Author's Note: This is one of those bursts of madness. You see, I have this little notebook called the "MAGICAL ELF-PROOF NEAT-O SUPER DOOPER WARM-N- FUZZY BOOK OF MY SHORT STORIES!!" and I obviously write short stories in it. I'm currently using my good friend Dustin for the subject of these stories. Yay!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dustin. But soon I will buy his soul for a dollar and I will own him. WHEEE! And now we will move on to.. THE DAY DUSTIN WENT MAD AND KILLED HIS FRIENDS!! OH.. EXCEPT ME! Heh.

It was a lovely evening, and Dustin R. was waiting (quite impatiently, for that matter) for Shane and Alex's arrival.

They finally entered his home, panting. Both of them were frightened and their cheeks were flushed and pink.

"What took you guys so freakin' long?" Dustin demanded.

"Evil white trash people and.. and their robotic squirrels," Alex huffed. Dustin nodded understandingly as they collapsed to the couch.

"You know.. I think Courtney should be here." Dustin decided. Shane rolled his eyes. "Why?" he asked. Dustin's eye twitched. "Because I freakin' SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!"

Suddenly, a magical poof happened and Courtney appeared! Oh, I'M Courtney!

"WHOA!" I said, looking at Dustin. The trio waved at me and I waved back. "That was neat, how'd you do it?"

Dustin suddenly looked all evil-like with a wicked little grin. "I am a Master Jedi! EAT YOUR HEART OUT, GEORGE LUCAS!!! BWAHAHAHAAA!!!!" he exclaimed. After a spooky minute, he was all normal again.

Dustin looked at Alex. "You got some candy?" Alex began to look a little nervous.

"Uh.. candy? Heh.."

"I know you got candy, Alex."

"Heh heh.. uh.. no.. I mean-"

"Alex.. give the candy to your master.."

"Dustin.. I don't-"



Dustin suddenly growled and jumped on Alex, wrestling him for the sugary goodness. Shane and I watched, very entertained.

After five minutes passed, Alex wasn't really Alex. He was kinda dead instead. (Whoa! I made a rhyme!)

Dustin then walked back to his seat, opening his fist. A lone gumball lay in his hand. Shane laughed.

"Heh. You wasted Alex for a gumball!"

Dustin turned all evil-like again and attacked Shane. He began to do his evil growl as he tore Shane to shreds.

"NO!! Do your death-metal growl!" I exclaimed.

Dustin stopped ripping up Shane for a moment and looked at me. He smiled. "Oh.. heh. Okay." He said.

He did a magical death-metal growl and Shane was soon in pieces.

"I gots some candy, you know," I said.

"Oooh.. yum." Dustin took some candy and all was well.