Chapter 4: Befriending Pain

Kagome stared in awe of the magnificence that was the Supreme Goddess. It was only a painting, but even still she was left numb by the power of the creature that kidnapped her. Even in a portrait, she could practically feel the power rolling off her gigantic stature. Glowing hues of white, silver and gold dressed her enormous statue, flowing out around her with a purposeful manner; to intimidate.

"That's the Goddess Deity," a soft voice sounded from her right.

Startled Kagome turned, only to be greeted by a smiling girl with coral blue eyes and shining silver hair. At her back were two sets of beautiful white wings. This girl was one of them.

Her nose wrinkled at the rage that suddenly filled her chest, anger flashing in her eyes as she sneered. It was rude of her. She knew that. This girl was not the one to rip her from her family, it was her. Her eyes switched to the painting, the rage she felt making her body tremble, her fists shaking at her side, claws digging into her hand, piercing the skin until blood slowly dropped to the ground.

"I understand if your mad, or even hate us, but I would like to apologize," a hand gently cradling her own.

Kagome's eyes widen, looking down at the gentle touch and then to the girl. Her head was bowed, hair falling into her sad, pale face.

"I'm sorry," her voice watery with emotion, her grip tightening around Kagome's hurt hand. "So sorry," warmth encased Kagome's hand in a pale light, and then the slight pain was gone.

The anger Kagome had felt, only a second ago, slowly ebbed away.

"I know you must hate us, but please at least let me try and find you a way back home," the petite girl urged, turning her teary carol eyes up to look at Kagome.

"Aren't you one of the angels? The same ones that wanted me here," bitterness leaking into her voice.

The girl shook her head quickly. "We shouldn't have taken you from your home just to win this stupid war," heat entered the girl's eyes showing a rage that made Kagome both curious and surprised.

Kagome didn't know much of what was going on, just what Gloxinia had told her. And the way he spoke it sounded as if every race on their planet -the giants, humans, fairies, etc.- were being led by the angels -that were dead set- on destroying every demon. Made it seem that all angels shared in this burning hatred for demons.

"Elizabeth?" A booming voice called before a giant of a man came round the corner. Dark silver hair full down to his shoulders with gleaming gold armor encasing his large muscled body. His eyes were so bright, shining with the symbol Kagome was beginning to know as the Goddess's mark.

"There you are Elizabeth!" He grinned, his hand falling to her shoulder. The look he had soft and gentle, as if he were caressing her with his eyes.

The girl, now known as Elizabeth, blushed. A small smile in place as she answered, "Hello Mael, were you looking for me?"

"Yes, everyone was gathering to meet the miko,"

"Seems I found Lady Miko first then," she giggled innocently, looking at Kagome with a soft gesture and kind, smiling eyes.

"Oh?" Following her eyes, the large male finally took notice of her, his glowing eyes sweeping over her before settling on her face.

Smiling weakly, Kagome gave him a small wave. "Hi, you can call me Kagome, miko is simply my classification, not my title, "

"Alright, then come, the group anxiously awaiting you Lady Kagome,"

"Yay!" She hissed sarcastically through clenched teeth, feigning a smile. "Can't wait!"


Kagome cringed, thinking back to the meeting with apparent dislike. The amount of hate everyone exuded at the mere mention of demons had filled the room with such potency she felt she was being suffocated with it. Their auras all red hot with rage, almost burning as they pressed against her own. As someone with demonic attributes, ones she was still unsure of, their anger had her fearing for her'ss and Kiara's safety.

But not everyone shared in that hate.

She'd been in this strange world for a month now, and she hadn't expected to enjoy anything about it.

Her eyes slid to the side, looking at the angel girl walking beside her. The girl beamed happily, her face plastered with an ever-present grin. This single girl was brimming with kindness, and equal parts sadness.


"Hm?" Turning eyes to the male, she stared into the stoic face of the other friend she had made within this strange and magical realm. As stoic as he may look, the man was very gentle, always ready to offer a smile or encouragement when needed. And furiously protective of Elizabeth, it was almost cute how the two danced around each other.

"You keep referring to us as ayn-guls, what is that?" Mael questioned, having noticed the word several times when they spoke.

"Angels? To me, everyone looks like what I imagined an angel to look like,"

"You have never seen one?" She shook her head. "Yet you still call us that?"

"It's not meant to be offensive; it's just the best way to describe you. Where I'm from an angel is described as a spiritual being; a celestial attendant of God, with wings at their back," she explains with a shrug. "To me, the goddess clan fits the very definition of the word, not to mention the elites of your race are called Yon Daitenshi, which loosely means chief messenger of God, also known as Archangels,"

Elizabeth stopped putting a finger to her chin with a thoughtful turn of her head, eyes looking at the sky. "Arch-angels?" She whispered, testing the new word before shaking her head. "Sounds rather ominous,"

Kagome nodded. "In one of the religions of Earth, there were actually several Archangels, and they were powerful enough to serve out the orders of their god. But it is only one of many religions of my homeworld," she hummed, an ache taking place in her chest. Home.

There was a soft mew at her side before a fuzzy head nuzzled her cheek. Reaching up Kagome gave the feline a gentle scratch behind the ear.

At least she had Kirara.

If it weren't for the neko Kagome no doubt would have been killed by the demon hating group Stigma, nor would she have been any closer to understanding what happened to her, or to control the youki now housed within her.

Luckily the only time she showed any signs of having demonic energy was when she called upon her youki, and her markings would appear. Same could be said for Kirara if they weren't calling upon their youki, they appeared and felt no different to those around them. It made surviving all the more easier, but would they be able to survive long enough to return home?

"I like it!" Mael boomed, startling Kagome from her thoughts. "Your world fascinates me,"

"You must miss it terribly, " Elizabeth whispered sadly, her thin fingers finding Kagome's hand and holding it firmly as if to reaffirm the promise she'd made to Kagome. 'I will find a way to send you home,'

Kagome squeezed the girls hand and offered a small smile with a nod. "It's not so much the place as the people I've left behind." Her mind going to how it felt jump through time It never bothered her the time period, as long as she was with people she cared about. Her mother, brother and grandfather; her family. Inuyasha, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, Rin, even Jaken and Sesshomaru, and everyone else were just as much a part of her family. And it hurt not to have them here with her. "I wonder if they're missing me just as much as I miss them,"

Kirara gave a tearful yowl, and Kagome's heart lurched, her eyes burning with tears that fell to wet her cheeks. Shaking off Elizabeth's touch Kagome jumped away, her back facing the two.

"I'm sorry," she whispered tearfully. "But I need to be alone right now," With that said she ran into the forest trying to separate herself from them. Even if they meant well, they were still that cause for her pain, for the loss she currently felt.

"Kagome!" Elizabeth called after, her wings spread to go after the girl only for Mael's large hand at her shoulder, stopping her.

She looked at the hand only to turn teary eyes to the man she admired. "We need to go after her; it's not safe,"

He shook his head. "Lady Kagome is hurting right now," Elizabeth flinched away guiltily. "She needs time to adjust and to hurt before she can be of any use to the cause. Only then do I have faith that your Mother will do the right thing in returning her to her world,"

Elizabeth shook her head, looking off in the direction Kagome ran. As much as everyone tried to reassure her that Kagome would be returned, a sinking, dreadful, feeling continued gnawing at her, screaming that something bad was awaiting them.

"I hope so,"

His finger cradled her chin, turning her to him. Their eyes met, and heat gathered in her cheeks. "I will do everything in my power to assure yours and hers safety, I will do anything to make you happy again, "

He was leaned over her, his eyes gentle as their faces neared.

"Mael," she whimpered, leaning into him, his warmth and scent surrounding her in its calming sense, and for a moment she believed him. Believed that he alone had the strength to stop whatever fearsome force she felt on the horizon.

Little did she know how wrong she was.

wolfYLady: I know much hasn't happened but felt this story needed to be updated. Next update a little romance will be thrown into the mix, and then we jump into the FUTURE!

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