Ch 1: Does this bus ride feel ominous to you?

Chapter Summary: The bus ride there.

When Aizawa-sensei had said they were going on a day field trip tomorrow, everyone was excited. The nervous anticipation that once clung to field trips was gone or at least as gone as it ever could be. Since moving to the dorms they had been on multiple day trips for training or fun and each that passed without incident settled their nerves. When he said they were all required to wear their formal uniforms theories on where they were going cropped up even more frantically then before.

Ashido and Kaminari were convinced that they were going to a gala and spun fantasies to anyone who would listen about fancy drinks and dancing. Iida in his practicality and Yaoyorozu who had actually been to galas, speculated along the lines of a press release or interview simulation and encouraged everyone to get a goodnight sleep and be on their best behavior come morning. Todoroki was slightly more reserved than normal, which was hard to notice and when Midoriya asked he said it was nothing.

However, when they showed up for the bus the next morning and found Aizawa wearing actual clothes, nice clothes, specifically black dress pants and a black button down shirt instead of his usual hero uniform, they knew something was up. Even his hair was pulled back in a tight braid and while he looked nice, it was rather unsettling.

He greeted them curtly and then left Iida to get everyone onto the bus.

"I wasn't sure he owned actual clothes," Sero whispered.

"How did he get his hair in a braid?" Kaminari marveled. "Wait no who convinced him to get his hair braided in the first place?"

"I've seen him in a braid before," Uraraka piped up. "When the guys were out once he let us braid his hair."

"Nooooo," Kaminari and Sero gasped.

"It's true! It's true!" Ashido squealed.

"He even braided our hair, too!" Hagakure added in. "He's really good at it. Mine looked amazing!"

The group took a second to process and appreciate this information before Iida brought them all back to attention with choppy hand motions and loud announcements to "not waste school time discussing such trivial things." Everyone hurried onto the bus soon after.

The ride started with typical chit chat and excitement. The Bakusquad minus Bakugou himself we're the loudest, per usual. But the constant source of murmuring and conversation that was Midoriya was caught up quietly whispering to Todoroki. Eventually he fell quite simply taking the others hand in a show of comfort and solidarity. Soon after Iida and Uraraka fell quite too, not sure what to talk about with only half their group. Jiro put on her headphones and Yaoyorozu started reading. Slowly conversations died until it was only Ashido, Hagakure, Kaminari and Sero talking. Even Kirishima had taken to resting his head on Bakugou's shoulder, intent on listening rather then actually participating in the conversation.

They droned on for quite a while before Ashido called up to the front of the bus. "Aizawa-sensei are we going to have dinner out too?" Aizawa was sitting quietly and surprisingly not sleeping or even nodding off like normal but instead staring pensively out the window.

"Yeah, yeah," Hagakure cheered. "We haven't gotten to go out in forever!" Which wasn't entirety true, they'd had dinner out last weekend, but no one was going to argue with the slight exaggeration.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I love Lunch Rush but sometimes it's nice to remember what outside food is you know?" Kaminari added.

Aizawa had yet to turn around even as Ashido started calling out a string of sensei's to try and get his attention followed quickly by Kaminari and Hagakure joining in. Iida was about to tell them off when to everyone's surprise Bakugou spoke up.

"Read the fucking room jackasses. No one wants to deal with your hyperactive shit right now," he yelled at them.

Ashido and Hagakure fell quite, while Kaminari felt the need to get in the final jab.

"It's a bus not a room," he said smartly and the murder glare Bakugou fixed at him after that was enough to shut him up for the rest of the ride.

They were about 30 minutes from the city when the first signs of civilian broke on the rice field horizon. Even in the somber mood the class began to clamber around the windows to look at what they were approaching.

It was a rather impressive wall to say the least.

The bus finally came to a stop as the wall cut off the road they were on and turned into an expansive, thou nearly empty, parking lot.

When it parked everyone hesitated to get up, waiting for what was going to happen next. Just before Yaoyorozu was about to ask a question Aizawa stood up.

All eyes were instantly on him. Aizawa took a second to scan over the bus, appreciating his currently quite class, before he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Today we are going to someplace that is both very important to hero society and myself personally. It is very likely that this will become somewhere important to you in the future. I expect everyone to be respectful and not take this trip lightly," he finished solemnly.

Everyone waited a few second for him to continue and when he showed no signs of doing so Yaoyorozu cleared her throat and asked, "Umm sensei where, exactly, are we going?"

Aizawa simply looked at her and then shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. "You'll find out soon enough," he said as he walked off the bus.

A quiet murmur had started up again but somehow anything above a whisper just seemed wrong. The class made their way off the bus and over to a small building that protruded out from the wall.

The wall itself was made out of stone but had no noticeable lines in it, seemingly all a single piece. It towered above them, giving off a very old and slightly ominous feeling. The building was nondescript, made of the same material. Neither gave away what the place actually was.

Aizawa approached the building and instructed the student to wait outside as he proceeded in. He came back in few minutes, walked over to the wall and opened a (comparatively) small door that was previously gone unnoticed.

"Alright," he called, "Everyone in."

Through the door they were meet with vibrate green landscaping and a stone gravel courtyard. There were pagodas in the distance and a purification fountain to their right. A ways beyond that stood a large Torii gate. Everything about the area spelled peace and tranquility, in jarring opposition to the large stone wall that seemed to expand around the entire complex.

It was clearly a shrine or maybe a temple, perhaps just a little bit of both. What was baffling was how such a large and ornate complex existed so close to Tokyo and yet none of them had heard of it before.

They purified themselves quickly following Aizawa's lead, while Iida's direction broke them into lines for efficiency. After that they started down the path towards the towering Torii gate.

The class began to pair off as they walked. The Bakusquad stuck close together, Kirishima taking Bakugou's hand and leaning close to his side. Todoroki and Midoriya were huddled together whispering in their own world. And the rest of the class followed similarly, if to varying degrees.

As they approached the gate two more figures came into view. "Heeeeyyyy, Shouuuuutaaaa," called a somewhat subdued but still undeniably Present Mic voice from the blond haired man in front of them. It was striking how different he looked out of costume. His blond hair down and pulled back in a loose ponytail, bright colors discarded for black clothing similar to what Aizawa was currently wearing. He flashed the class a smile but it was less blinding than usual more strained and maybe even a little sad.

"Hizashi, Nemuri," Aizawa acknowledged, nodding to both of them.

"Awww, look at all of them. All dressed up," Midnight cooed. She was probably an even more startling sight then Present Mic, wearing the least revealing outfit they had ever seen her in, a black long sleeved blouse, black pencil skirt and black tights. "I could just eat them up right now." She paused hesitating slightly. "You sure this isn't too soon? Aren't they a little young for this, Shouta?"

Aizawa sighed, long suffering and exhausted. "I'm never sure and they always are," he said simply striding past them. "Besides it's not like we can get back on the bus now."

"Hummm," Midnight said, pressing her lips into a thin white line and hanging back to bring up the rear as Hizashi hurried to catch up with Aizawa's single minded power walk.

The class proceeded after their teacher nervously. And were soon met with the answer to the question they had been asking all morning.

Before them intermingled with luscious greener and surrounding the large temple was a graveyard.

Not just any graveyard, thou.

No, this was a graveyard for Heroes.


Hey, more should come very soon! I promised emotions and I intend to deliver.

As for the Japanese stuff in this such as Torii gates and purification fountains I suggest googling a picture so you get a better idea of what they look like. I've had the fortune of visiting Japan twice now and have been taking the language for 4 years, so I like to toss in these elements where they fit (thou I am not, nor claim to be, an expert).

Hope you enjoyed it and please leave a review, it will feed my soul!