Water and Fire

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto

"Sayuri, wake up. Lord Orochimaru wishes to speak with you." Kabuto hissed.

Sayuri groaned as, she was awakened by Kabuto. The young kunoichi yawned and stretched as she climbed outta bed and reluctantly followed Kabuto out of her room to find out what exactly lord Orochimaru wanted.

However she had a feeling she already knew what. For the past few days Lord Orochimaru had been sending her and a couple other sound ninja out on border patrol.

That and he also asked her to try and use her medical ninjutsu skills to try and heal his hands some more. Which she had failed at doing. For while Kabuto had been training her these couple months to master medical ninjutsu she was unsuccessful in trying to help Kabuto heal Lord Orochimaru's hands.

Ever since the battle with Konohagakure not too long ago Sayuri had noticed Lord Orochimaru had become more adamant about protecting the borders of the Otogakure and healing himself.

For what purpose, she did not know nor did she dare question him and just did as she was told.

What troubled her however was the fact that the sound 5 and more importantly Kimimaro had not yet returned from their "retrieval" mission. They should've been back from Konoha days ago.

Sayuri wonder what it was it they were sent to retrieve in Konohagakure and if they had been successful.

Surely this could be what Lord Orochimaru wanted to speak with her about? The success of the Sound 5? Or did he need her to heal more wounds?

So many questions filled the young kunoichi's head and they would soon be answered as she and Kabuto entered Lord Orochimaru's room.

Upon entering, Sayuri saw a boy standing in the room. He was dressed in a dark blue yukata, had spikey raven colored hair that seemed to be messed up as if he possibly gotten into a fight, and an aura about him that sent chills down her spine.

When she and Kabuto had entered the room the boy turned to look at them, his onyx colored eyes seemed to pierce through Sayuri's soul causing her to shudder and avert her gaze to the floor.

Something about him looking at her reminded her so much of Kimimaro. In a sense that he had a gaze that seemed to not only see right through her but longed to find his purpose.

When Kabuto saw the boy he smirked. So just as Lord Orochimaru had predicted Sasuke Uchiha had indeed come to them and by his own free will.

'Foolish child.' Kabuto thought.

Now that all his pawns were together Lord Orochimaru spoke, "Ahh Sayuri finally you join us at last. and Sasuke Uchiha too. Excellent."

Sasuke Uchiha? Who was he and why did Lord Orochimaru seemed so pleased to have him here.

"Lord Orochimaru, you sent for me?" Sayuri asked as she bowed her head. Sasuke looked at her amused she was another one of Orochimaru's pawns however when he looked into her sapphire eyes they seemed to be filled with such uncertainty, fear and longing.

Longing for what he didn't know but he intended to figure it out.

Orochimaru snickered and continued speaking, "Sasuke I'm so glad you've come, the sound 5 did well in bringing you here. Now we can unlock your true powers and potential with that sharingan of yours."

"Hn. Whatever, so as long as it makes me stronger and helps me get my revenge." Sasuke retorted.

"Why you arrogant little brat just who do you think you are talking to lord Orochimaru that way? Show some respect, and watch your tongue or else." Sayuri spat.

Sasuke smirked for he had obviously struck a nerve with Sayuri.

"Sayuri calm yourself girl." Lord Orochimaru instructed.

"Yes Lord Orochimaru. I'm sorry."

"Now then Sasuke and Sayuri, I'm sending you two out on border patrol. Now that Sasuke is here I'm certain ninjas from Konoha will come looking for him."

"But what about the sound 5 my lord, shouldn't we wait for them?" Sayuri inquired.

"Sayuri, they aren't coming back. They've been killed." Kabuto said.

Sayuri's eyes widened. There was no possible way that they were all dead? Surly one could've survived.

"What about Kimimaro?"

"Even poor old Kimimaro is gone too Sayuri girl. He wouldn't have lived much longer had he survived."

"Lord Orochimaru what do you mean?"

"Never you mind dear girl, now take Sasuke and go do as I asked. Kabuto and I have work to do."

"Yes my lord." Sayuri said as she bowed.

Sayuri and Sasuke both headed out the door leaving Orochimaru and Kabuto alone. Kabuto smirked as he turned to his master.

"Poor foolish Sayuri, she has no idea what's in store for her and Sasuke and yet she is still continues to be a good obedient dog. Are you going to take both their bodies as vessels as planned?"

"Of course Kabuto. That sharingan is very valuable and Sayuri and her excellent knowledge of both water style techniques and medical ninja is quite handy."

"Yes, but if I may ask what is reasoning for pairing them up?"

"Why they're opposites of course water and fire seperately both elements are strong, but both elements together are quite powerful don't you think Kabuto?"

Kabuto pushed up his glasses and smirked.

"Of course they are Lord Orochimaru. Of course they are."

The walk outside the hideout with Sasuke was silent. As Sayuri had so many questions going on in her head, and she was not impressed with the cocky, arrogant attitude of Sasuke Uchiha. How dare he come in their fortress and act like he owned the place. Then had the nerve to speak to Lord Orochimaru the way he did.

'Tch. What an arrogant ass.'

When they reached the outside, the two split up each taking one side of the border. However, with only two of them, there was a lot more ground to cover and each of them had to be extra vigilant.

After a couple hours of patrol Sayuri and Sasuke, returned to the fortress. Kabuto waiting for them.

"Good work, Sasuke and Sayuri. Sayuri come we have more medical ninjutsu training to do."

"Yes, Kabuto."

The two left leaving Sasuke alone to explore the fortress if he pleased. He took note of the inside, he counted the rooms and found there was both and upstairs and downstairs. Making sure to take note of all the possible exit points for when the time came once he was stronger, he would make his escape and find his brother and kill him.

He wondered why exactly a young kunoichi like Sayuri was here serving Orochimaru. Perhaps she was like him trying to seek revenge and get stronger. He could sense that she had a greater purpose and when the time came he'd take with her with him and make her of some use to him.

As Sasuke contemplated his escape and plans to deal with Itachi. Orochimaru and Kabuto were talking about their plans for Sasuke Sayuri for the next three years.

"Three years Kabuto and then Sayuri and Sasuke's bodies and power will be mine."

"What will we do with them for the next three years?" Kabuto inquired.

"Make them stronger of course especially Sasuke and his sharingan. I could use those eyes. Sayuri and her water styles, lightning techniques along with the medical ninjutsu training she gets will be quite useful."

"Three years." Kabuto said while smirking.

Three years.