Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, if I did Ace would not be dead.

A/N: This story takes place 2 years before the actual story. Luffy leaves at 15 instead of 17 so everything happens at 15 including the separation besides the battle of Marineford. Luffy will have two devil fruits in this!

The sea was calm as the Thousand Sunny sailed on to its next destination. The waves weren't ruff and battering into her side and the wind blew the sails gently onward. The straw hat flag flew proudly over the ship grinning madly like it's captain.

'Pupupupupupup' Echoed from kitchen onto the deck.

With a swish of red long hair Nami walked into the room. Picking up the white denden mushi with an anchor painted on the shell she answered. "What?"

"Where is straw hat?" The voice asked in a very annoyed tone.

"He's on the figurehead asleep right now, call back later." Nami went to hang the den den mushi up when the voice cried in desperation.

"Wait, wait! This is important!" Nami glared at the snail before sighing. When she turned to leave a figure was already standing at the entrance.

The figure stood on four slime legs. Seven beautiful tails flowed behind the figure as small blue flames danced around them. Seven orbs floating around its neck all of them blue beside's the larger one in front of it was red. The slime almost mystical beautiful head of the figure only had one blemish, a small scar running under it's left eye.

Stepping into the room with the sun now off of its body the figure was a kitsune. A black furred kitsune with silver swirls running across its body and silver socks on it's paws. It's large black eyes watched her every move carefully. "Nami, who is it?" An almost childlike voice came from the kitsune as it tilted its head.

"Sengoku." She placed the snail on the table and walked out of the room. Fire consumed the kitsune as it walked to the den den mushi. The fire grew taller and it lost the length of the body. Finally a hand reached out of the flames grabbing the receiver.

"Hey, Seagull, how are ya?" Luffy smiled as the den den got an annoyed look on its face.

"It's Sengoku! Why can't you get it right!?" A thunk was heard and Luffy just smiled more, "You are definitely related to Grap." He could hear the other moan.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Luffy pulled a chair up behind him to sit down.

"I have urgent news and I am afraid I need to recall you back into Paradise."

Luffy sucked in a breathe, "What? You know we can't just leave right now right!?" He growled loudly, "We are in the middle of meeting up with the fleet and planning to get Kidd back from Kiado!" His nails dug into the wood of the table as they sharpened unconsciously. "I can't abandon a nakama like this, Hell, I don't know how much longer he can hold on for!"

The den den mushi stared at him bordley, "I know, but The deal we have has gone into effect." The tone was full of regret.

Luffy sat there for a bit with his head down and hat shadowing his eyes, "Who? Which one of them?" his voice was monotone but even then you could pick out the anger in it.

"Fire Fist Ace, also known as Portgas D. Ace will be executed in 2 weeks from now." Sengoku waited for the inevitable, a roar was heard over the den den mushi along with something breaking.

"Who?!" Came a gravely enraged voice of the straw hat captain.

"The one to turn Ace in was Blackbeard, He wanted the war lord title and now he has received it." Sengoku slammed his hand down on the desk, "I tried to make his sentence longer by adding another month but the government want his execution to go quickly and as a warning." He started to shake in rage, "This goes against everything I believe in as well, Being executed for the blood one carries is not how this is to go!"

The den den was quiet before he heard the soft whisper, "That's why you called. White beard should handle it himself."

"Whitebeard is dying," Sengoku rubbed his eyes. "He has been for a while, some illness is taking him. If he fights this will be the last time he will battle." He sighed, "Kid the deal, you have to come and start your planning, If you want him to live that is."

"Of course I want Ace to live!" Luffy screamed at him, "He deserves to live more than those in the world government and those absolute justice bastards!"

Smiling Sengoku laughed, "So I take it your coming?"

The den den mushi nodded, "Yes, I'll be there make sure I am transferred over to impel down and to Level six, someone needs to make sure he doesn't lose his will to live."

"I'll see what I can do from here, better get started back soon." Sengoku made to hang up but stopped, "And no sea kings either!"

"Oh god dam-" Luffy hung up on him. All Sengoku could do was laugh at how similar the grandfather and grandson where.

'Bang!' The dust from his now destroyed wall rained down into his office. Garp walked in eating a donut carrying a box of them as well, "Brought you some donuts Sen!"

"Use the fucking door, Garp" He cried in rage pointing to the nice bearly used door.

Garp looked at it and shrugged, "To boring." He sat down on the couch and started to eat the donuts.

Sengoku banged his head on his desk a couple of times, 'Why, why did this have to be his best friend!' Hearing Garps laughing at him he cried even more, 'I now have to get the wall fixed for theā€¦ I seem to have forgotten how many times this has happened.' "Damn you Garp!"

Back on the Thousand Sunny Luffy walked out of the kitchen and past his crew who looked at him worriedly. This was not a good sign when Luffy was quiet and trying to think of something.

He made it to Sunny's head and sat down in his favorite seat. He watched the waves go by in thought. 'When did all this start to happen?' He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. 'When did thing go so wrong?' He closed his eyes and started to remember when everything came to happen.

Yoko Yoko no mi Yin: Zoan Mythical Devil fruit that allows user to become a nine tailed fox black

Yoko Yoko no mi Yang: Zoan Mythical Devil fruit that allows the user to become a nine tailed fox white

-One of two zoan fruits that were made from the separation of one zoan fruit. Originally eater had multi personality and ended up splitting themselves into two separate bodies.