One week after Spongebob Squarepants season 9 episode 2("Patrick-Man!")

"With Neptune swiftness, AWAY!" Patrick shouted as he jumped from the Krusty Krab, thinking that he could fly. After a week of thinking, Patrick has- "That's Patrick-MAN to you!" ahem. Patrick-Man, has decided to dawn the cape once more. And though he has absolutly no powers, he is still convinced that he does (what an idiot). Now, back to the story: Patrick jumped from the Krusty Krab, thinking he could fly. But of course, he couldn't, and he faceplanted in front of the Krusty Krab, right in front of Spongebob.

"OH MY GOSH PATRICK ARE YOU OKAY!?" Spongebob cries, worried for his best friend. Spongebob lifts Patrick-Man's head off the ground, revealing Patrick's face, some teeth scattered on the ground.

"Duoy!" Patrick replies idioticly. Patrick shakes his head, reminding himself of what he was just doing.

"That's Patrick-Man to you Spongebob. And of course I'm okay! I can fly remember!"

"Uh... Patrick- I mean Patrick-Man," Spongebob replied with a wink, "You can't fly."

"*sigh* Some people just don't get it. I'm a superhero! Superheroes have powers!" Patrick said sternly. "And I just happen to have been lucky enough to get the power of flight!" Patrick got up, walking over to the Krusty Krab and climbing on top of it again, "Watch this." Once he was on top of the Krusty Krab, he prepared himself to jump.

"PATRICK NO!" Spongebob screamed. Though nothing could convince Patrick that he couldn't fly.

"With Neptune swiftness.. AWAY!" Patrick shouts, jumping off the Krusty Krab once again.

Spongebob put his hands on his head, obviously terrified, "PATRICK!" Spongebob quickly ran inside, grabbing a huge box of buns and placing it where Patrick would fall. But he placed the box in the wrong spot, and Patrick-Man faceplants again. "PATRICK!" SPongebob ran over to Patrick-Man with great speed.

"See! Flying!" Patrick says, not proving his point any further. "Now if you don't mind Spongebob, I'm gonna go save the city!" and with that, Patrick runs off into the night, to save the city.

"Uh, Patrick. The city's that way." Spongebob corrects his friend. Patrick turns around, running towards the city...

Right off the bat, Patrick-Man spots a crime in progress. And the criminal was none other than... Dennis? Oh, wait. This happens before the Spongebob Movie.

"Aha!" Patrick-Man shouts, giving away his location. Dennis turns around.

"Who the barnacles are you!?" Dennis asks, "Oh who cares. I'm gonna crush you anyways!" Dennis runs over to Patrick-Man, holding up his leg. Spikes emerge out of his boots, and they were HUGE!

"HOLY TARTER SAUCE THAT'S A BIG BOOT!" Patrick-Man shouts. Just as Dennis was about to stomp on Patrick-Man with his spiky boot, Patrick-Man holds up his arm, revealing his DISGUSTING arm pit. "TASTE PIT, EVIL-DOER!" Suddenly, a huge fist of stink emerges from Patrick-Man's arm pit, punching Dennis back into a dumpster at high speeds. Dennis gets up. Patrick-Man runs over with great speed, throwing waffle cones towards Dennis. Dennis just grabbed them, smashing them in his hand with no effort. Patrick-Man ran over to Dennis. But Dennis upper-cut him, knocking him back into pole. As Patrick Man got up, Dennis approached him. Patrick-Man grabs a pair of donut-cuffs out of his pants, throwing them at Dennis. Surprisingly and conveniently, the donut-cuffs landed right on Dennis' hands, trapping him.

"What!? NOOO!" Dennis angrily yelled in the realization that he was trapped.

"Okay, now I'm gonna tell on you!" Patrick-Man says, pulling out a walkie-talkie and using it to... call the police?

The end...