Hi! Sorry it's been absolutely ages. Hope you had a brilliant New Year! Apologies for the wait, but this chapter is really long, so that should make up for it. Hope you enjoy :)

Sam was still confused about what Gabriel had said, so he decided that the best thing he could do was call him. He sat in his room in the bunker and dialled the number from the small piece of paper that had been crumpled in his pocket since the meeting. Someone answered, but didn't talk. It wasn't until the phone had been put down and Sam turned around that he saw Gabriel stood behind him.

"Hi." Gabriel said.

"Hi, listen, I need to know what you meant with-"

"The whole gay thing?"

"Yes. Right. The whole gay thing"

Gabriel walked towards Sam and sat down next to him on his bed.

"Sorry to be blunt, Sammy, but I got across the message perfectly clearly. It's almost like people in your general vicinity have a problem with being straight- Dean, Charlie, Bobby, Cas."

"Jesus." said Sam.

"Bit big headed actually." said Gabriel. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"What for?"

"Being blunt."

"Apology accepted. But, I do want to know- Dean and Cas?! How realistic was that... thing?"

"Oh, very." Gabriel replies, a small smile spreading across his face. "Hidden feelings, you know?"

"Not really." replied Sam.

"Are you sure?" said Gabriel, smiling. "Are you really sure?"

"Yeah, pretty sure." said Sam.

"So, nothing hidden away deep down that you want to talk about?" asked Gabriel, clearly trying to get at something.

"No." said Sam. Gabriel looked hurt, but didn't give up.

"Nothing about... me?"

"What? No." said Sam. "Why?" Gabriel flushed red.

"No reason."

"Are you sure?" said Sam. "Are you really sure?" He said, clearly mocking him.

"Haha very funny." Gabriel said. "No. No reason."

Sam wasn't having any of it. There was something that Gabriel wasn't telling him.

"What aren't you telling me?" Sam asked, nicely.

"Nothing, nothing." said Gabriel, but his entire face was almost glowing red. "Is it hot in here? It's hot in here." He said.

"No. It's not hot. You're just lying. Tell me."


"Tell me!" Sam said, getting a little worked up.


"Tell me!" Sam said, loudly and quite angrily. Gabriel looked taken aback, and considered not telling him, but the look in Sam's eyes made him change his mind. It was a careful mixture of hope, anger and just a dash of puppy eyes.

"You weren't supposed to get a girlfriend in that."

"Yeah, you said. Why not?"

"Because..." He faltered again, and Sam stared at him, lips pursed, eyes glaring. "Because you were supposed to be with me!" Sam's eyes widened.


"The whole idea behind that was that you were supposed to be with me and if it didn't work, I could just erase the memories. Far easier to do it like that than just, you know, come out with it. In the normal world."

Sam almost had to take a step back.

"You? I'm supposed to be with... you?"

"Well... not supposed to... I just, wanted you to."

"Right." said Sam, not buying it at all. But as the conversation went on, he began to see how it could work. He was cute, Sam supposed.

They'd been talking for almost half an hour, and Sam is never smiled so much. It was like he'd forgotten everything that was going on. The only thing he remembered was Gabriel- and this time there were no mind tricks.

Gabriel sat down on Sam's bed and glanced at the clock: 1:07am. Dean was likely fast asleep. He shuffled closer to Sam and gently rested his hand on his knee. Sam looked at him with raised eyebrows, but didn't move to push him away. Instead, he took Gabriel's hand and wrapped it around his own waist.

"Forward, aren't we?" said Gabriel. Sam smiled.

"Movie?" he asked.

"Sure." said Gabriel, who, when Sam got up to choose a film, too it upon himself to lie down on Sam's bed.

"Hey that's my side!" Sam said.

"You snooze, you lose."

Sam turned back to the DVD player, laughing. He chose Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, then went back to the bed and lay next to Gabriel.

"This ain't even the best one." Gabriel said.

"Yes it is." said Sam. "I dare you to name a Pirates of the Caribbean film better than At World's End."

"Easy." Gabriel said. "Dead Man's Chest."

Sam looked personally offended. "I don't think so." He said.

In the end, they didn't even watch the film- they spent the majority of it looking at each other. Whatever Gabriel's plan was, it had worked. By half past two Sam had his arm around Gabriel's waist and Gabriel had his head rested on Sam's chest. Sam considered making a move for a while, then leant forwards slightly and kissed the top of Gabriel's head. But Gabriel had seen it coming. He quickly turned his head upwards so Sam ended up kissing his lips. When they broke apart, Sam had flushed a violent shade of red. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. Gabriel smiled, checked the time, then vanished. However he had left a note. Sam picked it up and unfolded it.


Pizza Sicilia at 7pm tomorrow

Don't be late

Gabe x

Right then, thought Sam. He heard footsteps outside his door, so quickly folded the note back up and shoved it under his pillow. A few seconds later, Dean walked into his room, rubbing his eyes and said,

"Have you seen Cas?"

"What? Why would I have seen Cas? Dean, it's three in the morning."

"Right, right." Dean said, and then left. He must have been sleep walking, Sam concluded, and then went to sleep.

Dean, however, did not go to sleep. He had woken up after what could only be described as a strange dream. He had been driving, and Cas had appeared in the passenger seat. He'd swerved the car out of surprise and almost crashed it, but Cas had reached over and steadied the wheel, and then somehow parked it from the passenger seat. Next, he had leaned over and put his hand on Dean's knee. With Baby safely parked by the side of the road, Dean had taken Cas' hand and the two had been perfectly content sat together. When Dean had woken up, he had gone looking for Cas. He didn't really even know why, but it had just felt like that's what he should have done. He supposed it must have been to find out if there was any truth to his dream. When he left Sam's room, he had stood outside the door rubbing his eyes, when he heard the rustling of paper and mumbling inside. He learn closer to the door and heard Sam quietly laughing and say


Dean's instinct was to burst in and yell, but after having had that dream, something had changed. Instead, he ignored it, and returned to his room.

The next morning, when Dean woke up, he went immediately to the kitchen, where Sam was sitting with his laptop open and two plates of pancakes in the table.

"Morning." Dean said, and Sam quickly slammed his laptop shut and tried to look normal.

"Um, they're for you." said Sam, gesturing towards the plate of pancakes and hoping that he would leave. But he didn't- he sat down at the table and picked up the newspaper.

"There's nothing." Sam said, before Dean could even turn the first page.

"Really? Nothing?"

"Nothing." said Sam, sipping his coffee.

"Right." Dean replied, picking up his fork. "So, what were you doing?"

"What? Oh, um, nothing." Sam said, trying not to flush bright red. It wasn't working.

"Liar." said Dean. Sam smiled, and replied,

"No, honestly. I was just seeing if Charlie had sent us anything, seeing as there's nothing in there." Sam gestures towards the newspaper.

"So why'd ya close it?" Dean leant back in his chair and picked up his mug.

"Porn advert." Sam replied. It was a pretty good lie, he thought.

"Right." said Dean, gently nodding. "Well, I'm gonna go and eat this in my room, and then we can go out tonight if there isn't a case." He stood up and picked up the plate. "Unless you want to sit here and read the library again?" Sam smiled.


"You sure? You've never turned down reading before!"



Dean left the room, humming Metallica. After making sure he was completely out of the room, Sam opened up the computer again. He'd googled Pizza Sicilia and found several glowing reviews, the most recent and most upvoted of them all being this:


'I took my girlfriend here on our first date... we've never forgotten it- the food was amazing, service was impeccable and it's very romantic, and six years later we're still together. Absolutely beautiful.'

Sam smiled.

"Really?" He whispered. To be honest, it looked incredible. It may just sound like your average pizza restaurant, but the pictures on Google we're stunning. He couldn't wait.

Later on, Dean came back into the kitchen in search of food. He spent half an hour rummaging in cupboards and standing in front of the oven, and then placed down a burger next to Sam.

"Bit late for lunch isn't it? It's four o'clock!"

"Early dinner." said Dean, through a mouthful of burger.

"And I can't come out tonight, but you should still go."

"What?" Dean said, putting his burger back on the plate. "How come?"

"I've been looking through the library,"

"Really? You're abandoning me for a book?"

"Not just any book." said Sam, standing up to go and get it. Dean rolled his eyes and went back to his burger. A few minutes later, Sam came back holding a thick, black leather bound book with silver edging.

"I found this. It's in code, but from what I've already managed to figure out, it's an ancient witchcraft book. Might be useful."

"What for? You just said it's ancient, nobody is gonna use that kind of magic."

"But get this- there's been a string of murders in Ohio, as well as some really strange things being found at the crime scene. Amber, human ear bones, come on, does that sound like ordinary witchcraft?"

"No." said Dean, again through a mouthful of burger.

"Dude, put the burger down."

"What? You've finished talking. You're gonna stay here and decrypt some nerdy witch book, and I'm gonna go out, get drunk, and get a hot chick."

"Right. Yeah." Sam said, opening the book back up. Dean leant forwards to get a look at it, but after a glance he sat back down.

"Okay. You stay here and read the nerd book." He left the kitchen and a few minutes later, Sam heard the familiar rumble of the Impala driving away from the bunker. He closed the book and went to his room to get changed.

When he got there, there was another note and a set of keys on his bed.


Dean's obviously taken the Impala, So there's a car outside.

Gabe x

Sam smiled and put the note back on his bed. He walked over to his, admittedly limited, wardrobe, and picked out an intact pair of jeans, a white t shirt and a red flannel shirt. After getting dressed, he ran his fingers through his hair and looked in the mirror.

Good, he thought. Pizza Sicilia was a good few hours away, and after Gabriel's 'Don't be late', he decided he'd better get going. Dean wouldn't be back until the early hours, so he would definitely get back before him.

He left the bunker and immediately saw a large black Range Rover parked on the kerb. He pressed the button on the keys and was quietly surprised when the lights flashed and he could open the doors. There was a picture taped to the steering wheel. Sam pulled it off and looked- it was a picture of Gabriel dressed as a waiter, complete with waistcoat and fake moustache, holding a tray while opening a hotel room door, captioned 'I have the car you ordered.' Sam couldn't help but smile as he put it on the passenger seat. He turned on the engine and drove away.

Meanwhile, Dean had found his way to a bar fairly far away from the bunker. He was sat at the counter on a red leather barstool, holding a small glass. He looked up and around the room. It was way fancier than 90% of bars he went in, and felt thoroughly underdressed. He scanned the room- or at least, he tried. He only got about halfway round when his eyes became fixated on a girl wearing a beautiful white dress and small silver heels. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, but she didn't look a mess at all. In fact, she was stunning. She was stood with a small group of girls, all holding champagne flutes. They were clearly celebrating something, but that wasn't going to stop him. He put down the glass and made his way over to her. He very smoothly managed to get inside the circle of girls, all of whom were now staring at him. Except the girl he wanted to be staring at him.

"Hello ladies." He said. "I'm just after a conversation with your friend." He turned to the girl in the white dress. "Drink?" He asked.

"I've already got one, clueless." she said. She was smart.

"Right." Dean said.

"Emm?" asked another one of the girls, this time wearing a black dress. "Want us to get rid of him?"

"No, it's fine. Give me a minute." She walked over to the bar and sat down next to Dean's glass.

"So." she said.

"So." Dean replied.

"What do you want?"

"Well, you're a very beautiful woman. What do you think?"

"Ha." said Emm. "No way."

"Why not?" Dean asked, moving his hands toward hers. "Am I not in your league?" Dean studied her face- she had constellations of freckles, and beautiful brown eyes. Her hair was a gorgeous soft brown, and small strands had fallen down the front of her ears and across her face. He gently brushed the stray hairs away and tucked them behind her ear. As much as she wanted to keep a blank expression, she couldn't help but smile. She then tucked her hair behind her ear again- it was a kind of nervous thing. Dean smiled and took a sip of his drink.

"You know, I think I'll take you up on that drink. I left my glass over there and I have a feeling it's no longer safe to drink." Dean looked over Emm's shoulder and saw a small white pill floating in the bottom of the flute.

"Good idea." Dean said, before calling over the bartender. "We'll have a glass of your finest champagne please." Dean swivelled on the barstool to face Emm. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Oh, loads of people." Emm said, smiling and taking a sip of her champagne. Dean laughed.

"I'm sure they have."

Two and a half hours later, Sam arrived at Pizza Sicilia. He was a few minutes early, and he took the time to make sure that he was presentable by smoothing down his shirt. He walked inside the restaurant, and was amazed. There was nobody in there except Gabriel, who was sat at a table with a single rose in the middle. He stood up and walked towards Sam, taking his hands and dragging him to the table.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." Sam replied, still looking around. A waiter approached their table.

"I'm Larry, your waiter, welcome to Pizza Sicilia. What can I get you to drink?"

Gabriel turned to Sam.

"Oh, I don't mind. Anything." Sam said.

"We'll have a bottle of your finest red." Gabriel said.

"We will?" Sam said. Gabriel nodded slightly and smiled.

"We will." Sam smiled back and picked up a menu. He read through it, impressed.

"Thoughts?" Gabriel said. Without looking up from the menu, Sam said "I have a lot of thoughts."

"Smartass." Gabriel said, then picked up a menu. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes until Larry your waiter came back with a bottle of red wine.

"Here you go sirs." He said, pouring it expertly Ito the two wine glasses.

"Thankyou." said Sam. He made the most if this break in silence by asking "Did you book the whole restaurant, or is it usually this empty?"

Gabriel looked up from his menu and smirked.

"Darling, this is all for you." Sam flushed bright red and hid behind his menu, pretending to read it even though he'd already decided what he wanted. Again silence settled over the pair, until it was shaken once again by Larry your waiter.

"Are you ready to order?" Sam nodded and looked at Gabriel, who replied "I believe we are." He gestured for Sam to go first.

"I'll have the shrimp pasta please."

"No way!" said Gabriel, theatrically putting down his menu. "That's exactly what I was going to have!" Sam laughed as Larry your waiter made a note.

"And a side of garlic bread please." Gabriel added. Larry your waiter nodded and headed to the kitchen. Sam was still laughing.

"It wasn't that funny." Gabriel said.

"It was pretty funny." Sam replied, still grinning from ear to ear.

When the food came, they were that engrossed in conversation that Larry your waiter had to announce its arrival before they realised, and when the plates had been cleared, they were holding hands across the table and laughing together.

"Sam, you've driven a long way, I think that you'd be better staying in my hotel room tonight." Gabriel said. He had to admit, it was smooth. And he was a hair's breadth away from agreeing, but he knew that Dean would be home, and Sam was supposed to be reading.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I would really love to, but, Dean."

"Ah, I see." said Gabriel. "Well, what if I told you that you didn't have to worry about Dean? That he wouldn't be back until at least tomorrow?"

"Well." Sam said, wrapping his hand around Gabriel's neck. "If that was guaranteed..."

"Oh it is."

This was guaranteed because Dean had managed to somehow engage Emm in conversation. He le told her that he was an accountant. A boring job, to avoid her asking questions about him rather than talking about herself.

"So what do you do?" Dean asked.

"I'm a Spanish teacher at the local high school."

"Really?" said Dean, grinning. "I've always thought Spanish was an incredibly romantic language. How about you prove me right?" Emm's cheeks flushed bright red and she tried to hide it by taking a sip of her drink, but Dean had already seen and was smiling and flushing red himself.

"Tus ojos son un hermoso verde."

"And what does that mean?" Dean asked.

"It's a secret." Emm replied.

The two talked and drank all night, until around midnight, when Emm said that she had to go. Her friends had already left- they'd texted her (with several eggplant emojis).

As she stood up to leave, Dean stood up too.

"Let me drive you." He hadn't drink much- he'd been too busy talking, which was very rare.

"It's okay, you don't have to do that. I'll just get an Uber."

"They could be anyone."

"You could be anyone." Emm replied.

"Fair enough. But at least let me drive you."

"Fine." Emm said- she wasn't going home anyway. She was on holiday to celebrate their friend Brandon's engagement. They walked outside, Dean's hand wrapped around her waist, to the Impala.

"Nice car." Emm said. Dean's eyes lit up and he grinned from ear to ear.

"Thanks." He said, opening the passenger door. Emm slid in and Dean closed the door.

"Where to?" He asked once he'd turned on the engine.

"The Point Hotel."

"That's expensive." Dean commented as he pulled out of the parking space.

"Well, we're celebrating, and I'm not paying anyway." Dean laughed and a few minutes later he pulled up at the Point Hotel.

"Well, thanks for the ride." Emm said, turning to open the door. Dean laid his hand on Emm's cheek and gently turned her face towards his. He leant forwards and gently kissed her, then stretched across to open the door for her.

"Do you want to come in?" Emm asked.

"I'd be delighted." Dean said, then got out of the Impala and walked around to open the door for Emm.

"Well..." said Sam. "If it's guaranteed, then yes."

"Brilliant." Gabriel said, standing up. After he paid the bill (which he wouldn't let Sam see, although he was sure it was expensive), he and Sam walked outside to the car. Gabriel took Sam's hand, and was relieved when he wasn't pushed away.

Gabriel drove to the hotel, and Sam sat quietly in the passenger seat. When he pulled up, Gabriel rested his hand on Sam's knee and said "Ready?"

"Absolutely." Sam said, and got out of the car.

Gabriel's hotel room was huge. It had its own small kitchen, as well as a four-poster double bed, sofa and TV. Sam closed the door behind him, and sat next to Gabriel on the sofa. After a few minutes of silence, Sam finally mustered up the courage to wrap his arm around Gabriel's waist and kiss his forehead. Gabriel looked up at him and smiled, before reaching up to kiss him. Sam was taken almost completely by surprise, but leaned into the kiss. As Gabriel pushed up against Sam's chest, Sam leant down and forced Gabriel onto his back, climbing on top of him. Gabriel forced his hands underneath Sam's shirt and pushed it over his head, and soon, Sam had done the same to him.

They never made it to the four poster.

The next morning, Dean woke up draped in duvet and entangled with Emm, topless and with a major bed head. She woke after a few minutes, and left to shower. Dean reached over to his jeans and took his phone out of his pocket. There were no texts or missed calls off Sam. Dean went to dial his number, but turned off the phone and just laid in the bed. After a few minutes, he got up and recovered his clothes, which were scattered all over the floor. He pulled them on, ran his fingers through his hair and went to the kitchenette to make coffee. When Emm came through in her dressing gown, he had made two cups of coffee. He handed one to Emm, and after a long discussion, he checked the time. 1:40pm.

"I have to go. But, it's been great." Dean said, putting down his mug.

"No problem. It has." Emm said. Dean gently kissed her forehead and then took his coat and left for the Impala. Surprisingly, he didn't have a headache at all.

A few hours away, Gabriel and Sam had woken up. After several failed attempts at making pancakes, Gabriel had pushed Sam out of the way of the cooker and taken over. Sam wrapped his hands around Gabriel's waist and kissed his neck, only to be swatted away.

"I'm making pancakes you lunatic- do you want them to burn?" He said. Sam sat down at the small round table, pouting slightly. His hair was a mess, which wasn't surprising, as he didn't own a hairbrush. Gabriel came triumphantly out of the kitchen with two plates of pancakes. He set one plate down in front of Sam, and ran his fingers through Sam's hair to straighten it.

"Better." He said. The pair sat quietly, exchanging looks and eating the pancakes.

"Time to go, Sammy." Gabriel said.

"What? Why?" asked Sam.

"Dean should be on his way back now- and you'd better be there when he gets there." Sam couldn't argue at all. He retrieved his jacket and Gabriel took his hand, and they walked outside to the car.

Several hours later, they reached the bunker, mercifully before Dean. Sam got out of the car, shit the door and turned to face the entrance.

"Toodles." Gabriel said, and when Sam turned around, he was gone.

Sam went straight to his room to change his clothes, and found another note on his bed.


Had a great time today- same time next week?

Lots of love

Gabe x

He'd just finished reading it when Dean knocked in his bedroom door and walked in. Sam hurriedly screwed up the note and tried to act innocent.

"Good night?" He asked.

"Yeah, great." Dean said. "Translate that book?" Sam shuffled his feet.

"Um, yeah, a bit."

"Right." Dean said. He didn't sound completely convinced. "Well, you missed out. Loads of hot chicks."

"So that's where you've been." Sam said, smiling.

"You know me." Dean said, leaving the room. A few minutes later, Sam heard shouting coming from the library. He ran as fast as he could to find Dean sat in the floor, Cas' head in his lap. Cas was covered in blood, his clothes stained beyond recognition and his face almost mutilated. Tears had begun to form in Dean's eyes, as he struggled to find words. In the end, he managed a broken "Cas..."

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment or PM me with suggestions. Until next time :)