Reading Ledger:

"Normal Speak"

-Dragon Speak-

'Toothless&Hiccup Telepathy' [This telepathy has no limit distance-wise, but only Hiccup and Toothless can hear it.]

*All Dragon Telepathy* [This version of telepathy is not long distance, but can still be used if individuals are close enough even when they are not within each other's vision. Has around a 100-meter distance.]

Original Character Names:

Terrible Terror - Remi

Chapter 15 - Relazione Riparata

Hiccup was thoroughly startled by the sudden screaming of his name from the area outside of the den. He gently rubbed the growling dragon that had instantly been set on edge having been woken from a nap, -It's fine.- Of course, Hiccup was calm since he recognized the voice, -It's only Astrid.-

Hiccup stood and made his way to the back door, Toothless following right behind him just in case it was a trap. Hiccup had already covered his hands in scales for protection from the weather and the wooden door as he pulled the bark door free from its spot and set it aside before peaking outside, "What are you yelling about now?"

"I was worried about you since the weather has been so bad. I thought I'd check up on you," she said slightly shaking from the cold.

Hiccup sighed not wanting to deal with her, but he couldn't leave her out there in the cold, "Get up here, it's too cold to just stand there and we're letting the heat out the longer we have the door open."

Astrid was clearly confused, "How am I supposed to get up there?"

Hiccup suddenly had a great idea so he turned to Toothless, -Can you bring her up here for me?- The dragon grumbled clearly annoyed but agreed anyways after Hiccup rubbed his neck. Hiccup looked back down at her, "He's coming down to get you now."

"Wha…," she didn't even have enough time to finish speaking as the dragon jumped down landing right in front of her. She screamed out of surprise and fell on her ass, clearly, she hadn't had enough time for her brain to even process what Hiccup had said. Hiccup was still standing in the doorway laughing his ass off, as he watched fear and awe cover Astrid's face when Toothless motioned for her to climb onto his back. Astrid looked up at Hiccup for what he assumed was for assurance that it was safe so he nodded with a smile on his face. Following that she took a deep breath and moved closer to Toothless, before gently moving up on to his back and trying to brace herself for what would come next.

It was only a few seconds of movement before both she and the dragon were in the den. Once everyone was inside Hiccup closed the entrance back up and moved over to where he'd been originally sitting in the pile of fur with Toothless. He sat against the dragon after rewrapping the furs he was using around himself.


Astrid had been more than surprised once inside the cave. Firstly, it was way warmer than she ever could have imagined it being, hell she was pretty sure that it was warmer in here then there homes back in the village ever got. Second, the place was a lot homier then she expected it to be. Lastly, she hadn't really processed how close Hiccup and the dragon were, but for some unknown reason even to herself, it was nice to see. That was more love than Hiccup had ever had in his life and she knew it. It made her really think, because if they could treat him better then his own kind almost instantly it wasn't as much of a surprise that he had chosen them as she'd originally thought.

"My mother was worried so I decided to come to see you, but you're doing fine out here," she said after sitting down by the fire craving warmth. She held her hands out attempting to get them warmer while she spoke.

Hiccup smiled, "Toothless covered the entrance, Remi gets firewood and brings back fish to eat, and I fixed up that old sail to help keep the cold out. It's been pretty warm in here since we got it all fixed up, and the dragons also provide a lot of heat so it's actually rather nice in here."

Astrid nodded before asking, "Remi? Toothless?"

"Toothless is my soulmate here," he gently ran his hand along the back of his soulmate before continuing, "Remi's the terror but he's out either exploring or fishing right now. He brings me back stuff from other islands and shipwrecks."

Toothless spoke up, -I think he said he was going to try and find you some more books to read.-

-I wonder if he was planning to sneak into the village today then,- Hiccup said curiously.

Astrid cut in, "What are you guys saying?"

"He said that Remi was trying to find me some more books," was Hiccups simple answer before he continued speaking, "He finds a lot of things out there that I can use, but I'd be nice if he could find some more books. I try to avoid going outside because of the cold so I do a lot of reading instead."

Astrid nodded, "If I'd known that I could have brought some for you."

"Well I wasn't exactly expecting too still be here, let alone seeing you again," he said annoyed but not at Astrid this time, instead he was irritated at the whole situation. He'd wanted to leave the island, and had actually been excited by the thoughts of escaping this place. Yet, the weather had stolen away any chances of leaving before the ice melts. He'd almost been able to taste freedom but that had been snatched away. Even if he'd left the village this island was still hell in his eyes, he wouldn't be free until him and Toothless managed to fly far, far away from Berk.

She spoke more quietly, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting to end up coming here again either."

They talked about a number of topics for quite a while. Before their conversation turned to a more serious topic. Astrid brought the subject up, "Your fathers been a mess since you left. He runs on autopilot, and just seems to be... broken."

Hiccup laughed after hearing that, "Good. He never cared about me while I was there, but the moment I leave suddenly I'm an important part of his life. Bullshit, what right does he have to care now? He never gave a fuck about me before, except for when I was embarrassing him."

"I know Hiccup, I just thought you should know since he's still your father," she replied calmly. "I don't blame you for wanting to leave…"

Toothless obviously noticed how upset his other half was becoming because of the conversation as he made a number of comforting noises, rubbing his muzzle against Hiccup, -Calm down. You're safe here, I won't let anyone hurt you. Will get away from this place as soon as we can.-

Hiccup rested his face against his dragon halves head, taking a deep calming breath, -I know. You'll always keep me safe. Love you, Toothless.-


Before they noticed the sun had set, and Remi had returned. Astrid looked outside nervously, "Shit I can't start walking back now."

Hiccup nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that wouldn't be a very safe idea. It's already basically night time, and it's starting to snow. So, I guess you'll have to sleep here then."

Astrid wasn't exactly excited to have to sleep in a cave with two dragons, but she was neither stubborn nor dumb enough to try walking back to the village in this weather. That was a good way to get yourself killed, the perfect way to end up freezing to death. At least this cave was warmer than any of their houses in the village. Astrid sighed giving in, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Thanks."

Hiccup grabbed one of his furs and carried it over to set it in front of her, "Here you'll need this."

Astrid wrapped the fur around her body and smiled at him, "Thanks."


Hiccup started cooking him and Astrid some fish while the dragons snacked on the large pile of raw fish in the corner of the cave. Afterwards, they talked for a little while longer before preparing to sleep. Hiccup was tired so he crawled into his sleeping spot within his dragon partners wings. Toothless held him in his paw, hiding his soulmate away from the human guest that was watching them from the other side of the cave.


Astrid watched them out of sheer curiosity. The dragon had completely hidden the boy out of her line of sight, and Hiccup had gone straight to the beast as if this was normal. She assumed that for him it probably was normal, as well as, the most efficient way to sleep warmly in a cave during winter. While Astrid's mind continued to jump from thought to thought she started to drift off to sleep.


Remi awoke during the night when the fire in the cave was starting to die. He yawned before shaking and crawling across the cave. Quickly adding some more wood into the fire. He looked to the small human shaking from the drop in temperature in the corner before moving to lay beside her. He curled up next to her before going back to sleep himself.


Astrid was slightly startled when she woke up in the morning with a dragon curled up asleep against her. Even then she couldn't will her body to move away from the warmth, the pleasant warmth released by the tiny dragon was too tempting to move away from. She curled up closer to the small creature and closed her eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep.

Sleep managed to evade her when she heard movement coming from the other side of the cave. She forced an eye open so she could take a look. Bright green eyes greeted her before the dragon simply closed its eyes again. There was no reason for it to see her as a threat currently so it paid her no more attention. She was still slightly disturbed to be sleeping in a cave with a massive killer fire breathing dragon across from her, but her way of thinking was beginning to change. Astrid still understood that dragons were dangerous but she also now knew that like Vikings, dragons could choose whether they were going to be bad or good. How could she still believe that all dragons were dangerous nasty creatures after seeing the way that these two dragons cared for Hiccup? Even without understanding their conversations she could tell how happy they made him feel, he never smiled like that when he was back in the village. Astrid wasn't sure if she'd ever witnessed Hiccup smiling so purely before, it made her feel rather lukewarm about the whole situation. Hiccup should never have been treated the way he was, just thinking about it now made her beyond angry. How could the chief allow his own successor to be mistreated in such a way? Stoick should have put a stop to the way they'd been treating Hiccup from the start. The belief that it was okay and would make him stronger wad total bullshit, all it had ever done was give the boy more of a reason not to want to be around the village. When she really stopped to think about it they'd made Hiccup's decision to join dragons an obvious one. He was beyond intelligent and already had built up a lot of anger towards Vikings. Without any true friends or family who showed care for him, there was nothing left to keep him here.

Astrid sighed as she sat up with the tiny dragon still sleeping in her arms. She gently rubbed the small dragons head as she continued to think about what to do next. Firstly, she would need to head back to the village soon. Second, she would talk to her mom and no one else about this. Lastly, she would try to protect Hiccup to the best of her abilities, because even though everything she'd been taught her whole life screamed that all dragons were evil. She knew deep inside that they were absolutely wrong now, that the answer to their problem wasn't anywhere near that simple. If they wanted to find an actual solution than they needed to stop ruthlessly killing dragons and search for a better way. They needed to change their entire way of life or this war would never end.

Astrid was starting to fear the idea of Hiccup leaving. She wasn't sure why but she was sure that if Hiccup left then they'd never find out the truth. They needed Hiccup to stay because Astrid knew that if he left then he'd be taking the only chance at getting answers with him. If Astrid was honest, she wished that there was a way to make him stay, but she knew that wasn't possible.


Hiccup was reading a book out loud to Toothless, translating each word into dragon-speak before speaking out loud to his other half. The book was about a group of Vikings ship wrecked on an island alone, or at least they thought they were alone before they began to go missing one-by-one. The main character was a shy brunette with gravity-defying hair, she was smart but slowly she began to be overwhelmed by fear. She was protected by a boy who had black hair and usually remained aloof. The girl didn't understand how the boy could go from protecting her one moment to disciplining her the next moment simply for being shy.

So far Hiccup was finding the book interesting but a little embarrassing at the same time. While Toothless was simply enjoying listening to his mate speak so eloquently in dragon.

-She really likes him, but I'm not sure about him. He's rather erratic with his behavior, -Hiccup said giving his opinion on the characters so far.

Toothless made a noise in his throat that sounded almost like a small laugh, -He likes her, wants to be mates but I think that he is too proud to ask. He's allowing his pride to get in the way of something far more important. Foolish.-

Hiccup laughed lightly in response, -Humans tend to hold pride above all else. We allow it to control our lives instead. It's rather sad when I stop to think about it.-

-Humans tend to act dumber than they actually are, and it causes them so many problems. They never think before they act,- Toothless growled as he thought of memories he believed he'd long forgotten,- Kill without a second thought? Even when it's just a baby dragon that never would have hurt them to begin with.-

-I'm sorry for what they've done to you. I wish that they'd listen to those who try to speak the truth, but instead I would only be labeled as crazy if I tried to speak out against the injustice,- Hiccup sighed as he looked at his best friend.

Toothless nuzzled up against his other halves face and neck, -Not your fault. It's okay.-

-I wish I could change the way they are, but I don't think that's even possible,- Hiccup whined out while holding on to Toothless's head. He took pleasure in knowing that his dragon would always be with him. No matter what he did or was he'd always be safe with Toothless.