Prologue ~~~

There was someone from back when he was a child, they told him that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes before you pass. He's always believed in it. It never seemed to be true in the first place, although how can you prove it when the only people who've experienced it have passed on to the next life.

But in his dying moments, he couldn't remember any of it.

No fond memories of childhood happiness. Lyle and Amy. His loving friends and family by his side. Lyle's departure. The bombing by the KPSA. The anger and sadness. His acceptance to become a Gundam Meister for Celestial Being. Every intervention or battle that was fought. The faces of his comrades. Nothing.

The only thing that occupied his mind was, Tieria Erde.

He wondered if the purple haired Meister had returned safely, if he was alright. They never really talked or interacted much. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be able to overcome his death. They hadn't formed any sort of bond between the two of them. He always found his thoughts drifting back to him when he was on the Ptolemaios or worried for him in battle.

During the UN Forces Counteroffensive where he lost vision in his right eye, he acted on instinct when he saved Tieria. If it weren't for him, Tieria would've died. It seemed right, protecting Tieria, that is. And he never once regretted that decision, even with his last breath...

...Tieria was on his mind…

Tieria Erde had never understood the need to express human emotions.

He prided himself on his negatively-stoic, distrusting, strict and self-righteous personality. No one else knew Veda like he did. No one knew who he was created to be, like he did. He was chosen as a Gundam Meister for only one reason, for the sake of his creation.

All of the Meisters had gone through some form of loss in their early years of childhood. Tieria didn't go through that pain in his earlier years. He didn't know the pain.

He couldn't feel the trauma of the other's past. A sin to cover up. Broken childhood. A death of a loved one. No need to take the pain they bared when he felt they could live on just fine without his comfort. No love could be found in his heart. Nothing. Nothing but the desire to fulfill his duties.

And then Lockon appeared in his life.

Lockon was the only one of the Meisters that was the most tolerable. Setsuna, a child with anger issues. Allelujah constantly has an identity crisis! He himself was quite distant with the others. Lockon, Lockon was the most easy-going off all the Meisters and genuinely cared for them like a family.

When he was chosen by Veda to become a Meister he chose to separate himself from humanity. He had the potential to understand humanity, to understand human emotions, to understand what it meant to be happy… to understand love. Despite that, the only thing he wanted to understand… was Lockon Stratos.

He honestly didn't care or showed little interest for the well-being of his comrades and was confused on their need to show compassion for others. The walls that he'd built around his heart for years were torn to rubble in mere seconds by a single man. A human.

Lockon willingly risked his life the first time to save him. Willingly took the risk to save Tieria in place of his own wellbeing. Knew the risk that killed him in the end.

That one day haunted him for the rest of his life. It was him that caused the death of Lockon Stratos. If he hadn't taken the hit for him, he'd still be alive. If Setsuna had been quicker, if he hadn't left, he might have been alive. Even if Haro had stopped him, he shouldn't have been so foolish. If only he had just stayed out there on the battlefield a little longer, he might have killed Ali Al-Saachez himself.

But Ali Al-Saachez didn't die. His sacrifice was for naught. Throwing his life away was for nothing. A meaningless death. Worthless.

Why couldn't he protect people? Why did it have to be him that died? It was himself that deserved to die, not Lockon! Why didn't Lockon listen to him and stay on the Ptolemaios!

Had his body been retrieved? Has he been sent to heaven to finally reunite with his family? He may not think so, but I believe that he belongs in heaven, to rest in peace after all the chaos that he's been put through. Is he still floating aimlessly in space? Were the AEU selfish enough to not let his soul rest? Was he not buried with his family? He was still human after all, he deserved a proper burial.

He was in no position to pilot a Gundam. Not after all that he has done. He was not worthy to be a Meister.

Was the only reason for Veda to chose him as a Meister to torture him. To eventually kill off everyone he knew? Was this Aeolia's plan? Why was he chosen to become a Meister and not one of the other Innovades? One of them could´ve done a better job and actually keep him alive.

But then, what about me?

Where would I be?

All the other Innovades were selfish and unforgiving beings that brought chaos to Aeolia´s plan and used it for their own twisted purpose. Killing innocents for one goal, brought upon the chaos that led to the A-Laws.

They gave humanity fully functioning GN Drives and the ability to use Trans-Am. The ability Aeolia gave to us Gundam Meisters after Ribbons tried to override Veda. They gave humanity a fighting chance against Celestial Being.

Would that´ve been me? Would I risk the lives of millions, for the life of one?

No, that would make me no better than Ribbons Almark, that twisted bastard.

He will annihilate the twistedness of this world.

Being a part of Veda's consciousness. I still possess some of human emotions. Happiness for my fellow comrades, that they can live normal lives. Hatred for Ali Al-Saachez. Pity for Ribbons. And regret. The only regret I feel, was that I never had the courage all that time ago to say…



…I love you…




...Neil Dylandy…










...and I always will…


Hi! I know there isn't many people in this fandom left. It's been about 11 years or so. I'd just like to thank whoever is reading this!