Author's Note: I finished! I actually finished! It only took a year and a half. LOL. I really hope you like what I did. I wanted to answer a few questions, leave a few unanswered questions, and see what happened. Also, I want your opinions... Do you think I should continue each of these timelines into the other seasons? I've had a couple people suggest it, but I don't know what the rest of you think. Let me know!
Happy Reading!
Sailor Silver Ladybug

Music Selections:
Daughter of the Moon - Adriana Figueroa

One Month
What If?
Alternate Story Line

November 1

***Usagi(Sailor Moon)'s POV***

"Where are we going?" Usagi asked, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Someplace special," Mamoru answered, using the same response he had given each time she'd asked.

"But where?" Usagi whined, hoping the high pitch of her voice would get her what she wanted. Answers.

"I'm not telling. Now close your eyes."

Usagi sighed, but did as she was told. She felt Mamoru wrap his arms around her waist, then he whispered, "you can open them."

They were back on their island, surrounded by the moonroses Mamoru had created when they had reforged their bond. A little table was set up covered by a white cloth. Candles lent a romantic air as she turned in a circle. A bed was in the middle of the space, with a soft white couch to one side and a little side table on the other, covered with food.

"This is perfect Mamo-chan," Usagi breathed.

"Whew," Mamoru chuckled. "I wanted it to be special. The other guys and Haruka all pitched in to help."

"It's perfect," Usagi said, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck. "I love it."

"I'm glad. We have until Monday all to ourselves." Mamoru guided her to the table. "Now sit while I go grab our food."

Usagi watched as he moved to the long table with the food and picked up two covered plates. He grinned as he carried them back. Usagi wondered what new surprise he had for her. Then he set the plate in front of her and pulled off the cover. Usagi started laughing and couldn't stop. When she finally calmed, she stared up at her Soul-Bonded and grinned.

"This is absolutely perfect," she said, before reaching out for a french-fry. Mamoru had chosen to get her favorite. A cheeseburger with all the trimmings and chili-fries from the Crown. It was her go-to meal whenever she could get away with it.

"I'm glad you like it," Mamoru said, pulling a shake from his subspace pocket. "Motoki said it would make you laugh."

"It did." Usagi couldn't stop smiling. "This is the best honeymoon ever."


On a hilltop overlooking the city of Tokyo, a man awoke. His long hair was messy, the silver at his temples indicated age, but most of his hair was still the black of his youth. His forehead head a Dragon Fire opal. Brilliant green eyes opened to look up at the sky and he rubbed his forehead.

He sat up slowly, still unsure what had happened. It would come to him. It always took time after he died to remember everything. He didn't know how many times he had died. Many, he was sure. But his task had been given many times before. He stood and stretched, wondering which timeline he had entered.

It looked like he was in Tokyo. There was no fence around the city. And the city was above the water, not hidden inside a dome under the sea. He looked down at the strange device that had been imbedded in his wrist during his creation. He couldn't even remember the one who had created him it had been so many lifetimes ago.

There were infinite timelines, infinite possibilities. He had tried so many of them. In one, at some point, there had to be a way to defeat Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen. In the last world he had even tried sending them through a portal to the Negaverse, but something or someone had changed their course.

Frustrated he brushed his hair back from his face and looked around. Nearby there was a girl, waiting at the bus stop. It was one of the Senshi. And based on her age and the date, he would bet this timeline was nearly identical to the one he had just left. He grinned and made his way toward her, pulling a bit of hair into his face to hide his mark.

This time he would succeed. And if he didn't he would just try again.

To see what happens next read One Month: Timelines Altered