Summary: A story created because the show never addresses why it was a bad thing to use a Miraculous for a person's own selfish gain. Gabriel Agreste action created his punishment. The Pied Piper.
I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
"M-Master, you should never use the Miraculous for evil" Nooroo, kwami to a very cold man, said.
"Quiet you" Gabriel Agreste said. "And just do as I say"
And Nooroo bound to serve the holder said. "Yes, Master" and then he disappeared into Gabriel broch.
Nooroo know that a miraculous was a extremely powerful thing that was only meant to be used with a certain mind set, Gabriel Agreste didn't want to hear any of that if it meant reviving his wife.
Something really terrible is going to happen, he could feel it.
Gabriel finished transforming and sent out his very first Akuma.
The Akuma flew to a boy who was having issues with love but what Gabriel didn't expect was for a ladybug and cat to show up and ruin his plans.
On that day, Ladybug and Cat-noir learned how to return a person completely to normal and Gabriel got an insight into the power he was using.
But on the same day, something evil woke up.
It had no eyes, mouth or even a body but it was there, nobody could see it but it was there.
Gabriel Agreste was unfortunately very trigger happy when it came to using his new-found power and Ladybug and Cat Noir kept showing up to purify the Akuma.
All that evilness did not just magically vanish into thin air like they thought.
When the two purified a robot, a bot who had human emotions and brains to go with it, the extra kick woke it up.
It woke up showing its giant eye and know it had a purpose.
Its purpose was to punish the person who was using the Miraculous wrongly, it wasn't hard to follow that twisted energy back to its source.
It found the person who was the holder of the Butterfly Miraculous, the man was currently enraged that his efforts was for nothing again and he still didn't have the Ladybug and Cat miraculous to make his wish.
If Gabriel know that a huge eye was looking at him, he would be horrified.
The eye followed him for days, learning everything about him and the more Gabriel used the Miraculous the more self-aware it got.
"Hmmm" It said, of course nobody could hear him. "What are you the most afraid of losing? What are you emotionally attached too that if I take it away, you would shed tears of pain and grief? You are a very broken man that keeps his dead wife deep underneath the estate. What is currently alive right now that you treasure the most?"
Was it his wealth?
No, this man made his money so he could just do it all over again.
Was his talent for fashion?
No, he was rich so he could live very comfortably even if he couldn't design anything.
Was it his assistant, Nathalie?
There was no emotional attachment to the women there.
"Father, I'm back" Said, a young boy voice and in came Gabriel son, Adrien Agreste in designer clothes, behind was Gabriel assistant and Adrien bodyguard.
"He has a son" It said, swimming around Adrien. "How much are you attached to your own flesh and blood?"
Apparently not by a lot, because Gabriel was even a cold-hearted bastard to his own son, the man would tell his son what he can and cannot do, what he should be doing even as he talked.
When Adrien ran away and Gabriel sent his Akumatised bodyguard after him without a care in the world.
"This man is cold-hearted. Sending an akumatised person after his own son just because he's hiding a secret." It said, it didn't look like he would succeed in punishing this man.
But everybody had a weakness.
Gabriel son was thrown off the building and the being finally saw it, actual heavy emotion in the man's eyes at the thought of his son going headfirst into the ground from on top of a tall building.
"You care..." It said, suddenly interested and drawing closer to the man. "You care." it said with joy. "You care about your own son. I've only seen glimpses of pride but not genuine concern. You thought you could use the miraculous as you wish? I will take away your son. And from the looks of it, I will be doing the boy a huge favor."
Suddenly it opened its mouth and ripped itself away from Gabriel, it blasted itself above the beautiful city of Paris and began to manifest into the real world.
The sound of bones cracking could be heard as it forced limbs to grow from nothing, it grew into a tall lean man with nothing but blackness for a face, dressed like a clown and in its hand was a strange looking flute.
"God, so this is what it feels like to have a fleshy body? Gross." It said, stretching its arms at angle's that shouldn't be possible. "I am weak right now. I cannot snatch that boy up. Should I wait until those holders of a miraculous purify that power?"
Now that was boring.
He began to float around the city, lazily, now that he was in the real-world people could see him but it was late at night anyway.
He passed by a certain window.
"Please, god. Take us away from our parents"
He began to back up slowly and listen.
"Our daddy is scary when he's drinking and that's all the time" Said, a little girls voice. "Our mommy is always going missing and when she comes back, the house always smells funny"
"We are fed enough but our daddy tells us not to tell anybody what is going on in our home" Said, another little girl. "We tried once and he almost killed us. Please, if anybody listening take us away"
His head turned, Gabriel Agreste was not the only abusive parent in town, even if Gabriel would never raise a hand to his son, the man was no means clean.
And the being had never seen what a parent should really be like to their own children because he followed Gabriel around for so long so it was his only reference.
"Kid's...Do you want to come with me?" He suddenly said, landing on the open window sill and somehow the window could perfectly fit his form.
He stared at the two blond haired girls who looked at him with wide eyes.
"I will give you clothes. Food and a warm place to stay" He said, "Unlike your parents I will never harm a child. Do you want to come with me?"
The two girls looked at each other, this weirdly dressed person just stood at their window sill but he was offering them a better life then what they were leading.
"Really?" Said, one of them.
"Really." He said, before suddenly two lollipops appeared in his hands. "Do you want them?" under the large eyes of the girls. "You can have them, if you come with me"
The girls were quick to leave the bed side and walk to him, he seemed to be a magic man who could provide for them much better than their parents could.
The moment they touched him, the both of them disappeared in a flash of golden light.
The girls had entered his world and were awed by the world he created for them.
In the real world, he played his flute and the sound of music, swarmed around the town of Paris.
"That felt great. Why should I just save Adrien Agreste? When there is a whole city full of children who need to be saved?" He said, as he flew out of their window.
However, he had used his power enough for one night, manifesting and taking two children all in the same day was taxing on him.
He needed to recharge and grow stronger.
He finally found a name for himself.
"The Pied Piper" He said, "I am Gabriel Agreste punishment. I will save all the kid's in Paris from their terrible parents and adults, including Gabriel Agreste own son, Adrien. I've done enough work for tonight, It's time to recharge"
Then he disappeared as if he was a dream.
When morning came the two little girls never showed up for school and three days later, the school called home to ask what was happening, it was then that it was discovered by their terrible parents that their beds were cold and hadn't been lived in for quite some time.
The police were called and the parents put on the act of concerned parents looking for their children, when in reality it was two less mouths to feed, two missing person report filed on the two children but it never made news.
The being watched all this.
#The same night#
"I feel strong enough to come out again" Said, the Pied Piper. "All those precious children. Come to me" he then began to play his flute.
The soft music invaded the city of Paris down below.
The little kids who were age 5 and below began to raise once they heard the music and made their way out of their bed or cribs.
Babies were mysteriously walking and had the strength to open doors.
In the Chamack household, Nadja Chamack did not think much when she saw her own daughter Manon walk past her door, she was too tired to really think about it.
Manon made her way down the corridor and stairs, she had long since figured out how to open the door.
She opened it and walked down the steps, she ignored how the door was left still wide open, across the street from her, a baby was toddling away.
The adults who were out this late, couldn't help but blink seeing young children suddenly walk the street so late at night and a soft flute played through the air.
Somebody did try to stop them, or at least grab a baby and try to call the police to take them back to their parents.
The baby's bit them making them drop them before suddenly having the ability to run away.
Somebody managed to record this strange night and then follow the kid's as well.
"Children, come to me!" The pied Piper said, and the kid's began to disappear in yellow light one by one.
The Piped Piper did not care that he was being recorded and continued to play for another 20 minutes until it was clear to him that no other child was coming.
He just bowed and then suddenly disappeared as if he had never existed in the first place.
When the sun came up and the parents woke up to check on their kid's, they were in for quite a shock.
"Manon?" said, Nadja Chamack, she saw that her daughter bedroom was empty and her toy's in her room didn't looked played with.
Nadja started looking around, hoping to find her in one of the rooms.
But there were no signs of the hyperactive child anyway but Nadja heart dropped when she saw the front door that she left closed last night was now wide open.
Her daughter was missing.
She picked up her phone and began dialing the police.
"Hello?" Said, a person at the station.
"My child, Manon is missing!" she said, "I can't find her anywhere and then I saw the door wide open when I know I locked it last night"
She was stunned when she heard.
"Madam, several parents have called in this morning, who say something similar or the same thing" Said, the person on the other end.
Even in this world, people make a massive fuss when it concerns the rich.
With the disappearance of Manon Chamack, who had a rich mother, this was no longer a small case.
Plus, several people had reported seeing children walking the streets late at night and even babies mysteriously walking.
There was even camera footage that was being taken to the press.
It was no surprise that the Pied Piper made the news the very same morning.
But Hawk Moth was being blamed for it.
And scene!
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