Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!
"-and soooo... this is your new... family member..."
Taiyang didn't know how he was going to explain this to his daughters, that suddenly a boy was going to be living with them. He could not tell them the truth, since it involved stuff they were not suppose to know under any conditions, but he couldn't just not tell them anything either. It was a hard sell, he could tell that his daughters were too smart for this to really fool them.
His daughter Ruby, the youngest, was a sharp young girl who looked just like her mother, all the way down to her super silver eyes, pale skin, and black hair... even the red tips to her black hair. Though, she had a love of the color red, unlike his deceased wife who loved white and black.
His eldest daughter, Yang, very smart with short blond hair and lilac eyes, she was a spitting image of her mother, though she had more of his colors than her mother. He had already learned what her Semblence was thanks to a haircut that had gone very wrong with barber who he had taken her too.
He needed to apologize for that still.
"We have another sister!" Ruby shouted as she ran towards Naruto, and hugged him right away.
"We have a BROTHER!" Yang shouted when she ran towards Naruto, upon seeing his cloak shift and gaze upon his gender. She, young, was at an age where something like that did not embarrass her in the slightest. She was like Ruby, not only did she not question the lie in the slightest, or the way her father told the lie, but she was excited and embraced it fully.
Taiyang winced.
His daughters were not as smart as he believed they were, that was a blow to his ego as a father, for raising these girls this way. He had raised his girls into idiots, that or they had figured something out that he had not.
"Dad, you need to stick to one woman."
"Ow... that one hurt." Taiyang now understood why his daughters didn't doubt the lie, he did have a habit of not sticking to a single woman. To say that he had not had a fling or 9 before he got with Yang's mother wouldn't be incorrect, he had been with quite a few women, and the two half sisters seemed to have figured him out. While it made him very proud that they weren't completely stupid, kind of a bummer overall.
"So, what is your name?" Yang asked Naruto.
"Naruto Uzumaki."
"Why are you naked under the cloak?" Ruby asked as she lifted the cloak and saw no clothes, she smiled wide when she realized that the cloak seemed familiar to her. She let go of it, and she noticed that Naruto was staring at Taiyang curiously.
Naruto just stared at Taiyang.
"Yep, you're going to be with us from now on, you don't have to be alone." Taiyang told Naruto with a slightly forced smile. He felt very awkward, naturally, since he was in the presence of a being that was greater than he was. He thought he would get a smile from Naruto with that statement, but it seemed that Naruto didn't seem to feel anything towards it. 'Right, he doesn't have any personal bias towards anything... he hasn't formed those biases yet.' Taiyang wasn't sure how he felt about that either.
"So how old are you? Do we have a big brother or a little brother?" Yang asked as she tried to judge Naruto's age.
Physically, he was a little bigger than they were, he couldn't be more than a couple of years at most older than either of them. She wanted to know if she needed to tease him in the future as a big sibling or a little sibling.
"Little!" Ruby shouted, since she needed a little sibling, not a big one.
"I believe I'm older." Naruto looked at the two of them.
So Taiyang was lying to them, since he wasn't family with either of them. He didn't have any experience with lying personally, but he was curious why Taiyang seemed to lie to his daughters. His answer seemed to excite Yang though and depress Ruby, so he would go along with it.
"So, why are you naked?"
"Clothes are for mor-"
"His mother was a nudist, and he is too... you see, it is part of his beliefs so we should respect them." Taiyang tried to cover Naruto's mouth, but Naruto dodged him, so instead he had to make yet another lie up. If his daughters ever found out how badly he was lying to them, he was sure they would be very angry at him.
Naruto just looked at Taiyang with a raised eyebrow.
"I want to be a nudist!"
"No, you two are wearing clothes." Taiyang stated to his daughters, and they deflated when he shot down their wants. They were very impressionable, so for them to know of nudism wasn't great for them in the long run. Actually, if they grew up looking anything more like their mothers, it would be very bad for them to be nudists, seeing as they would be very attractive young women. "Though, Naruto, maybe you should-"
"-well okay then." Taiyang was rejected before even asking the question.
Who was he to argue with an ages old relic, an ancient being with vast power? He didn't see it ending well for him if he were to really argue against Naruto, not when it couldn't be killed and could kill him easily if displeased. Of course, he didn't believe Naruto would do any of that, but he never knew what could set it off.
"Oooooooh, kitty ears!" Ruby finally noticed that Naruto had animal ears on his head.
"Actually, they are fox ears."
"What does the fox say!?" Yang instantly asked Naruto when her father corrected her on the type of ears that they were. She looked towards Naruto with sparkling eyes, since she had always wanted to ask a fox that, and she had never seen a fox in real life before. Taiyang just palmed his face in response to her question.
"It sounds like a yipping bark, they have a lot of vocal sounds that can be cat-like to dog-like, to even human-like in nature."
Naruto's answer was literal though, taking zero offense to her question at all. Taiyang was finding it harder to be afraid of this thing when it seemed to friendly. With all the relief flooding him, the depression he had been feeling was starting to kick in again.
"I'm hungry."
"Me too." Yang stated as she looked at Ruby, who spoke first, their stomachs growling. "Are you hungry for some snacks Naruto?" Yang questioned their new sibling(?), before she looked towards her father with expectation for food. Taiyang started to sweat a little, since he hadn't cooked very much in his life. Obviously he could cook, he was an adult, but he had mostly left any real cooking to his wife... who wasn't around anymore.
Naruto just looked interested in the idea of food.
"I'm not hungry, but I enjoy eating-"
"-I enjoy this less than ramen, ramen is better." Naruto stated as he finished off the last of the food on the table. Despite his words, he had made sure that there would not be any leftovers by eating absolutely everything that somebody else had no eaten. Ruby and Yang just looked at his belly in amazement, with both of them holding their own in pain from having tried to copy his ability to eat.
Taiyang had watched in horror when he realized Qrow hadn't lied about Naruto having a literally endless appetite.
"Where did it all go!?" Ruby shouted as she ran at Naruto and looked at his belly, and she pat it a few times.
Yang just nodded excitedly.
"Are you... full?" Taiyang asked Naruto, who looked at him with a curious glance.
"What is full?"
Wait... Naruto, before meeting Qrow, had never eaten anything before because he was never hungry. If he was never hungry, he didn't have a need to eat, then maybe just like how he didn't get hungry, it was possible he didn't get full either. His body did not require food, so it just destroyed the food it ingested. That meant that for Naruto, he could keep eating forever and never need to stop... because eating wasn't something his body required, it was strictly for enjoyment.
If there was ONE thing he would need to teach Naruto, for the sake of his wallet, it would be this one thing.
To only eat normal amounts of food when eating.
His wallet would not be able to afford feeding a bottomless pit.
Chapter End!
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