Update: 29/12/2018

I do not Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.


The city was an uproar.

Adults feared for their children and made sure to tuck them in tight and wore earplugs in their ears; they made sure to purchase extra locks on the doors and windows, before sealing up any hole that a child could crawl through.

Now to wait for the Pied Piper to show up and catch him.

And the person did not disappoint, four nights later suddenly something appeared right up in the sky and began to float down onto a roof.

The Police who were watching the skies immediately caught the sudden appearance and began to make their way to the spot.

"There are so many adults out tonight," Said, the Pied Piper, looking down at the street before him, before saying. "But no matter. Children come to me."

But before he could put the flute onto his lips, he heard.

"So, you're the Pied Piper?" Said, a joyful voice, making him look.

He turned to see none other than the Miraculous user Cat Noir, casually walk up to him with his pole behind his back.

"I think it's time for you to return those children, Pied Piper," Said, a female voice on his right.

He turned to find none other than Ladybug walking up swinging her Yoyo.


Cat Noir?

He had nothing against two users who used the Miraculous correctly.

Suddenly he disappeared and reappeared on a lamp post.

"Okay...I did not know he could do that" Cat Noir said with wide eyes.

Then the Pied Piper began to play his music, and the music invaded the streets below, getting into every house and building in the city.

Nothing seemed to be happening.

"Pied Piper. Put your hands where we can see them!" Shouted, a policeman coming out of his car, and behind him was none other than the Mayor and a news crew.

"Pied Piper, we know how you control children, and we have made sure every child in the city has earplugs in. You are getting no child tonight" Said, the Mayor smugly in front of the camera's pointing at him. "So, give up. You cannot win."

However, the statement was only with amusement from the Piper.

"Your parents are idiots. Do you think music can only be entered through the ears?" Said, the Pied Piper before they all heard a very loud bang sound that could only be made by large quantiles of children banging on the doors in their rooms at the same time.

The Piper disappeared and said. "CHILDREN! COME TO ME!"

Suddenly there were concerned parents who heard the noise calling the police, hoping to get some support in trying to deal with their sleepwalking child, while neighbours who didn't have children went to help their neighbours.

Finally, Ladybug and Cat Noir decided to do something.

"I'm guessing the Akuma is in the flute" Ladybug said.

"I'm on it," Cat Noir said, rushing over to the lamp post and trying to engage him.

The Pied Piper merely disappeared and reappeared onto a police car, surprising everybody.

The Police surrounding the car went to get their stun guns only for the Pied Piper to disappeared.

He reappeared on top of the Mayor's head as if to mock their attempts.

Then he disappeared and reappeared on Cat Noir head, the Cat was having none of that and tried to drag him down only to disappear instantly.

The Pied Piper reappeared onto the streets and began to skip while he played.

Every time, somebody tried to attack, the Piper just disappeared.

"How can we catch him if he can do that!?" Cat Noir said, trying his best to track the guy.

"I got it," Ladybug said, and it was good news for all of them, before saying. "LUCKY CHARM!" the Yoyo went up and transformed.

What dropped down was a single tub of glue.

"A tub of glue? We'll need a lot more than that to stop him" Said, Cat Noir jumping down to stand beside her.

The children were now visible from afar while adults were trying their best to stop them only for the child to mow them down.

Anybody would be stunned seeing the wave coming; it was the first time many had actually seen this with their own eyes.

"LADYBUG!" Said, the Mayor.

Ladybug focused and planned out.

Ladybug jumped down and said to the police. "Some people attack the Piper and then everybody..."

The Piper was not paying attention because he was focused on the children, but then he suddenly felt somebody shooting at him.

He sighed and disappeared.

However, the police began to shot randomly the very next second, shooting all around them and the Piper suddenly had much less spaces to reappear on.

The music needed him in the real world to operate it so as a result of him not being there, the children began to wake up.

It saw a space and reappeared onto it.

"NOW CAT NOIR!" Ladybug said, and Cat Nor used the tube of glue to glue the Piper down before he realised what was happening, Ladybug knocked the flute out of his hands.

The flute flew and rolled onto the floor just in time for the Mayor to step on the flute.

It snapped in half, and the crowd cheered as the music went away.

However, immediately they all know that something was wrong.

"Where is the Akuma?" Ladybug asked.

Her question was met with silence as they all stared at the snapped flute, but a black butterfly did not come out of it no matter how hard they wished.

Suddenly the silence was broken by deep laughter that was carried through the city.

The Pied Piper was laughing.

A shiver went down everybody spine.

The Piper suddenly stepped forward as if the glue was nothing.

"I'm sorry. I just can't contain my laughter anymore" Said, the Piper. "Everybody in this city actually thinks that my power was granted to me by Hawk Moth? That pathetic excuse for a human being? You don't know how much I enjoyed myself watching all of you blame him for what I've been doing. The fact that you all think I would let that man touch me is the funniest thing I've ever heard."

His words were met with wide eyes.

He then shook his right hand, and a flute began to appear in his hand, he shook it again, and four duplicates appeared in his hands.

"How many flutes would you all like to break next? 4? 16? How about 22? I can just make more" Said, the Pied Piper creating more in his other hands before dropping them on the floor as if they were garbage "You can break my body a hundred time, but you'll never find an Akuma. Go ahead; it will be entertaining to watch."

His statement was met with a long hard silence.

He wasn't a person Akumatised by Hawk Moth?

Then was he a Miraculous wielder?

Master Fung never told them such a Miraculous existed.

"Then since your rationale. Why are you doing this?" Ladybug suddenly said. "Shouldn't you use your powers for good? A lot of parents are devastated that you took away their children, they miss their children direly."

The cameras were on her, but suddenly the Pied Piper burst out laughing and it wasn't just a laugh, his head physically separated from his body and floated up.

They all looked at it shocked before it reattached to the body.

"Parent's caring about their children? That's a very fun joke, wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous" Said, the Pied Piper. "We all know that Parents are two-faced, waste of space's that want to turn their own flesh and blood into clones of themselves."

His statement was met with silence as they all stared at him.

"Parents think because they are stronger, older and wiser than it gives them the right to torture their own children," Said, the Pied Piper. "The children want me to take them away."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Ladybug said, making them look at her. "Sure, some parents have issues but the majority care for their children and won't let any harm come to them. They wouldn't allow anything to happen to them because they love them."


"She's right," Said, the Mayor pitching in. "I wouldn't let anything happen to my sweet Chloe."

Sweet Chloe?

Anybody who has ever met the girl would say she was a nightmare.

"Pied Piper, I don't know what your problem with Parents are, but not all parents are bad" Said, Cat Noir. "Even if they not so affectionate in public as you want to be"


A little bit of Adrien had accidentally slipped out.

"...You're a child" Suddenly the Pied Piper said, startling everybody as he was suddenly in Cat Noir face. "You're a sweet and innocent child."

"Huh?" Cat Noir said.

However, the Piper could see right through him; he was a child in a toxic relationship with his parents.

"Don't worry, I'll come for you, Cat Noir but right now I'm out of juice." Said, the Piper turning around with joy in his steps. "If you want somebody to blame for my existence, blame Hawk Moth. He's the one who woke me up. I'm not stopping until all the children find happiness."

His words left confusion as he suddenly disappeared.

"...Did he just call you a child?" Ladybug said turning to Cat Noir.

"A-Ah, of course, I'm not a child," Cat Noir said, sweating before saying. "I'm all man" showing his 'impressive' guns of steal.

Ladybug rolled her eyes and the Police, and the Mayor decided to say the prevention of children going missing was a success even though they didn't manage to cut the root of the problem.

However, the Pied Piper hadn't truly left; it was way too interested in Cat Noir to truly leave right now.

When the superhero duo split, it followed Cat Noir.

All the way back to the Agreste property.

The window was opened, and the Cat climbed right into it, just before transforming into Adrien Agreste.

"I'm so hungry," Plagg said.

"I'm so tired," Adrien said, flopping down onto the bed.

A pure child... A very pure child. Pied Piper thought, before going to Gabriel room to stalk the man.


Everybody in the Adrien household watched the news's, on the screen was images obtained by last night footage of the Pied Piper not actually being an Akumatised person like their thought.

The Pied Piper twisted mentality was put on full display as he stated quite clearly that he intended to separate all the children from their parents because he thought Parents were the scum of the earth.

It brought in the question just how old the Piper actually was.

However, the line at the end was met with confusion.

What did he mean, he took the children so that they could find happiness?

And Hawk Moth woke him up?

Did that mean, he was asleep before, but something Hawk Moth did woke the guy up, and he was now terrorising the town?

There were loads of theories about what Hawk Moth did to wake him up, and everybody was blaming him for fearing the night time.

Gabriel Agreste went to the tapestry of his wife and went to the safe behind it; he opened it to get out the actual book his wife gave him before opening that and going to the Television screen in his room, to see if any drawing matched the Pied Piper.

Not a single one, did.

"Ridiculous," Gabriel said, before going down his 'personal room' were Nooroo was.

"Master...your back," Said, the Kwami.

"Quiet, you" Came Gabriel cold reply back, before he said. "If that child or whatever that thing is, thinks he can toy with me then he has another thing coming. The Pied Piper may have his fun now, but I will make him pay, dearly."

And Nooroo couldn't say anything because Gabriel saw him as only something to give him power and not a person.

Nooroo had a very strong feeling that the Pied Piper showed up because of Gabriel own selfishness and the end game would teach Gabriel you don't mess with a Miraculous.

However, Nooroo had been right about Gabriel own selfishness because Hawk Moth akumatised a person and decided to ignore the Pied Piper existence, minutes later.

However, the moment the bad energy was released into the air, the Pied Piper fell in a deep slumber.

One Week went passed.

No sign of the Piper.

Two weeks went passed.

No sign of the Piper.

In a flash, two month's want by, and the Piper was still nowhere to be seen or found.

The hope that he was in hiding was debunked because none of the children that were reported missing where seen, which left an uneasiness in the air.

It was like this was the calm before the storm.

National Ladybug and Cat Noir day soon approached but there was no good vibe over the city as both Cat Noir, and Ladybug knew that they hadn't succeed in their job this time around and the city was suffering for it.

Was there even enough joy in the air?

However, the Parade must go on, and the Mayor himself had come forward to participate in showing that he would not cower away in this such dire times.

"THERE IS THE FIRST LADYBUG FLOAT!" Shouted an announcer as the crowd saw it go by.

Marinette really wondered if her head looked that big when she saw the float go by in the crowd.

Suddenly the wind picked up, and they all could have sworn they heard 'Children, come to me' delivered by the wind.

The moment that flute reached the crowd's ears, everybody stopped cheering, and their hearts dropped.

Standing on top of the Ladybug float was none other than the Pied Piper!

Out of the Pied Piper back were transparent wings!

"SHOOT TO INJURE!" Shouted, the Mayor as he rushed to protect his daughter.

However, what was happening was stupid, his power only worked at night and when people were sleep.

Suddenly a mother felt something missing from her side.

She turned and saw the back of her 11-year-old child walk away.

"KALBA!?" She said.

However, it wasn't just that child who was walking away, all the children age 11 and down were suddenly walking away from their spot.

Before anybody truly realised what was happening the children disappeared in a blinding yellow light one by one.

It was happening all over the city; no child was safe.

However, when they all looked at the Pied Piper, they found that he had disappeared just as quickly as he came.

Nobody could do a thing, and the children were gone.

The Pied Piper didn't go into hiding, they realised with horror.

He evolved.

And with this single act, this was no longer Paris's problem.

The Pied Piper was now on France's Most Wanted list.

And scene!

Next chapter, the government comes in and takes over it, making sure nobody can leave until they catch the Pied Piper who they think is one of the residences in disguise. The whole city is under watch, and it turns into a prison for the remaining children and their families. Review/fav and follow!