Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians.

Hey guys. I was talking with one of my friends at work who hasn't seen it yet about Rise of the Guardians and how the yetis were the ones who made the toys when he jokingly said he needed a new laptop and asked if they could build him one. I told him to ask Phil the yeti. At that point he asked if I went out drinking beer with this guy on Saturday's and this was what occurred. From the viewpoint of an oc Guardian.

I drank from my goblet of eggnog just listening as the usual events of our weekly 'meeting' occurred around me. Sandy was hovering next to me asleep as a stray elf was licking his eggnog from his goblet which was resting on the table I was sat at opposite Phil who I had an ongoing battle of go fish whenever I was around. So far, he was winning 20-5. North and Bunny were having their usual Easter Vs Christmas argument in the middle of the room with North eating his cookies at the same time. Tooth was giving orders to her fairies whilst Jack used her distraction to sneak a few of North's cookies.

I smirked at him knowingly as our eyes met and he put a finger up to his lips and put some of the cookies in his hoodie pocket for later, keeping one out to eat now. I nodded back at him, amused. Everyone knows that Jack would never be able to eat anything with sugar, let alone one of North's cookies if Tooth had anything to do with it. Speaking of which...

"Jack! You can't eat that, it's got too much sugar! What about your teeth!?" I sniggered as Tooth flew over and started physically examining – pulling his mouth open so wide it felt like it was about to split in half – his teeth as if one cookie was going to give Jack a mouth full of cavities. I turned back to the game to see Sandy now awake and alternating between glaring at the elf he had caught drinking his eggnog and watching the ongoing game of go fish which I, sadly, was losing.


"What do you think Sandy?" I asked. "Think I'll make a comeback and win this game?" Sandy looked at her and nodded with a thumbs-up and a smile, a checkmark made of dreamsand forming above his head.



"Halloween!" Both the Guardians at the table looked over in North and Bunny's direction along with Phil and Tooth. Both of them looked up at where Jack was swinging his leg where he was sitting on one of the rafters where he had flown in an attempt to escape Tooth's fingers. The attempt only worked because of Tooth having to give out more directions to get fairies.

"Jack..." North started. "Can't you see we are trying to argue?" Jack nodded.

"You're arguing your usual of Easter Vs Christmas. Halloween is better than both." Sandy and I exchanged looks as Jack floated down. Sandy made a few symbols above his head, a gift and an egg followed by a clock. The hand spun around a few times before he added a ghost and the clock started again, spinning even more, clearly saying that if the arguments before were long, these would be even longer with Jack's input. I laughed and nodded.

"I know, right?"

Looking around again, I know that this isn't normal compared to my life a few short years ago, I wouldn't have it any other way.

And there we have it. Let me know what you guys think. If you want to see more about this or a prequel, just let me know :)

- Kyrian Mikaelson