Drax was a bit too obvious so now they are in this stupid mess.
"Would you two shut up! We don't need a repeat of the Sovereign incident that I keep hearing about. Gamora, do we have any other guns on this ship besides the front". Daisy shouted at the two idiots.
"I'm afraid not, Peter never allowed us to get upgrades for the ship". Gamora replied to Daisy.
"Well, that's what happens when Quill gets attached to a vessel". Rocket chimes in the conversation.
"I've been flying this vessel since I was twelve years old! It's never failed me before". Peter replies in retribution.
"Yeah, you mean except two years ago". Rocket retorts back.
"That was because you were taking control of my vessel away and because you stole Anulax Batteries"! Peter argues back.
"Quill, they are called Harbulary Batteries"! Drax corrects Peter.
"SHUT UP"! Daisy and Gamora shouted at Drax, Peter, and Rocket.
"Shit! All right then, Peter keep going fast. Rocket take down as many ships as you can! Drax, shut up about the batteries and grab that gun and start firing at the ships! Mantis, keep Groot safe. Gamora, watch Drax's back and mine as well". Daisy ordered to the group.
"Why would you want Gamora watching our backs? Is there something on my back"? Drax asks Daisy (as literally as possible).
"Not the time Drax! Now, put on one of those Aero Rigs now! Gamora grab one of those big guns and start firing while Drax and I are out there"! Daisy commanded to the team.
Drax and Gamora complied and went to work. Daisy readied herself and put on those Aero Rigs on her back. Damn! Those hurt! Daisy remembered how she used to think how much it hurt to use the device that Fitz made to cure the Shield team of ghost illness. Daisy came by with Drax and Gamora, weapons drawn and ready.
"Daisy, what are you going to do"? Gamora asked Daisy, confused why Daisy had no guns on her.
"I'm going to show these blue idiots what I'm made of". Daisy calmly replied with a smile in return.
Gamora smirked at her, knowing what was going to happen. Drax however, was confused.
"What do you mean what you're made of? Aren't you made of flesh"? Drax asked Daisy, confusion written all over his face.
Daisy and Gamora rolled each other's eyes and prepared themselves.
"Daisy"! Mantis came by and shouted her friends name.
Daisy turned to her, expecting her to respond.
"Be careful". Mantis said to her.
Daisy smiled and hugged her lovable friend and muttered an "I will".
Daisy was close with all of the Guardians but she loved Mantis and Groot the most.
While Drax was yelling DIE at incoming ships while Gamora was shooting at everything she saw back at the ship, Daisy was exploding every ship she saw with her Vibration powers while a cable was keeping her tied to the ship, much like Drax. Drax finally understood what Daisy meant of "Showing them what she's made of. Daisy thanked her ability to sense the ship's frequencies along with her Centipede serum boost, allowing her to avoid the Kree warship's energy blasts.
"Peter, how close are we to the next inhabitable world"? Daisy asked through her communicator on her gauntlets.
"Five clicks away. Why". Peter replied to Daisy.
That was Daisy's cue to finish the fight.
"Gamora! Pull Drax back to the ship now"! Daisy ordered Gamora.
Gamora tried to think of what Daisy's plan was but she relented and pulled Drax back while he was still yelling at the ships.
Daisy focused on the main Kree Warship and concentrated and gave it her most powerful quake. It was so powerful that it exploded on impact and it covered most of the other ships. Gamora pulled Daisy back to the ship before she could get burned by the explosion. She landed next to Gamora and got back up. Peter finally made through the next jump point and landed somewhat roughly on the planet they found. Drax had fallen off the ship right when they landed. Luckily he landed safely away from getting crushed. Daisy used her powers to stop the ship from damaging itself further into the ground.
"Well, it's not exactly like last time but at least we know who saved us this time". Peter smiled as he came out of the ship with Rocket chuckling.
Daisy finally let the fatigue get to her when Mantis went over to hug her. Mantis always hates seeing Daisy get hurt. After all, Mantis was the only on the team that could feel the pain of Daisy's past. After feeling Drax's lost. She hated seeing anyone else feel that kind of pain. Daisy had helped her along in accepting the nature of humanity and human emotion. When they separated, Groot got off of Rocket's shoulder and hugged Daisy's neck. She smiled and rubbed Groot's back.
Everyone knew that while Groot saw Rocket as a father and loved every one of the Guardians, he had a real soft spot for Daisy. It was no secret among The Guardians that Daisy was truly great with kids. She just had that impact on Groot. Meanwhile, everyone was looking at Drax a few feet away yelling,
Everyone else was rolling their eyes at Drax's embarassment. Gamora took the Kree artifact out of her pocket. It had a blue aura around it glowing brighter then any Earth gem.
"Alright, let's fix the ship and get this thing back to Earth". Daisy says looking at the gem.
Authors Notes: So this is my first of this series of Oneshots of Daisy Johnson and The Guardians. Thank you guys for the views. Let me know what you think. I will listen to any reviews. I'll also take any requests (Emotional or Funny).