Chapter 3

I was glad the majority of the keep was already abed, leaving the hallways bare of people. I slowed my walk, letting myself fall in step with Sandor. Once he was beside me, I looked to him just as he turned his head towards me. For some reason, I couldn't get the near kiss out of my head. It reminded me of the last time, so long ago, when our faces had been that close to each other.

That night felt like a lifetime ago. The world was on fire as the green glow and screams came from my window. He was such an angry man then, filled with rage and blood-lust from the fight. Despite all that, his harsh words and the crude behavior with his blade, he'd been a gentle and broken man that I sang for. I thought myself a woman grown then, but I was still just scared child.

For so long, I regretted not going with him that night. Since then, I'd also learned what he meant when he'd demanded a song from me. I felt myself blush at my inner thoughts and looked forward again. I still heard him chuckle beside me.

"What's got the Little Bird so flush, I wonder." He joked to himself.

That only served to warm my cheeks further, but I was far from that naïve little girl from Kings Landing. Too much had happened to me. I'd seen too much over the years to let propriety cower my response. I knew Sandor wanted me then, and I'd wager just about anything that he was close to kissing me moments ago. If Sandor still wanted me, I knew it was not for my title, my lands, or anything but myself as a woman. Besides, I truly wanted to see if there was something between us, or if it was just my imagination.

"Once we're alone, I just might tell you." I flirted while keeping my eyes cast before me, but I heard his intake of breath which caused me to smirk.

Neither of us spoke another word until we reached our destination. Wordlessly still, Sandor pushed open the heavy door and handed me the lantern from the room. I lit it and we walked inside to giving me a better view of everything inside. It was definitely bitter sweet to be in a room with everything Stark.

"Is that it, over there?" Sandor asked and I turned to see where he was pointing.

"Yes, that's it." I answered as I looked at the crib's wood frame with the direwolf carving.

My mind was flooded with images of Mother, Father, Robb, Arya and even Jon and I playing with baby Bran in that crib, and later with Rickon. We had a happy life growing up here. My family was nearly all gone and those of us that still lived, were forever changed. Yet, the memories still remained untouched and unblemished. I felt a few tears pour from my eyes as I smiled at the crib, tapestries and memorabilia held within the chamber.

"Little Bird, are you alright?" Sandor questioned, coming to my side.

"Yes, Sandor. I believe I finally am." I answered truthfully, wiping at the stray tears.

"Alright. I'll go pull out the crib."

As he moved to get the crib dislodged from the things piled one and around it, I went to close the chamber door quietly. Once the crib was free and he turned in my direction, it was easy to see when his eyes caught the door closed behind me. He set the crib down as I approached him. I stood about a foot apart from him and took his hands in mine. I wanted him to have no doubts of my intentions, but also leaving him time to step away if I wasn't what he wanted.

"My Lady?" He questioned but I shook my head at his words, looking him in the eyes.

"We don't need titles, do we?" I whispered.

I took a step forward, closing the distance between us until we were chest to chest. Then, I moved his hands to my waist and ran my hands up his strong arms, placing them upon his shoulders

"Little Bird?" He tried again and I smiled sweetly at the term, but still shook my head again.

"Do you still think me a stupid little bird that sings the songs I was taught?" I asked him curiously, but smiling because I knew he didn't use that term to mock me any longer.

When he shook his head in denial, I nearly closed the distance between his lips and mine, but didn't let them touch. It was sweet agony, being so close to him while holding back from doing what I so desperately wanted to do for so long.

"Sansa" He exhaled my name, like it was something to be revered.

"Yes, Sandor. Do you still want me to sing for you?" I breathed my question as our noses touched slightly. "I've since figured out what you truly meant that …"

He pressed his lips to mine in a rough kiss that effectively cut off what I'd been saying. I heard myself whine into the kiss wanting more of him, but also needing to breathe. He growled into our kiss before allowing me to open my lips slightly to breathe.

I used my hands on either side of his face to bring his lips back to mine. I licked, then sucked on his bottom lip. He wrapped his arms tightly around my back and pressed me harder against himself, which caused me to moan his name into our kiss. He took advantage of my opened mouth, to let our tongues meet.

I'd never been kissed like this, and certainly no kiss had ever made me feel on fire this way. I felt like I was floating as he moves us somewhere. I didn't bother to open my eyes to check because as long as he didn't break our kiss, I simply didn't care. Within moments, I felt he was pressing me against the wall at my back. His lips had moved to a particular spot on my neck that made every part of my body want to sing for him.

"Yes, Sandor. Ohhh." I moaned as my knees weakened.

My woman's place had been throbbing and I couldn't stand it any longer. I needed friction and the only thing I could do was lift my leg to wrap around his hip. I felt his hardness press against my belly as I wantonly rubbed myself against his upper thigh, trying to relieve the ache I felt there.

"Sansa!" He rasped against my neck before using his hands lift my behind so my legs were off the floor.

I had the urge to wrap both legs around his waist, but it was difficult to do with my skirts in the way. I pushed him away slightly with a growl of my own. He set me down, allowing me to ruck up my skirts as best I could around my waist. Then, I lifted my leg to his hip again as I brought his face down to continue our kiss. He needed no further encouragement, and lifted me up again. This time, I did manage to wrap both legs around him to feel his hardness press against my cores with only his breaches and my small clothes in between.

"Oh, Sandor!" I exclaimed when he pressed against the exact right spot.

"Gods, Sansa!" He growled against my lips and began to pull away.

"No, don't stop, Sandor." I practically growled in response.

"If we don't stop, Sansa. I'll take you right here." His voice was rough, but he showed more restraint than I felt I had left, then he took a step away from me.

"I assure you Sandor, I wouldn't try to stop you." I smiled flirtatiously, stepping toward him.

"Gods, Little Bird. How much control do you think I have? You can't say things like what when my blood's all heated for you. You're ... Gods! And I'm … we can't." He rubbed his face and took several steps more away.

"This had better not be about propriety, Sandor Clegane. I assure you that I know what I want, and gods help me, that's you." I nearly yelled out of frustration.

"This is not the time, and it's certainly not the place. Not like this, Little Bird." He practically begged and after my lust had started to clear, I looked around us and knew he was right.

"I know you're right. Rory is probably waiting on us by now, as well. Just … I want you to know something before we walk out that door." I told him, stepping up place one hand upon his chest and the other against his scarred cheek.

"What's that?" He didn't step away again, and gently placed a hand at my neck while his thumb caressed my chin lovingly.

"If you truly want me, then I'm yours, Sandor. This is not a whim for me, and I assure you that I've been thinking on this for longer than I care to admit at the moment. I'll not change my mind."

"Of course, I want you, Sansa. I always have and I know I'll not change my mind either. I'm yours and I've been yours since before either of us realized it." He chuckled and kissed my lips lightly, which made me smile.

"Alright then. I am yours and you are mine... all we need is a Heart Tree." I joked without thinking but suddenly, I could see it in my mind and my heart leaped within my chest as I wished it were in truth.

Sandor was staring at me with that look again, the stunned but unidentifiable one he often had. I was about to tell him it was a joke, hoping I hadn't spooked him. Then, suddenly, he was laughing loudly. His suddenly laughter had startled me, but after a moment, I was smiling too.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I giggled for an unknown reason.

"Something Arya said." He managed as his laughter started to calm.

"Arya?" I asked him curiously, unable to imagine what my unpredictable sister could have said to make him laugh so heavily.

"She … Gods, she worked out my feelings for you on her own. I imagine she figured out yours, as well." He began, but I interjected for a moment.

"She might have, if I'd not admitted to them out right." I smiled at him.

"Truly?" He asked, then shook his head with a smile. "Well, she told me, of all people in Westeros, that she looked forward to the day she'd call me her good brother." He chuckled. "Said something about me being an improvement over the previous ones."

"Gods, Arya. Only she could say something so scandalous and potentially hurtful, as a jape... and still have the right truth of things." I chuckled to myself as I bent to pick up the lantern.

"Aye, the right truth of things." Sandor echoed from behind me, causing me to look towards him.

"Sansa, you know I care little of the Seven, for all the belief I never had in them. Nor did I believe in the old Gods of your Northern Heart Trees. Yet found myself praying to them every night of that war. I prayed for our victory, but not for all the people of Westeros. I prayed for you, Little Bird, for your safety. I don't believe in much, but if you'd seen all that I did and saw how impossible our odds were, you'd know why I believe in them now."

"Sandor, that's so … I prayed for you, too. I thought you were dead for a long time, and it never sat well with me. When word reached me that you were among the group with Jon, I was elated to learn you were alive, but so scared I'd lose you before I had the chance to see you again." I confessed and he took me in his arms and kissed my lips so lovingly.

"I never believed in any gods, before your Northern Old Gods. I was the second son of a minor southern house. I had no family, except for a truly monstrous brother that I longed to put to death. Never thought I'd marry or have children, much less find love. That was all before you, Sansa. I never fancied myself an honorable man before, worthy of lands or lordship, nor do I feel worthy now..."

"You are an honorable man, Sandor. You're worthy of love, lands, lordship... just about anything and more so than most, Sandor." I interrupted and he smiled.

"You make me feel that I am, Sansa." He whispered taking the lantern from my hand and setting it aside, then held both my hands in his.

"Clegane Keep is mine now, not that I have any intentions to leave here. It's not much, but it's all I have to offer you, Sansa Stark of Winterfell and Wardeness of the North. I'll marry you, Sansa, if you'd have me. In a sept or before a Heart Tree. Whatever your heart desi..."

I jumped into his arms and kissed him with everything in me. I kissed him long and passionately, but this kiss wasn't about releasing my lust. It was meant to show him my undying love for him.

"Of course, I'll have you. I'll have no one else, Sandor. You're what my heart desires, you're who I love." I told him after pulling slightly away from his.

"Gods, help me. I love you too, Sansa. My Sansa, my Little Bird." He told me, then kissed me tenderly.

"Yes, your Sansa. Only yours, forever more." I replied happily, no doubt smiling widely.

A/N: I'm ending it here, unless it develops further. Things got pretty steamy, and I rated M for potential future chapters.

I'd love to delve so much further into this story, but I have a couple others still in progress. This one was a great way to get back to writing after a little hiatus.

I truly hoped you enjoyed this. Let me know if i should pursue continuing it. Thanks for reading!