Surprises and Secrets

A/N Hey guys it's my first time writing a fanfic. Please be nice, thank you to Red Gods for encouraging me! Also, I suck at writing, constructive criticism is always welcome. Takes place in Order of the Phoenix and after Blood of Olympus and Trials of Apollo

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or PJO. Obviously, J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan does. *cries*

Percy POV

"I'm right here," I whispered to Annabeth in the Athena cabin. Ever since the Giant War, we've been having horrible nightmares that leave us thrashing in the night.

"Please don't leave me," she pleaded. It hurt me so much to see her so vulnerable since she's so strong.

"I promise on the River Styx, was it the Arai one?" I asked she nodded slightly. I kissed her forehead and left her sleeping. The Arai was one of the most common and terrible nightmares. I entered my cabin and went to sleep.


"I headed out of the Poseidon cabin and walked towards the mess hall. I shovelled down a mountain of blue pancakes while a new camper stared at me in wonder. I waved to her, she paled and turned away. Leo bounced over panting,

"Chiron wants to see you," he panted I stood up and headed for the Big House. We entered to see Annabeth, Nico, Piper and Jason all awkwardly standing there.

"Good morning heroes!" he exclaimed brightly, but there was something off with him. "I am so sorry to do this three weeks after the Giant War but, you five must go on a quest to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in one of Hecate's pet worlds," he said somberly. Everyone bust out in laughter 10 seconds later. Hogwarts?! Who names their school after a skin disease for pigs?! I thought while wheezing.

"This is no joke, Voldemort the strongest dark wizard of the century is rising, and you need to protect the boy destined to stop him," he announced. At the name Voldywort, everyone was rolling on the ground and laughing hysterically. Everyone but Nico that is, he steps up and says,

"Voldemort, not Voldywort. He's been causing my dad a lot of paperwork and avoided death by splitting his soul into seven Horcruxes."

"Thank you, Nico. You need to go to Britain to go to Hogwarts, you'll be going to be in the fifth year with Harry. Hecate will be coming at dinner to bless you guys the knowledge about the wizarding world and to give wands to you five. You'll be leaving tomorrow. Go, pack up." he dismisses them. The demigods are left speechless.

Annabeth POV


I start packing up my belongings into a gray suitcase with an owl on it. I take 3 Camp Half-Blood shirts and several pairs of leggings. Since we were demigods and we didn't have the freedom of going around to shop we were left with limited choices. I put some toiletries into a plastic bag, I take another celestial bronze dagger, similar to the one I lost in Tartarus, into a hidden compartment in the suitcase. I take my luggage and head outside, at the Big House porch, the other four were standing there with similar suitcases. Chiron comes out with the Goddess of Magic, Hecate. We all bow, but Percy doesn't. He crosses his arms, I elbow him hard and he bows. he's obviously tired of saving the world. It can get tiring, you must be thinking, 'Oh but, I would love to be the hero of the world!' No, you don't, its exhausting and it gets boring quickly.

"Hello, let's get right to it now. We don't have any time to waste, do we?" she takes out a skinny box and opens it, Annabeth Chase." she announces. "12 inches, olive wood and an owl feather core." I take it gingerly, a breeze goes through the crowd.

"Thank you, Lady Hecate, it's beautiful." I thank her, she grins politely.

Third Person POV

"Percy Jackson, driftwood, celestial bronze and hippocampus scale core. A powerful wand for a powerful demigod. I believe that you'll be a very strong wizard." she says with a glint in her eye.

He takes the wand and gives it a small twirl, all the water in the room rose and fell back in with a plop. "Perfect." she grinned like she knew something that we didn't. Something is up I decided, something big. Hecate winks at Percy, he pales.

"Nico di Angelo, white poplar tree with dementor essence* for the core. He takes it and the air gets colder. He smiles like a madman, but a good kind of madman. "Piper Maclean, applewood and a rose core. Perfect for a daughter of Aphrodite." Piper grabs it from Hecate, everyone in the room seems to relax a bit.

"And last but not least, Jason Grace. Oak tree with an eagle feather for the core." she smiled and hands it to the son of Jupiter. "You'll be staying at 12 Grimmauld Place, with the Order of the Phoenix, an organization that is trying to defeat Voldemort. Do NOT give away your identities unless absolutely necessary. Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts already knows about you guys." she explains. The demigods and Percy accept it easily, after all, they accepted the Greek Gods, the Roman Gods, Norse Gods and Egyptian Gods. So, why not?

Percy POV

" Wait a minute, how are we supposed to get there though?" I question, Lady Hecate grins and says,

"Grab hands tightly," she demands us, we all take each other's hands. We all start to melt away into the Mist, I start to feel a bit nauseous, we materialize at a busy train station. I look around and see a sign that says 'Kings Cross Station'.

"Where did she go?" Annabeth askes looking around,

"She probably left Wise Girl, duh." I snicker, she turns around and punches me hard on the shoulder.

"Oww! What was that for?" I ask even though I already know why, she glares at me and she laughs. Annabeth kisses me and takes my hand.

Harry POV

"Exchange students? We never get exchange students!" I exclaim I have never seen or heard of exchange students coming to Hogwarts.

"They'll be staying at Grimmauld Place with us too Mrs. Weasly said while preparing dinner. "Dumbledore says to be nice to them Harry, alright darling? Dumbledore said something about them being heroes and post-drama or something like that..." Heroes? they're probably not even heroes, I'm the obvious hero. I roll my eyes at that, I'm better than them anyways. Ron and Hermoine come running down the stairs,

"Harry! Harry! Did you hear that there are gonna be 5 exchange students coming from America? And they're staying with us!" Hermoine yelled while coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, I know. It's weird, right? I don't even think Hogwarts accepts exchange students." Harry retorts,

"What do you think they'll be like?" Ron asks curiously,

"There probably really bad at magic, they were probably expelled for being so bad!" Harry said.

"How could you Harry!" Hermoine gasps, "That's really rude, but maybe that's what happened.

"Whatever happened, we can't do anything about it because they're here." Ron pointed out.

A/N there we go. 1,136 words! Yay. Please review! I hope you guys liked it! I put a hint in that gives a clue about the plot. If you think you know what it is PM me the hint. I'll tell you if its wrong or right. First one gets to know the plot. Please review!

* Yes I know it isn't a real thing but it sounds cool so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯