Patrick-Man returns home to end the day with a daily dose of nothing. After stepping inside and shutting the rock behind him, Patrick changes out of his costume, and into nothing but his underwear. Patrick plopped himself on the sand recliner in front of the TV, which was playing a rerun marathon of the entire Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy series.

"Haha." Patrick laughed as he saw a coconut fall on Barnacle Boy's head. After a few seconds, Patrick got up to get some milk. After grabbing a carton of milk, he sat back down in his chair. Patrick gulped down the milk, passing out a few minutes later...


"Patrick." "PATRICK!" Patrick woke up to find Spongebob in his face, a terrified expression on his face.

"Spongebob?" Patrick asked.

"Patrick! We need you (Well, actually, we need Patrick-Man)." Spongebob replied.

"Wha- why?"

"Supervillains have taken over the city!" Spongebob answered.

"Well why doesn't the IJLSA just fight them?"

"Patrick, the IJLSA diverged years ago. And besides, their too old to fight this many supervillains.

"Well then, I better get my suit on quick... With Neptune swiftness, AWAY!" Patrick shouts. *Montage of Patrick putting on his costume (and Spongebob putting on his), while Eye of the Tiger plays*

"Alright Patrick, now let's go save Bikini Bottom!" and with that the two ran out of Patrick's house to fight the supervillains.

"Alright Dirty Bubble, now let's go rob the bank!" Man Ray said to the Dirty Bubble. They had just robbed the Krusty Krab, and stole the secret Krabby Patty formula.

"Now wait just a darn minute!" Plankton said, he was wearing his Robot Krabs suit from Season 2 Episode 6 (Imitation Krabs/Dying for pie).

"What do you want, Plankton!?" Man Ray yelled back.

"We had a deal Man Weight! You said if I broke you out of prison, you would

steal the formula; FOR ME!" Plankton recited.

"That is true... but guess what, Sheldon. I. crossed. my. FINGERS!" Man Ray yelled.

"*Gasps* you wouldn't..."

"Oh, but yes. I would." but before they could argue any more, the door flew open. The three villains looked over to see Patrick Man and Spongebob, who was wearing his Fry Boy costume from Season 5 Episode 14 (Mermaid Man vs Spongebob).

"Neither of you are getting the formula." Fry Boy said.

"Wrong... E.V.I.L., ATTACK!" Man Ray ordered. And with that, every villain (is lemons) attacked. Fry Boy flipped a raw patty on his golden spatula before smacking it towards Jumbo Shrimp. The patty hit him in the face.

"EW! PATTY JUICE!" Jumbo Shrimp stumbled backwards, falling on a table and breaking it in half.

"Hey! You're gonna have to pay for that!" Mr Krabs shouted from behind.

"HUSH IT KRABS!" Plankton yelled. Patrick Man raised his arm, a pit punch flying out of his armpit and hitting Robot Mantis. Robot Mantis was launched backwards into the wall, bits and bolts flying out of him. Sinister Slug slithered towards Fry Boy, opening his mouth to eat him whole.

"No, I;m not edible! But these patties are!" Fry Boy said as he launched a bunch of Krabby Patties into the Sinister Slug's mouth.

"MRMFFF! MRMFFF!" Sinister cried as he choked on the patties, eventually blowing up. Sinister Slug's mouth and eyes landed on the floor next to each other as he said, "I'm getting outta here!" and they bounced away. The Atomic Flounder jumped in front of Fry Boy, his shoulder fist thing touching him. Suddenly, the same fist thing appeared on Fry Boy's shoulder as his eyes opened wide, as did his mouth. te fist shoulder thing began to speak,

"HAHAHAHA! Now I am in control of your idiot friend, Man-Patrick!"

"That's patrick-MAN to you!" Patrick man yelled as he jumped forward. Patrick Man and the now infected Fry Boy began to fight each other.

"You should give p Patrick-Man! You'll never win!"

"Check your facts fist-face!" Patrick Man yelled back as hi pit punched the shoulder fist thing, knocking it off of Fry Boy's shoulder.

Fry Boy returned to consciousness, "Huh, what-what happened?"

"It's a short story Fry Boy." Patrick Man replied.

"Uh, okay."

"Enough talking Fry Boy! We need to finish off E.V.I.L.!" and with that the two got up ready to fight again.

"I'm gonna mop the floor with you, Captain Tightwad!" Patrick Man shouted.

"And I'm gonna make you into money!" the two ran towards each other to fight. Captain tightwad threw a big coin at Patrick Man, knocking him back. "This was too easy!" Captain Tightwad threw another, knocking Patrick Man.


"Uh, Patrick Man?" Fry Boy said, Patrick Man finally waking up.

"Huh?" Patrick Man got up to see all the villains being taken into police cars. "What the barnacles happened fry Boy?"

"Well, I beat the last of the villains singal-handedly." fry Boy bragged.

"Wow, really?" Patrick Man got up, "It seems this city doesn't need me anymore. I guess it's time to hang up the cape..." Patrick Man tilted his head down as he walked away, a tear running down his face.

"Wait! Patrick Man no! Of course we need you!" Fry Boy said, "Please do't give up being a superhero just because I'm way better than- I mean because you didn't beat the last of the villains!"

"There's nothing you can do about it Fry Boy..." Patrick Man took the ice cream cone mask off of his head, revealing Patrick's face.

Plankton watched from inside the police car. "So, Patrick is patrick-Man... I'll make sure I get my revenge..."