A/N: Sorry for the delay. Had some rl issues to deal with. But in relevant news, I finally played the actual game instead of just watching the hentai. Not going to review it or anything. Only thing I can say is for this story, I already deviated from the lore quite a bit. So I probably won't try to course correct. As for Mad Science, it didn't contradict too much so it can continue as planned. And I thank you all for sticking with me, I know my writing isn't the best, and if it wasn't for grammar check programs, this writing would be a lot uglier XD. But onto the show, after I answer some replies.

Austin: Rains of Castamere. I love that jam. And thanks for the suggestion, I will work it in there. Gives Akeira a chance to show she is more than just brute strength! As for more sequels, well I might have future storylines in mind. Though what you suggest sounds epic and cool.

Guest: Thank you very much!

AbyssTrinity: No problem. Sorry, this one took a bit longer.

Perseus: Huh that was cool to know! And yes *cackles* He will win, and the punishments will be fitting. Let's just say the monsters got off easy since they were just simple beasts. Those foolish arrogant humans, however, won't be so lucky heh.

Morregan: Why thank you nice to see that people like my writing so far!

K1NG and J0K3R: Yeah I wanted to try and give him a little more depth. I know I haven't exactly succeeded in that given I have other characters as well as the quote on quote canon characters to also develop.

Silver Tusk was resting his eyes shut as the machine traveled along the vast distance to the city held by monsters. Even as the great war machine rattled across the rocky roads, the orc general felt nothing but a serene calm in his mind. Their cause was absolute, though their Lord Kumokami was the dread demon king. Kumokami was a man that Silver Tusk would willingly die for, would cross into Hades for. He would follow that man to the ends of reality itself.

He had given the orcs a purpose once again. Silver Tusk huffed as he thought about the time before Kumokami showed up. His people had been in stagnation, though they had allied with the dwarven nation. They were still in decline, years of relying on war had left them unable to deal with the realities of living. It is one of the reasons I almost pity the Kuroinu. Even if Kumokami hadn't returned to strike them down. They would have ultimately collapsed on themselves. Silver Tusk knew this because he had nearly led his people down a path of starvation.

One year ago

"Momma!" The weak screeching reached his ears. Even as his other senses were dulled out by the harsh blazing sun. They were crossing a vast wasteland in the tooth. His clan had always found women and food, in the wars they fought against everyone else. But when peacetime became the demanded outcome, and there was nothing to do against it. They had been banished to live out far from civilization, and now they were dying.

"Shut that brat up!" Silver Tusk tried to roar, but he only ended up coughing dust and blood into the ground. His legs felt shaky, and he steadied himself against a nearby rock. He could barely see anything in the wasteland. He felt nothing but rage, despair and wondered if this was really how he would die. Funny, I always rushed into each and every battle expecting it to be my very last. I wanted to die a good death, but now I live and everyone around me dies. He found it ironic how his previous opponents had always told him he would die screaming. Shows them, I will not scream now, nor would I scream then.

"The Boy only cries because he has lost something dear to him." Said a dark voice that was foreign to his ears. Silver Tusk turned around with urgency gripping his war axe, only for the dark shadowy figure to push him to the ground. He could barely see the figure, the light was too damn bright. But all around his clansmen rushed the figure, and it was like they were moving in mud. The shadow outpaced them all, moving like a fish through water. The shadow then approached the sniveling child who was still crouched over his dead mother's body. "She would not want you to die here, boy. Tell me your name." The shadow asked, and the child wiped the tears from his eyes.

"My name is Bronze Hammer, after my mother." He said in a raspy voice. The child was scared of the shadow and flinched when it tossed something at him. But the fear was gone when the mysterious object turned out to be a flask of water. The child eagerly tore off the cap and then began drinking greedily from it. Before tossing the waterskin to Silver Tusk. Silver Tusk weakly reached for the waterskin, only for the shadow to put a foot over his arm stopping him.

"Why has a warrior been sent here to die?" The Shadow asked him.

"We weren't needed anymore. Now get off my fucking arm." Silver Tusk snarled at the stranger, who was starting to get easier to see as the sun began to set. He could make out finer details, in that the figure was clearly dressed in black. Though his face was unnaturally pale even for a human. But he couldn't be a vampire, the sun would cook him alive instantly even with magical charms and protection spells.

"Needed? Or were you unwilling to change?" The figure replied back in a cold voice, that chilled Silver Tusk down to the bone despite the intense heat of their surroundings. It was like being submerged in an ice bath, he could practically feel the needles across his skin.

"We are warriors. Nothing more." Silver Tusk said back firmly as best he could. Despite his cold sweat pouring down his neck.

"Is that right? Then why do you have children with you?" Kumokami said gesturing to the child who could only stand around and look at the stranger in their midst with fear.

"The brat's mother fought alongside us until she died today. She refused to let the boy leave her side. It was her choice, not ours and we respected her for it." He grunted in derision. How dare this stranger question their decisions? How dare this stranger beat the weary warriors so easily? Or was this stranger in truth the grim reaper, come to harvest their souls? And was it possible this was a hallucination for them while their bodies were burning in the sun?

"If you cannot change then you die. You know who first taught me that saying?" The shadow asked. After Silver Tusk squinted his eyes to try and minimize the bright glare of the sun and didn't answer. Kumokami then answered his own question. "It was Shama The Horsebreaker." He said and then took his foot off Silver Tusk's arm.

"Shama is a myth. He was a great orc, but he is just a fairy tale. And your lying. There is no way you knew him, that would make you thousands upon thousands of years old." Silver Tusk said rubbing his arm. But for some reason, his gut told him that this shadow wasn't lying.

"Shama was one of my greatest warriors and a philosopher. He looked ahead and from different angles to every solution. He had a vision for his people, and I would have loved to see it realized. A pity that his people have reduced him to a so-called fairy tale." The shadow then walked back as he reached for the sky, and the clouds darkened overhead. Then it began pouring down rain, and Silver Tusk felt relief he hadn't felt in months. His people looked at the stranger in their midst.

"My name is Kumokami. I was the first Demon King. When I reigned your people were great warriors with honor unrivaled anywhere else. I sought your clan out, for Shama's very blood runs strongest through your veins." The pale man known as Kumokami turned around, all eight red eyes stared into Silver Tusk's soul. "And so I know that you are capable of change, you could lead your people as Shama always wanted. Or you can cling to your stubborn warrior ways, and let your pride destroy you." He said as he created a hole in the clouds letting a beam of harsh sunlight land next to Silver Tusk.

"What do you want of me?" Silver Tusk asked as strange feelings ran through his mind. The heartfelt conflict he hadn't felt in a long time. There had been a time he wanted to lead his people through the seemingly endless wars, but then he had given up on those thoughts. But now in the midst of this stranger those old feelings were coming back in full force.

"What I want of you is for you to fight one last time. To answer the old vows that your ancestor swore to me. And then you will change your people as Shama would have wanted. Can you do that?" Kumokami stated looking at the Orc below him. Silver Tusk then grunted as he struggled to get up from the ground, and as he did so. His small clan looked at their leader, as he bowed before Kumokami.

"If what your saying is true. Or if it isn't I still owe you for saving me and my clan. So I Silver Tusk pledge myself to follow you, and uphold the ancient oaths of my ancestor." He then cut open his palm and held it out to Kumokami. The Demon King smiled as he cut open his own palm, and then shook hands with the Orc Chief, creating an unbreakable blood oath. And then from that day over time, Silver Tusk's loyalty only deepened for Kumokami.


The chieftain awoke to the sounds of the drums of war, the constant beating of the drums quickened his pulse. He could feel his lust for battle awaken, a wide grin stretching his face. He stood up taking out his mighty Warhammer, pounding it several times against the metal walls of the tank. Soon the pounding of one hammer was joined by the pounding of countless other weapons and shields.

The excitement for war was so omnipresent, that it could be cut through with a knife. "LISTEN TO THE DRUMS OF WAR. LISTEN TO THE SOUNDS OF DEATH, AS METAL IS TORN ASUNDER. AS WE CELEBRATE THE VICTORIOUS DEAD, BY ADDING TO THEIR RANKS! TODAY IN THE NAME OF KUMOKAMI, WE SHOW THOSE MONGREL DOGS WHAT WAR TRULY MEANS!" Silver Tusk's speech was met with various roars and yells of celebration. The magic communication crystals present in each machine of war transmitted his voice. They were more than ready to spill blood, and to die in glorious war.

The Monsters that remained felt differently on the matter. They trembled in their small fortress city, some were even pissing themselves out of fear. They could see the flying warships, the massive tanks, the siege weaponry that would tear their walls down in no time. Their fear turned to confusion as the machines of war stopped on hills overlooking the fortress city, and those who could see in the distance. They saw the shimmering armor of Silver Tusk as he stepped out of his tank.

He held a glowing communication crystal. "LISTEN UP YOU FILTHY MONGRELS AND DOGS THAT HAVE REMAINED AMONG THEM. YOU HAVE ONE LAST CHANCE TO DIE WITH SOME SEMBLANCE OF HONOR. BUT IF YOU TRY TO COWER IN THAT CITY, THEN WE WILL SHIT ON YOUR CORPSES IN THE RUBBLE OF THAT CITY. SO COME AND FIGHT US ON THE BATTLEFIELD, AND DIE VICTORIOUS IN HONOR!" Silver Tusk roared, his voice rattling through the monster's very core. He then crushed his crystal and gave a few swings of his mighty hammer.

Then he began running down the hill, headed towards the battlefield. Followed by legions of dwarves, humans from other countries, the beast men of Akos, and even the fae. They all ran on feet, while the machines of war headed to the city. The monsters knew at that moment, they would die regardless of the outcome. And yet, though some felt horror and shame. A brave few took up arms and marched out of the city while the others cowered in the city. What would transpire in the next few hours would come to be known as the Last Stand of The Legion. It was a great epic battle where even though the legion was outmatched by Kumokami's Horde, they fought to their last save for those in the city. The ones who fought to the last were given an honorable burial with their remains cremated, while the ones inside the city were defecated on and left to rot for the crows.

Silver Tusk overlooked the aftermath of it all. He was feeling a strange mix of feelings. Pride towards his army, a tingling remnant of adrenaline from the battle. This slaughter will be short to be sure, even now I know that the others will succeed without fail in their given assignments. He was broken out of his thoughts by footsteps behind him.

"Lord Tusk, we found their prisoners. The Halflings are still alive, though they seem to require time to recover. They are strong but haven't fed in a long time." His trusty Dwarf Commander reported to him.

"Did you find her?" Tusk asked.

" Yes, sir we found Ruu Ruu, though she seems to have been subjected to countless aphrodisiacs. But she was still strong enough to kill her captors, when we gave her the chance." The Commander said with a look that said he wasn't all too disappointed with the strange offshoots of the proud dwarven race.

"Very well then. Bring her to me, and I will send her to Lord Kumokami. After, hat, we will tend to the halfling's wounds, and HAVE A GLORIOUS FEAST!" He roared out to his proud horde. Ruu Ruu was carried gently in the dwarven commander's arms to Silver Tusk who used his slip of paper. She was enveloped by a purple aura, and then was gone in a flash.

"I have to say, my lord. These Halflings confuse me somewhat. They are all women but have childlike bodies. Our women have more maturity to them. And the animal parts confuse me." The Commander said with a chuckle. "The Mother Continent is strange indeed." He said after drinking a whole pint of dwarven ale.

"Indeed it is comrade. But worry not, once Kumokami has finished his goals. There will surely be more glory to await us in the future." Silver Tusk said knowingly. Taking a drink of his ale, he wondered where Kumokami would go next once it was all over. It was quite the curiosity when one thought of the potential future that would await them.

A/N: Sorry again for the wait. Please review, and let me have your thoughts!