I am so sorry for the long wait for the last part of this series. You have been waiting patiently, and I just haven't given myself the time to post it.

Dedication: to all those who have been patiently waiting. Thanks for understanding!

Now, without further fanfare...

Part 11

Caspian and Lucy were holding each other thirty minutes later. Aslan had left them shortly after closing the doorway, with a hug from Lucy at his parting. Caspian had moved them over to a bench, and settled his love comfortably in his arms so she could cry. She had done so, with a sadness that had broken his heart. But her inner resilience had come through, and she had stopped sooner than he had expected.

Currently they were simply reveling in the thought that there would be no goodbyes with the one they loved so much.

They had the time they needed to be together, to discover each other.

To love each other.

Oh, she would miss her family, and did already. But Caspian was her family now, and Lucy knew one day they would make it official.

But not today. And she was fine with that.

She lifted her head from his shoulder, where she had moved it after her crying jag.

Caspian looked at her, concern in his eyes. "Are you all right, love?" he asked.

She gave a watery smile. "I will be."

He leaned over and kissed her, adjusting his hold so he could bring her closer. "I love you so much," he breathed after the kiss ended.

"I love you too, Caspian mine. But right now, I am hungry. What say we go eat?"

He laughed and hugged her, relief in his frame. He knew she was grieving for her family, but already he could see the grief lighten. She would be okay.

He would make sure of that.

But right now, he had a hungry woman to feed.

He stood up with her and led her into the castle.


The next few days were less hectic ones. The Archenland and Narnian Kings had concluded their business, and the visiting party was preparing to leave. Princess Tracey had been furious at the lack of

attention she received from the King, and had tried her hardest to mess with the mind of his chosen one. But Lucy had prevailed, and Tracey de-clawed.

It had happened the night before the departure. Caspian and Arden were finishing up little matters that were left, Altaira was visiting the gardens again, and Lucy was in her room, looking out the window and

hoping for a little time with Caspian before sleep.

A knock came at her door, and Lucy turned. It wasn't Caspian's knock, so she didn't care who it was, but she called out anyway.

"Come in."

In came Tracey, looking beautiful and graceful in the gown that so perfectly complemented her features. Lucy groaned inwardly. She had been dodging sweetly barbed remarks, from this source and others, since the night of the ball.

The women had assumed, since she was young, that she was easy prey.

They underestimated the Valiant Queen.

Lucy had spent her life watching and learning the ways of men and women, and fifteen years the ways of the court, and not much had changed since her reign. Most noble women after Edmund or Peter had been disconcerted upon finding out that the Kings preferred spending time with their sisters to themselves, and had taken it out on the Queens. Susan had also had the added trouble of turning the heads of the eligible men of the court (and some not supposed to be eligible.)

Her sister had dealt with it by redirecting the attention of the women onto more suitable men. Lucy preferred more direct methods of handling the taunts.

She had also, more recently, watched Altaira and Teddy's dealings with their kinswoman.

And, most importantly to Lucy, she had Caspian's love.

He showed her in every way he could how he loved her. He showered her with attention, he brought her gifts, he told her she was wonderful… in all the big and little ways, he told her that she held his heart.

Lucy blossomed under his affection. She grew stronger in her knowledge that she was the ONLY one for him. She became MORE sure of her worth. (Any woman would.)

Now, seeing the beautiful Princess, she quietly armed herself with all these facts, since she could NOT arm herself with actual weapons.

"Yes, Princess Tracey?" Lucy said.

Tracey smile sweetly. "You know, you're just an obligation to Caspian."

Lucy just sighed. 'Here we go,' she thought. "And how's that?" she said, as if reciting from a script.

"Your affections? This is just a novelty on his part. One day, he'll come to his senses, and then where will you be?"

The Queen looked thoughtful "Well, Caspian already has a good head on his shoulders; I don't figure he NEEDS to come to his senses."

Tracey looked a little befuddled, then tried to continue the attack.

You're a little young for him. He won't want someone who's not beautiful by his side for long."

At that point, Lucy gave up. She decided to end this attack.

"Tell me something. Are you always this blind?"

Tracey looked disconcerted. "What?"

"Caspian could have anyone he wants. He chose me. I'm not as beautiful as you, and you're mad that your wiles didn't work for once. You thought you could sweep in and he'd be dazzled by you."

Lucy's smile was bright. "And yet, we're both here, and I have the man."

Tracey's brows knit together. "Excuse me?"

"In a beauty contest with you, I'd lose hands down," Lucy said honestly, with no bitterness or sadness in her voice. "You're what almost every man wants in terms of attractiveness."

Her words soothed Tracey's ruffled feathers somewhat. "Well, thank you."

Then Lucy went in for the attack. "But despite your beauty and all your attempts to get our King's attention, he prefers ME. He spends time with ME. HE. LOVES. ME," Lucy emphasized.

"And that bothers you. You, and a whole court full of ladies who are also more beautiful than I am. You're not the first to misunderstand us, and you won't be the last. And I'm telling you what I'll tell them.

Caspian knows what he wants, WHO he wants. He's not stupid, or blind. I haven't bewitched him, haven't tricked him. I've simply been who I've always been, and that's who he's chosen. I won't fight this matter with you, or get my heart stomped on because you want to believe he's made the wrong choice. He hasn't. What's more I. love. HIM. With everything I have. A love stronger than you've yet to feel. You won't damage our relationship with your barbs. So save them for someone you CAN hurt, okay?"

Tracey was flabbergasted. THIS wasn't working out AT ALL like she'd hoped.

Lucy saw the look, and felt triumphant. But, being Lucy, she also felt sympathy for the disarmed Princess. So she sighed and offered an olive branch.

"Tracey, I like your family. They're great people. I'm guessing you're a nice person when you're not after someone. You're only here one more day. Let's try to depart on friendly terms, all right? That'd be best for everyone."

"Well, I certainly think so," drawled a voice from the doorway.

The women inside froze, then looked over. Sometime during the "battle", the door had opened, and standing there now were…

Teddy, who had spoken.



Tracey looked poleaxed.

Lucy did not even look surprised.

And though she hadn't been expecting eavesdroppers, she wasn't.

She was just waiting for the big finish.

Teddy spoke first. "Sorry," he drawled. "Couldn't help but hear."

Altaira rolled her eyes. "Didn't come out so well on THIS one, did you, sister?"

Tracey's feathers ruffled again.

Lucy sighed again.

"Put a cork in it Tracey. Altaira knows how to use a sword, AND she's in a carriage with you tomorrow, remember? She can handle herself FAR better than you can."

The three at the doorway laughed, then walked in to give themselves more space.

"She's got you there, Trace," Teddy stated.

Seeing her disgruntled face, Altaira put her arm around her sister. "Come on, Trace. I'll treat you to some of the candies I have in my room. Then, when we get home, I'll introduce you to some interesting men. They'll fall all over you, and you'll feel better."

Tracey's face brightened. "Really?"

The others laughed. The Princesses walked out, Altaira mouthing "Thanks," behind her sister's back, and Teddy followed, winking and closing the door behind them.

Leaving Caspian and Lucy alone.

Silence fell gently around them, not bothering them in the least. Caspian studied his love's face as Lucy now looked a little chagrined.

Caspian spoke first. "That was a rather…spirited defense of me I just heard."

Lucy blushed and looked down, wondering if she could escape through the floor.

He laughed and moved closer to her, lifting her head with his hand.

"I appreciate it, Lucy. I find myself getting rather tired of explaining the only choice my heart would let me make. It helps that you know you have nothing, and no ONE to worry about."

She smiled at him, a joyous smile that brightened her countenance and caught at his heart.

"But you were wrong about a couple of points," he said lightly, pulling her into his arms.

Lucy's hands went to his shoulders. She looked playfully at him, no fear or embarrassment in her eyes now.

"Oh? And what are those?"

He kissed her nose gently. "You HAVE bewitched me. With your honesty, your loyalty, your fierceness, and sweetness, all that you are has caught me in your spell, and I don't ever want that enchantment to break."

Lucy's eyes watered a little, but she spoke teasingly. "And the second?"

He kissed her lips, savoring the warmth and joy he could almost TASTE there. "You ARE beautiful. To me, and to several others I've had to disillusion about your availability lately. Oh, you may not have the features Tracey or Lilandlil have, but yours is a more honest beauty. And you have an inner beauty that beats theirs all to shreds."

Lucy laughed through the happy tears she could no longer hold back. She had gotten the answer she had asked herself since the End of the World.

She'd gotten her wish.

She was beautiful to SOMEONE. She was beautiful to the man she loved. To CASPIAN.

And HIS opinion? Was the only one that mattered.

She kissed him passionately, turning his heart inside out, and the air around them to steam.

He picked her up, deepening the kiss and setting off fireworks EVERYWHERE.

When he lowered her, their gasping breaths were all that could be heard.

And the love all that could be felt.


The next morning, the royalty of Narnia and Archenland gathered in the entry hall.

Teddy walked over to Lucy, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek, and earning himself a scowl and growl from the younger King and a giggle from Lucy.

She looked at him. "Don't cause problems, Teddy."

He looked at Caspian. "Just making sure he remembers to value you."

She smiled at her suitor. "He will. I'll make sure of that."

Caspian smiled back, then reluctantly shook Teddy's hand. "Thanks for coming," he said.

Teddy nodded. "My pleasure," was what he uttered. He walked out the front door to join his uncle, who had already said his goodbyes.

Tracey said "Goodbye," as politely as she could through clenched teeth. Caspian and Lucy simply looked amused. "You, too," Lucy finally said, being gracious.

After one wistful look at Narnia's King, she turned and left, leaving Altaira behind.

She hugged Caspian first, affection in the embrace. He spoke gently to her. "We'll miss you."

She turned to Lucy and the women hugged tightly. Tears were in both their eyes when they let go. "Yes, we will," Lucy choked out.

"I'll miss you guys, too," Altaira said. "Very few in Archenland will let me have a turn at sparring!"

The Narnian royals laughed.

Lucy looked at Caspian, and after a short non-verbal conversation, said, "Well, you're welcome here anytime. We'd love to have you."

The Princess nodded. "I'll hold you to that!" The women hugged again, and Altaira turned and left, the door closing behind her.

Lucy turned to Caspian and leaned on him, feeling his arms around her as he guided her to their sitting room. He sat, pulling her into "their" chair, and let her cry at the departure, not just of their friends, but of their family.

The tears did not last long, and she grew quiet after a moment, her head resting on his shoulder.

He kissed her forehead, pulling her closer. "It will be all right," he said.

She nodded. "I know. I'm with you," she said simply.

He could not help but kiss her for that comment. "I adore you," he responded.

"And I you," was her reply. They smiled at each other, and she went back to resting her head where it rightfully belonged.


And as we pull away from Cair Paravel, from Narnia, from the tale itself, there is one last thing we should note about the Narnian royal couple:

They lived (mostly) happily ever after.

The End (or is it?)