an: Hey... Once again I forgot my password and had to make a new account which is pretty annoying because all the stuff the I wrote I didn't know how to recover. So if you find a fanfic really similar to this it is probably the same one. The story is called 'Stand down'. I'm rewriting it because it was really badly written.
Sorry for the boring part... ;)
13 years ago
Twelve year old Elsa was leaning against an older boy's shoulder her hair clinging to her wet cheeks. Tears were slowly rolling down from her eyes and onto her clothes.
She stared in front of her, watching police officers take photos of the car accident for evidence.
All she felt in this moment was guilt.
'If only I hadn't asked for mama and papa to pick me up instead of walking would still be here.'
She looked through her tears and saw an ambulance taking her parents' bodies away. They had been pronounced dead on the scene.
"I only wanted a lift so I could go to the shops to get Anna a gift for her birthday tomorrow." Elsa whispered barely loud enough for the boy beside her to hear, before having another panic attack. She struggled to continue breathing as the events began to catch up with her. The world around her started to go dark and she felt overwhelmed with dizziness.
"Shhhh" He said bringing his hand up to caress her blond hair. "It will all be okay. I will help you. Don't worry."
His calming words brought Elsa back for the briefest moment before her tears resurfaced.
She had never understood why other kids didn't like him. She had been warned to stay away by almost everyone but still, he had always been there for her. Everything bad he had ever done was for her.
If Elsa had taken the time to look at the face of the boy beside her, she would have seen the smirk he wore as he watched the scene in front of him. She didn't know it yet but this boy was just the beginning of the bad things that were going to happen in her life.
Elsa sat alone in coldness of her dark car parked outside the Police Department. Ever since that night 13 years ago she seemed to enjoy the peace and quiet the darkness brought. It was like her safety blanket. It sheltered her.
Today was her first day working in New York and she needed a good first impression if she wanted to stay. Come across too weak and people won't respect you, come across mean and you will be isolated from everything going during cases.
"Detective Snow, pleasure to make your acquaintance." She gave herself a cold glare in the overhead mirror. It wasn't enough. Letting out a sigh she collapsed back into her seat.
'No, too friendly' She thought as she brought her hands up to cover her face.
She straightened her posture and looked back into the mirror. "Detective Snow." she paused, "Pleased to be on your service sir." She needed to come across as confident and show no weaknesses. There were no second chances. If she couldn't stay here she would be transferred to the second best police department in Arendelle, and that wasn't an option. Going home was never an option.
Elsa took a deep breath and closed her eyes brushing away the memories from her past.
"Conceal don't feel."
This had been her motto ever since the incidents. Her parents dying, her sister gone missing, and Elsa running away from all of it. Life hadn't been easy. As soon as she had fled Arendelle she got taken in by a man who found her out on the streets during a snow storm. She stayed there for most of her teen years not once telling him or his family about the tragedy that had occurred almost a week before. There was a reason she left them however.
On the night of her 18th birthday she received a letter addressed to her. It took her seconds to pack up her things and leave without getting a chance to say goodbye. It was too risky. For the second time in her life Elsa felt like she had lost a second family and isolated herself again. She promised herself, that she would never talk about what she read on the letter until the danger had passed but for now she needed to forget about it. She didn't need to change her second name another time.
She opened her eyes again and opened the door of her car still preparing herself for the introduction to the chief. Once her car was locked she turned to walk across the street but was almost pushed over by a man running past in black clothes with his hood pulled up. She was about to yell at him when she saw him stop in front of the house facing the Police Department.
She watched him pulling the doorknob unsuccessfully trying to open the door. The rugged man looked around him quickly to make sure nobody was watching. 'What are you doing?' Elsa thought. Without noticing her looking at him, he pulled out a pocket knife and walked over to the closest window, forcing it open.
"Hell no! Not on my watch." She grabbed her guns from her belt and made sure she brought handcuffs. She didn't understand why any of the other patrol officers didn't react.
The man jumped through the window and started making his way into one of the rooms. Elsa observed from outside and once he was out of sight she quickly jumped through. The home was nice and comfortable and had a few valuable items that might have attracted the attention of a robber. It was very tidy and there were obvious signs that there were two or more people living there.
She kept her gun pointed ahead and slowly went into the room the robber had gone into. When she walked in he had his back turned to her and was rummaging through a wardrobe. He was medium/tall and had an athletic build. She knew that she needed the element of surprise to overcome his strength. She quietly ran up behind him, grabbed his shoulder and pushed him facing the wall his hands above his head.
He didn't struggle so Elsa pulled down his hood revealing a head of white hair. She quickly ran her hands through all his pockets and took the knife he had used to break in.
Once she was sure she had him under control she addressed him."Seriously? Right in front of the police department." She said unimpressed.
"You must be new, I've never seen you around." He started turning around to face her but she pushed him back with some force. Even though he wasn't looking at her she could still see the smirk making its way across his face.
"Of course you would notice that." Rolling her eyes she put the handcuffs on making sure to be a little more physical that needed. She was used to people being inappropriate wherever she went. She knew she was pretty but it's not like it was her fault, she didn't want to be noticed.
"Come on lets go." She forced him out the door. It took almost thirty seconds for the two of them to reach the police department. When they walked in everyone had a shocked expression. The guy she had caught stayed quiet the whole time.
After 2 minutes of waiting they reached the front desk.
"Where do I bring him?" Elsa asked the two officers who also seemed a little confused. they gave each other weird looks before pointing behind her.
"Um, through the back door and to the right."
She gave the robber a push and started following the directions she was given but the further she went the more weird stares she was getting. People even stopped what they were doing to look at what was happening. They were laughing and whispering and Elsa couldn't help but feel self-conscious.
'Have I done something wrong?'
It was at this moment that she saw the man she was most nervous to meet was walking towards her.
"You must be Detective Snow." He extended his large hand towards her. "Captain Nick North, Chief of the precinct." She shakes his hand annoyed that all her practice in the car came to nothing. She opened her mouth to excuse her tardiness but the man she was holding hostage decided to cut across her.
"Trust me it's not what you think." He says to the chief with a careless expression on his face. He acted as though he wasn't in handcuffs and that he was in no way guilty.
"Wow, really original." She answers back to him her voice dripping in sarcasm. Elsa looked back towards the chief and continued to explain why she was late. "Captain, I was supposed to present myself in your office at nine this morning but..."
And for the second time this morning the man she had arrested cut across her. "What my dear Elsa was trying to say." He paused, with his piercing blue eyes catching hers, "Is that she decided to use her time showing me her arrest techniques."
'He shouldn't know my first name.'
"Great technique by the way. Really caught me off guard." He winked.
She was taken aback but didn't let is show by keeping the eye contact he had started. She felt exposed and at the same time completely in the dark.
Captain North smiled at the two of us. "I see you've had the pleasure of meeting Detective Frost."
She froze.
Elsa looked between Detective Frost and the Captain in shock trying to comprehend the situation. Frost looks at her with a grin shaking the handcuffs behind his back not even needing to ask her to take them off. After standing still for a few seconds Elsa walked behind him in discomfort and started to remove the cold metal from his wrists. All around her people are chuckling at what just happened.
"Welcome to New York Elsa. Detective jack Frost at your service." jack massaged his wrists and giving her a small bow.
'Ugh ,what is it with him and his stupid shit-eating grin.'
"You'll never believe what a morning I have had. It all started when I left my keys inside my house after I went for a jog, and then I got arrested for going home." She stared at him with a blank expression bu it didn't stop him from laughing. "In case you haven't figured it out I live right across the road."
Their eye contact was soon broken when the Captain started talking. "Right well, you two are partners. Detective Frost will show you the ropes when he's ready. If you have any questions feel free to ask me I will be in my office unless I get an urgent call." He then walked back into his office leaving the two of them alone.
As soon as the door shut Jack turned towards Elsa still smiling about the whole situation. "I would like to have my stuff back now."
Elsa sighed and reached into her pocket for his personal belongings and reluctantly handed them back. He started walking away from her whilst talking to her, "Thanks. I'm gonna be quick and change, be back in a minute,". Just as he was about to go out the door he stopped himself. "Oh, and while I'm gone you should have a look around and make yourself comfortable. The office is that way."
This left Elsa standing alone awkwardly with people around looking at her in amusement while they got back to work.
"As if I could make myself comfortable, prick." She says under her breath.
an: thanks to anyone who has made it this far.
Pleaseeeee review! Don't hold back. I love constructive criticism.
Again I'm thinking of deleting the original one on my other account because this one is much better and up to date. This is my fourth fanfic spread across different accounts. (good luck finding all of them)
Reviews are what motivate me to keep me going... Just a heads up.