Harry Potter was dying, of course he supposed that was what happened when you got bit by a basilisk, not that the situation was all bad, Tom Riddle was once again no more, Ginny was safe, and at least his parents would be waiting for him on the other side. Harry felt the venom that was quickly taking his life burn through his blood, his head felt light and everything seemed to have a halo of light around it.

Harry could see Ginny talking to him, but for some reason all he could hear was a loud ringing in his head, but wow surrounded by a halo of light she was beautiful, a beautiful red-haired angel. Somehow Harry could sense that they weren't alone, he could feel and almost hear someone else with them. She, and he was certain it was a she, was somewhere but he couldn't see her, it was as if she was here and somewhere else at the same time. After a few moments a beautiful woman appeared in his vision, and knelt beside him with a smile.

"Mum?" Harry asked in confusion, she didn't look like the woman in his photo album, but who else would come to him as he died?

"No brave child, I'm not your mother, but I will take you to her. Here drink this, it will make you feel better. "

Harry drank from the horn the woman offered him, it tasted sweet, warming and it was the best drink he'd ever tried. Warmth spread through him as the Chamber of Secrets faded from his vision. Harry felt sleep take him, his last thought was that he was going to see his parents and a deep happiness washed over him .

Ginny felt worry and guilt, Harry Potter had saved her like the damsels in all of the stories her parents read to her, but now he was gravely wounded and it was all her fault. Ginny had grown up with magic, hadn't her father warned her about trusting things that talked if you couldn't see where it kept its brain? She should have known better, but loneliness and Tom's sweet words had overridden her good sense, and now her poor judgment was going to kill Harry and leave her trapped alone in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Mum?" She heard Harry whisper in a weak and pained voice, she knew he was dying. Ginny moved over and held his head in her lap.

"I'm here Harry, it's ok, rest." She said in as calm and soothing a voice as she could manage like her mother used when one of them was sick, she knew he was dying, and she was trying to give him as much comfort as she could. Ginny's eyes blurred with tears as she felt his breathing slow and he grew colder in her arms. Ginny felt a very vague, but familiar presence as she cried over Harry.

Astrid had seen many things in her centuries of life, she'd seen monsters that mortals could only dream of, beasts as large as buildings, on worlds they would never believe, and yet she still couldn't believe her eyes. This child had just used a sword to slay a beast she wasn't sure she could kill, and after that he pulled a venomous fang from his own arm and used it to slay the memory of his enemy, the one who caused so much misery, and who's Horcruxes warped the very fabric of nature and threatened to cause the next Ragnarok.

"Mum?" She heard the brave boy whisper.

"No brave child, I'm not your mother, but I will take you to her. Here, drink this it will make you feel better. " she said as she knelt beside him and gave him mead from the horn she carried. As Harry fell asleep Astrid regarded the girl Harry had saved, she was very familiar to Astrid, but she couldn't quite figure out why she was here now. She decided to consult Frigga or the Nords when she returned to Valhalla, but for now she had a brave warrior to bring across the Bifrost and into the Halls of Honor.

Lifting Harry in her armes she took them across the Bifost, greeting Heimdellr as she passed, the tall pale blonde returned her greeting and sent word to Odin. Astrid knelt to wake Harry as a greeting party from the hall came to meet them.

Harry felt warmth and happiness as he awoke, as if everything that had happened in his life had been made right, and his days of suffering were now over. Harry regarded the beautiful woman who he had seen in the Chamber of Secrets, she was tall, had piercing blue eyes, dark brown hair, and was well built. The woman was wearing some type of armor that looked like it was made of chains and small plates. She had wings and Harry was sure he was dead, and she was an angel, somehow he didn't mind, if he was dead he'd be with his parents

"Greetings, I bring a brave warrior who fell in battle!" The woman called out to the people walking up to them. Harry could see that four people were coming down the path from a huge building like nothing he'd ever seen, it looked as big as Hogwarts if not bigger, it was made of stone and wood, with a tiled roof that had smoke coming from holes in it. Harry watched as the people approached him and the angle, the man in the lead looked really tall and muscular, he had redish blonde hair and a red beard, and he was wearing the finest robes Harry had ever seen. The large man had a beautiful blonde woman with him, she had beautiful emerald green eyes, a lovely face, her hair was very long, and her figure was shapely. The woman was as well dressed as the man, but as striking as the two in front were, it was the other two who held Harry's attention. The man had unruly black hair, dark brown eyes, and the woman had long red hair and familiar green eyes.

"Mum? Dad?" Harry said with a lump in his throat.

"Yes sweetheart, it's us" Lily Potter said as her son ran into her arms with tears in his eyes.

"We've missed you so much, you have no idea how much we love you, and how proud we are of you. " James Potter said as her wrapped his arms around his wife and son.

" There are some um people you need to meet, Harry." Lily said as they broke the hug and turned their attention to the two others with them.

"This is Thor son of Odin and his wife Lady Sif." James said, making the introductions. Harry took the hand the large man offered, and Harry could see that he had a ready smile and seemed friendly, like he loved to laugh and have fun. Harry greeted Lady Sif, as well, and she also seemed really nice.

"Well, we should go see my father, you and he have much to discuss Harry son of James." The big man said in a rich baritone voice, as he lead them to the large hall.

Entering the large hall Harry felt at home, it was warm and comfortable, he could hear shouting, singing and laughter, there seemed to be a party going on, with hundreds of people enjoying a delicious smelling feast.

Harry was lead to a table towards the back of the giant room, where a man with an eye patch who reminded Harry a little bit of Santa Claus, and Dumbeldore was setting on the throne. Harry felt power like nothing he'd ever felt before coming from the man, he had a full white beard, white hair, and he was wearing fine robes.

"Father, I bring you Harry, son of James of the House of Potter." Thor said.

"I, Odin, greet you Harry, son of James, please set at my table we have much to talk about. " He said.

"Hello, Odin sir." Harry said as he nervously sat down in the seat across from the seat Thor took.

"Please, eat your fill and tell me of the basilisk you slew." Odin said, as he, Thor, Sif, Frigga, and Astrid sat to eat.

"There's not much to say , Tom Riddle who was controlling it used it to petrify my friend Hermione, and took my best mate's sister Ginny down into the Chamber of Secrets. I had to do something so Ron and me made our defense teacher, Gildroy Lockhart, go with us to rescue her. Lockhart betrayed us, but wiped his own memory instead of mine, he also caused a cave in." Harry said as he took a bite of his food, it was the best he'd ever eaten, better than the Hogwarts feasts.

"The scoundrel! " Thor said slamming his fist on the table.

"Please continue child. " Odin said as he took a long drink from his horn.

Harry took a drink too from his own horn, it was that same warming sweet drink the woman, Astrid, who brought him here gave him, he decided that he really liked it.

"Well, I had to go on alone because Ron was trapped on the other side of the cave in. When I got there Ginny was out cold, and a teenage boy I'd never seen before was standing over her. I tried to get him to help me, but I found out he was controlling the basilisk. " Harry took another fortifying drink of his mead.

" So what happened next? " Sif asked in a melodic voice.

" It attacked me, but Dumbeldore's phoenix Fawks showed up with the sorting hat, he blinded the basilisk and it started chasing me. We ran around the pipes beside the Chamber until we ran back to the main room. The basilisk knocked me down, but I fell beside the sorting hat. I saw a shimmer in the hat and pulled out a sword. " Harry said.

" That was the sword of Gryffindor, no ordinary sword. " Astrid added after a sip of mead.

" I started swinging the sword at it, and I ended up shoving the sword through the roof of its mouth, but it bit me. " Harry continued while rubbing his arm."

" He pulled the fang out of his own arm and used it to slay his enemy by destroying the horcrux that was controlling Ginny." Asrid said with a smile.

" Oh well done lad!" Odin said slamming a fist on the arm of his chair as he sat back.

"Indeed it was, a deed worthy of song! " Thor added banging his fist on the table.

"Here here" everyone else said banging their fists on the table.

"So how big was it?" Odin asked.

"Maybe twenty feet I think. " Harry said.

"Ha! If it was less than seventy feet I'm not a valkyrie ." Astrid said.

"Seventy?!" Thor asked with disbelief

"At least. " Asrid said with a smug smile.

" Well we've made the right choice indeed " Odin said.

"Harry, I have a proposal for you, would you like to hear it?" Odin asked as he leaned forward.

"Yes sir." Harry answered before taking another drink from his mead.

"Some centuries ago everything you see was destroyed, and we were all killed in the last Ragnarok, this is something that happens every few thousand years, and we are reborn and the world is made anew. " Odin said leaning back.

"However, this Tom Riddle who calls himself Voldemort has done magic that warps the very fabric of nature, he's created horcruxes. He tore his soul through cold blooded murder, and the darkest magic there is, necromancy. " Odin said with disgust.

" This act perverts nature, and it is beginning to cause problems for us, if he's not stopped he will trigger the next Ragnarok several thousand years early. " Odin said.

"Now centuries ago the Nords prophesied that a hero would be born of heros, and that he would be known for his deeds even while still a child. He would lead five fallen heros to defeat the man of darkness, and would save all the worlds in Yggdrasil. I believe you are that hero, your parents faced evil and died heroes, you've faced this Tom Riddle three times and defeated him, deeds you are well known for, you fit this prophecy. If you choose to be our champion, you will have the help of all of the Aesir and Vanir, we can teach you much, and can provide weapons, tools, and even grant you the power of an Asir."

"There's something else, today I saw one of the fallen five, she lives again, however, she is still a child and doesn't remember who and what she is yet." Astrid added.

"Ineed Astrid, we will awaken her and the others if young Harry agrees to lead them as our champion. " Odin said

"So will you do it?" Odin asked, leaning back again

Harry felt conflicted, he wanted to stay with his parents, and he really enjoyed being here, but if this next Ragnarok happened it would all be destroyed and he'd lose his parents again. That last thought sealed it for him, he'd do it, he'd be their champion.

"I'll do it, I'll be your champion. Harry said in a voice filled with determination.

The hall erupted into shouts and fists banging on tables.

"Here's to our new champion, the great warrior Harry, son of James of the House of Potter !" Odin said raising his horn, everyone raised their drinks and drank to Harry. Hours of feasting and many drinks later, they had explained to Harry that over the summer he would visit Valhalla every night in his dreams, and receive training in everything he would need to lead his warriors, defeat Voldemort, and take his place as Lord of the Houses of Potter, Gryffindor and now Slytherin. It was also explained that five of the girls at Hogwarts were reborn valkyries, and they would regain their memories of their past lives soon. Harry was also told that three of the girls were fated to be his wives one day, he wasn't sure how he felt about that, being married to one girls seemed strange, but three at the same time was a little scary .

Ginny felt Harry's breathing stop, and she felt fear and sadness at his death, but before she could panic Harry took a deep breath and his eyes opened.

"Harry!?" Ginny said in disbelief.

"I'm ok, we need to get out of here " Harry said as Fawks landed on his lap.

"Hey, thank you for your help, I couldn't have done it without you.." Harry said stroking the mythical bird's head.

"Do you think you can get us and Ron out of here?" Harry asked, when Fawlks trilled an affirmative, Harry put the diary in his pocket, and put an arm around Ginny and with a bright flash the Chamber of Secrets was once again empty.