
Satya wasn't aware when Jesse would occasionally turn his eyes from the book he was reading to look down at her. He was studying her for any form of reaction, but this woman has one hell of a poker face. Not even showing so much as a raised eyebrow or a crack in her lips as she read the same novel as him. Her back rested against his chest, their body's sitting long ways on the leather couch, a lengthy blanket covered over them. Jesse waited patiently for Satya to tell him when she was ready to turn the page. Vaswani wasn't particularly a slow reader she just liked to process the information or reread specific parts over again for clarification. Jesse could almost see the gears whirring in her beautiful head. Her dark hair was tied back in a long braid that hung over her right shoulder. She wore a boxy, mid-sleeved, sea blue shirt that exposed only a few inches of her midriff, the light grey harem pants she wore kept her lovely long legs warm along with the blanket and Jesse's body heat. Anyone who saw Satya Vaswani and Jesse McCree wouldn't assume they were a couple just at first glance. They looked as polar opposite as a romantic pair could be, which was the case…in some cases. The idea of "a perfect couple" is a flawed concept. To say that a man and woman were perfect in their romantic relationship was to say that they did not fight, want to better themselves or grow and learn. Jesse and Satya were in no means perfect, but they had their moments.

Jesse hummed softly as Satya then flipped the page over to conclude the chapter that they had just read. "What are you laughing about?" She asked, nudged her elbow into his torso after she marked their place and closed the book.

Jesse hooked his arms around Satya's waist, wondering if she was at all close to solving it. Maybe he'd just fool around, make her think that he had achieved the upper hand in regards to their friendly competition. "I think I solved it." A small scoff came from Satya in disbelief, feeling very sure that he had to be joking.

Satya played with the warn novel in her hands, taking in the fine details of its abused history. Hardcovered books were a rarity these days, but there were thankfully those who still appreciated them. "How could you possibly have solved it? We haven't yet finished the novel." Jesse shrugged, nuzzling his bearded chin into her neck. The prickly sensation tickled Satya. "You need a shave." The lovely architect giggled, running her hands up the left side of his face.

Jesse didn't appear to hate that idea. "You always were good with a pair of scissors." He applauded her skills graciously.

Satya pulled back to her original question. Debating if Jesse was being truthful with his claim concerning the novel. "Come now, what makes you believe you have solved the mystery?" They had only made their way to chapter four, Satya had a theory of who may have done the deed, but didn't wish to label them right away. She was certain she would only need a few more chapters to uncover the killer before the volume ended. "You've read this one already haven't you!" She gasped, getting up from her position to face the cowboy and glare at him suspiciously. His smile only grew and he gave her suspicions a chuckle.

"Nah, I'm just very sharped-eyed."

"Oh?" Satya hummed, flipping her braid back from her shoulder. She climbed on top of Jesse, her chest pressed against his and her arms hung loosely around the Cowboys' neck. "And may I ask who has committed this treacherous act of fiction?"

Jesse saw what Satya was trying to do, trying to trick him. "Nice try, Darlin." He wasn't going to give his girl any hints. "You won last time. So, don't think I'm gonna let you win three in a row" The pair enjoyed keeping track of who would solve their thriller novels first, it turned the activity into a friendly competition which both were fans of. Both had a very even amount of victories with Satya only being two points ahead of Jesse.

"You know that I can be very persuasive." The architect reminded him and he knew it, her smile looking very flirtatious and confident that she could extract the information from him. But the Cowboy had done well to hold back his temptations. Satya was proud that he wasn't the type to fall victim to such easy allures. Jesse McCree wasn't a week minded ruffian."I do not yet know if I care for this particular novel," Satya said, readjusting her position to slink in between Jesse and the couch her head relaxed against his left shoulder. "The points of view shift far too often for me to develop any form of connection with the characters."

Jesse found himself slightly shocked to hear this, he felt the exact opposite towards Satya's claim. "I kinda don't mind that. You get a feel for what everyone's thinkin'." The points of view did shift often, but it kept you on your toes of every character's motivations, left you guessing as a good and well-written mystery should. Satya could feel the powerful presence of drowsiness coming over her. It was late in the afternoon and the warmth swarming her was making her eyes heavy. The Autumn weather captured the outdoors in a glow of vibrant reds and oranges. It wouldn't be too much longer before snow would be falling and Satya oh so loved the snow. Jesse had to admit that sleep was beginning to take him over too. Today was a pretty good time and day for a nap. "Give it some more time." He suggested, rubbing his left hand against her bionic arm.

Satya nodded, not willing to give up so quickly and give Jesse the satisfaction of beating her. "I intend to." The amazing thing about Satya was that she never did anything halfway, she always finished what she started. "But of course, if you're bored, you're more than welcome to withdraw from the proceedings and allow me to conclude the book." The lovely architect squealed when Jesse lifted her off the couch and slung her over his shoulder.

"You are a devious girl, Darlin." He complimented her slyness and love of competition. "No way I'm lettin' ya solve it before me." She continued to laugh when Jesse brought her into their bedroom. The walls were painted a fine shade of cream, the wall next to the door was lined with cabinets that held clothes and a television. The bed comforter and pillows were of native design with pleasant colors of sea green and a woven portrait of the Hindu love story of Rama and Sita hung above the bed. Jesse's cold feet were instantly warmed when they stepped from the cold wooden floor and into the soft comfort of the bedroom carpeting.

Satya's good hand ran against Jesse's bearded chin after he sat her down on the bedstead and laid back neck to her. "You really do need a shave." His whiskers tickled her hands, it was coarse in some areas.

The handsome cowboy shrugged, leaning in closer to his girl, his eyes gleaming with enticement towards the young woman. "I'm not busy right now."

The lovely architect kept his advanced at bay, only teasing him with her lips just grazing his own. "Not today." She purred. She breathes him in when she buried her face in the chest of his black t-shirt, he smelled of cigarette smoke and... cherries? Satya had to admit that she was proud of how well Jesse had taken to living in Utopaea he was surprisingly comfortable with the living conditions of the clean and busy city. This was more of a temporary living arrangement for the couple, they were still deciding on where to make their permanent residence, so there stay in Utopaea was more of a one-year experiment to see what would transpire. This had been the longest the two had ever lived together, that was due strongly to the fact that their relationship was now out in the open amongst Overwatch and Satya had defected from Vishkar. It felt amazing not having to constantly watch their backs or worry about getting caught by either side. Overwatch had been skeptical of Satya's intentions, but over time and with McCree's vote of confidence their doubts were set aside. Satya felt unworthy in the beginning to stand with the heroes of old after all, her mindset of world peace had shattered her trust in people. The devastating truth of the Vishkar goal, part of their hidden involvement with Talon. The means justified the ends and vise versa….. How could they think like that? Satya kept her fleshed hand close to Jesse's when fear and anxiety entered her system. There would be times when her body felt so lonely when she couldn't make physical contact with someone for a while, but she didn't want to come off as clingy so she retracted her hand.

"It's ok for ya to touch me, Darlin." Jesse said it as if he were reading her mind.

"I know." She replied, weaving her fingers with his It had taken Satya some time to become physical with not only Jesse but anyone really. Doing so allowed her to open a door that had long been closed and locked for most of her life. Satya and her Vishkar classmates weren't shown generous amounts of proper affections in their youths by their teachers and caretakers. Though Satya had at first not thought much of it. The young girl found herself more entertained by the prospects of what she was learning from Vishkar. What she would eventually use to benefit and change the world. She only thought of the Vishkar goal, not her own wants, and needs. They had taught her how to be powerful and be an asset to modern society with her intelligence, they didn't teach her how to be a child.

The architect was brought out of her lonely and reminiscent daze when the cowboy pulled her under him. Jesse leaned on his right side, his left arm secured around and under Satya's waist. His arm was cold to the touch, but he had no control over that. Her hands rested over his shoulders. The former Vishkar agents had no desire to speak, she just wanted to lay here with him in perfect silence. Jesse could begin to feel sleep pull at him as well when he noticed that his girl had fallen asleep in their embrace only moments later. He slowly shifted his body as to not jostle the bed. His hands slinked under Satya's sleeping body and hoisted her up into his arms. There would be nights when nightmares would consume the two of them, but when one would wake up in distress the other would be right there to comfort them. Both were far too happy to let bad dreams trouble them. Carefully, Jesse laid Satya on her side of the bed and pulled the covers up and over her. Jess just stayed there for a while, watching her sleep peacefully. He sat there until she was fully under then climb up on the comforter and settled down next to her. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep to the sound of Satya breathing. He hated that he might disturb her with his snoring, but Satya had grown accustomed to it. Jesse's head rested softly on Satya's shoulder along with his fleshed hand across her waist, feeling her torso rise and fall as he drifted off.

It must have just been sundown when Satya slowly began to stir when she faintly hears the ringing of a cell phone. Her eyes groggily rose open to brace the dimly lit bedroom. She turned on her side to see that Jesse wasn't sleeping next to her. Instead, he was pacing back and forth near the foot of the bed, clearly talking to someone.

"How much do we know about it?" He asked, glancing up to Sat when he saw her stirring up. Jess must be talking to Winston it was the most logical option."Just a two-man job?" His eyes now locked with Sat when he was certain that she was fully awake, or at least close. "Yeah, I think we can handle that. Forward us the detail." J made his way back to his girl after he hung up the phone. He sat on the edge of her side of the bed, looking down at her lovingly. His hand traced the perfect features of her face. "Sorry, Darlin…..nap time's over."

Her braid was completely unraveled in a mess of hair."A mission?" She asked, stretching her arms above her head as she sat up in bed. Jesse nodded, looking guilty for waking his girl, but Satya looked more than ready for an assignment.

Jesse adored her eagerness. He rose from his sitting position after kissing Satya's forehead. His hands rubbed together as he stepped back. "Winston's forwardin' the intel." He turned his attention to the long, Indian wood chest that sat at the foot of their bed. The cowboy opened the flat top to reveal their uniforms and gear. "We'll shower and dress, then I'll fill you in on what I know so far." Satya was proud of the charge Jesse took. While he moved to the bathroom Satya pulled a small box from under their bed out into the open. The container looked long enough to hold a rifle of some sort when in reality, it held her photon projector along with an array of tools to not only repair the device but to also tune her turrets as well as her and Jesse's bionics. The architect looked over the machine with careful precision to ensure that nothing needed to be repaired beforehand. When none could be found she placed the projector on her side table and made her way to the bathroom. The beautifully detailed and lavish room smelled of refreshing scented soaps and was already filled with steam. Satya had to wipe it away from the mirror in order to see her reflection. Her hands removed the tangled tie from her hair, she shook her head a few times in order to fully unravel it. The first counter drawer held a hairbrush that Satya retrieved. Regret came instantly when moving the brush through the tangled mess on her head. Realizing that it would be much easier just to wash it and let the tangles be taken out then, she placed the brush back in the drawer. "You getting in here with me or what?" The voice startled her... stupidly it startled her even though she knew whom the voice belonged to. Satya had completely forgotten that Jesse was in here. She had been so focused on what she needed to do in order to prepare that she hadn't become aware that she had intruded on him...or had she? These detours that Satya often took with her self was far from uncommon. The architect had gotten better at it recently years but hadn't fully managed it yet. It's just how she. Satya smiled when Jesse outstretched his hand for her to join him in the shower. She, of course, didn't hesitate. The action was logical, they would, after all, be ready much sooner if they showered together.