Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fanfiction and has nothing to with real-life situations whatsoever. Harry Potter and Avengers are not my property. All characters belong to their respective creators.

Please note that in this story, all the events took place 7 years later. Harry was born in 1987 and started Hogwarts in 1998. You get the picture.

Check: Normal Speech

"Check": Dialogues

'Check': Thoughts

#Check#: Parseltongue

Previously on Ascension:

Pietro nodded his assent and did as he was told and was assaulted by the image of Strucker and his interrogation. Feeling disgusted, he looked in the eyes and said four words, "I want to help."


"I've got these powers now. I want to utilize these for a good cause. I want to protect our planet and get rid of such filth. This will be my way of honoring the memories of my parents."

Harry and Daphne looked at each other in surprise. They assessed the sole of Pietro and sensed nothing malicious but pure determination and resolve. They looked at Pietro before smiling slightly and nodding.

"We would be happy to call you our ally, Pietro. You can come over and sit down on that chair. We will talk to your sister now."

Wanda wiped her tears away and looked back. This time she saw Pietro's questioning and stopped tears from falling out at Pietro's proclamation of fighting for the good. Finally steeling her resolve, Wanda looked back at them before asking, "When will our training begin?"

Harry assessed her and found resolve and a hidden power. he ignored it, for the time being, telling Daphne to remind him in the future, and smiled.

Both siblings had a happy time after so long and it was quite apparent on their faces as they bickered and joked. Harry and Daphne looked at each other and smiled,

'We did the right thing.'

After eating to their hearts' content, which included two servings of Masala and 7 Garlic Naan in case of Pietro, the foursome retired to the lining room.

Harry helped Daphne down and sat down beside her, and gestured Wanda and Pietro to sit down on the couch. After everyone got comfortable, Harry began, "I know both of you are wondering what is going on, who we are, what we are. why we abducted you and where we are. Let us begin by introducing ourselves. My name is Harry James Potter and this beautiful woman by my side is my wife, Daphne Elizabeth Potter. We are wizards. We can use what is known as magic for various reasons, like levitating objects, conjuring things, protecting ourselves and attacking our enemies. Magic has ultimate possibilities and is a sentient being in itself. We use it and worship it. We are born with it and we will die with it. It is a way of life for us."

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other and nodded.

"Why did you rescue us? We haven't heard of you, and I can say that you didn't know anything about us either. So why?", Pietro asked.

"When we arrived in this world, we witnessed the Battle of New York and the threats this world faced. Over the course of months, we have come to the conclusion that this world is filled with people with highly advanced technology and delusions of world domination. A week ago, we discovered that people had started disappearing from all over the world. Over 4500 people in the age group 18-23 had disappeared within 6 months. We gathered intelligence and discovered that Sokovia was at the center of all this.

"When we arrived in Sokovia, we used our magic to find the base of operations of HYDRA and arrived there. With the help of magic, we entered the fortress and sensed two strong auras coming from the lowest levels. Curious, we decided to check out what kind of artifact was emitting such powerful waves. On our way, we came across Strucker and one of his associates, a scientist by his looks, conversing about a pair of twins and thinking of escaping. We saw Strucker killing the scientist and running away, only to fall down courtesy of a stunner. After capturing him, we headed downward only to discover Wanda holding Stark in some sort of mind control. Thinking she was with HYDRA, we stunned her. However, I sensed another presence rushing towards us at a rapid pace and saw you running towards Wanda. Connecting the dots, we stunned you as well and took you away with us. Honestly, we had no idea that you were not associates of HYDRA but after interrogating Strucker, we came to know that you two were actually subjects for their little experiment, and the only successful ones at that. We really appreciated the fact that you two co-operated with us because we wouldn't have liked using force on the innocent.", Harry explained.

Both Pietro and Wanda looked disgusted at the insinuation that they were in any way allied with those monsters who abducted them but nodded when Harry finished his explanation.

"Now that introductions are over, why don't you two explain what your powers are?", Daphne asked.

"Well, I can run at extreme speed. My speed has only been increasing since I started running inside my cell."

"I don't exactly know what I can do, but I can control objects around me and bewitch people. I can control their mind and make them do what I want them to, and make them witness their nightmares. I thought that man - Stark, was there to harm us, so I bewitched him.", Wanda told them.

Harry looked at Daphne, who nodded.

"Bewitch me."

"What!?", Wanda asked bewildered. Pietro also looked on, confused.

"I want to witness the extent of your powers. Do it. You have my consent."

Wanda looked unsure and looked at Daphne, who nodded.

Wanda still looked unsure, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Exhaling, she opened her eyes and everyone could see her pupils glowing crimson. She stood up and walked towards Harry, and put both palms forward.

Crimson waves of energy started swirling in her palms as she tried to connect with Harry's mind, only to frown as nothing happened. Frowning, she narrowed her eyes and focused hard on the task at hand. A few minutes later, a panting Wanda collapsed on the couch and looked up to see a completely unaffected Harry looking back at her.

"It's just what I thought. There is no magic inside you. You both are what we call 'Enhanced'.", Daphne said.

"I'm sure you've heard of Captain America?", Harry asked.

"Yes, he was one of those people who was fighting those aliens in New York.", Wanda said.

"Years ago, during the Second World War, a super-human experiment was carried out by the US Forces. Captain America is a result of that experiment. He was the first super-soldier.", Harry told them.

"Did HYDRA create him too?"

"No, but HYDRA have been working on the same project for years. Strucker told us that they carried out the experiment years ago, but he didn't know what happened to the people involved.", Daphne replied.

"My guess is that either they failed up to this point when they succeeded with the two of you, or they succeeded but the project was buried deep so that no one could find out for reasons unknown to us. I don't know why but my gut is telling me to lean on the second probability.", Harry confessed.

"If they really succeeded in making super soldiers, why haven't we heard of one? It has been months since we came in this world, and there have been no clues pointing that way."

"I don't know, Daph. I'm not even sure if they succeeded or not. It's just my gut telling me something isn't right. That it's not as clean as it looks like. I can't explain it. It's just a feeling.", Harry tried.

"If they really succeeded, then we might have an even bigger problem in our hands in the future.", Daphne stated. Harry just nodded.

Waving his hand, he saw that it was 10 o'clock and nodded to Daphne. She waved her hand and conjured two four-poster beds for the twins in the corner of the room.

"Okay, I think that's enough for a day. Both of you have had it rough, so take a good rest. We will see each other tomorrow. Just one little warning - Don't try to enter any of the other rooms. It's just that other than us, nobody except those we have expressly allowed can enter them. Anyone else who tries will have an unpleasant surprise. In the morning when you feel hungry, the fridge is there. Feel free to watch the T.V if you wish to, we've video games there as well, so that's sorted as well. Goodnight.", Harry wished as Daphne followed suit.

Both twins simply mumbled 'Goodnight' while looking at the pair of beds that seemed to appear out of nowhere as Harry and Daphne walked out.

They looked at each other, both thinking the same thing.

'This is gonna take some time getting used to'

"What's the condition of Stark?", Nick Fury asked as he entered the medical room on the helicarrier as everyone present there turned to look at him, everyone except Banner, who was apparently working on Stark.

"Well, his vitals are normal but he is still unconscious. He was expected to wake up hours ago but ever since we found him in that fortress, he has been flinching in his sleep. I suspect that either his mind is not stable at the moment, or he has undergone mental trauma and his mind is still recovering.", Banner replied without looking back.

Fury took one look at Stark and asked, "What about his chest?"

"That's what I've been unable to understand. The shrapnel is gone, his chest cavity has filled up with muscles and skin, and only bruises remain. I've never seen such advanced medical recovery from something so life-threatening.", Banner answered.

"We found his arc reactor beside him. There were fingerprints, other than Stark's or Miss Potts'.", Natasha replied.


"We couldn't find any matches on our database.", Natasha replied.

Fury's eyes widened. "That's not possible. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database contains the biometric, retina and blood details of every person born. How can there be no match? Did this person just pop out of nowhere?"

"We don't know, but one thing is for certain. Whoever this person was, he/she fixed Stark and left him there before any of us could reach. Which means this was either some HYDRA agent or someone who was able to infiltrate the HYDRA base and execute everything even before we were able to penetrate HYDRA defenses.", Natasha theorized.

"What about the enhanced individuals?"

"Based on the fingerprints and camera footage we found, we have been able to find out their details. They were not behind this."

She handed over the tablet having details of Wanda and Pietro.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, twins from Sokovia."

"Either they managed to escape in the ruckus or-"

"or the person behind Stark's treatment took them with him.", Fury finished. Natasha simply nodded.

Banner continued to work on Stark as Rogers and Barton watched on when suddenly Fury's eyes widened.

He took out his comms device and muttered something as Natasha looked on curiously. Suddenly Maria Hill entered the room with a folder and handed it to Fury. Fury perused through the folder before slamming it on the table beside him, startling Barton while Rogers calmly turned around.

"Now we know how we don't have the fingerprints.", Fury said as Barton picked the folder and looked inside, his eyes widening.

"We have all the data about them, all except biometric national eIDs. Their national eIDs do not have biometric data. We don't know where they came from, but they have all identification, even national eIDs. But since there has been no record of biometrics or past trace, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have their fingerprints.", Fury stated.

"Who are you talking about?", Rogers asked.

"Harry and Daphne Potter.", Barton muttered.

They were having breakfast when suddenly Harry sneezed. Daphne looked in amusement as he snorted, "Looks like our friends at S.H.I.E.L.D. are remembering me."

"Well we have interfered in their matter, they were bound to notice us.", Daphne replied as she dabbed her mouth. Harry simply shrugged.

"You know they can simply ask to meet us. It's not as if we'll bite.", Daphne commented.

"Where's the fun in that!", Harry replied as Daphne chuckled.

They finished their breakfast and Harry floated their plates to the sink. They had developed the habit of washing plates together after dinner without magic while conversing with each other. They found it quite refreshing.

"Ready?", Harry offered her his arm

Daphne nodded and took hold of his arm. They disapparated silently, leaving an ignorant squad of spies behind.

Harry and Daphne appeared at the edge of outer wards and entered the base. They made their way to the 4th segment and immediately cringed when a shout of "Pietro" filled the air.

They entered the room to see Pietro flailing his arms frantically in the air as Wanda levitated him, a smug look on her face. She saw them enter and withdrew her aura, sending Pietro to the ground with a girlish squeal.

"Oops.", Wanda smirked as Harry and Daphne walked towards them.

"Okay, what happened?", harry asked trying to control his laughter.

"Oh, nothing. Pietro just couldn't handle losing so he cheated. I simply taught him a lesson.", Wanda smugly declared as Pietro grumbled something and stood up, glaring at Wanda. When he saw Wanda glare back, he quickly averted his eyes mumbling about vicious and violent women.

Harry and Daphne simply laughed before he asked, "So, did you sleep well?" to which both teens nodded.

"Good, and I can see you've eaten as well. I'd like you two to follow us.", Daphne stated and turned around, walking with Harry to the segment which contained their research about Infinity Stones.

When everyone entered, Daphne closed the door with a wave and gestured the twins to sit down. After everyone was seated, Daphne began.

"What you are about to know is not known to mankind. Not even S.H.I.E.L.D. has any idea of what I am about to tell you."

Both Wanda and Pietro looked intrigued.

"Tell me, how do you think the universe came into existence?", Daphne asked.

"Well, there was the Big Bang and everything came into existence.", Pietro said.

"The universe began as a very hot, small, and dense super force, the mix of the four fundamental forces, with no stars, atoms, form, or structure, called a singularity. Then about 13.8 billion years ago, space expanded very quickly, thus the name Big Bang. This started the formation of atoms, which eventually led to the formation of stars and galaxies. It was noted that an expanding universe could be traced back in time to an originating single point. The universe is still expanding today and getting colder as well. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals... hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time.", Daphne elaborated.

"We encountered the Reality Stone in our world, not that we knew what it was from the beginning, and experimented on it with magic, trying to assess what it was. We don't know how, but I am guessing due to the influence of an unfamiliar and external energy, that is, magic, it reacted. It reacted violently and blew everything up. We barely managed to survive and were transported right here, in Stonehenge. A week later we saw another Infinity Stone, not directly, but we saw it being put to use. In the Battle of New York, the Space Stone was used to open and sustain a portal. We have seen first hand what these stones are capable of, and their existence is a threat to any form of life in the universe. That is why we are researching Infinity Stones so that we can find and destroy them.", Harry stated.

Wanda and Pietro looked shellshocked. Never in their wildest dreams could they imagine things like that existed.

"You said that contact with an... unfamiliar energy made the Reality Stone react violently.", Wanda stated and Harry nodded.

"Then how was the portal created by the Space Stone closed? Because going by that logic, it should have exploded as soon as another form of energy came into contact with it.", Wanda theorized.

"There was a being named Loki, the Norse God of Mischief. He was the one behind the attack on New York. He had this scepter, which was able to close the portal.", Harry said, frowning.

"God? Scepter?"

"Yes. Apparently, those exist. We were also surprised. This is the scepter Loki used.", Daphne said as she conjured a holographic image of the scepter.

The moment Wanda saw the scepter, her eyes widened and she took a deep breath as her heart started beating erratically.

"What is it?", Pietro asked after taking her hands and squeezing in comfort. Harry and Daphne also looked concerned.

Wanda took a minute to calm down before she looked at Harry and Daphne.

"I have seen this scepter."

"What!?". Harry exclaimed.

"When HYDRA was conducting the experiments, they had this scepter with them. They used it to give normal humans their superpowers. Everyone died, everyone except me and Pietro.", Wanda explained.

"How come we didn't see or feel the presence of the scepter when we were there?", Harry asked.

"I think it is because the auras of Wanda and Pietro overpowered that of the scepter for the time being. Maybe it was because of its excessive use for experiments.", Daphne theorized.

"If the scepter was able to interact with the Space Stone without causing any disturbances then there is a high possibility that it contains another Infinity Stone.", Harry stated.

"And if it was used to give Wanda and Pietro their powers, then that means-"

"-that we possess that same energy that the Infinity Stones do.", Wanda finished for Daphne. Daphne nodded.

"If Wanda and Pietro possess the same energy that Infinity Stones do, it means that-"

"-they can sense, interact with, and if needed, destroy the Infinity Stones.", Daphne nodded.

"But how can I interact or destroy those stones? I mean I might have the same energy, but my power is only speed.", Pietro said. "Increased metabolism and many other abilities, Pietro. Once you practice more, you'll see." Harry corrected.

"Yes, I don't think you can destroy Infinity Stones. My theory is that the Infinity Stone couldn't interact completely with your system, but only emitted part of its energy. But when it interacted with Wanda, it was a more prominent connection. And based on Wanda's powers, I can guess which Infinity Stone is inside Loki's scepter.", Harry looked at Daphne, who nodded.

"The Mind Stone."

"So what should we do now?", Wanda asked.

"Well, I believe that the scepter is with S.H.I.E.L.D. at the moment, so we need to acquire it. Also, we have a proposal for you two.", Daphne said.

At their questioning look, Harry asked, "What would you say if we asked you to train your powers here so that you can explore them and harness them completely?"

The twins looked at each other and nodded. "We'd be delighted.", Wanda answered.

Harry and Daphne looked at each other and smiled. Things were progressing well.

"What's the report on the Potters?", Nick Fury asked the head of their monitoring team.

"Nothing, sir. They have not exited their apartment. The windows have been closed and curtains have been drawn since their previous outing in the balcony.", the spy replied.

"What kind of young couple is this? It's been 6 days and they haven't seen the outside world. What do they do all the time inside the house?"

"Well, the husband is an investor, so I believe he doesn't need to exit the house as the work is basically from home. The wife is a home-maker, so there is it.", Maria Hill replied.

"Okay, but what about groceries? Or any other thing?"

Hill just shrugged.

Fury seemed to be thinking something.

"Hill, give me the details of their finances. Their bank transactions, the husband's portfolio, everything that even remotely pertains to their finance."

Hill quickly got to work. After 15 minutes, she got the report ready and met Fury in his office.

"Sir. They have only one joint savings bank account in the Citibank UK. No offshore dealings, no tax haven particulars. Their transactions have been absolutely normal, sir. Basic expenses, given that they are a family of two. However, apart from dividends from the companies he has invested in, their account has been getting hefty cash inflows over the past 18 months in an irregular manner from different countries."

"How much?"

"Millions in each interval.", Hill replied.

Trace the deposits and find all the connections, Hill. Dig as deep as you can. I want every detail.

Hill nodded. "His investments have been evenly spread over various companies all around Europe and America. His main stocks include 21st Century Fox, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Amazon, Atlas energy, General Electric, Cerner Corporation, Michael Kors, and Stark Industries. I am personally surprised to see that he has not invested in Facebook."

"Most likely he knows what's been happening there. There's no Alphabet as well. But if you look at the portfolio, you'll see that most of his investments are in the field of healthcare and medicine. Shows us where he is leaning.", Fury stated. Hill simply nodded.

"Nevertheless, you do what I told you to. His stocks might not have told us much, but it's clear where his heart is, and that all these stocks are doing well.", Fury commented.

Hill merely nodded and left.

"What are you up to, Potters?", Fury muttered.

Bruce Banner was checking his notes regarding the research he and Tony had decided to conduct when Tony stirred in his sleep, causing Banner to look up. He approached the bed where Tony was trying to sit up and aided him, earning a polite thanks.

"How do you feel?", Banned asked while checking his stats and vitals.

"Like I was bulldozed by a herd of Tauros.", Tony muttered holding his head in his palms.

"Herd of what?", Banner asked bewildered.

"Oh, Tauros. It's a Pokemon. I sometimes watch the anime.", Tony offhandedly replied. "What's going on? Why am I here in the medical bay?"

"You have been unconscious for 4 days now."

"You're joking."

Banner shook his head in negative. He pressed the button by Tony's bedside and soon everyone on the team entered.

"Hello, folks. What's up?", Tony asked. "Can someone tell me why Banner has gone round the bend? Saying that I was out for 4 days, he is."

"Because you were out for 4 days, Stark. Now tell us what is the last thing you remember.", Fury impatiently asked.

"Oh, well there I was, kissing Pepper before leaving the tower. I swear it took every bit of willpower I had not to run with her to the bedroom-"

"Stark! Can you be serious for one moment and answer my question?"

Tony sighed at Fury before speaking, "You need to loosen up a bit, old guy. A good shag perhaps? No? Well, at least I tried. So I entered the fortress and made my way to the basement. I saw that motherfucker Loki's vibrat...er-scepter and some computers and asked Jarvis to copy all the data. Then I discovered a door and prayed with all my might for it to be a secret door and shazam! Secret door! I went inside and that's it."

"So you have no memory of what happened after you entered the secret door?", Fury asked.

"I don't think I spoke Hebrew, Pirate-eye.", Stark mocked. Fury glared at Stark, who just winked.

"There have been changes to your body, Stark.", Banner said, making Stark look at him. Banner pointed to his chest, making Stark look down. He jumped in shock on seeing the hole in his chest filled with muscles and skin and took a deep breath.

"How the fuck did this happen?", he asked.

"We don't know. You were found unconscious in the basement and your chest was fixed. Whoever did that also managed to infiltrate the base, and possibly took the twins with him.", Rogers told him.

"What twins?"

"The people HYDRA abducted were put through the experiment. Only two people survived, and we believe they were successful in creating two super-humans, a pair of twins as per our findings. The person who fixed you probably took the twins with him.", Rogers replied.

"Him?", Stark asked.

"Him, her, them, we don't know. Although we have a suspect.", Rogers said.

"What are we waiting for, then? If this person is suspected and there is a possibility that the super-humans are with them, then shouldn't they be questioned?"

"Well, our spy followed them from Sokovia to England, but they managed to trick and escape him. We have placed monitoring teams all around their household and they are being monitored 24X7.", Barton said.

"What have they found out?"

"Nothing. The couple has not left their residence in the past few days. The only sighting was when they appeared in their balcony a few days ago. That's it.", Barton replied. Tony nodded.

"So, where's the scepter?", Tony asked.

"It's in the research laboratory. You can check it out tomorrow. Go home, Stark. Ms. Potts would be worried.", Rogers said. Tony just looked at him and sighed.

It had been one month since their training started and Wanda and Pietro were already showing signs of improvement. Harry and Daphne were really nice and gentle people in general but were absolutely ruthless and merciless in training. Pietro learned it the hard way when he tried to take a break in between his laps only to get hit by multiple stingers on his ass, courtesy of Harry. He still fidgeted whenever he tried to sit, to the amusement of Harry and Daphne. But his training was resulting in fruition as his body was developing into a great shape. He still had a long way to go but his body had completely recovered from the entire ordeal at the HYDRA camp and had started gaining muscles thanks to proper diet and rigorous physical exercise. Wanda was also showing great improvement as her skin was looking much better than what it looked like one month ago. Proper meal and hydration were doing their work for her as her skin felt much smoother now. Although she was gifted with telekinesis and mind powers, Daphne was putting Wanda through physical drills to help her get into proper shape. She had said that a healthy body was required for a healthy mind and Wanda absolutely agreed. The twins got extra motivation when they saw Harry and Daphne training alongside them. They had not seen each other since the day they had agreed to start training as their training rooms were warded by Harry and Daphne to prevent access to anyone but them.

"So what do you think? Are they ready to face the real world?", Daphne asked after the day's training was over.

They were back at their apartment and were currently sitting in on the sofa in their living room.

"I think they are more than ready. Pietro has been working very hard over the past month and can run at over 50000 miles per second. And he is only improving by time. I think it would take maximum 3 months when he starts doing time jumps. He can already scale huge walls and run on water. Physically, he has been improving as well and now he can shatter through a Protego at 60% of my power in an instant.", Harry said.

"Wanda has also developed nicely in one month. She can levitate and control objects weighing 1500 kgs without breaking a sweat. Her telekinesis powers have also improved and she can project it in a beam now. She has also been able to dent our gold-opaque shield at 25% of my power. Due to her being influenced by an Infinity Stone, she can easily shatter Protego with her beams, but what I cannot understand is how she could not even scratch the gold-opaque shield.", Daphne wondered.

"I don't know Daph. Maybe it's because that is the most powerful shield? I mean I haven't seen or heard of any shield more powerful than that.", Harry stated.

"But still Harry. That shield held the full-scale explosion from the Reality Stone. How powerful is it?", she asked.

"I don't know for sure, Daph. I guess it's another blessing of being the Masters of Death.", Harry theorized.

Daphne looked unsure but nodded.

"So, what do you think about paying S.H.I.E.L.D. a visit? We need the scepter, the Mind Stone is there after all.", Daphne asked.

"Well, the monitoring team is still there. I'm honestly surprised that they haven't paid us a visit yet. I had expected them to uncover everything about our livelihood and finances. They just had to dig a little bit deeper and they would have discovered our gold trail.", Harry said.

"I think they have discovered our gold trail, but are unsure whether the twins are with us or not. For all we know, they are focusing on locating the twins, or the HYDRA thug.", Daphne told him.

"Whatever. I think we should infiltrate the helicarrier that floats over the ocean every time, because that's where I believe the scepter is, and we should do it tomorrow.", Harry said.

"Why? What is tomorrow?", Daphne asked looking at the calendar, which indicated February.

"Why it's Ms. Virginia Potts' birthday!", Harry cheerfully replied.

"Okay, you two. Today, you will undertake your first assignment.", Harry told Wanda and Pietro the next day.

The two were standing in front of Harry and Daphne, who was seated behind the desk in the muggle affairs segment of their base.

"Daphne gave you two a pair of lockets. Hold it and say 'Alter' and it will apply a glamour charm on you two, which will make you look completely different from what you look like in reality. Your job is simple but can become troublesome if you show the slightest bit of sign that makes you susceptible to suspicion.", Harry seriously stated. The twins looked at each other, then back at Harry and nodded, their faces determined.

"Good. You two are going on a scouting mission today. Your job is to scout this area, find out whatever you can without giving away anything, and I repeat, anything, and report back to us by 7 in the evening. Make sure that this mission is carried out in absolute stealth.", Harry said as he gave them a map of London which had a location highlighted.

"What is this place and what can we expect?", Pietro asked after looking at the highlighted area.

"We don't know anything other than the fact that this area feels ancient, which is absurd considering we are in London. Furthermore, we have felt ethereal energies originating from this area, not like ours, but still otherworldly. Whatever it is, it's not a magical energy. It feels more like a conduit. As if it is drawing power from some external source. We cannot tell you what to expect but based on what we told you, take precautions. Final instruction: The moment you think something's wrong, place your hands on the lockets Daphne gave you and say 'Retreat'. You'll be transported back here, with no traces of your presence there.", Daphne told them.

"We will do our best.", Wanda said as Pietro nodded.

"We know. Good Luck.", Harry wished and they took their leave.

When they were gone, Daphne turned to Harry and asked, "Do you think they would manage to be inconspicuous and gather intel?"

"I'm positive they can, I am just skeptical of what they would find there.", Harry said.

"Let's worry about that later and focus on the task at hand.", Daphne said as Harry nodded.

"Right. So the party will start at 4 in the evening, which means the guests will start arriving at around 2. I believe we'd be on time. It would take us maximum 30 minutes to get inside the helicarrier. Here is the plan. We'd portkey to Queens, fly to the helicarrier, infiltrate it with no Avengers present, take the scepter away, and possibly leave a little gift for Nick Fury.", Harry smiled.

"Oh, I love it when you get naughty.", Daphne whispered huskily in his ear, causing him to grin and wink at her. Giving her a chaste kiss, one which was eagerly returned, he nibbled on her earlobe and whispered, "How about a quickie here before we go?". Daphne was all too eager to comply.

The moment they left the wards, Pietro and Wanda touched their lockets and said 'Alter'. Not a second later, they were completely unrecognizable. Pietro had ginger hair and blue eyes, stood at 5'11" and had muscled up a bit. Wanda also grew up to 5'9" and had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Pietro nodded at her and sat on the bike that Harry had bought a few weeks ago. He turned the engine on and tilted his head at Wanda, beckoning her to hop on. She quickly sat behind him and snaked her arms around his waist. Pietro switched the gear and accelerated, slowly releasing the clutch. Once on the road, he switched the gears and accelerated away towards their destination, Wanda holding him from behind.

2 hours later they reached their destination and took a look at their target area. It was an old looking building with a strange spherical sign on the top. They disembarked from the bike after parking it and made their way towards the building. They spent the entire day scouting the area, with Pietro making occasional runs here and there. Wanda attempted telekinesis to get a read on the building but found an anomaly. Taking all the observations, the twins left the place 4 hours later, encountering nothing.

Two figures appeared out of nowhere in an alley in Queens, New York and willed themselves invisible, completely disappearing from sight and leaving no trace of their presence there. They flew towards the ocean, crossing John F. Kennedy International Airport and Long Beach and over Jones Beach island. After 25 minutes, they felt the presence of the helicarrier a few kilometers in front of them. Nodding at each other, they sped up towards the structure.

Reaching the helicarrier, they phased through the walls and made their way inside. When they reached the control room, they saw various agents along with Nick Fury. Amusingly, Fury was conversing with their old friend Phil Coulson. They extended their hearing senses.

"They have not been seen for an entire month now, sir. That's not a normal thing for anyone. No one has entered or exited their apartment. Could this be possible that they somehow discovered that they were being monitored?", Coulson asked. Harry and Daphne didn't need the ghost of Dumbledore to tell them who they were talking about.

"I know they have discovered the Monitoring set-ups. In fact, I believe they knew they were being monitored from the very first instant, right from Sokovia. I'm also absolutely sure that they are leaving their apartment, regularly I might add, and in a very convenient manner as well. We know how they have set themselves up. The gold deals would have been concerning as well if they were not smart enough. But they have read the markets well, otherwise, we would have seen a world-scale economic meltdown due to the sheer amount of gold in the global markets. What I want to find out is how they are able to deceive our spies every time, how they are able to move without being seen leaving their apartment and how they have done everything.", Fury stated.

"You mean all this time you knew they were aware of our spies and yet you let it happen anyway?", Coulson asked.

"Exactly. It was all done for one single purpose."

"And what was that purpose?"

"To get an idea of what their powers are. Yes, Agent Coulson, they are not normal humans. No normal human could do what they have done. Fabricating full-proof identities with a complete background, beating a team of technologically and physically advanced individuals in infiltrating a HYDRA base, and abducting two enhanced individuals. No mere human is capable of doing so. And I can say with absolute confidence that this couple is more powerful and capable than the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers combined.", Fury stated.

"If they truly took the twins with them, then where are they? The heat signatures of their apartment have always shown two individuals, which proves that the twins are not there."

"Yes, the twins are not in their apartment, and they have never been in their apartment. they have been kept elsewhere, and I can guess that they are being visited regularly. The only question is how and where."

"Sir, what is your actual intention towards the couple, the Potters?"

"If they agree, I would like to offer them a place in The Avengers Initiative.", Fury stated.

"Another Dumbledore character wanting to recruit me to his Order", Harry muttered quietly to Daphne. She simply snorted.

"Let's prepare the surprise and be done with this.", Daphne said. Harry simply nodded and waved his hand, encasing the entire control room in absolute darkness. Harry had learned from Fred and George the secret behind the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and had created a spell so that now he could use it like a charm.

"What the hell is this?", Fury shouted.

"Baker! Get the power on!", Coulson shouted.

"The power system is completely normal. This is something else, not a blackout."

Harry extended his magical senses outward to locate the scepter and quickly found the aura he was searching for. Beckoning Daphne to himself, he made his way towards the research room and found the scepter inside a dome that was pulsing with power. Nodding at Daphne, he located the cameras before neutralizing all of them with conjured black cloth pieces. He fired a Reducto at the dome, frying the machine holding the scepter before taking hold of the weapon. Daphne conjured a box and Harry put the scepter inside it before shrinking it and putting it inside his pocket. He frowned when he felt the box vibrate a bit. Noticing the concerned look Daphne sent his way, he gave her a small smile before grabbing her hand and portkeying away.

Half an hour later, the effects of the charm wore off, making the frantic agents and director sigh in relief. But everyone suddenly looked up when a message appeared floating in front of them. It looked like flames surrounded by dark shadows, which gave it a very eerie look, and said,

'We have taken something which did not belong to you and whose powers you cannot even fathom.

Be thankful for we might have saved the lives of everyone on this ship, and quite possibly of millions as well.

Nick Fury, we have a feeling that we would meet soon. Until then, goodbye.

Athena and Hades

Masters of Death'

Everyone was gawking at the message when a person barged into the room and loudly exclaimed. "Sir! The Scepter! It's gone!"

Fury could only widen his eyes in surprise while Coulson looked helpless and flabbergasted.

They arrived by the edge of the wards and made their way inside, quickly entering the Infinity Stone segment and unshrunk the box before putting it inside a cage surrounded by a red aura. They had asked Wanda to pour energy every night around the cage over the course of entire past month just for this moment. As soon as they took the scepter out and placed it inside, it gave a soft hum and went absolutely still, no aura or vibrations coming therefrom. They gave a sigh of relief and went back to their apartment to wait for their charges and to deal with some pending affairs, namely investments, and finances.

"Well, I did not expect him to think about recruiting us.", Daphne remarked when they sat down on the sofa.

"Me neither. I did think he'd either try to put us down or ask for our help, but not recruitment. Heh, as if I'd ever join an organization in which I have to answer to someone else again. No thanks. Had enough of that with Dumbledore.", Harry said with a snort.

"So, What do you think about the message?", Daphne asked.

"Well, I believe they would be shocked to silence and only wonder how the hell we managed to get past their talented spies, yet again.", Harry laughed as Daphne chuckled.

"Agreed. So, on different matters, how much do we have left in our bank account?"

Harry took out his phone to check the Account Balance.

"21.67 million pounds. What's the fall in current exchange rate of gold?"


"It was 0.32% last time. It's almost double now. Think we should do something?"

"Well, it's not like we have urgent requirement of cash given we have more than enough. I think we should cease the outflow of gold for the time being. The investments should be more than enough. What's the value of our Portfolio?"

Harry took out his phone to check. "Well, all the stocks are performing really good. There has been an increase of 2.97% over the previous month only.", Harry whistled.

"That's a huge increment, Harry. Almost 3% in a month. At this rate, I don't think we'd need to sell the gold at all.", Daphne said excitedly. Harry smiled.

It was 8 o'clock and Harry and Daphne were sitting behind the same desk they were sitting behind in the morning when they were giving out instructions to Wanda and Pietro about their scouting mission. The twins had just finished debriefing and Harry and Daphne were sitting in contemplation. Finally, Harry asked, "What kind of anomaly was this?"

"It felt like there was no space or time in operation and some portals were there connecting different locations as if space had been bent. I also sensed a man with an artifact, quite possibly a ring or a bracelet, giving off a similar vibe.", Wanda said.

"Could you feel where these portals were leading to?", Harry prompted.

"Well, I could sense the directions. One was towards the west while the other was south-east."

"Well it cannot be magical as it doesn't feel like it, and there are no magical ley lines here except the ones crisscrossing here in Stonehenge. Even these aren't long, Only extending a few miles in either direction. So this is bound to be something else.", Daphne muttered.

"Well, I discovered one thing else.", Wanda said, making everyone look at her.

"I remembered when you said that the area felt like some sort of conduit as if it was drawing energy from somewhere else. Well, the man I sensed inside the building who possessed the ring or the bracelet had the same aura as the place itself. Which means he is a conduit as well. But I was able to trace the flow of energy. It was so prominent that it was absolutely impossible to miss.", Wanda said.

"Where did you trace it?", Daphne questioned, already anticipating the answer.


Harry and Daphne both looked at her in surprise before Daphne asked, "Are you sure Wanda that you traced it coming from Space?"

"Affirmative.", Wanda nodded.

"We need to think about this. If that place and the person inside it is drawing powers from space, there might be even larger forces at operation here. We also need to track down where those portals open in the west and south-east. Good job, you two. Go meditate for your usual half-an-hour and then you can have dinner with us. We'll wait for you.", Harry said. The twins nodded before walking back to their respective rooms.

Daphne turned to Harry and asked, "Do you have any rough guess?"

"There are so many possibilities that I cannot even fathom a guess. But one thing is for certain. Whatever this source from outer space is, there is a conversion of energy at play here. These people are not using this energy in its natural, raw form. They are both conduits and converters. The way wizards were channelers of magical energy.", Harry stated as Daphne sat with a contemplative look on her face.

"I believe we should be getting ready for the bed now.", Daphne said a few moments later while looking at the clock. Harry nodded.

"So you are saying that 2 people were scouting the area? And they were here for over 7 hours?", a figure in navy blue robes asked.

"Yes, Sorcerer Supreme. I had just arrived from my expedition in the Egyptian deserts when I sensed foreign energy surrounding the sanctum. It was so faint that I had almost missed it. Whoever it was must be a skilled person.", the other figure replied.

The one dressed in navy blue turned to the man standing to his left.

"I want you to stay here for the time being. You are to keep an eye on anything peculiar that happens. No matter how small or insignificant it looks, investigate it. I'm counting on you, Mordo."


A/N: This concludes another installment of Ascension. Things are building up. Please note that not all the events will happen in the chronological order of the movies. Please review and point out any mistakes you may find as it would really help me improve. Constructive criticism will always be appreciated and flames will be ignored. Thanks and see you next time.