chapter one a new start

Three weeks. That's how long they had been in Haven. That is when team RNJR got their first mission. It was supposed to be simple: Exterminate the grimm infesting some nearby ruins. They hadn't counted on Ruby having a familiarity with the ruins that unnerved even her.
"I'm telling you, there's something important down this way!" She said to the rest of her current traveling companions.
"I believe you Ruby, but that is also were almost all of the grimm here are as well." Jaune said. Before Ruby could try to argue her point, Jaune spoke again saying, "How about this, we hunt the ones that aren't in this passage to draw out the ones that are until we can get through safely. Okay?" Ruby considered for a moment before saying,
"And then we can follow this weird sense of deja' vu I've been having ever since we got here?""Yes.". As they began their hunt, they saw that Jaune's plan was working.

"Jaune your plan is working a little too well!" Nora cried while bashing two beowolf alphas into an ursa major.
"These grimm are more powerful than what we normally fight." Ren stated as he mowed down six creeps.
"Hang on guys! The're almost gone!" Ruby shouted while swinging crescent rose in swift but wide and devastating arcs. A few minutes later, she was proved right as the last grimm, a king taijitu, fell and disintegrated.

"How did you know how many there were Ruby?" Jaune asked.
"The same way I seem to know exactly were we're going. I've never been here before, but I seem to know this place like the back of my hand. And that is really freaking me out right now...". Silence fell among the small group as they made their way back to the hallway, which as predicted, had several more...
"Those are most certainly not grimm." Jaune said.

As soon as he was finished speaking, the human like creatures let out several inhuman growls that were somehow more unnerving than even the nuckelavee grimm they had killed not that long before. Before they could react the creatures were charging them. These creatures were terrifying, more than the grimm, because unlike the grimm, they were wielding large broad-axes. The first one's attack connected with Jaune's shield. The impact nearly knocked him off his feet. Ren reacting before the others, unloaded stormflower into the creature. Weakened by the barrage and now angry it turned to attack this presence, only to have Jaune run it through with Crocea mors. It faded into nothingness like the grimm, but before Jaune and Ren could process this new information, they heard several cries as more of the creatures rushed Nora and Ruby. This would have been a problem without Ruby's familiarity with everything in these ruins. She and nora made short work of the one that rushed them, and now, Jaune asked what they were all wondering,"What were those things?". They all looked at Ruby who had a puzzled look on her face.

"The're called...risen. I do not know how I know that, so please don't ask." she said. With that said, They advanced with a great deal more caution than before. When they reached the end of the hallway, it opened up into a fairly large room. In the center of the room there was a raised dais, and on this dais, were seven sets of unusual combat gear. The one in the center was different, it included a sword.
"Ruby, what is all this?" Nora asked. Upon hearing no response, they looked around and spotted her approaching the sword.
"Ruby NO!" Three voices shouted in unison, in the instant before she there was a blinding light, and all of them began to see visions of the four of them looked around, none of them quite as bewildered as Ruby, who also looked like she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. After a quick look confirmed they were all there, Nora spoke asking the question that was on all of their minds.

"Where are we?".
"Ask Ruby, she seems to know everything about those ruins we were in." Jaune said groggily. They all looked at Ruby, and she said,
"I have no idea. I don't even know how I know about those ruins!". Just then, they heard voices. Whoever the voices belonged to, they seemed to be discussing the location of...a temple?
"Are you sure the best place is here?"

"Yes. I've been able to confirm that the next true Exalt will pass by here at some point in the future. Has the testing rooms been completed Chrom?"
"Yes it has. The emblem is hidden within already. And before you ask, the gems have been seperated again.". Time suddenly seemed to accelerate, and the group of four watched as the temple was raised, then deteriorated over what must have been several thousand years. Becoming the ruins they had just cleared of grimm. The vision faded, and with a series groans they started to pick themselves up off the stone floor.
"Well, that explained... absolutely nothing." Ren said.

"Well...we know where it came from. That's a start right?" Ruby asked meekly.
"Let's just grab this gear and get out of here." Jaune said. They all agreed and began picking up the gear that seemed to correspond to their specific color schemes. The sword was laying on top of the gear that seemed to have been made for Ruby. As she lifted it in her left hand, she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her right eye and her free hand flew up to it with a cry of pain.
"Ruby!" three concerned voices all but shouted.

"I'm fine now..." she said. The pain had gone as quickly as it had come. As she lowered her hand from her face all three of her current companions stared.
"...What? Is there something wrong?" she asked, a hint of panic creeping in to her voice. "Ruby...was that mark in your right eye there yesterday?" Ren asked.
"What mark?" a voice that was familiar to them asked.
"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby said clearly happy that he was there, and could probably answer their questions. "That mark...I'll answer the questions I can somewhere else. Come on.".