Dragneel's Kingdom


"Hey Lucy!" someone shouted

Lucy turned around to see Cana with… Alcohol…

"CANA!" shouted Happy and Lucy shouted and potentially tackled her into a hug

"Ok.. anyways… wanna go back to Fairytail?"


-At Fairytail-

"Everyone.. Everyone's here" Lucy started to tear up

"We were all devastated, and we were all waiting for someone to break the silence.." Cana added, suddenly everyone held up their letter and shouted in unison "And you were the one to do so!"

At this point Lucy started to cry, not in sadness but in happiness, but suddenly Gray asked a question that Lucy has been asking since Tartaros "Where's Flame Brain?"

This got everyone to shut up, Master Makarov even Gildarts was here and yet the heart of the guild isn't, they started to worry and got even more worried after they heard what Lucy had to say "He disappeared the moment the war between Tartaros ended, he left Happy and I a note saying that he will be gone for a few years, and that was it nothing more nothing less"

Soon everyone started making plans on where to look for the dragon slayer before they could make a move a giant(Makarov) started speaking/shouting "SILENCE! Natsu said he would be gone for a few years, it's already been 1 of those years, he's probably walking since he can't take transportation, he might already be on his way back!" This got everyone to chill, relax and just wait for Natsu to come back himself.


"Zeref-nii! come! I thinkI know how to get rid of you and Mavis's curse!" Shouted someone that has salmon hair (who can that be?)

Zeref soon came running down and jumping in excitement "Natsu! really? If you have, do it quickly, I can't wait any longer!"

"Heh, sure, just give me a moment…" Natsu continued "Gods up above, I solemnly ask you to lift the curse upon Zeref Dragneel, CURSE LIFTER TECHNIQUE: DEATH GOD CURSE EATER!" as soon as Natsu finished a ball of black substance was floating above his hand, then with a snap of his finger it disappeared "Zeref-nii do you feel any dark energy except for your magic in your body?"


"No… No I don't! Natsu! your the best!" Shouted a very happy Zeref

"Now lets go save Mavis"

"No Natsu, you're going to go save Mavis, just bring her back to Alveraz, especially since Fairytail is now back and running, they recognise me and will try to get you away from me" Zeref whispered the last part

"Zeref-nii,I know we will have to war with Ishgar but don't worry, even though my family is over there, my real family is still here, so you don't have to worry about me leaving you!" Natsu shouted nearly crying "You always assume that for Fairytail I would leave you! it makes me feel like you don't want me here anymore! Just remember that no matter what I'm not going to leave you again!" Natsu broke down and fell on his knees.

"Natsu.. I'm so sorry, I'll have the ride ready in 1hr make sure to bring my girlfriends back!"hearing this Natsu laughed "I don't think I would be able to handle you being lovey dovey at all!"


"Zeref-nii, I'll be going to get ready I'll see you in a few weeks!"

"Alright, but before you go remember that-"

"to call you Zeref not Zered-nii around other people unless they are from Alveraz"

Zeref smiled and waved a goodbye at his cute little brother.

*1 Hr Later*

"Prince Natsu, you're ride is here"

"Alright, I'll be down in 10 seconds!"

Natsu got into the car *cough*Limo*cough* and headed back to Magnolia.=, he would be able to see his Fairytail family and Zeref's girlfriend in a week and 3 days (guessed distance)

What will Natsu do to get to Lumen Histoire?