The Opera Affair

Author's note: Sorry this isn't a new chapter. Lilly keeps taking it down because she hates this pairing. Who cares? My chapter, I post it.

Part two

As the door of Ky's mansion flew open, Bridget's feet carried him off into the streets of France. He felt his heart in his throat and his mind racing. In his blind rush he had stumbled over his own feet and found himself of the ground. He suddenly remembered how he had fallen down in the streets and Ky had come to find him. Bridget began to sob uncontrollably. He could hold back the tears no matter how hard he struggled. He looked into a puddle of rain below him, he couldn't see his reflection, and he only saw Ky's face. He touched the water, as if trying to hold Ky's face, but the water rippled softly revealing Bridget's sadden face. He barely stood up before he met the ground again. Forcing himself, he crawled over to a brick wall less than three feet away from him. The clothes that he wore on him drove him deeper into sorrow. Ky... He though as he stripped the fabric from his body. Soon his tight black shorts only covered him and he sat shivering in the rain. He looked down to his hands as they were shaking. He tightened his fist and threw back his sad screaming out for 'him'.

Just as the rain finally started to let up and fall in a gentle drizzle a steady beat of someone's footsteps could be heard. A young man of resemblance to that of Bridget walked down the sidewalk to be alerted by the sounds of crying. He turned around the corner and down into the alley where he found Bridget lying scantly clad against a wall.

"Oh dear...Bridget, what ever where you thinking?"

Bridget looking deep into the young man, he was a bit disappointed and relived at the same time as his mouth moved to form the words 'Big brother...'

Bridget had been asleep for some time now. He awoke in his home in London. He knew that's where he would end up. He lie in his bed in his nightgown. His mother sat next to him smiling.

"Oh, I was so worried about you, Bridggy. Going off on a 'bounty' hunt. What non-sense! Your father and I couldn't have been any more worried."

"Mum...I...I need to..." he started.

"Oh hush now, your father his eagerly awaiting the arrival of his daughter. Now get dressed and come down to dinner." she left with a smile across her face.

Bridget looked off to the side of him; a dress had been laid out for him. He got out of bed and took to getting dressed. He had truly gotten used to not having to dress up for normally dinners during his life as a bounty hunter, he had even forgotten how to walk in his dress shoes. He sat down at the table next to his brother and across from his parents. The first few minutes were a cold silence. His brother looked to their parents, urging someone to break the silence.

"Sister?" he said.

"Yes Brandon?" he was used to responding to sister.

"Why were you out in the rain like that yesterday? Lucky for you I attended the opera."

Bridget dropped his fork and stared at his lap. He shoulders began heaving as he cried silently.

"My dear daughter, what ever is the matter?" Bridget's father questioned his state.

Bridget tried to explain as he wiped the tears from his face. "When...when I was out as a bounty hunter, I met so many people. And I made friends that I cared about...but I...I went to China one day and met a French nobleman. He...was so kind to me...and I couldn't help myself..."

He family listened to Bridget with concern.

"I was stupid...I mean why would I even think that some as great a Ky would ever love me? But...why...why does it hurt so much?" He covered his face and began to cry without dignity at the dinner table. His brother held in his arms, stroking his head, trying to soothe him. Long after Bridget had cried himself to sleep, his family met in their vast living room.

"She seemed pretty upset about that." Brandon started.

"Yes, but we have to do something about all of this. The poor dear just experienced her first broken heart," his father added. "Darling, what do you think of it?"

"I think we should marry her off. She wants love, give it to her then."

"Marriage! What a grand idea!" he clapped her hands together.

Brandon looked towards his father, "We should have a party! Yes! And invite good young men for Bridget."

His father stood. "Fine, then it is settled."

"Dammit..." Ky paced back and forth. He found himself in China again, not really sure if he were searching for Bridget or Jam. He entered the restaurant quietly and sat himself at the bar. He felt slightly depressed about what he had done to Bridget. He saw images of Bridget's shocked face; he tried to shake the images from his mind. His eyes never seemed to leave the bar counter top. As much as he tried to get Bridget off his mind, he couldn't. He kept seeing his smiling face shining out at him. He kept wondering if Bridget truly loved him or if Bridget just thought he loved him. He sat for a full twenty minutes thinking about what had happened. Putting things together. He took everything into consideration. If Bridget wanted to, he could get a woman if he pleased, he was appealing. But Bridget was only after his heart and no one else. Everything was getting to Ky now. He held his head tight trying to stop the surging thoughts.

"You should talk to him, ya know." Jam's voice came from beside him.

"Huh?" he snapped his head up to meet Jam's face. "What?"

"You should talk to Chipp, he's over there glaring at you. He thinks you're going to steal me away."

"He has nothing to worry about..." he looked down at the counter again.

"Excuse me? But...but I thought you were in love with me." she looked a bit puzzled.

"I'm not sure what I think at all. I just...need to talk to someone..." he shook his head and walked slowly out of the restaurant as Chipp shouted random threats at him.

Ky, who had never been much of a drinker aside from the occasional wine, found himself in a pub. He kept his wallet out and drank as much as he could buy. He'd pick up a glass, tip his head back and drain it of the liquid. He'd lost count of how many drinks he'd put down his throat. He buried his face in his hands and sighed. How could I be so heartless? He thought to himself. He looked at himself in the reflection of a glass. He hated it. Ky stood and clumsily walked toward the door. He was suddenly pulled down into a seat by his arm.

"Wha-" he said groggily.

"You literally look like crap, my friend." a familiar face shot a glance over his stunning black sunglasses.

"Jonathan?" Ky said softly.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's Johnny! J-O-H-N-N-Y!" He threw his hands in front of him. "What's up with you? You look depressed."

"I...just don't understand women...well...yeah...I can say that."

"Ahhh! Girl trouble. I can help you with that!" He gave a devilish grin as he flicked aside his golden hair.

"I really upset him...I...feel like such a jerk..."

Johnny nearly chocked on his drink. " Wait you just said 'him'."

"I'm aware of that..."

"State this guy's name...ya know to make sure this is a girl and you got gender confused."


"Whoa! Bounty hunter in a dress guy!" he stood up quickly.


" make perfectly sure we're on the same page, you are aware that Bridget is a man right?"

"Yes...I know that...but-"

"Are you aware that he doesn't have a va-"

"Yes, yes!"

"And that he has a -"

"I know! But I really feel bad about what I did. I told him I didn't love him in such a harsh way and I made him cry. But recently I've been thinking about him and I'm starting to think differently."

Johnny sat back in his sea, trying to calm himself down. "Ok...well I'd suggest sleeping with him if he was a girl...but he's not could try apologizing...I'm told that actually works."

" you think that will be enough?"

"Hey, hey, hey. I don't know much about men posing as women, but if he really loves you, he'll welcome you back with open arms."

"..." Ky exited the pub wobbling side to side. Ky needed a place to rest. He couldn't see Bridget in the way he was now, so he roamed around to find a hotel. All the meanwhile practicing what he'd say to him. "Bridget, I ...think I love you..." he shook his head. "No... Uh...I've got to work on that..."

Off in the shadows a strange figure with glowing eyes mimicked the actions of Ky. "GZZZZT. BRIDGET. I LOVE YOU. I WILL FIND YOU. GZZZZZT."

The ballroom was filled with guests awaiting Bridget. He was upstairs preparing for his entrance. He brushed his hair until it was shiny and soft as silk. He stared at himself in the mirror; his eyes were still lightly red from his crying. He straightened his corset and fixed his blue dress. For what reason his mother made him wear a corset he couldn't fathom. He had no bust, why wear one? He had stopped trying to become manly, that was what he had concluded. Maybe Ky didn't love him because he was a male. So he thought maybe if he just stays the way he is now Ky would love him. He slipped on his silky blue gloves and gave himself one final check before he descended to the guest.

The room broke out in awe when he walked gracefully down the stairs. He tried to maintain a semblance of happiness as he walked passed the smiling men. Bridget immediately approached his family. He curtseyed to his mother. He curtseyed to his father and brother and received a kiss on his hand. His brother then guided him to his seat. Brandon pulled out Bridget's chair like a gentlemen and had Bridget sit.

"Thank you, thank you for coming!" their father began to speak to the guest. " I cannot tell you how excited we are. Our daughter Bridget is now to be wed. One of you lucky men may get to have our lovely daughter's hand in marriage." he gestured to Bridget to say something.

"I am grateful for your coming to this party. Please make yourselves at home and converse with one another." his voice was dry and empty.

The guest took to talking to each other and Bridget sat off by himself. His brother soon approached him. " I wonder how Mum and Dad are going to pull this marriage off. A man here would have to promise to keep the family's secret." he smiled and nudged Bridget.

The smile wasn't returned; a look of sorrow was thrown back at Brandon.

"You...still like that French guy, huh?" he placed his hand on Bridget's shoulder gently.

"Brother...I...want...him to love me. It hurts to love someone...and not have the feeling returned..."

"I know, Bridget, I know. Just try and at least look happy for tonight," he pleaded. "Look, I'll tell you what, if you can't find someone here who you like, I'll get Mum and Dad to call off the marriage, ok? Then you can run off and find that Ky of yours. Ok?"

Bridget's face lit up by the words of his brother.

"Now look sharp, Bridggy. Here comes a guest."

"Ahh, Lady Bridget, you look quite fine tonight." He kissed Bridget's hand as he bowed.

Bridget forced out a "Thank you..."

"Would you do me the honor of having this dance with me?"

"No." Bridget's voice became stern.

"I beg your pardon?" he man said in shock.

"No." he repeated. "A thousand times! No."

"Why Lady Bridget, have you lost your manners?" he questioned.

Brandon quickly stood beside Bridget. "It is because she has promised the first dance with me." He eyed Bridget with concern.

"Oh!" the guest bowed again, "Forgive me."

Brandon grabbed a hold of Bridget and brought him to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around him and began to dance. "That was completely unlady-like of you," he whispered

"I'm sorry, things are just getting to me now..."

"Now I'm going to trade partners with that guest over there, be nice and dance with him." he tapped a neighbor's shoulder and traded partners.

Bridget was now in the arms of another man. He didn't like it at all. He wanted to kick him in the shin.

"It's a pleasure to dance with you, Lady Bridget. I am Thomas."

"Good evening Thomas, I forewarn you, you have absolutely no chance of winning my hand so you can stop being so nice and proper to me."

"Oh?" Thomas looked down at Bridget. "We're playing games now are you? Hard to get? I get it." he held Bridget closer to him.

Thomas was instantly pushed aside and slapped. "No! I won't have this!" the eyes of the room were on him. "How dare you touch me in such a manner! Your the scum between the toes of a boar!" He stomped on his foot. "Good night, sir!" Bridget fled to his room.

The guest turned to look at Bridget's family. The family returned the stare.

"Well..." Bridget's father started. "...Carry on!" and so the guests did.

It had begun to rain and Ky had finally made it to Bridget's home. Or at least he hoped it was the right home. He knocked on the door as hard as he could. A few seconds later the door was answered by a butler. The butler's eyes scanned Ky's wet, messy hair and drenched clothes. He turned up his nose and started to close the door. Ky threw himself at the door and held it open.

"Hey! You've got to let me in! I'm here to see Bridget." He said in between breaths.

"May I see your invitation?" the butler teased. He judged Ky's baffled expression. "No invitation? Oh, poor sir, I'm afraid you can't enter then."

Ky grasped the man's shirt. "I'm sorry, this mush seem really rude, but I'm going to have to go in anyway." he pushed the butler aside and walked in. "Ok, which way is Bridget?"

"You can't be in here sir!'

"What was that?'

"Sir, you have to leave!"

"He's down that hall?"


"Okay! Thanks" he ran down the hall and flung the doors open.

Eyes of the entire ballroom were on him. "Wow..." he said softly. "Wrong room..."

"Oh my heavens!" Bridget's mother cried. "It's Ky Kiske!"

He scratched is head. "You...know me?"

"Oh course! Of course! Why you're famous my dear boy. The leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. And a French nobleman. Why I'd be crazy not to know you. Come sit, sit." She rushed off to her husband.

"Keep him busy." she said. "We need to get Bridget else where, her heart will break if he sees Ky's face. I don't want her to cry again."

"You heard her son, go keep him busy."

Brandon approached with a towel. "Here, dry yourself."

"Thank you."

"I heard much about you." Brandon began.

"Really? From whom?"

"My sister."

"Sister? Oh...oh...right, Bridget." Ky paused. "Where is Bridget?"

"My parents...have forbidden me to tell you."

"I see..." Ky sounded down.

"Forgive me sir." Brandon disappeared into the crowd of guest.

Ky sat, listening tot he conversations of the guests. He over heard two men speaking of Bridget.

"Lady Bridget is quite the looker."

"Yes, I hope she chooses me as her husband."

"You wish you could be so lucky! I can win her heart."

Ky glared over his shoulder, and began to strike his sword with a smoothe stone he kept in his pocket.

"Why I..." the man started up and again and stopped. "... Why is that French guy glaring at me...?"

"He's probably upset because he has no chance with Lady Bridget."

Ky wielded his sword and muttered, "I suddenly realize why Chipp is psycho!"

The two men fled to the door.

Bridget sat up stairs in his room watching the rainfall. He wished it would stop. It only reminded him more and more of Ky. he slipped off his dress shoes and stepped into his favorite blue boots. They were a relief on his feet. He wiped off the light make-up his mother had applied for him. He examined himself in the mirror. What do I not have that Ky would want? He thought. He thought of Jam. He pondered their differences. That's it! I don't have breasts! He pulled out a box of tissue and shoved it down the front of his dress. It didn't feel comfortable at all. In fact it looked odd to him, it removed it almost as quickly as it went it.

"BRIDGET..." a voice called from within his room as the familiar form of Ky stood in the shadows.

Bridget looked over his shoulder. "...Ky! Ky it's you!" He stood in disbelief.


"Ky...? Why does your voice sound...metallic?"

Lightning flashed and Bridget caught a glimpse of the fake Ky that stood before him.

A shrill echoed throughout the house. The guests and family stood in silence from it. No one else moved but Ky.

"Where's Bridget!" he demanded.

Suddenly part of the ceiling above them collapsed and a man crashed to the floor followed by a teddy bear wielded spikes of swirling flame.

"GO Roger, GO!" Bridget's voice came as he jumped down from the hole in a now tattered dress.

Everyone got a look see up Bridget's dress but Ky. His face was red and his eyes glued to the floor.

"What lovely floor tile you have." he stared at the oil covered floor.

Bridget vainly tried to get the oil off his dress with his hands before looking up. "Ky? It's really you this time, right?"

"Uh huh." he nodded.

Bridget flew into his arms and started to cry. His fists pounded Ky's chest. "You jerk! You jerk! You jerk! How could you make me cry so much?'

Ky smiled and held him tight. "I'm sorry I'll never do it again, I promise."

"Never again. Never!" he snuggled as close to Ky as he possibly could


Bridget pulled his yo-yos out from under his dress and got Robo Ky entwined in the strings. Ky surged his blade with lightning and swung it across the imposer's neck sending oil everywhere. Ky smiled at Bridget's oil spotted face and kissed his forehead. Ky lifted Bridget up like a new bride and carried him away and out of Bridget's manor.

"Well... there goes our family's reputation..." Bridget's father said, trying to wipe oil from his face.

"Yeah, but Bridget is happy." Brandon smiled.

Bridget's mother smiled happily, wiping a tear or two from her eyes. "They make such a cute couple. It's too bad I won't get grandchildren out of this."

The two had traveled back to China to try out a first date. Chipp was hounding Ky the moment he began to breathe the restaurant air.

"Relax CHipp," Jam said, " He's here with Bridget. On a date."

"Oh...I guess that's fine long as you don't look at my woman in any way I don't like, you can live!"

Ky and Chipp headed over to the bar for a drink, leaving Bridget and Jam behind. They had hardly been away for a minutes when the saw two men hitting on their lovers. They shot glares from across the room as they both picked up their weapons. Throwing back their heads they boomed "I'LL KILL YOU!" and charged off.