Let The Wind Blow
"Hey! Wake up!" I shook her shoulder roughly, desperately trying to stir her off the blow up mattress. She groaned, erupting into a violent cough, "It's okay, it's okay" I soothed, "I'm here now"
"Hika?" her voice was a shallow whisper, exhausted and groggy. What the fuck did that bastard give her?
"We have to get you out of here" I said quietly. I didn't know how long he'd be gone for, but I couldn't risk us getting caught. If he found me here, god knows what he would do to me, then to her. I should have told someone we were here – I thought. If he got me too, who the hell would come looking? Who would think to look under the institute? I needed to get her out.
"He's coming" Haruhi hissed as I pulled her up into a sitting position, "He's coming back"
"It's okay" I replied, "He's not here, we need to leave. Fast"
My hands cupped her cheeks, holding her in place so I could assess her face. She was pale and bruised, her lip was split and dried blood coated her chin and nose. Anger rose in my stomach. I could feel Yasao growl inside me, threatening to burst his way out. He was enraged. More than I'd ever felt before. That red hot poker burned through my head, my temples throbbing as Yasao exploded with screams and shouts, threats of death and torture echoing off the walls of my skull.
"Wrap you arms around my neck" I said through gritted teeth. I couldn't afford to blackout, I had to see that I got her out. I couldn't let Yasao go on a rampage just yet.
We need to keep her safe – I thought to Yasao, Leave now. Fight later.
He continued to bellow in my head as I lifted Haruhi up off the floor. She was even smaller now, even lighter. Which didn't seem possible since she'd always been so tiny. I could tell that the bastard hadn't been feeding her.
"He's coming" she trembled.
"It's okay, I'm getting us out" my eyes locked onto a tear that began tumbling from her cheek. My stomach clenched.
I'm going to gut that piece of shit – Yasao cried in my ear.
I'm going to rip out his insides one by one and show them to him in the palm of my hand.
I'm going to slice him head to toe and drown him in his blood.
I'm going to peel the skin from his face and burst his eyes with a pin.
I'm going to wire his mouth shut and force him to scream.
I'm going to string him up on hooks piercing his flesh.
My eyes focused back on Haruhi, who stared ahead of us. Terror in her tired eyes.
"Well, what do we have here?" a voice smirked in the shadows. I froze on the spot, as Haruhi gasped and tightened her grip on me. I could feel her fear coursing through her body as she began to shake in my arms. A chuckle met our ears, "Don't worry. I'm sure I can find an extra bed"
Hello, hello, hello!
I know some of you have been waiting for this, and I'm so excited to announce that the rewrite of Let The Wind Blow is coming! I have made a few changes to the story I originally started, the most notable being that the story will now be in Hikaru's point of view. Some of the plot has been changed also, but overall I am so happy to share it with you!
When I first started writing LTWB I had a vision as to how the story would go, and since the subject matters were somewhat sensitive I wanted to make sure I did it right and that I was 100% happy with what I was putting out there.
Chapter 1 will be on it's way this month, and I hope you're going to enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it!
Chapter 16 of Coffee Shops and Cameras is now live! Please remember to Review/Favourite/Follow, your support means the world to me!
Also if you have any questions or comments, or are interested in news and updates about other stories and upcoming projects, please follow me on twitter! - /YulisanWrites.
Much love,
Yuli xxxx