Hey Guys I'm back and sorry for being gone for so long, this Chapter is a little shorter than the other one because because I edited it. Also because if I made it any longer it was going to be much longer. Either way the next chapter is going to be much longer than this one but I hope you enjoy this one.

I actually paid a subscription for Grammerly and used it for this entire chapter (Like the original one before I've edited work back to quirk) last time I am using that service.

Please Read and Review and let me know what you guys think.

Chapter Five

"If you really want to be strong... Stop caring about what your surrounding thinks of you!" Saitama

Hachiman now sat as he prepared for tomorrow, this room was his sanctuary from the world. No that was not true, it was his base of operations. It was part of a small underground bunker he had built into the House. While Komachi had access to most of that Bunker. She did not have access to this part, which made it ideal to store the things he didn't want her to see.

He had his work cut out for him tomorrow, thankfully he had made the League of Villains pay upfront 40% of the total pay. That and he had made them sign a contract as to what he would be doing, which consisted of aiding them in killing All Might. What it did not contain was killing the students and other individuals at the Academy. No doubt Kurogiri would read that, but it was already too late since Shigaraki had already signed said contract.

He certainly had his work cut out for him, he had to at least appear as if he was on their side. All the time trying to keep the students and others alive. While ensuring that All Might did not die, funny how he just was forced to get a Hero Licence then do this as a Villain. Whatever the Old Witch thought could come of this obviously merited his participation, though in hindsight it might be a good idea to forewarn the school of something like this rather than just send him.

Whatever game she was playing at, he did not desire to be a pawn or a piece on the board. Watching on the security footage he can see his girlfriend is now heading towards the Bunker. Sighing he had packed what he needed to now stashed it away before exiting this room and sealing it.

Just as he finished doing so Rumi arrived in front of him, her face was filled with concern as she asked "You're working tomorrow aren't you?"

When he didn't answer she affirmed that she was more worried than anything else when she asked "Why can't you just leave that behind. You have me, Komachi is in U.A and you have a good stable Jobs outside that line of work. Some of which you can quit and just sit back and have only one job. Why, why must you do this and risk yourself like this?"

There were three answers to that and seeing as she was not going to leave without a satisfactory answer he chose to tell her them, though in a more vague way. "You see, there are some things that I need to do for myself. It is also because if I don't do this job that I have tomorrow who will? This job was not one I desired to do, I'm doing it because I was told to do so. The last reason though Rumi, is because I am in deep enough that some refuse to let me go."

Rumi sighed before leaning back against the wall and saying with slightly teary eyes "I just wish that you would not put yourself out like that. To be in danger like this, I don't want you to see you hurt or worse, it would break Komachi's heart. It would break my heart Hikki."

While he could not tell her the details of what he was going to do, Hachiman now placed her hand on her shoulder and said "I may be a terrible person. I may do terrible things. But all that I do is so that future is secure free of the grasp of tyranny. The last thing I desire is for my sister to cry, but my mission, tomorrow is directly related to safeguarding the future. Which is why I have to do it, because if I don't who will?"

Pulling him into a hug Rumi said "I wish you didn't have to keep secrets. I wish that well, we could just be the three of us as a family. You me and Komachi, I'll go and do Hero Work, Komachi goes to school and studies to be a hero while you manage all the paper work at the office. Not go off risking limb and your life like this Hikki?"

His response to this was simply to let her hug him as he said "In my defence, you go out and do it too."

To these words she replied a little angrily "Yes, but you're risking a whole lot more than I am. I'm a hero, it is a legal and accepted job in society. The work you do is literally being a hitman and what not, so far you've gotten away with it. But what if you came up against someone like all Might or Endeavour? What would you do then Hikki?"

It was sad that he was actually having to go up against All Might, this time by the order of the Hero Public Safety Commission President. So it was rather ironic that she would say that, but none the less he gave the safe answer "That's simple Ru, I would you say run outta there as fast as I need to to escape All Might or Just Another Hero."

In response to this Rumi corrected him "You mean to say 'you'll run out of there as fast as you need to in order to escape All Might or Endeavour' right?"

In the Morning

Hachiman had to say he was impressed, their infiltrator had gotten them into the USJ Building without too much trouble. What did not impress him as while the others were spread out so that their works could take advantage of the zones they were in. This Shigaraki was short-sighted and clearly someone's puppet being allowed a little leeway.

Kurogiri was more here to keep an eye on him and get him out of trouble should the fool get himself into it. What's more, it was clear that whoever planned this did not actually take all the steps and precautions to plan it properly.

For one they didn't take note of the abilities of the Students, that would probably be part of their undoing. Two their so-called plan to beat All Might is to have a giant talkless freak with an exposed brain fight him. In fact, Shigaraki boasted that it was All Might's match.

That would mean either All Might has seriously gotten weaker or that the hand wearing villain is an idiot. Both are likely scenarios, but Hachiman would lean to the latter. Well, he was being paid to assist them in killing All Might. And he was being paid by the Hero Public Safety Commission to gather more details on them and stop them if need be from killing All Might.

As for the other quirk users here, it was what you expected. Either those drawn by greed, fame or just dropouts. Of course, there were those who were disillusioned by society. The thing that stuck out like a saw thumb was the fact that there was no exit strategy.

That was clearly just another way to hide the fact that everyone here to Shigaraki was expendable. He wasn't going to take them away from here because at the end of the day. That hand wearing villains was just a small child throwing a fit

But there were two in this entire group of villains other than Shigaraki, Kurogiri and this thing called Nomu that stood out to Hachiman. He had trained to notice it, but those two women were not as weak as they made themselves out to be, no not at all.

In fact, Hachiman was certain that they were hiding something from everyone else. What it was he wasn't sure, what they were hiding. For all, he knew they could be undercover heroes. But since there had been limited prep work done by those who planned this attack. There was very little to know other than one had a fire quirk and the other had an ice quirk.

Something about them seemed familiar though, but at this point, Hachiman could not spare the time to search for it in his mind. For he was being directed to move to a certain part of the USJ and so were they.

If what Komachi had told him was true, they had classes till around 12 before the students would start hero classes.

This meant that they had quite the wait on their hands. But that did give Hachiman more time to prepare, after all, Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

He now at least had time to figure out how he was going to sabotage Shigaraki's Plans, not that he needed to do much. And it would appear that he was in an area all by himself, probably because no one wanted to hang around him being a killer for profit and all.

Pulling out the disposable phone he had a bought he called Kurogiri and asked: "Have you disabled all the security cameras?"

The curt and polite response from the gas man was "Of course."

In response to that Hachiman or rather his Black Reaper persona asked: "Have you disabled the secret cameras that are here to record students progress?"

There was silence for a moment before Hachiman heard Kurogiri answer "No."

And this is why good villains are hard to find and only amateurs remain. The saying goes "Shu has no generals of talent left Liao Hau leads takes the vanguard." That was exactly what Hachiman was thinking in regards to Shigaraki and his so called plan.

But ignoring that and being professional he said: "I'll see what I can do about them."

Kurogiri's reply seemed to confirm that he was not truly subservient to Shigaraki when he said: "See that you do."

With that settled Hachiman now began to hunt as it were for the hidden cameras. If he could find their separate recording room all the better. That way he could send proof to a certain hot-headed hero he knew well.

Either way, he had to do this as subtle and as quietly as possible, not to mention the fact that planning to tip the Heroes off to it. Security Cameras were a problem for most people, but the Black Reaper usually ends up as a blur.

Thanks to both his own equipment and his quirk constantly causing a small amount of static electricity to run through himself ever so slightly while on camera.

With Komachi

The boring part of school ticked by slowly for Komachi, it was almost like someone was using their quirk to make time pass slower. It was almost murder to sit through that last class. But no finally it was here the main event they were all getting ready for.

The hero training part of the day was upon them and their lazy good for nothing false Aniki was supposed to be leaving them now. Said lazy teacher had finished blabbing about something that wasn't relevant and they were now getting changed into their hero costumes.

She had decided to take a test costume instead of her regular one she brought out one she had worked on with her brother for a while. The underneath of it was a single black body glove, it could be pressurised and was made from shock-absorbent padding. It also can transfer the energy out of the suit.

On top of that twenty form-fitting plates of materials that her elder brother had never told her about. The armour itself was stuck to the body glove by Komachi activating the magnetic gription panels. It felt light but it also felt powerful.

Not to mention the fact that the helmet came with an advanced air filtration unit and polarised lenses to dum out bright lights. As well as a noise filter, but Komachi lamented there was no voice changer for when she spoke.

Yes, it was that thing they called 'Phase II Clone Trooper Armour' and with Optimus Prime's colour scheme Komachi felt fantastic with it. But having a gun was too much, she hadn't mastered projecting beams out of her body yet. She could only generate it within her body and expel it as she hit someone physically with it.

Her new costume drew the attention of Mina Ashido who raised an eyebrow as she asked: "That's not the costume we saw before, this ones not cute at all?"

Komachi having put on her Phase II armour Helmet spoke saying "It's not supposed to look cute, it's supposed to look ferocious, it's meant to inspire fear in my foes and hope in my allies. I am Optimus Prime!"

Ochaco blinked before saying "That sounds like a cool name Komachi, but why does it look like you've copied All Might's colour scheme and just changed it up a little?"

That statement annoyed Komachi a little, but since she had a helmet on no one could see her face. And thankfully the pronunciator for the helmet hid her annoyance as she said "Red, white and blue are among the colours of freedom. Using two or more of them symbolises what you stand for. Why do you think All Might picked them?"

At this point, Tsuyu Asui spoke up saying "Ribbit, ribbit, Komachi is right on that, though if it weren't in that colour scheme it would look a little villainous."

Komachi now nodded in agreement stating "Optimus Prime's colour scheme was used on this so it didn't look villainous. I wanted to add a cape or robe or something cool to it, but it wouldn't really fit. I mean it would fit but it wouldn't be practical given my fighting style."

Kyoka Jiro gave a nod in agreement to that saying "Considering the way you dealt with Todoroki a cape or robe would just get in your way."

Nodding now Komachi said "Well yes and this costume doesn't give any fanservice, which is how my brother likes it."

Mina was about to say something but recalled their other conversation and shut her mouth. Toru Hagakure had no such knowledge and said "Wow your brother is really controlling and all. Why don't your parents tell him off for that? Sure he helped you make the suit but that doesn't mean he should be able to tell you what to wear?"

Understanding that there was nothing malicious in what Toru said, Komachi just smiled sadly under her helmet as she held back a tear or two as she said: "I do tell them, but it's hard for them to do anything."

Toru was about to ask why and why they would not stop him when Mina stopped her saying "Hagakure don't."

While Tsuyu for her part said, "Ribbit, Toru-chan don't talk about Komachi's parents."

This sudden change of tone to the conversation took everyone by surprise. But Mina was able to distract from it saying "Well, in any case, we're all dressed so it's time to go. Let's see what type of rescues we gotta perform!"

With Hachiman

Everyone else had taken to their hiding spots before Space Hero Thirteen had arrived. Thanks to Kurogiri's gates it was easy for most of the villains to avoid detection.

Hachiman knew that it would be a bit of a fight around seventy or so petty villains had been brought along with this Nomu. Unlike the rest of them, Hachiman was still in the feed room for the recordings. He had left a single hidden camera near the entrance on. Because there was someone who had to see this.

That and of course he was going to present evidence to the Hero Public Safety Commission. He just had to make sure he was able to get footage of the attack to the said people in time. While this Kurogiri could black most transmission Hachiman had a card up his sleeve in case of situations like this.

Thirteen was currently giving a spiel to the kids about this Unforeseen Simulation Joint. It was just when Eraserhead was about to direct them to go-!

Wait there was something off, Eraserhead was here but it would appear he was here in place of All Might. So far All Might was yet to be seen and that meant the students might be in some serious trouble. From what Hachiman knew of Space Hero Thirteen, he was a rescue hero rather than a combat hero. While Eraserhead could handle himself in a fight against a good seventy or so foes he was doomed.

Cursing himself inwardly he wanted to blow his cover but couldn't not just yet. Not at least until Komachi was going to be in serious danger, for now, all he could do was trust in the two heroes to do their jobs. But if Komachi was in danger all bets were off.

Kurogiri now made his grand entrance, something to his credit Eraser Head picked up on before it happened. He was unable to do anything in time, but he was able to give orders to the children. Hachiman knew he would have to leave his room and go play his part in this 'plan to kill All Might'.

For now, at least it would appear they have failed due to the 'lack of All Might'. But Shigaraki was childish enough to throw a tantrum and attack the students. Though he had to wonder why they did not contact him and ask him for a sit rep on the students and teachers when the bus arrived. It's what he had done in their situation?

But in his head, Hachiman already knew the answer to that saying "Poor planning."

With Komachi

From what she could see dozens of Villains were now emerging from the dark gas cloud with yellow eye shapes. Kirishima and even Midoriya had begun to peer forward when Shitty False Aniki Sensei called out "Don't move!" as he now donned his goggles.

To Komachi, he now said what was rather obvious but might not have been to everyone else "Those are Villains!"

This took all the students by surprise, some were shocked, some were afraid some remained stoic. Mainly Bakugo and Todoroki along with Komachi, though it was safe to say they remained calm due to training and nothing else.

More and more villains poured through that gas thing which was no doubt some sort of teleportation quirk. Damn, there seemed to be no end to them, part of Komachi was concerned with this. Another part of Komachi was not concerned, no it was a part she tried to hide. The part of her in question was excited.

There was no conceivable way that False Aniki Sensei could possibly take on this horde of villains. Upon inspecting what she could from where she was the big one with his brain sticking out gave her a very bad vibe. It was almost like a sixth sense that told her he was bad news.

At this point, while Thirteen Sensei and Aizawa Sensei were speaking about the trespassing the other day. Yaoyorozu now spoke up asking the most dumbass question she ever asked: "Sensei, what about the Trespasser Sensors?"

Komachi responded instead of Thirteen saying "Even if there are, the sensor clearly isn't working. From what we saw with the lights, I'd think they're in control of this place?

That was true and Todoroki now commented "Even if the sensor are here and at the main building. They're not working, they picked a place that is far from the main campus and a time where few people are going to be here. They're not as dumb as they seem, I believe they have an objective for this was a well-coordinated sneak attack."

Though Komachi didn't want to admit it, Todoroki's analysis was spot on. Of course, it was he was trained by the number two hero, after all, he should be able to pick on things like this. But now False Aniki Sensei acted like a real Hero taking charge of the situation and barking orders.

"Thirteen begin the evacuation and try calling the school. One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric types is causing interference. Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help!"

The boy in question though uncertain about the whole situation gave an unsteady nod saying "Got it."

Midoriya was now the only to speak up questioning Aizawa Sensei's words saying "But Sensei you can't fight them all alone, against that many, even you can't nullify all their quirks. As Eraser Head your fighting style-!

Komachi put her hand on Midoriya's shoulder interrupting him and saying "Midoriya it's all right, Aniki is pro. Besides no real competent hero is a one trick pony."

Eraser Head gave a cough probably to cover up a laugh saying "Maybe I need to check my family history and ensure you and your brother aren't related to me. Because you just took the words out of my mouth. Thirteen take care of the students!"

Now as Eraser Head sprung into action, Komachi didn't want to admit it, but he was rather cool. While the villains tried to shoot at him he cancelled out their quirks. Since it didn't appear to work on the mutant types Eraser Head closed the gap between him and the first mutant type before delivering a rather brutal to the face.

Then they recalled they were supposed to evacuate and only Midoriya stayed back looking in awe saying "Wow he can hold his own even when outnumbered!"

Iida is the one to snap the wayward green wearing hero in training back to his senses saying "This is no time for analysis, let's evacuate like we were told!"

But it would seem like that plan is not going to happen because the gas man now appeared up before them in an instant. Komachi didn't know how he did that just that he did. In fact, she did not listen to what he said and instead paid attention to the metal plates around said gas figure's neck.

Surmising that this must be some sort of anchor for the gas man, Komachi called out "Attack the metal plates, there his obvious weak spot!"

The sudden stop to the villain's explanation as to why he was here confirmed what Komachi had spotted was true. Wasting no time Kirishima and Bakugo launch their attacks at said weak spot.

The moment before their attacks landed Komachi thought she saw a business suit being worn under all of that fog. Now as the attacks of her two classmates connected Komachi was unsure if they did any damage due to the noise of Bakugo's explosion drowning out everything else.

Quite pleased with himself Bakugo calmly boasted "Not if we end you first and don't tell me what to do Komachi."

While Kirishima, on the other hand, looked a little unsure saying "I'm not sure my blow connected with the metal part?"

Indeed as the smoke cleared away the gas man revealed that he was unarmed mostly and complimented them saying "That was close, students you may be, but you are the best of the best."

Komachi looked on frustrated at what just happened as she and Thirteen both felt the intent of the gas man. The teacher called out "No get back both of you!"

Now forming a hurricane the gas man said "BEGONE WRITHE IN TORMENT UNTIL YOU BREATH YOUR LAST."

While most stood their dumbfounded only Todoroki and Komachi moved in an attempt to escape the gas hurricane. But it would seem that the gas man was not to be underestimated either, he was not going to let any of them escape!

Yet somehow Komachi was able to launch herself down to where Eraser Head was. She did a ten point landing on top of a villain's head face planting him into the ground. A mutant type villain approached her taunting Komachi by saying "Hey what's with the bad Storm Trooper knock off costume little girl? What didn't your parents love you enough to OOOFFFF!"

The said villain was interrupted by a solid kick to his nuts which caused him to keel over and fall flat on his face. Smiling sweetly Komachi asked "Any other comments on my parents?"

Considering that the sound of a bursting balloon was just heard with her kick caused most male thugs to take a step back. Then Komachi added "This Clone Trooper Phase II armour you filthy casuals!"

Now as most villains took a step back from her she looked to Eraser Head and asked "Hey Aniki, can I didn't use my Quirk, can I use it now?"

Eraser Head who was busy fighting his own battles simply replied: "This is not the time to joke."

A rather scary smile now crossed her face as she charged up her energy into her limbs and burst into action. Charging up her power in her fit and in her hands she jumped forward expelling the energy from her legs to boost her speed and projecting. Her arms extended like Superman in fits she sped off towards her foe yelling "FLYING THUNDER GOD!"

Which was technically a description of the move she used and what she really fast sounded more like "Aybabayay!"

Slamming into her target before who was electrified by the shock was sent flying by her impact. She smiled now grounding herself perfectly. She had downed a villain with little to no effort and another one who tried to engage her yelled: "THIS IS NOT NARUTO!"

Komachi for her part just smiled as she now as she charged up her punch and then dodge the incoming blow and smashed her fist into the villain's face. It was akin to being hit by a truck and tasered at the same time. Still smiling she affirmed that the villain's remark saying "You're right this isn't Naruto, this is Mortal Kombat USJ Edition!"

A blue-haired villain with hands covering his arms and face. And if Komachi's unfair assumption was true, probably had a hand holding his ball sack and something else. No doubt one hand was up something else, either way, the Villain cried out "HACKS HACKS RAIDEN ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! DISABLE YOUR CHEAT CODE THIS INSTANT"

Throwing a villain at hand wearing freak, Komachi cried out "I came here to consult the Elder Gods and beat the out of any villain in this building. And guess what I've already consulted the Elder Gods!"

While Eraser Head would have liked to tell her to retreat given what occurred just before that was no longer an option.

For now, they would just have to fight their way out, but one thing was clear to Aizawa.

Assuming they could make it out of this, he'd have to talk with her brother about rather sinister streak she has in her.

Though given her personal history and her parents being killed by a villain, he shouldn't have been too surprised.

The Blue haired villain seemed to get annoyed and now said "Very well I'll use my own hacks. Nomu, kill that Optimus Prime Storm Trooper Raiden!"

The big brain dude now sped off towards Komachi and she suddenly didn't feel so confident in her abilities and training!

I hope you enjoyed the Chapter Please Read and Review oh and here's an Omake for you btw


The Blue haired hand wearing villain called out "HACK HACKS, RAIDEN'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!"

There was a flash of lightning that broke through the roof and slammed into the ground. A man emerged wearing dark robes, golden and Aqua armor with a red sash around his waste and equally red glowing eyes which looked sinister under the shadow of the straw hat. Speaking in a commanding and almost otherworldly voice the man said "I am Raiden and I am here seeking allies to defeat the enemies of Earthrealm."

Upon hearing the word Raiden the Nomu changed direction and went to attack the Thunder God, but was sent flying by a powerful blast of Lighting. Blinking the blue haired villain informed Raiden "He's got Shock Absorption and Super Regeneration, you can't beat him like that."

Unfazed Raiden took a step forward towards the hand wearing villain and challenged him saying "He may, but do you?"

At that point Tomura Shigaraki knew he fucked up and fucked up big time as he was suddenly blasted with red lightning. Then turning his attention back to the other Villains "Do any of you wish to fill his shoes?"