"So, any ideas what Scribe0magic is doing?" asked Naruto

"My guess is he's looking into other worlds" said Guardian Ash "Or he could be fabercating new ones"

"From what I've seen that might be the case" said Master Sensei "He's been gathering a lot of energy in one of the rooms for something big"

"Well why don't we ask him about it then?" asked Naruto

"Ask me about what?" asked Scribe0magic as he entered the room

"Why you're storing so much energy in one of the rooms" answered Naruto

"Oh that" said Scribe0magic "I am gathering bits of various worlds to combine them into a mega crossover, but it's not ready yet"

"What!" cried Naruto in shock "You're kidding right?"

"No, the issue is what worlds to put together first" said Scribe0magic as he crossed his arms "I have most of the initial worlds already picked out, but with everything going on back home I don't have the time to put the finishing touches together"

"Oh you mean that viris going around?" asked Guardian Ash

"Yeah, that" sighed Scribe0magic "Thankfully I haven't gotten it so far, but I do feel bad for those that have fallen ill"

"It can't be as bad as they're making out right?" asked Naruto

"Eh, hard to say" answered Scribe0magic "Thing is I stay home most of the time anyway, but with people having to stay home and all the econemy has taken a massive blow"

"Yeah that's not a good thing at all" agreed Guardian Ash "Hope things get better soon"

"Pray that it does" said Scribe0magic "I am"