A/N: Despite the title, this is -not- a lawyer AU. Though the idea did start off like that, I eventually discarded it for this... thing.
*Important* Male Morgan will be the focus in the first section of each chapter, while Female Morgan will be the focus on the second section. Also, I meant to start off each of their sections with almost identical sentences. If this ends up being confusing, then great!
Morgan's life has been a very simple one, but simple doesn't always mean easy. When your father is a world-renown multi-sport powerhouse known to many as 'The Vaike', and by the gods make sure you remember to say 'The', everyday if Morgan isn't doing his studies, which are kept to a minimum because that sport scholarship isn't just handed out, then he is exercising. Don't take his smaller than average stature as a means to judge him, because that boy can outperform nearly every other student in his high school, Grimleal High. While his Father is the 'muscle' of the team, his Mother, Robin, is the one who coaches the team, as her keen intellect is what gets them out of the tightest of situations.
So, Morgan has huge expectations to live up to, but it's one he's been holding up to well so far. His athletic skills are top notch… but he could use to refine his academic side. Mid to high 'B's aren't bad, but there are a number of 'C's sprinkled in there, not to mention the row of 'D's that line up the math and history columns. Science actually comes quite easily to him, specifically human biology, since it allows him to know more about, well, him. That, and Mother is also proficient at science, so that always helps.
Right now, the boy is attending his high school's soccer match against one of their rivals, which to be honest, if you're going up against his high school with Morgan on the team, you might as well forfeit the match. However, the students at Regna Ferox are the only ones who absolutely refuse to back down, and they are the only team on the eastern side of the world that can hold a candle to the Grimeal Dragons. "And with that skilled kick from Regna's Lon'qu, the score is at an astounding 15-15."
"C'mon Regna Wolves, kick their asses!" Their coach, a behemoth known as Basilio, shouts out. "They got nothin' on you!"
"Damn straight you got nothing on us! Because we already have it all! Get em, Grimleal Dragons!" 'The' Vaike shouts back.
"Another score for the Wolves, now let's end this and howl our victory shout!" A normally shy and reserved cheerleader, Olivia, leads off their choreography.
"Wolves are bound to the earth, but Dragons can easily cut through the air!" Right as Robin said that, Morgan bounced the ball into the air, jumped up, and slammed it with all the force he could muster, sending it speeding towards the goal, and ripping straight through the net...
Let's just say that isn't the first time Morgan got so into a game that he ended up breaking something.
Morgan rises out of bed as he readies for a new day… at 5:00 A.M. First things are first, and he starts off by going through all of his stretches. Following that, he goes to the kitchen, where both of his parents are already there, and breakfast has just been finished cooking. Thank the gods for his mother being an excellent cook, or he and his father would probably be living off of the most basic of meals. Protein and high-energy are the focus here, as The Vaike and Morgan almost comically inhale their food. Every second is precious, so they eat fast to get out and practice more. Robin will spend a portion of the day training, but the rest is reserved to making sure she gets the absolute latest information on the other teams. She won't do anything illegal, but her research just barely crosses the line. She needs to make sure her wonderful son's teams win, after all.
The mail man drives up to the Reflet's house, before dropping off their mail. Robin goes and gets it within about an hour of its delivery, since she has to at least get through her daily exercises, before doing any of the 'normal' things. "Trash, garbage, useless, bills," She lists as she crumbles the worthless things, "Family letters, credit card offers… hm?" Her eyes catch on a rather intriguing one. "A letter from the Red Knight's college?" The Red Knight college, overseen by 'Conqueror' Walhart is located across the ocean, and he houses the most physically and mentally adept students in the world. He literally has it all, and it is the college that sends out the best of the best. "And it's addressed to Morgan, too."
Her heart races, if this is what she thinks it is... "Morgan! The Vaike!" She rushes into the house, before stopping in her tracks and picking up the envelope containing the bills, "Now then. Morgan! The Vaike!"
Morgan's life has been a very simple one, but simple doesn't always mean easy. When your mother is a world-renown multi-master's degree intellectual known as Professor Mirel, there isn't a day go by that doesn't involve some sort of studying, everyday if Morgan isn't doing her homework, then she is getting ahead of the rest of the class with the number of books she just blazes through. If it weren't for her parents' large amount of income, they wouldn't be able to afford the number of books that their daughter craves. In fact, at one point, they needed to get a larger house just to store all of the other books. Her father, Robin, can easily sift through what should be done first, as well as making extremely efficient schedules, so much so that things are recorded to the tenth of a second.
So, Morgan has huge expectations to live up to, but it's one she's been holding up to well so far. Her academic skills are top notch… but she tends to be more reclusive than most students, even the book club is a chore. A row of beautiful 'A+'s line her grades, except for Gym, which continues to slam an extremely ugly 'D' on her. However, she isn't looking to be an athlete, and since she has a scholarship on the line for her academic skills, she tends to shrug off any physical training. Besides, her high school, Ylisstol High, is known for its academic pursuits.
Right now, the girl is multitasking to the highest degree, her left eye is focused on the history exam materiel, her left hand is copying the 'important' details from it, by which that would mean she is basically writing the entire section down since nothing should ever be omitted. Her right eye is on the math problems on a sheet of paper slightly off to the side, and her right hand is writing down the answers and showing her work. If the average person were to walk in and look at her from the front, she would seem like a freak of nature, since her eyes aren't looking at the same place and she's writing two sets of information down at once. However, if someone would to actually walk in, she would probably politely tell them to leave.
Unless they wanted to talk, then she could easily hold a conversation doing her work as well. "Done and done." She smoothly closes the history book while neatly folding her math homework, before placing each in their clearly labeled places, then pulling out two books she has been reading recently. As with her homework, one eye was on one book and the other eye was on the other book. Two sets of information being absorbed into her, each side of her moving independently. And if one to ask to give them a summary of what she's reading, she could easily tell that person of each book, while reading the material. An alarm goes off, reminding her that dinner is about to begin.
Let's just say that she tends to lose track of time really easily.
Morgan rises out of bed as she readies for a new day… at exactly 5:00.000 A.M. First things are first, and she starts off by slowly adjusting her sleep-ridden body to be awake, especially her eyes, she can't go straining them too much. After that, it's off to the kitchen, where she slowly eats through breakfast, while reading a book, since the newspaper won't come in for a few more hours, and writing down what exactly happened in her dreams. She believes that she can take control of her dreams, allowing her to conjure whatever scenario she wishes, with the limits being her own imagination. She spends every precious second on expanding her viewpoint as much as possible. Mirel is working on one of her many, many theories, while Robin is re-checking to make sure that the schedule for today is perfect.
The mail man drives up to the Reflet's house, before dropping off their mail. Robin is already within three steps of the mailbox by the time it is delivered, and he waves at the man as he drives off. "Let's see, Category 2, 2, 2," There are three categories for mail; 1 is for things that require attention, 2 is for things that have some significance, but ultimately can wait, and 3 is for things that are to be thrown away, "1, 2, 1… 4?" Well, there are actually four categories, but they are a rare occurence, the fourth one is reserved for things that demand the absolute highest priority. Taking out his envelope cutter, he swiftly opens it, "An invitation from the Red Knight's college?" Sure, it's addressed to Morgan, but a quick peek won't hurt, right? "Oh… oh!" His face lights up.
Morgan will love to see this.