Reading Ledger:

"Normal Speak"

-Dragon Speak-

'Toothless&Hiccup Telepathy' [This telepathy has no limit distance-wise, but only Hiccup and Toothless can hear it.]

*All Dragon Telepathy* [This version of telepathy is not long distance, but can still be used if individuals are close enough even when they are not within each other's vision. Has around a 100-meter distance.]

Chapter 1 - Inizio


Even as a 5-year-old boy Hiccup could tell that he was different. For a Viking, he was a runt-of-runts, and everyone in the village made absolutely sure that he knew it. His father was sure that in time he would grow up to be a big strong dragon killing Viking just like all the others, but Hiccup wasn't so sure about that. He had always known that he was different in more ways than just his stature. He was already able to both read and speak better than Vikings a number of years older than him. Hiccup would rather tinker around or stay upstairs in his room to draw any day of the week, rather than going outside to play fight with all of the other children. He didn't enjoy roughhousing with the other kids because they'd hurt him since none of them actually liked him. For a bunch of children that half of the time couldn't even speak clearly, they were quite mean to the boy.


By 8-years-old Hiccup had learned that the only way to escape being bullied by the other kids was to avoid them completely. He started escaping to explore the forests surrounding Berk, staying within the shadows so he wouldn't be caught by anyone be it a child or adult. He may not enjoy fighting but that didn't mean he wasn't fast when he needed to be. He'd only been caught and dragged back to the village by the adults twice; before he figured out how to make sure they wouldn't find him. Every day he would wake up before anyone else in the village-especially his father- so that he could sneak out the first chance he got without being spotted. After a month of yelling at Hiccup the moment he returned Stoick finally gave up on stopping the boy's escapades in the woods.


The first time Hiccup ran into a Dragon while he was all alone was when he was out exploring 2 months after his 9th birthday. Hiccup had been frozen in place completely terrified by the large black scaly creature in front of him, but what overwhelmed him even more than his fear was the curiosity burning within his chest. Even after it had clearly noticed him it didn't attack as he'd always been told it would. Instead, it simply tilted its head and sat observing him. The child and the dragon sat on opposite sides of the clearing simply watching each other for hours. They respected each other's boundaries, neither one showing any hostility to the other.

Hiccup was on his stomach with his head resting on his arms just watching the beautiful creature across from him. He was trying to memorize every single detail so he could try drawing it once he returned home. Without even noticing he began to grow drowsy, before finally drifting off to sleep on the soft bed of grass beneath him.


Toothless had watched the Viking hatchling walk into the clearing expecting it to try attacking him the second it noticed him. He'd dealt with larger versions of the small creature before, and they always attacked no matter what Toothless ever did. Of course, one of this size wasn't actually harmful to Toothless even if it did attack him so he wasn't worried in the slightest. The small creature froze when it finally noticed him and Toothless wasn't surprised by the fear he saw dancing across its face. Instead, what left Toothless confused was when he saw the fear slowly morphed into what he could only figure was curiosity. He titled his head as a gesture to show his own confusion before he was overwhelmed by his own curiosity at the small creature. He dropped down with a flop where he'd just been standing so that he could observe the small thing, not sure what it would do next. To his surprise, it too laid down to watch him for a long while, before the small hatchling did the last thing that Toothless ever thought was possible, the small human hatchling had fallen asleep without much of a care for its own safety.

At first, Toothless swore that the small thing must be faking it and that there was no possible way one of these creatures' hatchlings would be naïve enough to fall asleep anywhere within his view. Yet, after a short period of time, there was no movement and Toothless gave up on the idea of it being a trap, he couldn't even imagine the small creature doing such a thing at this point.

The next thing that crossed his mind once he'd gotten over his suspicion-was who the hell leaves such a small hatching to wander around alone. Deeming the hatchling to be safe he moved across the clearing and settled back down beside the tiny one. He couldn't just leave such a fragile existence to fend for itself out here, especially one that was so trusting and had no sense of danger. Toothless stretched his wing out to cover the hatchling in an attempt to keep it safe until it eventually woke up again. The least he could do for such a weak and fragile creature was to make sure that it was protected while it slept.


Hiccup felt safe and pleasantly warm as he began to slowly return to consciousness. He cuddled closer into the warm solid object that was next to him as he began to crack his eyes open. The first thing to register in his line of sight was the black scales directly in front of his face. For a millisecond he was overwhelmed by panic before his body naturally relaxed all on its own. He waited a second before leaning back and glancing upwards; where he was greeted by two large-breathtakingly-gorgeous green eyes. Their eyes remained locked on each other as he was overwhelmed by a powerful force that made it so he couldn't look away. What pulled him out of his trace was the dragon resting its head against his forehead, nuzzling him gently while it began to make a purring noise. Then it licked him gently before moving away and leaving Hiccup in shock.

Hiccup took a moment before he blinked, and looked back at the dragon. He smiled as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do instead of the taboo his people would scream it was. That was when he noticed how dark it had become and started to panic about the time. He knew his father would freak out when he finally made it home since it was too dangerous for him to be outside alone at night, but it would still be quite a while since he was at least a 3-hour hike away from the village.


Toothless noticed the small hatchling moving so he opened his wings to look down at it. When his eyes locked on to the small forest green eyes he felt the sudden bond form between them. Toothless knew what the bond meant so he leaned his head gently against the hatching and scented his small other half. He needed to allow the bond to settle before he could communicate with the young one, but that didn't mean he couldn't apply his scent to keep it safe. When the young one wanted to get up Toothless allowed it to and then simply followed the young hatchling close to its home before hiding closely nearby so that he would be able to intervene if anything happens.


Hiccup wasn't exactly sure what had happened but he knew the dragon wouldn't hurt him so he wasn't worried about it either. The dragon followed him almost all the way back to the village before nuzzling Hiccup gently and then walking off. Even when it was gone, for some strange reason Hiccup could still sense that it was nearby, which made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Knowing that the dragon was near made Hiccup feel completely safe in a place he hadn't felt even close to safe in years. A ridiculous amount of calm radiated throughout his body, which was a nice change of pace from how he normally felt. At this moment he wasn't sure if anything could phase him with how relaxed and tranquil he felt inside.

It wasn't until he was standing getting yelled at by his father for being reckless that the tranquility wore off. He suddenly was overwhelmed by a sense of fear, his heart pounding loudly in his ears as he stared at his father and had to force his body to stay in place. His first instinct was to get as far away from the threat currently standing in front of him as possible, but he managed to hold his body in place until he was told to go to his room. He was shaking uncontrollably the second he was out of his fathers' line of sight as he walked up to his bedroom. The second he was finally up in his bedroom and the door was closed he opened the window and climbed out before taking off in the only direction his body was telling him was safe.