In which Yumiko marks her territory, Yuigahama becomes a blabbering mess, Yukinoshita's frozen by her coldness, Saki mustering her courage, and Isshiki caringly not caring.

Story start!

(Hachiman's POV)

Human beings are a creature of habit. We feel uncomfortable when something goes out of our plans or when we're faced with something out of our control. This brings us to my latest dilemma.

The Fire Queen, Yumiko Miura, being in the Service Club Clubroom. This might not sound like a big deal, but Miura doesn't come here to "Hang out."

conclusion: she's requesting something.

"What brings you here, Miura-san?" Yukinoshita asks with a hint of wary present in her voice.

"Jeez Yukinon, cut Yumiko some slack! She said she just want to hangout!" As usual, Yuigahama's quick to defend her friends. "Anyways, Yumiko said that she just want to see me interact with you guys! Maybe you'd like to join, Yumiko?" Yuigahama said and quickly asked. As quick as lightning, Gahama!

"Eh!? Why do you think I want to join?!" denial as quick as Yuigahama asked.

"You're not!?" Yuigahama looked dumbfounded. Seriously, you know that Fire and Ice won't be good right?!

Seeing as I don't have much of a use here, I stood up, and quickly announced my intention to grab a drink. "I'm grabbing a drink, what would you like?" Hearing this, the tension between Ice Queen and The Tigress somewhat lessened.

"I'd like a strawberry juice!" Yuigahama voiced out. "I'd like a can of Oolong tea." Classic Yukinoshita, still picks tea. "I'd like an Apple Juice." Miura said oh so quietly.

As I open the door, I wasn't prepared to get hit by a missile of a kouhai, Isshiki. "SENPAI!" Isshiki said as she tackled me like a certain White Knight Linebacker did. (1) Ow, that nearly broke something, Isshiki!

"Isshiki-san, what brings you here?" I heard Yukinoshita say as I stand up. "Eh? Do I need a reason to come? I just wanted to see you guys!" Isshiki pulled one of her foxy grin, which reminds me of a certain nine-tailed fox made of pure chakra.(2)

"Hikki, are you alright?" Leave it to Yuigahama to be worried, quit worrying so much, Yuigahama!

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply to douse the flames of worry in her.

After Isshiki settled down, I hoped that I'll be at ease.

I was wrong.

"Hey Hikio, give me your phone." It was really an unexpected request. As the other girls in the room quickly glared at her. Damn woman, quit making some unwanted tension! "What, aren't you guys curious about what's in his phone?" She's really creating something here. Oi, stop acting like that!

"Why would I be curious about Hikki's phone? He's creepy!" Burn Hachiman! 1-0 in favor of Yuigahama.

"I am not in all aspects, curious about what Hikigaya-kun's phone contents are. I don't want to know what creepy things he stores in there." Yukinoshita with the Crystal Nova(3). I take a look at Isshiki to see if she's saying something.

"I agree with Senpai, He's too much of a creep to be interested of. I'd rather look at Hayama-senpai's phone." Isshiki finishes by looking at me and smiling foxily. As I contemplate my thoughts, Miura successfully retrieves my phone from my hand.

"Hoh, you don't have a password?" Miura says amusingly. After fiddling a bit, she was asked by Yuigahama. "Why are interested in Hikki's phone anyway, Yumiko?" Which was quickly countered by the Fire Queen. "Maybe he has a girlfriend that you guys don't know about."

Never have I ever felt like a cornered animal until today. Yukinoshita gave her coldest glare, Isshiki goes at second place with an equally terrifying glare on her own, and Yuigahama at last, trying to give a terrifying glare which is actually cute.

"I'm buying the drinks." I said as I stood up and quickly left before they can say a thing.

(Service Club Clubroom, Third Person POV)

Miura looked around the room and went back to fiddling with Hachiman's phone. "Do you like Hikio or something?" She asked nonchalantly, which illicited a variety of reactions from the girls. Yui turned red, Yukino avoided looking at Miura to hide her blush, and Isshiki fiddling with her fingers and blushing. "If you like Hikio that way, why not act upon it? Nothing will happen if you wait around." Miura continued to fiddle with Hikigaya's phone but she suddenly stopped. "Hoh, who's this "girlfriend" in his contacts?"

To say that Wally West is the fastest being in the multiverse would be wrong(3), as the other girls in the room was glued to Miura's side and glaring at his phone.

"So Hikki already has..." Yuigahama failed to complete her sentence as she looked like hell froze over.

"So senpai already has a girlfriend." Isshiki on the other hand, has no problem at all.

"I don't believe Hikigaya-kun has a girlfriend. Maybe that's Komachi-san's number." Yukino looked like she's lost and didn't want to believe.

"But this is Komachi's number." Yui pointed out to Yukino.

"Call it." Yukino spoke coldly as she glared harder at the screen. Isshiki and Yui agreeing.

"I guess it doesn't hurt to know." Miura then dialed the contact.

A phone rung.

(Sobu High School, Vending Machine, Hachiman's POV)

After a long uneventful walk, I finally reached my destination. Quickly grabbing what they like, I saved the best for last.

Ah, MAX Coffee, the drink of the gods.

"Hikigaya?" I looked around for the source of voice and I found Saki. My Stealth mode falied me again!

"Kawasaki. What's up?" I casually asked her. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"Eh... Uhh... I'm going home then I saw you, I thought of saying hi. You got a problem with that?" Woman, you trying to scare me won't be effective if you stutter at the start of your sentence.

"No, I just asked. Anyways, see you tomorrow." I walked but she grabbed my wrist. "Hikigaya w-wo-would you like to go out on a date?"

NANI!? What are you saying all of a sudden!? What did you eat to just ask me out?

"Uhh... Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Have a nice day, Saki." I replied as I don't want to stay in this awkward atmosphere. I started to walk this time.

"Wait, may I atleast know her name?" I heard her ask me.

"Yumiko, Miura Yumiko." I didn't bother to look at her face, but I can conclude that in her face lies dumbfounded expression.

(Service Club Clubroom, Third Person POV)

A ring.

"Whose phone is it?" Isshiki asked. The girls quickly pulled out their phones, hoping it is theirs.

"It's not mine." Yui said dejectedly.

"It's not mine either. Is it yours Yukinoshita-senpai?" Isshiki asked, to which Yukino answered no.

"That means... " the girls look at Miura, who is holding her phone, ringing. Miura looked like she just won the lottery or something.

"You're... Hikki's..."



"Girlfriend!?" They all asked. To which Miura just smiled.

"Yes. Now you guys back off Hikio, because he's mine."

Enter Hikigaya Hachiman, with drinks for the girls.

"Eto... What happened?" He asked as he looked around.

"I told them..." Miura looked away shyly. "I just want them to know."

"Okay. You just saved me an explanation." Hikigaya lazily replied. "Any questions coming from you guys?" Hikigaya asked the girls.

"When?" Was all they could utter.

"We hung out after she requested to know Hayama's career choice. If you have no more questions, I'm going home." Hikigaya said walking away from the girls.

"H-Hikio, Wait!" Miura followed. Leaving the girls to themselves.

(Sobu High School Grounds, Hachiman's POV)

"Hikio! Wait!" I heard Miura say as I continued to walk. She ran faster like she has another source of energy, do you perhaps have Second Origin(5)? She finally catches up to me as she pulled my left wrist. "Hikio, I said wait!" Wow, she's angry. Better be careful, Hachiman!

"Yo." I lazily replied to her. After hearing my greeting, the intensity of her anger had lightened. Seeing her tired, I offered her my beloved MAX Coffee. She rejected my offer. More drink for me then. After catching her breath, she straightened up and looked at me again.

"Why didn't you wait me, Hikio!?" The anger she had came back at full swing.

"I don't know, maybe you're just slow?" I grunted in pain as a punch came to my chest. Don't be like Hiratsuka-sensei, woman!

"Jerk!" She continued to punch me in the chest for a good minute. After she was done, we continued to walk.

"Miura." I said, to which I'm countered with "We're alone, you know? Call me the usual."

"The usual, I'm dad, ni-youch!" She punched my left arm for real this time. "Don't be a smart-ass, Hikio." I guess I deserve that one. Cringy dad jokes aside, I started to speak.

"Yu-Yumi." I stuttered that one out. I find it hard what I'm about to say to her. She looks at me intently. "It's about Saki." The way her lowered head quickly perked up looked like a King Cobra ready to bite. Her face marred with jealousy.

"What's up with Kawasaki?" Miura's face looked chilling right now. I never knew the fire queen could glare coldly, a glare that rivals the Ice Queen.

"Well... She asked me out earlier." I replied carefully. She stopped walking. I honestly can't see her face as she is looking towards the ground, not moving at all.

"She what? Asked you out?" Miura looked at me. Yandere face and all. Oi this isn't YanYumi! Stop that!

"Yeah." I carefully answered because if I wrongly answered, I'll be damned.

"So what did Hikigaya Hachiman answer?"

"I said that I'm sorry, but I already have a girlfriend." I come closer to where she is, trying to hold her hand. "She asked me who my girlfriend is, and you already know my answer." I touched her face with my free hand. "Miura, you know that I won't give up on you, right? I'm lazy enough to actually try and cheat or leave you." I brushed her hair, she blushes, and her yandere look subsides.

"Tch, that will be the only time I'll be thankful for your laziness." She shows me a smile so warm that it actually makes me blush. Her smile reminds me of a certain fire dragon slayer from a certain magical guild. She holds my hand and starts walking.

"Oi Yumi, where are you taking me?" I asked my girlfriend. She looks at me and smiles. "Let's go on a date right now! I'll treat you!"

"Alright, but I'll be treating you." Wallet-chan, I'm sorry for making you thinner, I promise I'll make it up to you! Looking at her, she smiles and resumes on walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Our favorite."

"Saize?" Please let it be Saize!

"No, the other one." No!

"Oh, Cafe La'mour. Let's go then."

"H-hey Hachi..."


"I love you!"

"I-I love you too, Yumi."

I'm sorry, wallet-chan!

(1) Shin of Ojo White Knights, Eyeshield 21

(2) Kyuubi no Yoko or Kurama from Naruto Series.

(3) Crystal Maiden, a hero from Dota 2, has this skill, which slows and lowers armor.

(4) The Fastest Flash.

(5) Second Origin is another container of magic power in Fairy Taill universe.

AN: This fan fic sprung up as I read the Segment 4 of Match Not Found. Read it, It's a good is probably a one-shot, as I can't see this a series. A series of fluff around Hachi and Yumi is always a treat. Seriously, read Match Not Found!For all the grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. The shaking hands of mine while typing is probably the cause. For those that will complain about there's lack of character development, well this is intended to be a one-shot.Until

Next Time!
