Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or Kim Possible Series.

Sitch Across Worlds

-Chapter One-

"Uuugh, this so boring," A short blonde with whisker marks on his cheeks wearing a bright orange outfit with blue edging and a puffy white collar grumbled as he sat atop a large tree in the middle of the night looking at the sky over a large swath of partially destroyed forested landscape with a pair of binoculars. "I just had to open my big mouth, didn't I?"

This was Naruto Uzumaki, the number one hyperactive unpredictable knuckleheaded ninja of the leaf village, and he was currently very bored.

You see, the whiskered blonde was going to go on a training trip with his teacher Jiraiya, the legendary toad sage and shameless self-proclaimed super pervert, next week, but had quickly gotten bored while waiting. So, he asked Tsunade, the current Hokage of his village, if he could go on a quick mission to help pass the time.

Unfortunately, the only one available at the time was a recon job to investigate some unusual storm fronts a couple of miles outside the village where Orochimaru's men had summoned giant snakes to attack the village. It was likely just the excess chakra from said summoning left in the area were the cause of the storms, since such a phenomenon happened quite often after large conflicts or in chakra saturated areas, but in a shinobi village it was always better to be double sure.

So here we were, with Naruto not-so-patiently waiting for one of these storms to form to confirm if it was indeed a chakra storm or not.

"It's been two days now, how much longer till one of these stupid storms hit again?" Naruto asked nobody as he let the binoculars hang from the strap around his neck and flopping against the tree's trunk, his eyes slightly bloodshot from strain and sleepiness. Yawning deeply, the blonde rubbed his eyes and glanced up at the moon floating high in the sky.

"Stupid mission being so boring, stupid storms not showing up, stupid Tsunade-baachan saying this would be fun… stupid me for falling for it…" The boy mumbled as his eyes and head drooped. "Stupid Ero-sennin for… taking sooooo long getting ready… stupid Kaaaaakashi-sensei for… bailing on me… stupid… stuuuupiiiid… stuuuuuuuuu…"

Finally unable to ignore the call of dreamland anymore, Naruto drifted off into sleep whilst mumbling 'stupid' under his breath over and over. Sadly, it wasn't to last as…


"Huh?! Whazzup!?" Naruto exclaimed as a loud crackle woke him up, before his eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he found himself surrounded by crackling storm clouds while the air itself seemed to be tearing open all around him. "What the fu-"


A blinding light filled the area followed by the deafening sound of an explosion and when it cleared out, the tree was revealed to been blown apart…

…and Naruto was nowhere to be found.


"Stupid Drakken with his crazy schemes, stupid job being a hero, stupid school giving me a major history test tomorrow, stupid me for studying for it sooner like mom said." A redheaded girl wearing a tight black shirt that left her stomach exposed, baggy green jeans, and a brown utility belt that hug loose around her waist grumbled quietly as she crawled through an air duct.

"Oh don't be so mad KP, I'm sure you'll do fine just like you always do." A scraggly freckled boy with blonde hair and a male version of his companions outfit said confidently as he followed behind her while a naked mole rat on his shoulder nodded rapidly with a happy chitter.

These were Kim Possible, globe trotting teenage superheroine who claimed to be able to do anything, Ron Stoppable, Kim's childhood friend and somewhat bumbling sidekick, and Rufus, Ron's pet and mascot of Team Possible.

At the moment they were sneaking into the base of one of Kim's frequent foes, Dr Drakken, to stop the villain, who'd been using a teleportation device to steal billions in gold, jewels, and plain old cash across the world in the last few days. It had been pretty much impossible to track him at first, since he and his goons could quite literally just appear anywhere and leave just as fast.

However, thanks to her tech-savvy friend Wade, the redhead had been able to locate the villain's base by detecting the decaying isotopes that were emitted by the power source of the teleporter, an experimental miniature nuclear reactor Drakken stole beforehand.

"Thanks for the support Ron, but let's be honest, this is really starting to get old." Kim said as she stopped just in front of a grating on the bottom of the duct. Quickly prying it off as quietly as she could, the redhead moved it out of the way and expertly dropped into a moderately large storeroom filled with various sized cardboard boxes. "I mean, this is the fourth time this month that smurf wannabe has come up with some crazy invention to commit crime. Can't that man just get the hint and give up already?"

"That's villains for you Kim, they're as stubborn as Bueno Nachos Nachos are delicious." Ron said as he started to climb out of the vent, only for his grip to slip halfway and fall, though luckily for him the box he fell on just happened to be filled with pillows that cushioned and muffled his… less then graceful landing.

Unable to help herself, Kim giggled briefly at her friend's words while walking over and helping him out of his pillow prison. "You and your Nachos, you do know those things will give you a heart attack one day with how you much you eat."

"Yep, and it's worth it for that cheesy goodness." Ron said without hesitation while Rufus nodded in agreement after coughing up a ball of cotton, making Kim laugh again with a roll of her eyes.

"If you say so, now come on, the bad guys aren't going to catch themselves."

Heading over to the only door, Kim opened it up just a crack and the trio carefully peered outside to see a much larger room filled with people. There were half a dozen men dressed in identical red outfits, a pleased looking woman with black hair and green skin wearing a jumpsuit of the same colors sitting atop a pile of gold, and a blue skinned man with black hair wearing a blue jacket rapidly typing away at a computer connected to a large glass cylinder by multiple wires.

The latter two were Shego, a well-trained mercenary for hire, and Drakken himself, a villain with dreams of taking over the world with a knack for inventing.

"Yes, yes, yes, everything is going according to plan. Soon the economies of the world will collapse, which means the governments will be unable to stop me as I take control of everything right in front of them." Drakken said with a mad laugh as he pushed a few more buttons in a dramatic manner, causing a map to pop up on the screen he was using.

"It definitely seems you finally managed to get something right with that machine of yours Drakken," Shego said with a smirk as she picked up a silver chained necklace with a jade cat hanging from it and put it on before admiring the emerald gold ring on her hand. "I've been craving a few new accessories lately and this really hits the spot."

Stopping in his laughter upon hearing the woman's words, Drakken glared at her lightly in annoyance. "What do you mean finally? My inventions have always worked flawlessly thank you very much. It's not my fault that meddlesome brat Kim Possible keeps breaking them."

"Really? Cause unless I'm remembering wrong, at least two-thirds of those 'flawless inventions' of yours, ending up blowing up all by themselves or get blown up by Kim's sidekick hitting the self-destruct button that I keep telling you NOT to install." Shego drawled dully before standing up and walking over to the control panel. "Speaking of which, where did you put it this time?"

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Drakken pointed to a small red button covered by a locked glass case without thinking. "It's right there, this time with a protective cover so-" *Crash* *Scree*

The mad scientist jumped back with a yelp as Shego smashed her now glowing fingers through the metal surrounding the button like it was tissue paper and ripped the button out. Turning to her benefactor, the green-skinned woman crushed the now useless device in her grasp and let the remains fall to the floor.

"There, now when princess shows up, which I'm betting will be any second now, I won't have to worry about that little annoyance."

"Shego! Don't go pulling buttons out like that! You could've broken the teleporter!" Drakken yelled as he quickly looked over the damage worriedly. "Besides, how could she possibly find my base?"

"Because I can do anything!" Kim yelled as she charged into the room, quickly knocking out all but one of the henchmen before they had a chance to react. Ron and Rufus followed after her to help and did in a sense when the former tripped over a board which flung a toolbox into the air which promptly bashed into the last minion's head. "It's over you two, give up now and I just might go easy on you."

"Never!" Drakken yelled while pushing a button on the control panel which caused several parts of the walls and ceiling retracted slightly and started opening up.

Getting ready for whatever crazy defense system the scientist set up, Kim and Ron found themselves blinking in confusion when the moving segments ground to a halt half way. They weren't the only ones either as the blue scientist swiveled his head around the room with a dumbfounded expression before repeatedly pressing the button again.

"Dammit Shego! You must've shorted out the controls with that little stunt of yours!" He exclaimed angrily when all the buttons on the panel stopped glowing.

"Well maybe if you hadn't installed a self-destruct button AGAIN I wouldn't of had to rip it out!" Shego yelled back before charging at the hero duo. "Just get that stupid machine of yours on already so we can get out of here while I deal with Princess and Clutzy!"

"Hey! Who are you calling-" *SMACK* Ron started to yell, only to be cut off when Shego covered the distance between them in a second and knocked him across the room with a plasma enhanced bitchslap.

"Ron!" Kim yelled worriedly as she tried to rush to his side but was stopped by Shego attacking her.

"Hey princess, ready for a large helping of whup-ass?" Shego asked with a vicious grin as she unleashed a flurry of strikes that Kim nimbly dodged or blocked.

"Nah, I ate before coming, but you look a bit peckish yourself," Kim remarked before slipping into the green woman's guard and attempting to sink her fist into the woman's gut, only to miss at the last moment when Shego twisted to the side and back off a few feet. "How about you have a taste of my homemade knuckle sandwich instead?"

Cracking her knuckles as the plasma around her hands flared, Shego grinned at the redhead mockingly. "Ah, got a good bark there princess, now show me your bite!"

Meanwhile, back across the room, Ron groaned in pain as he slowly sat up, the side of his face smoking lightly from the bright red handprint across his cheek. "Owwwwww… man that woman packs a punch."

Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs in his mind, Ron glanced around the area a bit sluggishly before looking towards his breast pocket. "Hey Rufus, you alright buddy?"

Poking his head out of the cloth, Rufus nodded his head while chittering a bit, making Ron sigh in relief.

"Good to hear buddy," The blonde said while standing up and turning his attention towards Shego and Kim just as the redhead managed to land a solid punch to the ravenette's cheek before following up with a kick to the stomach. "Okay, KP's got Shego covered for now, so we'll go handle Drakken before he can turn that teleporter on and get away."

Careful to not draw attention to himself, Ron slunk around the outskirts of the room towards the mad scientist as he tried to fix the damaged control station. Along the way he winced sympathetically when he saw Kim get sucker punched in the kidney but thankful she recovered fast enough to avoid the plasma fist aimed at her face.

"Ah-ha! Got it!" Drakken cried triumphantly as he adjusted some of the wiring causing the whole panel to light up again. "Now to type I the coordinates and-"

"Oh no you don't!" Snapping his head to the side, Drakken's eyes widened in shock before he stumbled back, narrowly avoiding the punch aimed for his face by Ron.

However, this in turn left the control panel wide open, just as Ron was hoping for as his fist went straight into the hole Shego left behind when she tore out the self-destruct button. Grinning at Drakken victoriously, the blonde grabbed as much of the wiring inside as he could and promptly yoinked it out, causing the whole computer to flicker and spark wildly.

"Noooo!" Drakken screamed dramatically, causing a mildly battered Shego and Kim to stop fighting briefly. "My wonderful creation! What have you done!? This will take forever to fix!"

"Yep! Even longer since you'll be… in… prison… uh, is that normal?" Ron asked nervously as the cylinder started glowing brightly with arc of electricity shooting off randomly.

"No… no it is not." Drakken said before turning around and running away as fast as possible.

Ron turned to do the same, but immediately ended up falling backwards thanks to the wires he pulled out getting snagged around his wrist.

Seeing her friend in trouble, Kim didn't even notice Shego starting to run away as she moved to go help him.

"Ron! Hang on, I'm co-" Everything went white.

'Uhhh… my head…' Kim thought groggily, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she raised a hand to rub her aching head, coughing a bit as she inhaled dust and smoke. Very slowly sitting up, the redhead grimaced as dull throbbing pain flushed through her body along with a few sharp stings from bits of metal and glass embedded in her arms and waist. 'What… what happened?'

Barely able to see thanks to the blurriness of her vision, Kim rubbed her eyes a few times to help clear it up… before feeling her blood run cold at what she saw.

Where the teleporter once stood, there was now nothing but a smoldering pile of shattered/molten glass and blackened twisted metal. And laying a few feet away from this mess was an unmoving figure covered head to toe in burns, soot, and debris.

Whilst most of them wasn't discernable, the top of their head was clearly covered in blonde hair, meaning it could only be one person.

"RON!" Kim yelled worriedly, ignoring the pain she was feeling as she scrambled to her feet and hobbled over to the blonde. Grabbing one of his arms that was sticking out, she quickly placed her fingers against his wrist before sighing in relief when she felt a slow but steady pulse. "Oh thank god. Hold on Ron, I'll get you out."

Due to how focused she was on her companion, the redhead didn't even notice as Shego got up on the other side of the room and grab Drakken, who was groaning in pain in a fetal position with his hands over his groin, the cause of which being a gold bar laying at his side.

"I do believe now is a good time to get out of here," The green skinned woman said through grit teeth as she dragged the whimpering scientist through one of the doorways, her free hand pressed against a bleeding gash on her waist. "Guess we can call this one a draw princess."

Back with Kim, the girl was just finishing up digging out what she thought was her buried companion, only to find herself blink in confusion when she found herself looking down at the battered and mostly naked form of a short blonde boy with whisker marks on his face.

"…Ron? Is that you?" Kim asked as she gently shook the mystery blonde, only to get no response. Trying it again a few times to no avail, the redhead fumbled around with her utility belt a bit until managing to pull out a small radio-like device with a screen that quickly turned on to show a somewhat overweight African-American boy sitting in a dark room.

"Hey Kim, what do you… whoa, what happened to you Kim?" The boy asked, blinking in surprise at seeing the girl's scratched up and lightly bruised face.

"I'll explain later Wade, I need you to get me a ride right now. Ron was caught in an explosion and well… see for yourself." She said before pointing the radio screen at 'Ron'.

"Holy… did he get fused with Rufus or something?" The now named Wade asked as Kim turned the screen back to herself.

"I don't know, this is how I found him," Kim said quickly while clipping the device to her shirt collar and lifting 'Ron' off the ground with a huff. "Just focus on getting us that ride. Mom should be able to find out what happened to him when we get home."

"Already done, I've got a helicopter getting prepped now with a medical team. They'll be at your position in about twenty minutes."

"Thanks Wade." Kim said with a sigh in relief, before hobbling towards the exit with the blonde still in her arms. "Man, today sucked."

If only she knew how much worse it was going to get.

-End Chapter-

AN: Collabrative effort between Curious Kitsune654, XXX777, and Anonymous Ideas. I hope you all liked the story and please comment and review.