Hello there guys, you already know what this story is about so I'm not going to say anything you don't know already. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or Digimon, there I said so one with the story.
(Digimon, Digimon)
We live in a digital world
(Digimon, Digimon)
Little monsters everywhere
(Digimon, Digimon)
Join our team let's fuse together
(Digimon, Digimon)
It's Digimon Fusion now
We've got the power for all to see
We're stronger when we act as one
We're gonna change the world
It's Digimon Fusion now
We've got the power for all to see
We're stronger when we act as one
We're gonna save the world
(Digimon, Digimon)
In the City(I don't know the name of the City Mikey and the others live) where People where just walking around doing their business, and others going to work or to school.
In a Blue house, was a grown Woman in her Thirties cooking food on the stove. Her name was Delia Ketchem.
Her walked to the stairs and yelled to the top.
"Ash, wake up, I thought you said you were going to meet today." Delia called out to her son.
Said Son was in his bed as he groaned and sat up, he has wild messy Raven hair and Z's for birthmarks on his cheeks.
He yawned and got up and Stretched his arms and Legs.
"Okay I'm up, I be down in a minute." Ash yelled back down to his mother and started to put on his clothes.
In just two minutes, Ash was downstairs with his mother wearing a black shirt underneath a White hoodle jacket, black pants, back fingerless gloves and red shoes.
"Ash didn't you say you were gonna meet Ritchie today?" Delia asked as Ash's eyes widened as he stood up quickly for his chair.
"Oh yea I completely forgot, thanks for reminding me Mom." Ash said as he grabbed a red and white hat and bolted out the door and his mother smiled seeing her son in such a rush.
Ash was running, looking around as he did, he enjoyed how peaceful it was and how everyone was enjoying themselves.
He felt that even though he completely enjoyed the peace, sometimes he thought it was boring, sometimes he wished there was something exciting happening.
"Like that dream I had last night." Ash thought as he remembered the dream he had that made think this.
(Ash's Dream)
Creatures, from big to small were moving and were many of them, an army was moving towards something.
Their were 4 black silhouettes watching as they saw who they were facing.
On the other side of the field was Ash with beast-like Animal with purple fur on most of its body. It has two large legs and two arms, each of which has three black claws, as well as a large, vulpine tail. The fur on its chest, paws, snout, and the end of its tail is white. It has two pointed ears with black stripes and two very small black wings. On its brow is a triangular red gem.
The only others you can see a type of Black Dinosaur with white chest and Red Hazard marks seemed to be placed on his chest, paws, shoulders, feet, knees and face.
A Yellow Nine-tailed fox with a white mane and mystical blue flames flaring around her paws and tail tips and a Ying-Yang symbol on its forehead, and a white rope of some kind with red stripes and gold bells.
Another was bipedal canine with white fur that is striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its ears. Its most prominent features are its long, frayed ears and the solitary horn on in its forehead. Like a dog, it has black toes and pawpads.
Their were other animals and creatures with him but they were also black Silhouettes but were still moving up to the fight.
Ash held up some kind of white device and the upper part of the device opened revealing a golden V in it.
"You guys ready then let's go, DigiFuse!" Ash called out as the device lit up and the Purple beast and the black dinosaur were engulf in a light and before he knew it, Instead of two, there was one beast, it was the purple beast but this time it's fur turned black and it's chest had a Hazard mark and had it had the arms of the Dinosaur.
Ash and the bipedal canine jumped on the Nine-tailed fox's back and Ash yelled.
"LET'S GO!" Ash yelled as the The marged Beast/Dinosaur, the fox and everyone other Creature and Animal charged to the Army in front of them before everything with white.
(Ash's Dream end)
"I don't know what those creature were or what was happening, but I know one thing and it's that it makes regular life looking boring, anyway I'll figure it out later, gotta find Ritchie." Ash thought as he continued running and started to look around.
Only to bump into someone for not paying attention.
"Ow hey watch where you're walking!" A female voice said angrily as Ash got up and saw the girl was his age with fair skin, amber eyes, and shoulder-length red hair, which is worn in spiky pigtails held by two green scrunchies. Her hair also has a spiky fringe and two sidebangs, which reach her cheeks her eyes are chocolate. She wears a white shirt with a pink collar, long pink sleeves, and a red heart in the left side of the chest. She also wears denim shortalls, with a crimson belt with a circular golden buckle, black stockings, and yellow sneakers with white vamps and shoes. The shortall has a golden metallic buckle in the right strap, one pocket in each side of the front, one in each buttock, and a fifth pocket in the stomach. It also lacks a left buckle, and is worn with an undone left strap, exposing the red heart on her shirt.
"Sorry about that, I was in a rush." Ash said as he held his hand out and the girl took it and Ash pulled her to her feet.
"It's okay I guess, I'm Angie Hinomoto." Angie introduce herself.
"I'm Ash Ketchem, nice to meet you Angie." Ash said always happy to make a new friend as Angie smile.
"Nice to meet you too Ash, um didn't you say you were in a rush?" Angie asked as Ash's eyes widened and remembered again that he had to meet up with Ritchie.
"Oh thanks for reminding me, I'll see you later Angie, maybe we'll meet again!" Ash told as he ran off waving behind him as Angie waved back.
Ash ran for minutes before he saw who he was looking for.
He saw a guy who was the same age as him but was a little shorter then him, had brown hair, blue shirt, green jacket, green pants, and blue shoes and blue fingerless gloves.
"Hey Ritchie, sorry I'm late." Ash said as he stopped running and his best friend smiled.
"Don't worry about it Ash, come on." Ritchie said as they both started walking off.
After a half hour of walking and talking, Ash looked down still thinking about the dream he had, the creatures, the army, and that device Ash saw himself with, he was confused.
Was it really a dream or a warning of some kind.
"Ash, you okay?" Ritchie asked as Ash snapped out of it and looked at Ritchie who was looking it him questionably.
"Huh oh yea, hey Ritchie?" Ash called to his best friend.
"What is it?" Ritchie responded as Ash started walking and looked to the sky.
"Do you have any idea what's out there, like something beyond our imagination or comprehension, like something bigger then anything in this world?" Ash questioned as Ritchie wondered what Ash was talking about.
"What do you mean Ash, is something wrong?" Ritchie asked worried about his friend hoping nothing was wrong with his friend.
"It's just, do you ever get the strange feeling something is coming or something?" Ash asked to him as Ritchie still looked confused at his friends words.
"Like what Ash?" Ritchie asked wanted to get some answers but before Ash could answer.
Ash gasped and looked around for whoever said that.
"Who said that?" Ash asked as he tried to find whoever asked for help.
"Ash, what's wrong now?" Ritchie asked to his friend as he was really worried about his friend now because he didn't hear what Ash was hearing.
"Please help me!"
"You want me to help you?" Ash asked confused about this since he didn't know who was calling out to him, since whoever was asking for help, Ash was to give his help but he needed to know who was asking and needed to know where they were.
"Help Please!"
"Look I don't know who you are but if you want me to help you, you need to tell me where you are." Ash called out as Ritchie wondered who Ash was talking to but before he could he heard something else.
"Hey what's going on!" A random person called out as Ash and Ritchie looked at the person and saw that him and other people were looking at the sky so they did too and what they saw made their eyes go wide.
They saw the sky flicking back and front from it's normal blue color to green for some reason.
"What's going on with the sky, this is not normal!" Ritchie said getting freaked out by this.
Ash had a strange feeling that the voice he heard had something to do with this and started calling out again.
"Look if you want my help you got it but at least give me a sign that to find you." Ash told as he hoped the voice would give good advice that will lead him to find it.
"The melody!"
"Melody?" Ash questioned for a moment then started to hear something in the distance and began running towards it ignoring Ritchie calling out to him.
Ash kept running till he was in a alleyway and looked in all the ways to go following the sound of the strange melody.
He was still going until he saw something in one of the alleys and walked to that that was small and purple and it's figure seems to be glitching back and forth.
Ash heard the melody coming from it, so this is what was calling him.
Ash walked forward towards it.
"Hey are you what was calling me?" Ash asked as he bend down and picked up whatever it was gently.
"Yes that was me, you were the only one to hear my voice." The little guy said as Ash looked closely at whoever this little guy was but was glitching too much but Ash could have swore the figure of this little reminded him of something he's seen before.
"You seem really hurt little guy, what happened to you?" Ash asked to it as Ritchie finally catch up to Ash and saw what he was holding in his hands.
"Ash what's that in your hands?" Ritchie questioned as Ash shook his head.
"It's what I was talking to earlier Ritchie, this little was calling for my help before and he's seems to be really hurt, I want to help him." Ash told as he continued to look at the glitching figure.
"So you really will help me?" The glitching figure asked as Ash nodded as Ritchie still looked puzzled with all that's happening.
First Ash was hearing somebody calling him, then the sky looking looks like it going was going to start falling and now the voice Ash said was calling him is right in front of him glitching back and forth.
"Of course I will, I'm not gonna leave someone in this state, let me get you to a hospital little guy." Ash told but before he could do anything, another voice came in.
"That won't be necessary!" Another voice called out as this time both Ash and Ritchie heard it this time and it sounded deep and powerful and a light appeared in front of them.
"Hey who are you!?" Ash questioned as he looked at the light in front of him.
"If you truly wish to help him then you have to take this." The voice said as a white device appeared and Ash's eyes widened when he saw that it was the same device he saw himself using in his dream.
"What is it!?" Ash asked in Awe and shock at seeing the device.
"It is a Fusion Loader." The voice said as Ash stood up with the glitching figure still in his hands.
"Fusion Loader!" Ash said as he looked at the device in all it's glory.
"Yes but be warned if you take it you'll be able to save the life of the one in your hands but will also be sent on a difficult quest to find important items and ending something big." The told explained as Ash and Ritchie wondered what he meant.
"What do you mean by that, what do i have to find?" Ash asked wanting more info on this.
"You'll know when your Fusion Loader starts to reaction when you get close to said item, you will need to collect all of the items to restore this one's memories." The voice told as Ash looked at the glitching figure in his hands.
"Memories?" Ash said confusedly as wondered what the voice meant, did this little guy in his hands lose his memory or something.
"So young one will you do it?" The voice questioned as Ash looked at the light determined.
"Of course I will!" Ash told as Ritchie looked at Ash as if he had grown another head.
"THEN TAKE IT!" The voice yelled as Ash reached for the Fusion Loader.
"I will!" Ash said as he grabbed the Fusion Loader.
"Ash, you don't know what will happened!" Ritchie said as Ash said the glitching figure go into the Fusion Loader and then the light glowed brighter and if by some mysterious force, Ash and Ritchie was pulled into the light screamed as they traveled through a type of space that looked like an all-around space of what was happening in the sky.
(Scene change)
Ash opened his eyes to see that he was laying on glass, his eyes widened at the notion as he pulled up and looked around to see a flowing river and a clear field around him.
"What the, where did that light take me?" Ash asked as he got up holding his Pure White Fusion Loader.
He suddenly hear someone groaning and turned to see Ritchie laying on the ground.
"Hey Ritchie are you okay?' Ash called out to his friend who started to get up from the ground and looked at him.
"Yea I'm fine, though I wish'd you never would have grabbed that Fusion Loader y'know." Ritchie said as Ash scratched the back of his head.
"I know you do but you know me, that little guy really needed my help, speaking of which where is that glitching little fella at anyway?' Ash questioned before he heard it.
"I'm right here." The voice said clearly this time and not a pained voice as before as Ash looked around and suddenly noticing the screen of his Fusion Loader blinking and he looked at it.
"You're in the Fusion Loader little guy?" Ash asked as he wondered how that was possible.
"Yea I am, being in the Fusion Loader allowed me to heal, I'll okay now." The Voice said as Ash smiled knowing that the choice he made had made sure the little guy was okay.
"Well I'm glad you are, but can you get out of the Fusion Loader now, I want to see what you look like." Ash said as he still thought he saw what he looked and wanted to be sure.
"Of course, in order for me to come out you have to do and point out your Fusion Loader outward and say "Reload" and I can come out." The voice said as Ash nodded and pointed his Fusion Loader at the field as Ritchie watched.
"okay here goes, Reload!" Ash yelled as a light erupted from the Fusion Loader and a beam flew out and landed on the field and took form and Ash couldn't believe it.
It was beast-like Animal with purple fur on most of its body. It has two large legs and two arms, each of which has three black claws, as well as a large, vulpine tail. The fur on its chest, paws, snout, and the end of its tail is white. It has two pointed ears with black stripes and two very small black wings. On its brow is a triangular red gem.
It was the same Beast-like Animal he had seen in his dream and it was right in front of him and the beast looked up at him.
"Thank you for helping me Ash, oh yea I never gave my name before, My name is Dorumon nice to meet you." The now named Dorumon told as Ash smiled getting his new friends name.
"Nice to meet you Dorumon, I'm Ash Ketchem and my Ritchie, so Dorumon what exactly are you?" Ash asked wanting to get some answers to this place as Ritchie walked up wanting some answers too.
"Oh I'm a Digimon." Dorumon told as if it was nothing.
"What's a Digimon?" Ritchie asked to the purple beast.
"It stand for Digital Monster and you're in the Digital World as it seems." Dorumon said as Ash and Ritchie did a double take.
"Digital World!?" Ash and Ritchie said questioningly as Dorumon nodded.
"Yea and by the look of it, we seem to be in River Zone." Dorumon said realizing where they all were.
"River Zone you mean their are others Zone like this one?" Ash asked to him as Dorumon nodded again.
"Yes but how the Zone were created is something I don't know, I can't seem to remember." Dorumon said as Ash remembered that other voice saying something about restoring Dorumon's memories, did Dorumon lose his memories somehow or another.
"You can't remember about the Zones, can you remember anything at all Dorumon?" Ash asked as Dorumon started to think but came to a blink.
"Not really, I don't even remember how I got into that injured state, I wish I did though." Dorumon said as Ash felt bad and remembered once again about the other Voice's words.
Ash looked at Dorumon with a smile.
"Hey Dorumon, what do you say to me helping you get your memories back?" Ash asked to Dorumon as Dorumon's and Ritchie's eyes widened.
"You'd really do that Ash, you don't have to do that you know." Dorumon said as he didn't want to force Ash into anything.
"I don't have too, I want to, you're my friend Dorumon, I'll help you get your lost memories, I'll help you no matter what." Ash said determined as Dorumon smiled.
"Thank you Ash, I'm glad to have a friend like you." Dorumon said grateful to Ash.
"No problem, now that voice from earlier something important and my Fusion Loader would react when it's near, maybe it has something to do with your memory Dorumon." Ash told but before Dorumon or Ritchie could any type of fact or question.
Ash, Dorumon and Ritchie all jumped at the sound of an explosion and looked to see smoke coming from nearby wondered what the heck was happening.
"What was that!?" Ritchie questioned as the sounds seemed to continued.
"I don't know but let's check it out." Ash said shcoking Ritchie as he thought people were suppose to avoid explosions not with towards them.
"Ash are you crazy?" Ritchie asked to his friend who only smiled at him.
"Could be, Dorumon are you with me?" Ash asked to him as he nodded his head.
"You bet Ash let's go!" Dorumon said as he and Ash started running to the site as Ritchie started to follow them a moment later.
While they were running, they didn't notice TV monitor with a body and wearing ninja clothes watching them and following them.
(Scene Change)
In another Zone was a young girl about Ash's age with brown hair, which is worn up with a yellow hairclip, purple eyes and fair skin. Her attire consists of white cowboy boots with pink trims, a purple dress with black trims, a lab coat and several gold chains around her neck.
"Miss Nene!" Another walking TV monitor yelled as it reach the girl it calls Nene.
Nene turned to the TV.
"What is it Monitamon?" Nene asked to the TV/Monitor Digimon.
"We call an interesting image from the River Zone, it seems another human is in the Digital World, see for yourself." Monitamon said as he turned his screen on showing Ash, Dorumon and Ritchie running to the site of the explosion.
Nene looked closely at the screen and looked the two Humans and the Digimon but then mostly set her sites on the cap wearing boy Ash and his White Fusion Loader.
"Well ain't you a cute one, maybe I'll get you to join my team, but until then I'll just watch to see how good you turn out to be in this world." Nene thought with a blush looking at Ash's face and pulled away from the screen.
"Have the Montiamon in the River Zone watched them closely, mostly the boy with the White Fusion Loader and his Digimon." Nene told as Montiamon nodded and relayed the message to the Montiamon in the River Zone.
"First Christopher with the Blue Fusion Loader, next the boy with the Red Fusion Loader and now the boy with a White Fusion Loader, things are getting interesting for sure." Nene said as she smiled at the events happening.
(Scene change)
Ash, Dorumon and Ritchie were hearing the explosions loudly now so they knew they were getting closer.
"Brace yourselves guys, we're getting closer." Ash said as they got to the site as Ash and Ritchie saw a few creatures that freaked them out, Ritchie more then Ash.
They saw flying around in the air and shooting were brown dragons with purple hair and yellow eyes. It has tattered purple wings and two arms, and wears a black helmet and black gauntlets on its arms.
"What are those things?" Ash asked as Dorumon came on.
"Megadramon a dark dragon Digimon, a Digimon that was artificially remodeled by someone, it was programmed to destroy everything, watch out for it's drak side attack and Ultimate Slicer attack, it'd cut you to pieces." Dorumon explained as a few was taking down from the air.
"Who are they fighting?" Ritchie asked as a purple ball of smoke knocked one of the Megadramon out of the sky and Ash turned to where it came from and he became shocked at what he saw.
From his dream he saw theBlack Dinosaur with white chest and Red Hazard marks seemed to be placed on his chest, paws, shoulders, feet, knees and face.
Then he saw the Yellow Nine-tailed fox with a white mane and mystical blue flames flaring around her paws and tail tips and a Ying-Yang symbol on its forehead, and a white rope of some kind with red stripes and gold bells shooting flames out of her tails at the Megadramon in the sky.
And last but not least was the bipedal canine with white fur that is striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its ears. Its most prominent features are its long, frayed ears and the solitary horn on in its forehead. Like a dog, it has black toes and pawpads and it was standing on the Fox's back.
He also saw white, furry sea lion with no nose and long ears, purple markings, an orange-red mane, large claws, a short tail like a Sea otter, and a W-shaped smile with two pointed teeth popping out and their to be 9 or 10 of them in a group behind the first three.
One of the Megadramon flew down and knocked the Bipedal canine off of the Fox back and charged.
"Oh No!" Ash said as the canine was going to get creamed but Dorumon had other plans.
Dorumon ran towards the Megadramon.
"Dash Metal!" Dorumon called out as he shot a Iron Sphere from his mouth hitting the dark dragon away as the Dinosaur and the Fox noticed Dorumon attack and looked at him.
"Who are you!" The Fox asked in suspicion as Ash and Ritchie ran towards as well and Ritchie got to the canine and helped them up.
"Are you okay?" Ritchie asked to the canine who got up and who was seeing stars.
"Did anyone get the number of Monochromon's who that hit me." The canine said spinning as the Dinosaur looked at the Human.
"You guys are Human's, here in the Digital World, who are you guys?" The Dinosaur questioned as Ash walked up.
"I'm Ash Ketchem, my friend who's helping your canine friend is Ritchie and my purple beast friend who saved your friend is Dorumon, we came running when we heard the explosions, so who are you guys?" Ash asked as the Fox spoke up.
"I am Kyubimon, That(looks at the Dinosaur) is BlackGuilmon, and canine there(looks to the still world spinning canine)is Terriermon, and the the group behind is the Gomamon group." Kyubimon explains as BlackGuilmon looks up to the sky to see more Megadramon's coming.
"Incoming Pyro Grenade!" BlackGuilmon called as he shot a purple ball of purple smoke at the incoming foes hitting one of them down out of them.
Kyubimon ran forward and jumped into the air and started spinning forward.
"Dragon Wheel!" Kyubimon called as she was surround by blue fire and a dragon made of fire appeared and hit multiple Megadramon's in the air.
Terriermon finally stopped spinning and look to the air.
"Bunny Blast!" Terriermon called as he shot out super heated air at the them and knocked down a few.
"Ha that's what happens when you mess me." Terriermon said with a cheeky smile that made BlackGuilmon sweat dropped and so did the Gomamon group.
"Terriermon what have we told you about getting cocky?" BlackGuilmon asked as Terriermon turned to him.
"Don't get cocky." Terriermon replied as Kyubimon arrived back to them.
"And what do you keep doing?" Kyubimon asked as Terriermon chuckled.
"Keep getting cocky." Terriermon said as Ash, Ritchie and Dorumon sweat dropped at that thinking this Digimon was too chill.
"Yes so why do you keep doing it?" BlackGuilmon questioned again to the small canine.
"Come on you guys, Momentai, i got them didn't I." Terriermon said as more Megadramon rained down.
"Look out, Metal Cannon!" Dorumon Called out as he shot out dozen and dozen of Iron balls at them knocking them down.
"Nice Job Dorumon." Ash told as a laughing voice came from above and they all looked up to see a Digimon that has completely black clothing, fingers elongated into claws, devil's horns, tattered wings, and skulls on its shoulder and knee. It has the deep red Mark of Evil on its chest and on its left boot.
"It's Devimon, a Digimon It has a cunning and fiendish personality, but it also possesses an outstanding intellect, watch out for his touch of Evil." Dorumon explained as Devimon looked down and saw Ash and his Fusion Loader.
"Well well, what do we have here, a human with a Fusion Loader, first we're close to getting to the Code Crown and now this, well if I can get that Fusion Loader back to base along with the Code Crown, Lord Tactimon will reward me greatly." Devimon told with glee of getting rewarded for his work.
"Code Crown what's that?" Ash asked wondering what it was and wondering why this guy wanted it.
"The Code Crown are fragments of the true Code Crown which shattered and resulted in the creation of the 108 Zones of the Digital World, serving as proof of sovereignty over their own allowing their user to control a specific Zone, a Code Crown lets them create portals to other Zones, that's why the Bagra Army are after them, to control the entire Digital world." Kyubimon explained as Ash looked at his Fusion Loader then at Dorumon.
"Hey Dorumon we're not gonna let them took over this world are we?" Ash asked to the Purple Digimon who nodded.
"Of Course not, let's get him." Dorumon told as Devimon Laughed at that.
"And what are you gonna do aabout, let me show you that your ideas will not work, let me show you." Devimon said as the Megadramon's from the sky and on the ground started to glowed and turned to data and started to be absorbed by Devimon making him grow bigger and darker as everyone back up seeing this happening.
"Devimon Darkness mode!" Devimon told as he laughed at the Digimon and Humans below.
"He absorbed the Megadramon's data and use it to become stronger, but that's not going to stop me." BlackGuilmon said rushing forward as Dorumon followed him.
"Wait you two!" Kyubimon yelled as They both charged.
"Pyro Grenade!"
"Dash Metal!"
They both shot their attacks but did n't do much and Devimon held his hand out.
"Touch of Evil!" Devimon called as a blast of Darkness shot out and hit them both knocking them down hard.
Ash wanted to do something but what.
Then it something from his dream came to him.
He remembered seeing Dorumon and BlackGuilmon merging in his dream.
Ash ran forward and held the Fusion Loader out.
"Ash what are you doing!" Ritchie yelled out wondering what his friend was doing.
"Dorumon, BlackGuilmon, I have a plan, are you in?" Ash questioned to them, as they looked up at him and nodded saying if it would help beat this guy then they would be happy to help.
"Alright here goes,(Fusion Loader's upper part open's to reveal the golden V) Dorumon, BlackGuilmon, DigiFuse!" Ash yelled as he spin the dial until it turned blue and pressed the bottom and a bright light came out of the Fusion Loader and engulf Dorumon and BlackGuilmon.
When the light died down Ash and the others saw what Ash had seen them digifuse into Ash's dream. (Read Ash's dream up top for Dorumon's and BlackGuilmon's digifused form)
"BlackDorumon!" BlackDorumon called out as he stood ready to fight again.
"They digifuse thanks to the power of the Fusion Laoder!" Kyubimon told in awe as was the others.
"Go!" Ash yelled as BlackDorumon ran forward.
"Digifused or not, you won't stop me!" Devimon said shot his touch of Evil at BlackDorumon only to miss each time.
"Metal Grenade's!" BlackDorumon yelled out shooting tons of Iron's spheres covered in Black smoke heading for Devimon.
"What no stop!" Devimon Pleaded but only screamed as the attack hit him and explodes and screams as he turns to data.
"You did it!" Ash yelled as BlackDorumon looked at him and smiled.
It lasted only for a second as he glowed and separated back into both Dorumon and BlackGuilmon.
Everyone else behind them cheered as the battle was won.
but then something behind them started to glowed and they all looked to see what it was and saw the light as a golden crystal and it moved in front of Ash.
"Ash, that's the Code Crown of the River Zone!" Kyubimon said as in awe Ash looked at Code Crown in awe and nodded his head.
End of chapter!
Ash,Dorumon,Ritchie: Digimon Data Collection!
Ash went in front and showed his Fusion Loader.
Ash:Hey Guys, time to show the data of Digimon we know.
Data shows Picture of Dorumon. (look on digimonwiki for what his data picture would look like)
Ash:My Friend Dorumon, it's said during an experiment, he had the potent life-force data of the legendary beast, the "Dragon", and it is said he has the potential to grow into a mighty Digimon. his special attacks include Dash Metal, Metal Cannon, Hyper Dash Metal and Dino tooth!
Ritchie: He charges head first, uses attacks base on metal and had a hard looking gem on his forehead, i get the feeling this Digimon is a little "Hard" headed, get it.
"Not so much Ritchie keep trying.
Dorumon: See you guys later.
Hey Guys DragonForceAsh aka zenotai123 here, well here's the first chapter but I'll have the others up soon guys so be patience.
Alright now enjoy the chapter and leave reviews and check out my others stories as well.
See you guys later. ;)