@zaylo267 you are great. Thanks for your reviews on every chapter. I wish we were good friends. Okay. Anyway, sorry for the late chapter. Life kinda kicked me in the ass for about a month and I got back my test marks, so... humph. There. The new chapter.


"Teach me medical ninjutsu"

"Eh.. what?"

"Medical Ninjutsu. Teach me."

"But why?", Asked Rin perfectly clueless about the boy's wishes.

"Naruto...why? Why do you wanna learn medical ninjutsu?"

Naruto just shook his head as he replied,"I never wanna see my comrades die"

Rin was taken aback. "Who..who died?"

Naruto looked down as he replied. "Haku. He died as a tool. If I had known medical ninjutsu, I could have saved him somehow. But, I didn't. So, please teach me."

Rin nodded. "We start tomorrow. That okay?"

Naruto's face lit up as he nodded. He then took off after a nod from Rin.

"Come out Kakashi"

"He's changed hasn't he? He is just been emotionally unstable the past month. He took Haku's death hard. Maybe I shouldn't have got head over heels and tried to kill Zabuza."

"Of course.You always head down and go on a killing spree, don't you?" Rin paused. She sighed. "You come out too, you idiot...", She called out to the darkness.

Not long after, Obito came out scratching his head and grinning like an idiot. "I, uh, you see..."

"I don't need your explanations"

"Yeah Obi boy, she don't need your explanations."

"Oh shut it you dog stench boy"

"Oh shut it all of you", came a voice. All three whirled around to find Itachi.

"Itachi? What's up Weasel?", Kakashi asked.

"You have been summoned by the Third. Please leave Naruto under my care and go pay a visit to him."

"Oh, there won't be a need for you to take care of Naruto. He just set off to find your brother and their team mate for training," said Obito.

"I see. Then I'll help them to train. Take care... Oh, and don't forget to meet up with the Third. He said that it was urgent."

The teen disappeared. All three let out a collective sigh. As of on cue, they jumped out of the window towards the Third's office.

Hiruzen Sarutobi never signed up to become Hokage. The Second had given him the title and role of the protector of The Leaf a few hours before his death. Of he had wanted to, he could have passed. But, he didn't want to disappoint his mentor's dying wish.

He was interrupted when he heard a knock. Oh well, let's do this, he thought.


A/N: So. You guys. I have a question for you. On Wattpad I have started another story involving a major character death. Do you want the story on this site too? If yes, let me know.