A scene opens up with Atomsk and TME at Finn and Jake's Treefort while playing games on BMO.
TME in turn had picked out Compy's castle and thanks to some tinkering, he was able to get a co-op mode added to the game so he and Atomsk were playing co-op and were working their way to the first boss.
Atomsk looks up to see the readers before he spoke up.
"Hello everyone, as you can see TME and I are playing Compy's Castle with BMO. Hopefully we can do better than Finn and Jake did when they got to the third boss."
"Yeah, hopefully we can save the bomba for the final boss, so Atomsk, you already told me the things needed for this story but why not tell about the original version first and tell what differences we have here for this version." TME said while he jumped over an enemy to continue on while he focused on the game.
Atomsk nods to TME before he looks at the readers and said this.
"Okay well as you all can see I got permission from SimontheHawtee to adopt his/her Lemongrab x Marceline story. Now in the original version, Marceline was forced to marry Lemongrab because she pissed him off. There was also a lemon and lime scene on a couple chapters and probably a bit of drama. However me and TME are making some changes where Marceline won't have to be stuck with him but also just to let you know that the Lemongrab we're using would be number 3 since the first Lemongrab died and the second had to be patched up. Wouldn't that still be 2, TME?"
"Hmmm… well technically 2 plus 1 makes 3 so… technically still 3 but Lemongrab 3 will be known as Lemongrab for now, same guy from the end of the gum war and all that so unlike his more anger and UNACCEPTABLE!... inclined version, this one should be more reasonable… how is that?, oh and there are 3 or so arcs, we already have 1 down to some extent with mainly Marceline and Lemongrab but should change later… yet not change so to speak… can't spoil anything can we?" TME cryptically said with a grin while he paused the game so he and Atomsk could focus on the readers for now.
"Indudibly." Atomsk said in agreement.
"And since this is after the gum war, in adventure time canon, Marceline and Bubblegum are officially in a relationship and all the stuff that happens now will go with the AT canon but everything else is our stuff, using the logic and reason in the AT universe to our own end and what not, so before any of you think of flaming us, try and think of the stuff to be and compare it to some skills that others have and what not, it's not too out there after all if you think of it like that." TME said while he gave the readers a serious look.
"Yeah, but if you guys still want to flame on someone then give me everything you got since I adopted the story so TME doesn't get flame." Atomsk said with a serious look.
TME however chuckles before he said this.
"Well… getting the story sure, but I have thrown in a plot idea that is the main focal point of Arc 1 and 2 that is in the works and I'll let you know when we get to it, but all in all, even if I don't like Lemongrab, I am going to give my all with this story, so Atomsk, want to do the honors of leading this story after I end the intro?" TME said while he grins at Atomsk.
Atomsk chuckles before he spoke up.
"Certainly. How about we fast forward to two years after the war?"
TME hummed in thought before she said this.
"Sure, I'll get this started in an interesting way." TME said before the scene shifts to the Candy Kingdom which looked a bit more advanced with Marceline's voice was heard when she shouts and everyone in the kingdom heard it.
Ooo/ Two years after Gum war/ Candy Kingdom/ Marceline
"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?" Marceline shouts while the scene focused inside of the castle to show a royally pissed off Marceline and a shocked Bubblegum while Lemongrab 3 or Lemongrab as he is commonly known nowadays looked at Marceline before he said this.
"Simple Mmmmarceline the Vampire Queen, I want you to help me with getting an heir, either with your help personally or by helping me practice to get another woman since LSP and I are not together now because of irreconcilable differences." Lemongrab said while Marceline's eyes were wide to unbelieveable levels when she heard that again while Lemongrab looked at her with a straight face to show how serious he was.
Marceline looks at Bubblegum before she asked this.
"Please tell me this is a joke Bonnie."
Bubblegum blinked a few times before she said this.
"H-Hold on Lemongrab, you know Marceline and I are together, what makes you think she would even agree to this?" Bubblegum said before Lemongrab hums before he said this.
"Well Mother, first off, I heard that you, Mmmmarceline, the Queen of Flames, Finn the Human, and that Wood Nymph… Huntress if I remember right are in a relationship, granted it's serious with you and Mmmmarceline but still a point there with the others…. Another is that during and before the gum war, you remember how I was put together and how you nearly died a few times to show we are not immortal and I need an heir… LSP was way too demanding and all that so I have no lady while you have not one, not two, but three ladies in a relationship with you and with Finn the Human, who could possibly give you all heirs, but what have you given me to try and aid me in a possible heir?, I am the amalgamation of not only my two predecessors but some Lemon citizens as well who unfortunately have expiration dates, I was created by you but I have yet to find a lady who can take my lemoness!... And that is UNACCEPTABLE!" Lemongrab said while he went on a bit of a tangent like Lemongrab 1 did before he calmed down, seems that scream thing was in his DNA while Marceline winced at that before she said this.
"Now hold on, so why ask me of all people?, why not try and get with another lady?, plenty of fish in the sea so to speak." Marceline said before Lemongrab hums before he said this.
"Yes well I have this..." Lemongrab said before he pulled out a piece of paper and said this.
"This is a list of all desirable ladies when I put a poll up that my people checked over and excluding my Mother here who was in the top 5 on popular vote by my people, Mmmmmarceline the Vampire Queen has ranked in the number one spot, so if I can get used to being around her and hopefully practice with the…. Romance so to speak… I'm pretty sure I can get with any lady… or is that UNACCEPTABLE!?" Lemongrab said before yelling that last bit before he held the list to Bubblegum as proof.
Bubblegum blinks before she looks at the list and reads it over before she gulps and said this.
"I'm sorry Marcy. As much as it pains me to say it and also felt disgusted to be in this list… he's right."
Lemongrab then said this.
"You're excluded mother, says so on the list so the number 6 would be the 5 for various reasons." Lemongrab said which made Marceline sweatdrop before she said this.
"And what makes you think I'll agree?, granted what you said was true but I am in a relationship with Bubblegum, why ask me of all people when you know this." Marceline said before Lemongrab points right at her face and said this.
"Y-You are undead, unable to produce offspring normally, Mother would be able to fix that easily given time and even if not, the list doesn't lie!, and Mother owes me!, either she helps make me a Lemonbride or I'll keep coming back again and again to ask for your aid!, if it's one thing I inherited from Mother aside from her brains when she made sure to give me some, it was her stubbornness and I can keep coming back again and again in various ways to get your attention!, you are technically not related to me, you have not married her!, you have not conceived a child from her or gave her one!, nor have you given me a legitimate reason to stay away aside from force and I doubt Mother would let you harm me, I am technically Lemongrab but I am also not Lemongrab so I never did anything to warrant my first self's hate, and she made me without a bride to be in mind!, I even helped in the Gum war out of the goodness of my Lemon heart so don't I deserve something for my troubles!?, especially when that Golb thing showed up and unleashed nightmares on OOOOOOOooooo!" Lemongrab said while he poked Marceline on the forehead a few times, granted she could have swatted his hand away but with how intense he was, she was a bit caught off guard.
Bubblegum grabbed her son's arm to make Lemongrab stop poking Marceline before she said this.
"Stop Lemongrab!… *Sigh*... yes it's true. YOU did help us in the war and you do deserve some happiness. However, that doesn't mean you can get Marceline but maybe there's another way."
Lemongrab and Marceline blinked at that before Lemongrab says this.
"Go on…" Lemongrab said when he got his hand back from Bubblegum.
"Well it might sound hard, but I can make a clone of Marceline and try to make her look more like a lemon version of sorts."
Lemongrab hums before he said this while Marceline was stunned silent.
"How long?, cloning takes months to make properly… even with your brains, you can't take shortcuts and even if you do, what guarantee that she would even appreciate being near me?, unless I'm near the original Marceline daily, I don't see how I can even get to know her or even get a grasp on what the Lemon version of her may think or do, I remember Fern, that grassy Finn look alike and how he tried to off the original, I have my sources and I saw him in the battle and how he looked exactly like the human… but green…" Lemongrab said while he showed his new intellect to the duo.
Bubblegum blinked since she had no idea how Lemongrab heard that before the Candy Monarch said this.
"Then I'll make sure that this clone won't do something like that."
"Hmmm yes… but I'll still need to stick near Marceline for the duration of the process so unless she wants to live in my kingdom… I may have to move in to here…." Lemongrab said while his back was turned while he grins when he knew what reaction it would give Bubblegum from the possibility of that what if…
Bubblegum blinks in shock before she said this.
"Now wait, you can't just move in. Your people need you."
"I have already made plans for that what if, if I need to move away for a decent amount of time, I have advisors and what not already working in my place since they know getting a Queen is important for a kingdom to prosper, in fact they were thrilled about the possibility… either that or me leaving for a bit... besides my previous incarnation did much worse so how bad can staying in the candy kingdom for a few months hurt?, could be like a vacation from all the royal headaches, besides, how would I get to know Marceline, and technically my bride to be if I'm not around her?" Lemongrab said to punch holes in Bubblegum's logic…
Bubblegum was a bit stumped from this before she sighs and said this.
"Can you give me a moment to talk to Marceline privately?"
"That is acceptable… besides… I'm sure a few months of sticking by me will be worth it to make sure I don't cause trouble in the future… you may as well fill her in on the other parts that you gave me as an upgrade to the previous incarnation of myself as well… should be interesting if anything bedroom related were to happen..." Lemongrab said before he walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.
Once lemon earl was gone, Bubblegum facepalms at this predicament before she looks at Marceline.
Marceline just looked stunned at what just happened before she blinked a few times and said this.
"You… really gave that guy too big a brain if he could stump you like that… and what did he mean by… parts for anything bedroom related?" Marceline said while she raised an eyebrow at Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes a bit before she spoke up.
"Well when I had to put back Lemongrab 2 together, I added something that made him more… frisky."
"What do you mean by that exactly?, I mean the guy is a lemon through and through, so what could you have added to do that… unless you gave him a monster sized dick and something else in his DNA like the genetic that you are." Marceline said with a half lidded look when she points a thumb at the window to show her newly upgraded Banana guards who flew around and it salutes at the two before it flew away while Marceline raised an eyebrow when her point was made.
Bubblegum gulps a bit before she said this.
"Well... I didn't have enough pieces so not only does he have a bit of my smarts but I also gave him a bit of… whywolf gene."
Marceline blinks at that before she said this.
"Pardon me… but did you say… whywolf gene?, how would that even work aside from making him question everything?" Marceline said when she remembered that they could be either savage or surprisingly smart at the drop of a dime when a question was given to them.
That's when Bubblegum said this.
"I was running low on things to use. Plus with the whywolf gene, Lemongrab would act a bit more feral to lady he might've bed with along with a… large appendage."
Marceline facepalms before she said this.
"He better have a big one Bonnie or I swear I may just go to the Nightosphere till this cloning thing is over with, he may seem more controlled then the first one, but if he tries to get something from me, I may as well get something from him… so bring him in since I have my own conditions since I am technically giving him some of me to clone as a bride and if I stay at his place, I have certain conditions… not only that but you will owe me big time bonnie… monster form of my choice with your ass sized owing me." Marceline said with a look that showed she was serious.
Bubblegum gulps when she heard that but knew that Marceline was right before the Candy Monarch placed her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder before she spoke up.
"I know Marcy. But please know that I didn't want this to happen. I will try and get you out of this quickly."
Marceline nods before she said this.
"Still want to know his size so I'm not getting the short end of the stick, you know I can take big sizes and like it so should at least have some fun if I can." Marceline said while she crossed her arms while she waits for Bubblegum's answer.
Bubblegum blushes before she said this.
"He's about… 10 inches long and 3 in width."
Marceline's eyes widen at the that before she said this.
"You have got to be kidding me, with pants like that how has he not ripped through them… or did that Why wolf gene give him a sheath to hide his dick to keep pit out of the way?" Marceline said while she wondered how Lemongrab was able to hide a monster like that.
"Yes. I made sure that Lemongrab had a sheath or there might've been some big trouble." Bubblegum said.
"I see, not the strangest thing to hear… well… might as well bring him in so I can tell him my conditions for… joining him in his kingdom since he would be a massive pain if I don't agree." Marceline said while she pinched the bridge of her nose.
That's when Bubblegum hugs the Vampire Queen and said this.
"I'm really sorry about this Marceline. I promise I'll get you out of this. Also know that… I love you."
Marceline chuckles before she said this.
"I know Bonnie, just work that sexy nerdy brain of yours and make that new me a real knockout, who knows, she and I could tag team you if she shares my memories." Marceline said before winking at Bubblegum before she kissed Bubblegum on the lips.
Bubblegum blushes brightly before she hugs Marceline and kissed back.
Marceline in turn hugged her gently while she had her tongue go into Bubblegum's mouth and really started a make out session with her girlfriend.
Bubblegum moans in the Vampire Queen's mouth as she uses her tongue to interact with Marceline's tongue while hugging her tight.
Marceline in turn moans from that before she pulled away with a grin and says this.
"Better get Lemonbutt in here so we can work out things before he tries to do something unacceptable to me." Marceline said with a fanged grin on her face before chuckling at her imitation of Lemongrab.
Bubblegum would've told Marceline to not say that about her son but… considering the situation, she'll let it slide.
That's when Bubblegum calls out to the Monarch.
"Lemongrab, can come back in please?"
The doors opened before Lemongrab walked in and he said this.
"So Mmmmmarceline, have you thought about things?, what is your answer." Lemongrab said before Marceline rolled her eyes and she said this.
"Hold on, if I'm really going to be doing this, I better expect something in return Lemonbutt, so I have some conditions to give, if you can agree or barter with them to make them happen, I'll be more than happy to be your fake girlfriend so you can get your skills sharpened to try and seduce that lemony version of me." Marceline said with a serious look on her face.
Bubblegum gulps before she looks at Lemongrab to see if he'll agreed.
Lemongrab did raise his eyebrow a bit at the insult before he spoke up.
"Very well. What are your conditions?"
"First condition, I can come and go to your place as I please when I'm not on the clock, like you said I have other commitments like with me and Bonnie here, I don't want to be locked away like some kind of object, I'm not a weak woman after all." Marceline said with a serious look on her face.
Lemongrab had a thoughtful look on his face before he said this.
Marceline grins before she said this.
"And I heard from Bonnie about your… attachment… considering things, I highly doubt you get much action so play your cards right and you could get a good time with the Vampire Queen, though until you get some serious practice, I'm calling the shots, I'm no virgin after all and I doubt LSP was able to give you much if she was her usual self." Marceline said while she grins at Lemongrab.
Lemongrab however grins which surprisingly showed a bit of his fang teeth before he said this.
"You would be surprise with what I can do."
Marceline raised an eyebrow at that before she just shrugged and said this.
"Well we can see how good you are later, final condition is simple, no trying to knock me up with spells or anything like that, Ash tried a few times or at least planned them when I lost my memory for a short time but I thought he was bluffing, if I see even a spell or something getting me knocked up…. Well… Knocked up or not, I can still send you to my dad for forcing a kid on me." Marceline said with a tone that showed she was serious.
Lemongrab did shudder at the mention of Hunson Abadeer before he spoke up.
"N-No need. Only if we're married can I put a child in you. I have aaaanti-pregnancy pills."
"No need, being undead does have an annoying but interesting perk of not getting knocked up, just saying to not use any funny potions or spells around me and were cool, I do have one extra condition though…. Whether this clone actually does like you or not, as long as she gives you a shot in a few dates but nothing works out for now… you won't try and cause some chaos if she doesn't feel the same right?" Marceline said when she remembered that part of Lemongrab 1 was used to make Lemongrab 3 so she could never be to careful.
Lemongrab had a thoughtful look though he doesn't like the idea if the clone doesn't like him but he had no other choice before speaking up.
"V-Very well, I accept."
Marceline nods at Lemongrab before she said this.
"I'll be getting a few things and heading to your place, so let me say my goodbyes to Bonnie real quick and you can head on ahead while I give her some DNA to use." Marceline said while she gave Lemongrab a serious look.
Lemongrab just stares at Marceline before he said this.
"Take as much time as you need… my dear." He said before he starts walking out of the room.
Once Lemongrab was gone and she couldn't hear him nearby she looked at Bubblegum and grins before she said this.
"So…. do you need a little tiny piece of hair or much much more…" Marceline said before she licks her lips while she turned to Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes brightly before she smirks and said this.
"However you want Marcy… However you want."
Marceline grins before she said this.
"Well then… let's get to your lab so I can give plenty of DNA for the clone." Marceline said before she flew over and picked up Bubblegum and starts flying to Bubblegum's lab.
Bubblegum blushed a bit brightly before she wrapped her arms around Marceline's neck as the Candy Monarch nuzzled her head at her girlfriend's neck.
Marceline just smiles at that before she sped up more and passed by Peppermint butler who got spun around comically while Marceline got to Bubblegum's lab and enters the room thanks to Marceline's hand hairs and it was closed before Bubblegum was set on the ground carefully before Marceline said this.
"You get things set up while I get ready… I prefer that pump you have since it can be really kinky when used right." Marceline said while she licked her lips lustfully at Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes before she kissed Marceline on the lips for a few seconds before she went to get things ready.
Marceline grins at that before she starts to undress quietly behind Bubblegum while she messed with various beakers and test tubes and other things before Marceline's body shifts to a new form that Bubblegum would like.
It wasn't long till Bubblegum got everything ready before she spoke up.
"Okay, everything's ready Marce-!.." She said before stopping as she turned around to see what she was looking at.
Turns out Marceline took the form of a female werewolf with a large 11 ½ inch dick and was 2 ½ in width while she had a bust size of E and wide hips to match before Marceline said this while she gave Bubblegum a fanged grin.
"So… think I would pass off as a Whywolf in this form?" Marceline said while she gripped and stroked her dick in front of Bubblegum which looked canine like if one looked closer.
Bubblegum blushes brightly at Marceline's whywolf form before she subconsciously nods her head at her.
Marceline just got a wider grin at that before she said this.
"So… got the pump set up just the way I like it?" Marceline said with a lustful look in her eyes.
Bubblegum continues to blush for a moment before she grins at the Vampire Queen/Whywolf before the Candy Monarch spoke up.
"You know it."
Marceline then moved with shocking speed and Bubblegum was nude a moment later with her clothing ripped to shreds and Marceline was right behind her, she even used her clawed hands to play with Bubblegum's breasts just the way she liked, rough and wild while she loved the way Bubblegum's figure was looking.
Bubblegum had a hourglass figure with nice looking slender legs. Her breasts were also C-D size.
Marceline just smiles at that when her hands were the perfect size to fondle them before she grinds her dick on Bubblegum's ass and she licks at her sweet tasting neck.
Bubblegum shudders as she felt that before she let out a slight moan from having her breasts squeezed.
Marceline just keeps this up before she used a couple fingers on each hand to pinch Bubblegum's nipples and twists them a bit while she pulled lightly.
Bubblegum hisses from that action before she slight groans from having her nipples twisted.
Marceline just keeps on going before she says this.
"Get on all fours and with that pump ready, I'm about to make you my bitch right now!" Marceline said with a lustful tone to her voice when she let's go of Bubblegum's breasts.
Bubblegum pants as she blushed brightly whenever Marceline becomes dominant though deep down it's one of the Candy Monarch's turn ons.
That's when Bubblegum did as Marceline said when she got on all fours while making sure that the pump was in place.
Marce in turn grins at the sight… but first…
Marceline got behind Bubblegum's ass and kneels down before she gripped Bubblegum's ass and spreads her asscheeks apart before she starts to lick Bubblegum's asshole and pussy with strong licks while her thumbs spread Bubblegum's folds for better access.
Bubblegum shudders at the feel of Marceline's tongue before starts to groan and moan a bit a few times.
Marceline turn continues to lick and tease Bubblegum's holes for a few minutes before she could feel her getting close to cumming.
Bubblegum could feel her climax approaching but tries to hold back so she can keep feeling her girlfriend's tongue but also to savor her moment with Marceline.
Marceline in turn just chuckled before she licks at Bubblegum's holes more and more until…
Bubblegum moans a bit loud before she climaxed on Marceline's face and tongue.
Marceline in turn hums in delight while she lapped up Bubblegum's juices while she waits for Bubblegum to tap off.
Said Candy Monarch continues to climax for 25 seconds before Bubblegum taps off.
Marceline pulled her head back and licked her lips while she enjoyed the look on Bubblegum's face from what she just did.
Bubblegum pants for a bit while her face had a deep blush.
Marceline the said this when she leaned back and sat in the ground while her dick points upwards like a tower.
"Before I have my fun, mind getting some DNA to use before we forget?" Marceline said while she used her hand to lightly stroke her dick in front of Bubblegum.
Bubblegum nods before she grabs the pump with one hand before she uses the other to stroke Marceline's dick after moving her hand away.
Marceline gives a growl if content while she let's Bubblegum work her magic, she loved how soft Bubblegum's hands were and it shows when Marceline felt weak in a good way from Bubblegum's touch.
Bubblegum continues to stroke her girlfriend's dick before she leans in and starts to nip and kiss Marceline's neck.
Marceline shuddered from that while she got a noticeable blush on her face from Bubblegum's Handiwork while she slowly starts to pant for breath and her dick started to throb after 5 minutes.
Bubblegum felt that in her hand which caused her to stroke the Vampire Queen/Whywolf's dick a bit faster.
A minute later, Marceline says this.
"A-About to blow… Bonnie…" Marceline barely said while she fought back from cumming while her toes curl on the ground and her claws clink on the ground.
Bubblegum giggles before she brought the pump to Marceline's dick before making sure to aim it before the Candy Monarch said this.
"Then come Marcy. Give me that sweet cum of yours." She said as she stroke Marceline's dick faster and faster before going back to kissing her girlfriend's neck.
Marceline moans into the kiss before her body shuddered before she starts firing her load into the pump which quickly sucks it up.
Bubblegum sees this as she continues to stroke Marceline's dick faster and harder so the Candy Monarch can milk her for all she can.
And milk her she did when Marceline came quite a bit in the pump which got Marceline's undead load into a special tank nearby before she tapped off nearly 40 seconds later.
Bubblegum stops stroking Marceline's dick before she looks at the tank to see how much cum she let out.
Turns out, Marceline filled it about halfway in one go, more than enough needed for a simple clone no matter how complex.
Bubblegum had a surprise look before she spoke up.
"Wow, you must've been backed up huh?" She said before actually strokes Marceline's dick again.
Marceline shuddered when she felt that before she says this.
"W-Well I held back on masturbating for a week so I c-could really show you a good time." Marceline muttered while she enjoyed Bubblegum's hand.
Bubblegum giggles before she spoke up.
"Then let's make sure we both enjoy it." She said as she kissed Marceline's neck.
Marceline shuddered at that before she grins and used some of her hair to shift Bubblegum away from her for a moment before Marceline says this when she had the pump move away from the duo.
"I believe we got more then enough DNA for that clone… so why not have some real fun before I leave for a few days." Marceline said before she used her fingers to rub Bubblegum's folds to get some of her juices and when her fingers were decently soaked, she brought them to her mouth and licks them clean in front of Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes brightly before she spoke up.
"Yes lets." She said before she got on her hands and knees and starts shaking her ass in front of Marceline.
Marceline grins at that before she got behind Bubblegum and aimed her dick at Bubblegum's folds before she rubs the head of her dick on the soft folds.
Bubblegum shudders when she felt that while waiting for her girlfriend to act.
Marceline didn't leave her waiting when she pushed her dick into Bubblegum's folds before she pushed herself deep into Bubblegum's soaked tunnel after gripping her girlfriends hips before she starts to thrust away like an animal in heat.
Bubblegum groans a few times before she starts to moan loudly before saying this.
Marceline just chuckles at that before she leaned over Bubblegum and really acts like an animal when she put a new meaning to doggystyle when she rests her body on Bubblegum and had her hips hump away while she lightly nipped and sucked at her neck while giving animal like growls and what not.
Bubblegum was now moaning very loud from that action before she said this.
"O-Oh fuck Marceline! Please don't stop!"
Marceline chuckles at that before she humps away at a faster rate while she used her hands to play with Bubblegum's breasts.
Bubblegum groans and moans loudly as she feels her breasts getting squeezed before she thrusts her hips back to meet with Marceline's.
Marceline keeps on going for a few minutes while the sounds of slapping flesh and moans, groans, and growls were heard before Marceline's thrusts got erratic which showed she was getting close before she said this.
"F-Fuck… have I e-ever told you… h-how s-sexy you are… w-when you really l-let this s-side of you show?" Marceline growled out while she thrusts harder and harder and Bubblegum could feel her dick pulsing more and more inside of Bubblegum's pussy.
Bubblegum could her girlfriend's throbbing dick before the Candy Monarch can feel her climax approaching before she said this.
"A-And did I… e-ever tell y-you… how I l-love it… w-when you're d-dominating?"
Marceline chuckles before she said this.
"I love you Bonnie!" Marceline growled out before she made one last thrust and hilts herself in Bubblegum, locking herself inside of Bubblegum and came hard inside of Bubblegum's womb which quickly starts to fill it while Marceline shudders and pants while she hugged Bubblegum tightly to her body.
Bubblegum moans loud as she feels her insides getting filled up before she said this.
"I love you Marceline!" She said before her pussy tightens around Marceline's dick before Bubblegum climaxed hard on it.
Marceline groans from that before she waits for Bubblegum to tap off while she herself came for 30 seconds.
Bubblegum taps off a couple seconds after before she tries to catch her breath.
Marceline pants for breath as well before she said this.
"So… got any form request?, mix things up?, could be gone for 3 days or so if Lemongrab tries to impress me, or practice for the clone…" Marceline said before she waits for a response.
Bubblegum pants for a bit before she said this.
"S-Surprise… me."
Marceline grins at that before the scene went to a moment later to show that Marceline had taken a new form or at least to the viewing eye, she had taken the form of a cat girl, Marceline's normal form mixed with black cat ears, fur on her hands and feet but didn't make them look back, and a big bushy cat like tail while Marceline gave her some sexy cat like poses.
"So Bonnie… what do you think?, saw a few books that stuff like this can be a turn on so… why not bring your dick out so I can get my sweet cream?" Marceline said before she licked her lips in front of Bubblegum.
Bubblegum was blushing brightly as looked at Marceline's cat form before a moment later, the Candy Monarch summons a dick that was 9 inches long and 2 inches in width.
Marceline gave Bubblegum a fanged grin before she gave a cat like crawl towards Bubblegum while her ass sways to and fro which made her tail wag back and forth as a result.
Bubblegum blushes as she saw that which made Bubblegum feel turned on which made her dick twitch as well.
Marceline grins more when she got in front of Bubblegum and said this to her.
"So Bonnie… what do you want me to do to this nice thick dick of yours." Marceline said while she acted like a cat and rubbed her face on it a few times while she grins at Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes as she looks down at her girlfriend before she said this.
"I would...love for you to suck on it."
Marceline chuckles at that but instead of saying anything she just moved her head so that it was over Bubblegum's dick and she starts to lick the tip without using her hands yet.
Bubblegum shudders when she felt Marceline's tongue lick around before she let out a pleased groan.
Marceline didn't give a reaction to that, but she did surprise Bubblegum when she licked under the foreskin on her dick to really get her worked up good, it was clean so she had no worries but Bubblegum always seemed to really feel a lot when that area was thoroughly licked.
Bubblegum shudders again before she put one hand on Marceline's head and pets her before saying this.
"G-Good kitty."
Marceline surprisingly purrs at that before she pulled her head back before she opened her mouth wide before she took most of Bubblegum's dick into her mouth and starts to bob her head up and down while she looked at Bubblegum with a lustful look in her eyes while she used her tongue to really lick Bubblegum's dick.
Bubblegum groans a bit before she moans a little loud as she looks at the Vampire Queen/Cat with lust and love in her eyes.
Marceline muffly chuckles at that before she moved her head faster and faster and took more into her mouth while she used her fingers to play with Bubblegum's folds and even fingers her after a minute.
Bubblegum moans a bit loudly before she kept saying this.
"G-Good kitty… Good kitty…" She said as she pants and moans each time.
Marceline in turn just put more oomph into her actions while she could feel Bubblegum's dick twitching in her mouth and really starts to finger her pussy to help set her off.
Bubblegum can feel her climax approaching before she actually grabbed Marceline's head and starts to face fuck her as hard as she can.
Marceline got wide eyes from that but she quickly adapts and purrs surprisingly while she lets Bubblegum do her own thing.
About a minute or two passes before Bubblegum pushed her dick as deep as she could in Marceline's mouth before she climaxed hard as she released a good load of cum in the Vampire Queen/Cat's mouth.
Marceline in turn greedily drank Bubblegum's load down her throat, it wasn't red, but it was a shade of red that she enjoyed greatly while she waits for Bubblegum to tap off.
Bubblegum continues to climaxed for about 25 seconds before she taps off.
Marceline pulled her head off of Bubblegum's dick and sensually licked her lips clean in front of Bubblegum before she waits for Bubblegum to get her second wind.
Bubblegum pants for a bit before she asked this.
"D-Did kitty enjoy her… c-cream?"
Marceline chuckles before she said this.
"Oh this kitty did enjoy her cream very much… but this kitties pussy would enjoy it much more." Marceline said before she laid on her back and spreads her legs so Bubblegum got the perfect view of her pussy, she had her dick vanish so Bubblegum had full access to the Vampire Queen/Cat.
Bubblegum blushes brightly before she felt her now erect dick twitch with excitement before a moment later, the Candy Monarch gets on top of Marceline before Bubblegum aims her dick and shoves it inside her girlfriend's pussy.
Marceline moans from that before she wrapped her arms and legs around Bubblegum and waits for her to start.
And start she did when Bubblegum pulls her dick out a bit and slams it back down before she repeats this action as hard as she can.
Marceline moans and groans from that before she licks and nips at the side of Bubblegum's neck, she even lightly clawed at Bubblegum's back to really get things kinky.
Bubblegum groans from that which caused her to thrust her dick even harder in Marceline's pussy as the Candy Monarch's dick begins to poke at the entrance of her girlfriend's womb.
Marceline moans and groans more from that before she moved her head and kissed Bubblegum on the lips while she lets Bubblegum do what she wants to her.
Bubblegum moans in Marceline's mouth as she returns kiss before Bubblegum slides her tongue in the Vampire Queen/Cat's mouth before hugging her.
For a few minutes, Marceline moans and groans when she felt Bubblegum's dick hitting her deep before she could feel her throbbing after a few minutes.
Bubblegum could feel it as well but decides to hold back her climax so she can keep pounding Marceline's pussy.
Marceline in turn just lets her keep going while Bubblegum's dick throbbed more and more inside of Marceline until…
Bubblegum groans loud as she grinds her teeth before she climaxed hard inside Marceline's pussy with the intent of filling her womb.
Marceline moans from that while she tightened her grip on Bubblegum's body before she waits for Bubblegum to tap off.
Bubblegum hugs Marceline tightly as well as she continues to climax for 30 seconds before she taps off.
Marceline in turn shudders and shakes when she had an orgasm as well while she lightly groans before she tapped off 20 seconds later before she pants for breath, granted she doesn't need to breath but stuff like that gets her body worked up sometimes.
Bubblegum pants for a bit before she kisses Marceline's neck a few times before speaking up.
"O-Oh Marceline… I love you."
Marceline chuckles when she managed to calm down before she said this.
"I love you too Bonnie, got one last round in you before I leave?" Marceline said while she grins at Bubblegum while she lightly caresses Bubblegum's face.
Bubblegum blushes before she smiles at her girlfriend before speaking.
"You know it." She said before kissing her lips in a loving way.
Marceline grins before she says this.
"So… got a form request?, you should have one since we are experimenting with new forms after all..." Marceline said in a teasing way while she waits for an answer.
Bubblegum blushes before she said this.
"Well… mind looking like… Fionna but with your vampire trait?"
Marceline blinks at that before she grins and said this.
"Alright… one Vampire Fionna coming up." Marceline says before her form shifts from the cat girl form to Fionna's form, blond hair and human like features to complete the look, complete with C cup breasts, strong looking body, and a well toned ass.
However that soon shifted a bit to have Marceline's skin color, to the blond hair slowly turning white and she got blood red eyes… all in all… Marceline… or Fionna looked pretty sexy for a vampiress.
"So Bonnie… before I get into character…. Does this form please you?" Marceline or *Fionna* said while she grins at Bubblegum while she lays under her.
Bubblegum blushes as she looks at *Fionna's* body before smirking and said this.
"Oh it definitely does."
*Fionna* in turn grins before she pulled herself off of Bubblegum's dick and got on all fours before she lets her body float while she used her hands to hold her ass cheeks apart and said this.
"Come on PB, show me what you normally do when your with Marcy." *Fionna* said while she teased Bubblegum when she used her fingers to tease her own asshole in front of Bubblegum.
Bubblegum blushes brightly before she felt her dick twitch in excitement as she eyed *Fionna's* ass.
That's when the Candy Monarch get's behind her and aims her pink dick at *Fionna's* asshole before Bubblegum decides to tease her as she rubs the head of her dick around.
*Fionna* moans from that before she gave Bubblegum a cute expression before she said this.
"Come on PB, don't tease me like that, I'm a durable woman who can take it and more." *Fionna* beggingly said while she grinds her ass against Bubblegum's dick.
Bubblegum blushes at the cute expression before she chuckles a bit and said this.
"Very well." She said before she shoves her dick inside *Fionna's* asshole.
*Fionna* groans from that while she felt Bubblegum's dick go deep in her tight ass before she waits for Bubblegum to get every inch of her dick in he before she waits for her to start the fun.
Bubblegum groans at how time *Fionna's* ass was before she took a deep breath and starts thrusting her dick in and out.
*Fionna* moans and groans before she looked back at Bubblegum and wondered what Bubblegum was thinking when she enjoyed the feel of Bubblegum's dick as it worked her ass good.
Bubblegum continues to thrust her dick hard before she had this thought.
'Glob… *Fionna's* ass is so tight but feels so good. Different than the other forms Marceline had.'
*Fionna* in turn thrusts her ass back against Bubblegum's thrusts before she had this thought as Marceline.
'Hehe, should do this more often, maybe I should take that Marshal Lee form that I saw in Simon's fanfictions when he was the Ice King and see how Bonnie reacts next time… for now though, I'll just enjoy this, looks like Bonnie is running out of steam soon, tiring day after all." Marceline thought before she went back into her vampire Fionna persona to say this with a begging tone when she could feel Bubblegum about to blow.
"Oooohhh come on PB, give me that sweet reward for all those times I helped you, really give me a cream filling to remember." *Fionna* teasingly said to Bubblegum while she wiggles her ass on Bubblegum's throbbing dick until…
Bubblegum moans loud before she held onto *Fionna's* hips and climaxed hard as Bubblegum filled the vampire's ass good.
*Fionna* moans from that before she came hard on Bubblegum's dick and squirts hard on the floor while she rides out her orgasm.
Bubblegum continues to climax for almost 35 seconds before grunts as she finally taps off.
*Fionna* or Marceline shudders when she returned to her original form and chuckles before she said this to Bubblegum.
"W-Wow, been awhile since you unloaded that much, gonna miss me while I possibly help Lemongrab with his lady troubles?" Marceline said while she grins at Bubblegum.
Bubblegum chuckles as she leans down and hugs Marceline before Bubblegum rubs her cheek on her girlfriend's cheek before saying this.
"Like you need to ask. Of course I'll miss you. But I promise that I'll get you out of it."
"Well take your time to make sure Lemongrab doesn't want a refund when your finished, besides how bad can this really be since he's technically Lemongrab 2.0 in a sense, not as annoying and all that… just… don't be to surprised if I smell like lemons from the showers there or possibly Lemongrab getting some fun with me." Marceline said while she placed an arm around Bubblegum and kissed her on the lips.
Though Bubblegum did not like to hear that, she still kissed Marceline like a lover that is going to war but in this case, Marceline would be the one that's going.
However the silver lining is that the Vampire Queen can come back whenever she wants so it was like a good victory there.
A moment later, Marceline pulled away before she said this.
"Well I better get ready, if I happen to meet anyone there who seems pretty decent even for lemon people, I'll see if I can't convince Lemongrab to see if I can borrow them." Marceline said while she floats in the air but held a hand out for Bubblegum to take.
Bubblegum was a bit surprise when she heard that before she grabbed Marceline's hand and pulls herself up.
Marceline then grins before she said this.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I got to get ready to impress, you… well… I did shred your outfit so… bye dear." Marceline said before she kissed Bubblegum on the lips and zoomed away before Bubblegum could react, though Marceline did toss a lab coat near Bubblegum when she passed by one before Bubblegum was alone in the lab.
Bubblegum blushes a bit brightly at the dear thing before she said this.
"Bye… dear." She said before grabbing her coat and puts it on.
A bit later, Marceline had showered and everything before she was flying through the air and Bubblegum saw her leaving from her window, she wore her silver mask and cloak that hid her body while she carried a bag while she flew to Lemongrab's kingdom.
Bubblegum, who was wearing a new outfit, felt a bit sad when she saw the Vampire Queen going before Bubblegum said this.
"Don't worry Marcy. As Glob is my witness, I will make a clone that is perfect for Lemongrab so you can come back." She said before she put her hand in her pocket for some reason before she took out what appears to be a tiny box of sorts.
That's when she said this.
"Then maybe when the time is right… I can finally ask the one question to you."
Marceline in the meantime just chuckles before she had this thought.
'Better try and make the clone go for Lemongrab Bonnie, don't want to have to fight another me for you, hopefully my time at Lemongrab's won't be too bad if he's not as overbearing as his previous self.' Marceline thought while she flew at high speeds towards Lemongrab (the earldom) while the scene fades to black.
The scene now opens with Atomsk and TME still playing Compy's Castle and they have just made it to the final boss.
"Alright!, Use the combo move Atomsk!" TME said while he distracts the final boss by hopping near it while Atomsk had plenty of time for the lengthy combo move.
Atomsk nods at TME before he pressed some buttons to activate the combo move.
TME in turn got eaten by the final boss and lost his last life which left Atomsk alone, however before it could finish Atomsk off, he completes the combo move and the final boss was destroyed which caused TME and BMO to cheer when the final boss was beaten.
Atomsk pumped his fist up before he spoke up.
"Haha! In your face!"
"In a reference to a certain game here in the AT universe and in another… PRAISE THE SUN!... and all hail the Pirate king!" TME said while he held his arms out wide to the sky while he got a comically serious look on his face.
Atomsk blinked when he had no idea where that come from before he spoke up.
"Don't know where that came from but yeah!"
TME then looked to the readers and he says this.
"Sorry about that folks, but Atomsk and I beat Compy's castle thanks to Atomsk and his Combo move here, hope you liked the story and the build up to Lemongrab's earldom of Lemongrab and Marceline's stay there while the lemony version of Marceline is made." TME said while he sat on the ground and BMO moved to sit on his lap to look at the readers.
"Indeed. And let's not forget that steamy Bubbeline moment with Bubblegum and Marceline." Atomsk said.
"Ayup, and lets not forget the prospect of marriage as well between her and Marcy…" TME said while he wiggles his eyebrows while BMO cheered in TME's lap.
"Yay!" BMO said in an excited tone.
TME chuckles before he said this.
"Yup, yay!, for now though, considering this is Lemongrab the 3rd, he shouldn't be as annoying or as evil as his first version was, so should be interesting to see how he will do with Marceline later." TME said while BMO frowned at that since they didn't like Lemongrab.
"That is true. It might end up good, bad or just right." Atomsk said.
"Yup, and next time mainly features things at the Earldom of Lemongrab and what now, so want to lead this chapter out Atomsk?" TME said while he got BMO's charger and plugged the little bot in.
"Yes. We hoped you enjoyed reading this first chapter and to SimontheHawtee, wherever you are, I want to personally thank you for letting me adopt this and hope you like it. And also to the flame and haters, if you don't like the idea of Lemongrab having any romance of sorts then don't read it. Same thing applies to any guests that will negatively review it. If you guys don't like it then don't bother reading and reviewing it because any (negative) guest review will be removed. If you don't like it, then tough nuts. But if you have something to say then just man up and make an account." Atomsk said with a serious look.
"Indeed, and while this is Lemongrab, he is Lemongrab the 3rd, not the first, I think the second one was an OK guy sorta… not really sure on what his stance was in all this again, but seemed to be the good Lemongrab before he was eaten by the bad one." TME said while he got a thoughtful look on his face.
"That is true. Lemongrab 2 was much better than the first. To me it was too much power going to the first one's head." Atomsk said.
"Yup, anyway before we ramble, we should lead this out by saying see you next time." TME said while he waved his hand to the readers while giving a simple goodbye.
Atomsk nods before he looks at the readers and spoke up.
"Like I said before, we hope you enjoy reading the first chapter and we'll see you next time for Chapter 2 when Marceline goes to Castle Lemongrab and gets a tour of this place. Until next time, deuces." Atomsk said with two fingers.
However before Atomsk or TME could fade to black, Finn and Jake walked into the house before they saw TME and Atomsk in the room before Finn shouts this out while he drew his rapier.
"Uh-oh… DIVE ATOMSK DIVE!" TME said before he placed BMO on the table and dived out of a nearby window while Finn and Jake looked to Atomsk with attacks at the ready.
Atomsk blinked before he pulls out a smoke bomb and said this.
"Abracadabra." He said before dropping the smoke bomb and disappeared.
Finn and Jake coughed from that before they looked around to not see TME or Atomsk before looking to BMO before Finn asked this.
"Hey BMO, you ok?" Finn asked while he sheathed his weapon and Jake shrank his fists back to normal.
BMO was however chuckling before they spoke up.
"Oh yes. BMO is fine."
"You… are?... who were they and what were they doing in our house?" Finn asked while he and Jake looked more confused at what just happened.
"Oh they were just these magical authors that created stories. They even told this one story while playing Compy's Castle. Which they won by the way." BMO replies.
"WHAT!?" Finn said before getting confused a moment later and he said this.
"Wait… stories?, they won?, isn't Compy's castle single player?" Finn said while Jake looked confused as well.
"Not anymore. One of them did something to make it two player now." BMO said.
"Seriously?!" Jake asked making BMO nod.
Finn and Jake looked to one another before Finn says this.
"Well… we can wonder about those stories later… what time is it?" Finn said while he picked up one controller and held a fist to Jake.
"It's game time!" Jake said as he grabs the second controller before the duo played the Co-op version of Compy's castle before the scene fades to black.