To Walk Alongside You-

Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto!


Forever and Always

Their love was consummate. It was ultimate, pure and absolute. There was a constant intimacy between the two, even when they didn't realize it. They'd been committed to each other even years before ever acknowledging the chemistry between them- and they were both full of raw, exemplary passion for each other.

Protecting each other had always come naturally to them. They would defend and support one another unyieldingly, forever. No matter how long they were together though, they were always desirous of more. There had been downfalls, as there were in any relationship but they always aspired to do better, to make it through anything together and because of their will, they were unbreakable.

There were people envious of what they had and some who even tried to step in to ruin the everlasting bond shared between them. Nobody would ever succeed in that though, what they had was too strong. It was a blessing, they both knew it and it only became more exalted over time.

They got engaged, giddy and young and hopeful. The traveled the country, spending three months aways from home. Boruto didn't worry about his career at the time, he was too focused on what meant the most to him and that was Sarada. She didn't care about rushing back to school and work. For a while, nothing mattered but them and really and truly getting their lives started.

Their families were nothing short of ecstatic for them. The pair kept in touch, often video chatting their parents and siblings during their travels. They sent lots of pictures from many different places. They had a blast. Visiting large canyons, exotic beaches, small towns and big cities. It was just after the two of them had finished making love in a large cave hidden behind a gorgeous waterfall that they made up their minds to travel home.

It was time for them to get married, they'd traveled long enough. They were beyond ready to take that next step in their relationship and their families were just as eager for them to do so. All the wedding planning was left to Sarada, her mom and soon to be mother-in-law and sister-in-law too. Sarada was a simple girl at heart, she didn't want anything extravagant, but all three of her helping planners meant that she and Boruto would only have the best.

They would be married in the spring, just two months after they finally made it back home. Time was moving quickly, with all the arrangements being made. Sarada's days were busy with such, and Boruto's weren't as much, so he spent his free time with his dad and soon to be father-in-law and brother-in-law. There was always something for them to get into and there were days they had their own arrangements to get together.

The decorations were impeccable, Sarada choosing pale pinks and dark purples as her color theme. Each table in the reception hall would have it's own arrangement of orchids, because they were her favorite. Sasuke and Naruto took it upon themselves to build a wedding arch for the pair, that would be twinned with orchids. It was a surprise that neither she nor Boruto would become aware of until their rehearsal dinner.

Katsumi offered to play the piano, to which Sarada was amazed and very grateful. Chocho agreed to be Sarada's maid of honor, while Boruto chose Junior to be his best man. Junior was probably the most emotional person involved with the wedding, even going as far as tearing up when Boruto asked him to stand with him.

Lou would be the ringbearer. She'd grown so quickly it seemed, and was as smart as any other member of her family. Sarada was overjoyed when her mother suggested adding Lou to the wedding. Losing Levi had taken its toll on all of them, but they were always blessed to keep the line alive and would continue to do so for many generations to come.

Everything was falling into place. Sarada chose an exquisite dress that made her feel like a princess. The lace corset bodice was fitted perfectly, molding to her curves. The skirts flared out at her waist just like a ball gown. It was made of pure silk satin and had a beautiful setting about it. Seeing herself in the mirror the first time she tried it on left her breathless, speechless and teary eyed.

"Oh my… to see the look on Boruto's face…" Sakura cooed. "And your father's." She giggled then before coming to wipe the tears from her daughter's cheeks. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart."

"You really thinks so?" Sarada asked and she nodded, smiling so wide with tears now brimming in her own eyes.

"This dress is so perfect for you, Sarada." Himawari said excitedly. "Big brother is going to cry when he sees you in this!"

"It certainly is something." Hinata agreed. "How does it feel?"

"Very . . . puffy." Sarada giggled. "How are you doing over there, Chocho?"

Chocho grunted and then spun around, showing off her pink bridesmaids dress. "I look hot but, it's a little tight in the chest area. People need to realize that us curvy women need dresses that work with our figure the right way."

"I see, I'll start a petition." Sarada said and they both laughed.

The invitations had been sent out and everything was in order. All that was left was the guys being fitted for their suits. They went just two weeks before the wedding at their scheduled time. Boruto was nothing but grins as he went inside. Naruto, Sasuke and Junior were with him and just after getting inside, Sarada and the other ladies arrived.

"What?" Boruto squeaked at the sight of them. "What are you all doing here?"

"Listen son, don't question the women when a wedding is on the line… even if it is yours." Naruto told him seriously.

"I'm making sure everything is as it should be." Sarada stated. "I would hate to have to hurt someone."

"Whatever you say, little dove." Boruto smirked at her, ignoring the way her father rolled his eyes.

Sarada laughed and gave him a wink. "That's what I like to hear, hot shot."

Each of the men were measured while Sarada chose what color shirts and ties they'd wear. She wanted Boruto to wear the traditional white button up shirt, with the black tie and tux, while she chose pink for her brother, dark purple for her dad and was going to let Naruto make his own decision until he wanted to be colorful as well and go with an orange shirt that did not match her color scheme. Because of this she got Boruto to talk him into going traditional as well.

"Pink, honestly." Junior huffed. "Why was this the one time she didn't choose red? Or black?"

"Don't be scared of it, Junior." Boruto teased him, smirking. "I'd sport it flawlessly."

"Yeah, well pink does not go with people who are pale as fuck." He insisted. "You're lucky you got your dad's tan skin."

"Well it's not your decision so stop whining." Boruto told him, giving him a serious look before glancing at Sarada. Her day would be perfect, at any cost. Even Junior having to wear pink.

Junior rolled his eyes and then smiled. "Shame. I do love to whine."

There was nothing else to prepare. They were all ready and eagerly awaiting the wedding date. Boruto and Sarada still spent every waking moment together, until the night before the wedding when Sakura and Junior came over.

"Sarada, I already told you I was coming to get you. You can't see each other before the wedding tomorrow." Sakura said and Junior stepped inside happily.

"Don't worry sis, I'll keep him company." Junior promised.

"I love you, little dove." Boruto said, caressing his bride to be's cheek adoringly, his love for her shining bright in his blue eyes before he closed them to kiss her softly. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Me either." Sarada grinned, staring at him fondly. "I'm ready."

Once Sarada begrudgingly left with her mother, Boruto was left alone with Junior and they sat in the living room, discussing the event to come the following day. There was no nervousness, no uncertainty, and definitely no cold feet. But Boruto wasn't sure who was more excited, him… or Junior.

Sarada found it hard to fall asleep that night, having become so accustomed to cuddling up to Boruto, being wrapped in his strong arms. Feeling so warm and content. Laying in her old bed alone left her cold and pouty, but she had so much to look forward to and Sakura nagged her endlessly about getting her beauty sleep. Eventually, she did sleep, and she slept well with a smile on her face all night long. It remained as she woke the following morning as well.

Today was the day. Boruto and Sarada would finally unite, they would become their own family. Husband and Wife. Two years prior, neither of them would have expected this day to come. But it had, and they were so happy, more happy than they'd ever been-even if they'd felt that way so many times since they'd officially been a couple.

They were all at the church over and hour before the ceremony was set to begin. Sarada's make up was done by Chocho, who really had a knack for it. Sakura curled her hair before sweeping half of it up so it wouldn't hang in her face but so that the long curls could flow down her back. The ladies all helped her get into her dress and she blushed at the thought of Boruto being the one to take it off of her later that night, but the thought was too pleasing.

Her silver heels were put on next, then the diamond necklace her mother gifted her. Soon enough, she was complete and when she finally took a look at herself in the mirror, Sarada knew she'd never looked more beautiful. She had strong competition though and knew that Boruto would be looking just as good as her. She'd just cut his hair for him the day before and it would be the first time she'd ever seen him fully dressed in a tux.

Boruto was on another end of the church, his dad tying his tie for him. He was excited. He was ready. But, his stomach was full of butterflies. He couldn't wait to see her, to hear her vows and say his own, to kiss her and have her as his wife until the day he died. It was surreal. Almost unbelievable. He was ready though.

"You should learn how to put on a tie, son. You look amazing." Naruto told him, smiling as he smoothed down the tie he had just got in place on his son.

"Shit, Dad. I know." Boruto told him smugly, stepping past his dad to check himself out in the mirror. "Damn." He chuckled at the sight of himself. "She is fucked."

"Say that again in my presence, and you're the one whose fucked." Sasuke warned, glaring at him.

Junior snorted. "Classic."

"Shut it, pinky." Boruto scowled at his best man and ignored Sasuke.

"Make me, asshole." Junior smirked, moving to hide behind his dad.

"Alright, kids… we're trying to have a wedding here." Naruto sighed.

"That's what I'm saying." Boruto hummed, still checking himself out in the mirror.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Unless you're planning on marrying yourself, I'll have to separate you and your friend there."

"Damn it, Sasuke. Stop being such an ass. I need to make sure I look the best I can, okay!" Boruto groaned, running his fingers through his hair as he continued to stare into the mirror.

Sasuke walked over and spun him around, straightening his tie before giving his approval. "Don't be nervous, brat. You look fine. Ready?"

"Yeah." Boruto grinned cheekily. "I'm so ready."

"Gross." Junior said softly, already starting to tear up.

It was time. Sasuke went to meet with Sakura and Sarada, then Junior left as well since he would be walking in with Chocho, right ahead of the bride. Only Boruto and his dad were left. Naruto placed his hand on Boruto's shoulder, looking in his eyes fondly.

"I'm so proud of you, son. I know you and Sarada are going to be very happy together."

"Thanks, Dad." Boruto smiled at him, pulling his dad into a strong hug. "I love you."

"Ah, shit. Your cologne got in my eye." Naruto sniffled and returned his son's embrace happily. "I love you. I'm just so damn happy."

"Me too."


Chocho was leaving the dressing room and found Sasuke and Junior were waiting outside. She smiled and motioned for them to go on in. The two Uchihas opened the door to find Sakura holding Sarada's hands, both of them with smiles on their faces.

"Sup, sis." Junior said and quickly locked her in a hug. "It's nice to see someone calm, Boruto was totally freaking out. Such a drama queen."

"Junior." Sasuke scolded lightly, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Sarada laughed and playfully shoved her brother away. "Uh huh, and I'm sure you had nothing to do with that."

"Naturally." He agreed and then looked to Sakura. "Hey mom, how's she really holding up?" He asked, ignoring Sarada's offended 'hey'.

"Better than me." Sakura giggled, her eyes looking at her daughter who was all grown up and getting married, ready to start her own family. Just thinking about it had her eyes filling with tears all over again. "I'm so… I'm so…" She trailed off, sniffling as she rose a handkerchief to her face.

Sasuke was at her side in an instant, pulling her into his arms. "Don't cry, love."

"How are you not crying?" Sakura asked him then, drying her tears quickly.

"Because this is a happy day." He said. "There's nothing sad about handing away my little girl . . ." He trailed off, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Aw, Papa." Sarada cooed and that was it, tears fell down Sasuke's cheeks and he was quick to wipe them away.

Sarada came over and hugged them both, stroking her father's back. "If you both start crying then my makeup is finished."

"Oh my… we can't have that. We should get out there anyway. You're due to walk in any moment now and I should get to my seat." Sakura said before looking over her husband briefly, a smile taking to her face. "You look amazing, by the way."

Sasuke cleared his throat, collecting himself. "Hn. Though not as amazing as you."

"Okay, I'm gonna chime in before you two start." Junior teased. "I'll escort you to your seat, mom." He said and offered her his arm.

"Aw, thank you sweety. We better hurry. I love you, Sarada and I'm so happy for you."

Sakura and Junior left and he walked her inside to her seat. The place was packed, not an empty seat aside from Sasuke's which was right next to Sakura. Boruto was at the altar, hands clasped together as he stared at the doors ahead of him, eager to see Sarada walk through even though there were still a couple more minutes to wait.

Sasuke sighed and looked sadly at Sarada, having mixed feelings about letting her go. "It seemed like only yesterday you were taking dancing classes and watching your brother whenever you got the chance. You two were so small then."

"Those were fun times." Sarada hummed, taking her father's offered arm. "Don't be sad, Papa. It isn't as if you'll never see me again."

"Yes, I'm well aware . . . but you'll always be my little girl." He said and kissed her temple. "I'll always be here for you. Especially if Boruto needs his ass kicked." He teased.

"I will hold you to that." She grinned as Chocho poked her head in.

"You two ready? It's time to get this party started." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

Sarada gave her a thumbs up while Sasuke shook his head. They walked out of the dressing room an stood with Junior and Chocho who linked arms as they stood behind the closed doors. They'd rehearsed already and knew that when the music started, they would have to make their entrance. Less than a minute passed by before they heard the piano playing and the doors were opened for them.

Junior and Chocho entered the chapel, walking slowly on their way down the aisle. Sarada held tight to her father's arm, taking a deep breath as she watched them from a distance and waited. When the two of them went their separate ways she knew it was time for her to enter. She looked up at her father who gave her a soft smile. Then they started walking.

She was wearing contacts today. The first thing she noticed was the people standing for her entrance, and how many people there were. But her eyes were quick to move to the altar and instantly they locked on her groom. There had been many times when she thought that she wasn't going to make it, her lover simply too much for her. However this time she was sure he was going to kill her.

It seemed impossible for someone to look that perfect, gazing at her with so much love that she could feel it in her heart. She loved him so dearly and now, today they would be joined for the rest of their lives. This was the beginning of the rest of her life, the rest of their lives and she couldn't wait. Sarada had no doubt in her mind that Boruto was the one she was meant for. The love they possessed was too wonderful, too consuming and powerful to be mere chance. She was more than ready for this.

Boruto thought he was ready. He'd been pumped for this for weeks, months even. He'd pictured her in a white dress, walking down the aisle towards him a hundred times, but nothing had prepared him for the actual moment she appeared before him. He expected her to be beautiful- she always was. But she was so breathtakingly stunning that he lost all his composure just at a glance. He never expected to get emotional, but he did. His face scrunched up and he held his breath, eyes watering to the point he had to raise a hand to his eyes and wipe them, just so he could see her clearly.

That was his whole world, right there making her way to him and she was about to be his, officially, forever.

Sarada didn't become affected until she saw Boruto crying. That was when it hit her and she started to cry as well. The moment for so beautiful, that she couldn't even worry about her makeup. She just held tighter to her father's arm as she stared at the man she loved. Each step brought her closer and then she was there. He took a step towards them, holding out his arm and Sasuke leaned over to kiss her cheek softly before moving her hand over to Boruto's.

Their hands clasped together as they walked up the one step to stand before the minister. Boruto was smiling so lovingly at her, his blue eyes still glistening from his tears. He lifted her hand to his lips and placed a quick kiss on her knuckles.

"You look so beautiful." He breathed, head shaking because he was so floored at the sight of her. She smiled in return but hadn't a chance to respond before the minister had everyone sit and then proceeded with the ceremony.

They'd written their own vows. Sarada's were almost poetic and so sweet that Boruto couldn't contain a grin. Boruto's were both heartwarming and goofy to the point that Sarada was reduced to tears and giggles at the same time. Lou came to them, the pillow that carried their rings in her mouth by a ribbon. Boruto knelt to her, petting her softly as he took the rings and Lou sat right where she was, watching the scene before her with excitement.

The ceremony had flown by, and they really had to control themselves when it came time for them to kiss. Luckily they managed to keep it short and sweet and then it was official. They were married. Sarada would no longer go by the name Uchiha.

Everyone moved to the reception hall, which was full of the decorations Sarada had chosen. It was everything she'd imagined and even more. Even Boruto was awed by the work they'd put in. His arm was wrapped firmly around his bride's waist and though he was thankful so many friends and family members were there to congratulate them, he'd just gone several hours without seeing her and he would be damned if someone took her away.

"I can't fucking believe it." He told her, pulling her flush against him and resting his forehead against hers now that they finally had a moment alone. "You're all mine now, little dove."

"And you're all mine." She smiled softly. "You can't escape me now, blonde. Not ever. I'll be bossing you around until we're old and gray."

"And even then… but I'm wounded… you choose to call me that, now… when I look so fucking sexy." He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, lips forming in a pout.

She laughed and cupped his face. "A girl has to look out for herself, I married you to live our lives together. Not die on account of your sexiness."

"Hm. Well, I'm so glad you can ignore it… because you're looking so damn good right now I'm a hair away from taking you to the bathroom. Fuck waiting til tonight."

She blushed harder than she ever had. "I don't doubt it, hot shot."

"You shouldn't. Because I'm so fucking serious." He mused, hands raising to her face and thumbs stroking her cheeks before he leaned in to kiss her.

"Oh myyy. They're so in love." Sakura gushed as she looked on from a distance. "Darling, don't they remind you of us?"

"No." Sasuke stated stubbornly. "No one can compete with us, love."

"Your sweet ass is showing." She teased and cleared her throat as Boruto and Sarada began kissing more deeply. "Umm… Maybe we should get a drink."

Sasuke grabbed her waist tightly and smirked. "Or we could ditch."

"Don't be silly, we'll have plenty of time for that later. And don't forget, you owe Sarada a dance after she has one with Boruto."

"Tch." He scuffed and buried his face in his wife's neck. "I suppose I should before Itachi dares to step in instead. She's really grown up now, isn't she?"

"She is… We really did a great job."

Junior stepped beside them and shook his head. "I can't believe you two are flirting when we have a potential problem over there." He said and pointed to the newlyweds. "I guess I'll have to separate them before it goes from PG-13 to rated R."

He quickly walked over to the couple and tapped the other side of Boruto's shoulder, swiping his sister as he stepped between them from the other side.

"I'm cutting in." He smirked and cheekily spun away.

Boruto scowled at the back of Junior's head but before he could go after them Himawari appeared before him. "Since they're going to dance, how about we do, big brother?"

He smiled then and nodded while taking her hand. "Alright."

The night went smoothly, endless dancing and drinks. Speech after speech and more tears than anyone wanted to deal with. It was a great time, but what was even better was the two of them finally making it home alone, newly married and even more in love than they ever had been. Boruto had fun stripping Sarada out of her dress, and she had just as much fun undressing him as well. They were happy and this was just the start of their lives together.

Sarada bit her lip as she waited, back pressed to the bathroom door. She had suspected for awhile now and she had finally got the chance to find out. Pink was starting to show on the white plastic test and she held her breath, her heart pounding. The second the two lines were visible, she squealed loudly, bouncing on her feet to the point that her glasses almost fell off. Sarada spun around in excitement. She was pregnant, she and Boruto were going to be parents.

She set the test on the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror, her hands holding her stomach as she grinned. She was having a baby. She was starting a family with Boruto and she fought the urge to squeal again. Nothing had ever made her this excited and happy, it was a new level of joy she never knew was possible. This was going to change everything. It was another chapter in their lives and she couldn't wait to tell her husband. Sarada pushed up her glasses and tried to put on a neutral face, leaving the bathroom.

Boruto was in the living room watching TV and she joined him on the couch, wrapping a blanket over them and snuggling into his side. "What are you watching?"

"It's Shikadai's race from last week." He said, eyes locked on the TV.

She hummed and stroked his thigh. "How did he do?"

"He won. Bastard did real good." Boruto grinned, glancing at her only briefly before his eyes returned to the screen.

"I see." She said, hoping her tone didn't give away how wound up she was. "Do you think he'll ever beat you?"

"Don't go asking crazy ass questions. Shit, did you hit your head or something?" He looked at her then with narrowed eyes. "Nobody can beat me."

Sarada fought off a smirk. "I wouldn't be so sure, blonde. You never know when new talent will blind side you. I bet there will come a day when our kid can take you."

"Maybe they'd stand a chance… but nobody else does or ever will. Not even your brother. And when we ever have a kid, it will take a long time before they ever can think about racing."

"Hmm. Should we get started then?" She said and smiled, her dark eyes sparkling.

"Are you high?" He asked, peering into her eyes closely. "We started trying months ago, Sarada. But if you wanna fuck, I'm always down."

She nodded, still stroking his thigh. "Yes, I'm well aware. But you'll have to be careful . . . can't have you upsetting the baby."

His brows pulled together. "What the fuck are you talking about? If you want to make some good slow love, I can handle it but you are not a baby nor are you fragile so stop acting like you've been taking drugs."

She laughed and punched his chest. "Honestly, I hope our kid takes after my intelligence." She smiled widely. "I'll take pity on you, hot shot, and give it to you straight. You're going to be a dad . . . I'm pregnant."

He stared at her, blinking several times as he absorbed her words. "What did you… did you just… are you…. You said… wait a minute… You're pregnant?!" He gasped, blue eyes widening as his lips split in a grin and he jumped to his feet, snatching her up into his arms. "Holy fucking shit. You are pregnant… I'm going… I'm gonna be a dad!" He spun her around, kissing her again and again. "Fucking finally. Shit."

"I was hoping you would figure it out, but I think I like this reaction much better." She giggled, her arms wrapping around his neck. "It's amazing, isn't it? We're having a baby! I'm going to be a mom!"

"Oh, fuck… I can't believe it… We need to go to the doctor right now! Right now." He sat her down and started running around before pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Shit do I call 911 or what? I've never done this…"

"Oh, Boruto." She said fondly, shaking her head. "I love you."

"I know and I love you way more but now is not the time!" He said, bouncing on his feet. "What do we do… what do we do…"

Sarada stood and pulled him into her arms, her face beaming. "We can go to the doctor tomorrow after we take it in and calm down. I think we should spend some time together before going . . . the three of us."

They were overjoyed, all too excited to start this new chapter in their lives… but neither one of them were ever expecting what they'd learn at the doctor's visit the next morning.

"It's twins." The doctor explained when they met with him in his office after having an ultrasound.

Sarada's jaw dropped. "Twins?! Oh my god, Boruto! Twins?!"

"Tw-twins." Boruto mumbled just before his eyes glazed over and he fainted, hitting the floor with a loud thump.

"BORUTO!" She yelled and frantically went to her husband's side. "Oh, honey . . ." She said and stroked his face, trying to wake him up. "Don't check out on me now, hot shot."

His eyes fluttered open and he groaned. "What the hell happened?"

"You fainted. If I was standing, I would've caught you."

"Shit… he said twins? We're… We're having two babies at one time…" Boruto looked to her in amazement. "Two… babies… Twins…"

Sarada kissed him and smiled. "I know . . . I never would've thought . . . twins. Maybe they take after you more than me, rushing it and deciding to be born together."

"Well shit, I'm happy. This is like killing two birds with one stone." He shrugged. "The more the merrier, I say. Hey doc, you sure there's not three in there?"

"Just two." The doctor said, sounding amused.

"Well… two will do, for now." Boruto grinned and got to his feet. "Well, guess this means we have news for everybody… I have to tell your dad first though, personally… he can't hear about this from anyone but me."

Sarada nodded. "That would be best, though, it would be safer if I went with you."

"Fine, but I do this my way." Boruto told her seriously and she smiled.

The first thing he had to do was figure out a way to get Sasuke alone without seeming suspicious. He thought about it for a long time before deciding to have Sasuke come over to their house. He didn't really want to just come out and say it, because he knew he would have been a blubbering mess so he took Sarada uptown to a T-shirt shop. She didn't know where this was going, but she wouldn't say anything since Boruto was so excited.

He picked out two T-shirts, one black and one orange. He couldn't leave his dad out, even though he was confident he could tell him outright. He scanned through the logos for a while, becoming disappointed when he didn't find exactly what he was looking for. The shop owner came over to assist him and Boruto asked if he could make what he wanted and was pleased to find that he could. Half an hour later he and Sarada were on their way home.

On the way, he called Sasuke and asked him to come over alone. Sasuke seemed a bit hesitant and curious when Boruto told him he just wanted to hang out with him, but he agreed to come over either way. Sarada was amused at the fact that Boruto was so giddy, not seeming nervous a bit. He had Sasuke's T-shirt in a gift bag and went to sit outside and wait for him. He rolled his cooler over between the lounge chairs and opened a beer while he waited.

It wasn't long before Sarada was walking outside to meet him, Sasuke right next to her.

"Yo," Boruto greeted him, handing him a cold beer before he even had a chance to sit.

"Nice setup." Sasuke mused as he took the other chair.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but Sarada beat him to it. "I'll make you two some lunch." She grinned and patted Boruto's shoulder on her way to the kitchen.

Sasuke nodded at his daughter and then opened his beer. "So what brought on this sudden need to be in my presence?" He asked, taking a swig.

"It's been a while… I'm surprised you haven't stopped by to see us and since I haven't been by the shop in a couple weeks I thought you should come over. You know, without your son annoying the shit out of us."

Sasuke chuckled. "I suppose so. Sakura was talking about inviting you two for dinner later this week as well."

"Good." Boruto nodded. "We all need to get together."

They drank for a while, several cans being emptied by the time Sarada brought out lunch. Then they ate and drank some more, talking about little things like Junior's racing, the new addition to the shop and other work-related things.

When Sasuke started doing more shit talking and laughing, Boruto knew he had a good buzz and Sarada had left them alone once more. It was time to tell him, putting it off any longer would only make Boruto more nervous.

"I uh… got you something." Boruto said, grabbing the gift bag beside him before handing it to Sasuke.

"Oh?" He asked, raising a brow. "I would have gotten you something if I knew we were suddenly doing gifts." He said as he opened the bag, pulling out the black shirt. "What the . . . 'Grandpa'? Is this your roundabout way of calling me old, damn brat?" He asked, unamused. His brow furrowed as he stared at the shirt until something clicked. "Boruto Uzumaki . . . are you trying to tell me what I think you're trying to tell me?"

Boruto fumbled with the tab of his can for a moment before meeting Sasuke's gaze. "Well yeah… you're gonna be a grandpa."

Sasuke looked between him and the shirt in disbelief, taking his words. "I'm going to be a grandpa . . . you two are having a baby?"

"Yeah…" Boruto grinned. "But actually… we're having two babies."

"Twins?" Sasuke asked, eyes widening. "What the hell . . ."

"I know… when I found out I passed out on the spot." Boruto laughed. "But it's great, right? Two little babies. I bet they're both gonna look just like me."

Sasuke shook his head. "Two little Boruto's running around . . . I'm too old for that shit." He chuckled. "Twins . . . you . . . . you're going to be a great father. But I hope they take after Sarada."

"Shit… you really think so?" Boruto asked, biting his lip as he suddenly became emotional. "I mean I'm excited… I'm so happy… but what if I suck at being a dad… I've never been a dad before. Ever. This is really new to me."

"I've watched over you since you were little, I know you better than you think. I know for a fact you'll do just fine, Boruto. You may be a cocky brat, but you have a good head on your shoulders and a big heart. I hope they take after you just as much as they do Sarada." Sasuke told him, smiling.

"Damn it, Sasuke." Boruto covered his face with his hand and groaned. "You know… just how to… piss me off." He sniffled, trying to control himself.

Sasuke reached over and grabbed his shoulder. "Hn. It's a special talent of mine. Don't worry, you won't be doing it alone. You have Sarada and the whole family behind you. I'm happy for you, Boruto . . . and I'm proud of the man you've become."

"Stop it, bastard. Just stop talking." Boruto waved him off and started chugging his beer. "I'm too emotional for this shit. I mean I'm gonna have two kids… and what if… what if they're both girls. Oh fucking hell. Shit. No… I can't." He shook his head back and forth, thinking of Itachi's girls. "Nope. It better be two boys."

Sasuke chuckled. "Regardless, we'll both have to do a lot of ass kicking. Also, don't let Itachi baby sit. Seriously. I don't need him corrupting anyone else and besides, Sakura and I have first dibs. Then comes Junior."

"Whoa. I'll be damned if Junior is babysitting and I think I'd like to keep my own kids thank you very much." Boruto scowled, wanting his precious babies for himself.

"I am going to spoil those kids of yours and you can't stop me, damn brat." Sasuke grinned.

"Sarada! Get out here, your dad is being a pain in my ass!" Boruto yelled before laughing. "I guess we'll just have to see how it goes."

They still had many more people to tell and though they thought having several months to prepare would seem like a good amount of time, time flew by them. They did prepare, they took classes and decorated a bedroom just for the twins. They read books late into the nights and had a lot of fun going to doctor visits and awaiting the day they would finally get to meet their babies. But when that day came, it was totally unexpected. A month before Sarada's due date.

"Oh my fucking god! Boruto, get your ass in here!" Sarada yelled from the living room.

Boruto dropped the box of cookies in his hand at hearing his wife use such profanity. "Sarada?" He ran into the living room, nearly sliding on his ass thanks to his socks and the hardwood floor. "What the hell? Language much?"

"Don't talk to me about language when my water just broke!" She hissed, tears in her eyes. "The twins, they're early!"

"What, what, what?!" Boruto held his face and gawked at her. "Broke water? Early twins? Shit, fuck. Call 911!" He screamed and started running around like an idiot.

"Call my dad, your dad, just anyone other than that!" Sarada scolded. "We need to get to the hospital . . . where did I leave my travel bag?" She said to herself. "Boruto! Get your ass back in here and help me up!"

"Oh shit…" Boruto ran to her side, carefully helping her to her feet. "Okay, okay… let's just remain calm. I've practiced this a million times. I know what I'm doing." He said as he started doing breathing exercises. "Go wait in the car. I'll handle everything else." He told her and then she screamed, doubling over and he paled. "Shit! Okay, okay, I'll carry you to the car, little dove don't panic!" She was squeezing his hand so hard he couldn't ignore the pain, but he managed to somehow and lifted her into his arms to carry her out to the car.

Once he set her inside he patted her belly, looking nervously at her. "Just tell them to wait a minute, okay? Are you okay? I just need to grab our bags."

Sarada took a deep breath and nodded. "It's okay, I'm okay. We've got this just, Boruto, I love you but I apologize in advance for anything I say in the next hours because this hurts and-oh fucking hell!" She yelled and tossed her head back in the seat.

"Oh shit." Boruto squealed as her grip on his hand tightened. "Fuck, my hand." He whispered, prying his hand free once the pain passed. "Don't worry, baby you say whatever you need to, okay… I don't mind honest, anything you wanna say, say it. I'll be right back don't go anywhere!"

He closed the door and bolted into the house, pulling out his phone on the way. He called Sasuke and soon as he answered, Boruto started screaming.

"Fucking hell Sasuke! You didn't say this shit was going to happen! Sarada is in labor. Now, like right now! Call everybody! Hurry the fuck up. We're going to the hospital." He breathed heavily as he finally found the babies' bag and his and Sarada's.

"I'm on it, keep your shit together and be there for her, I'll help you out once I get to the hospital." Sasuke said calmly before his voice yelled a bit away from the phone. "Sakura! The twins are coming!"

"Alright. Shit. I got to go!" Boruto hung up and sprinted through the house with the bags, hurrying out to the car. He tossed the bags in the backseat and got behind the wheel. "Are you… okay?" He asked when Sarada was looking at him as if he were her mortal enemy.

"Am I okay? I'm about to have two babies pop out of me and my husband just left the fucking door wide open, no I'm not okay!" She yelled.

"Excuse me, fucking potty mouth but I believe the two babies about to pop out are more important than the damn door!" He scoffed and backed out of the driveway quickly. "Fuck the door, we have to get to the hospital now."

"Ugh, I can't stand you!" Sarada groaned, clenching her eyes shut.

"I know, I love you too." Boruto promised as he sped down the road.

Thankfully they made it to the hospital in one piece, but Sarada was in extreme pain and Boruto was a nervous wreck. None of this was supposed to happen this way… they had a perfect plan with their doctor and it had gone to shit. Most of their family members were at the hospital at the same time as them. Junior was the first to make it to the car.

"Help Sarada, I'm going to get a nurse or some fucking body!" Boruto told him, running towards the hospital.

"Boruto, get your ass back over here!" Sarada yelled, practically shoving her brother away. She didn't want anyone else's help except her husbands.

"Ow!" Junior yelped and looked to Boruto. "Yeah, you can handle her cause I'm fucking not. Mom and Dad are already on the doctor and nurses, so please stop Sarada before she hurts someone."

"I was just gonna get a wheelchair!" Boruto huffed before scooping Sarada up in his arms. "Whatever, I'll just carry you."

"Boruto, it hurts!" She cried in his neck, Junior following close behind them.

"Somebody!" Boruto yelled as he entered the hospital carrying Sarada. "Help!"

A nurse came over quickly. "What's going on?"

"The babies are coming, what the fuck does it look like?" He snapped.

The nurse looked affronted but wisely said nothing as she got a wheelchair and came back over, just as Sakura was coming down the hallway.

"Sarada." She smiled, quickly coming to her side as Boruto carefully sat her in the wheelchair. Sakura pushed the nurse aside and started pushing the wheelchair down the hall. "Don't worry sweetheart, we have everything under control. Just relax and breathe."

"I can't, I can't!" Sarada cried. "Mom, it hurts way more than I thought it would."

"Oh, I know baby. It's okay though… soon enough you won't even remember the pain… or at least, it will have been worth it."

"Sakura, is she gonna make it? Her face has never been this red. She's not breathing like I told her to!" Boruto asked, walking by their side, steps hurried along with Sakura's.

Junior came up on the other side, moving out from behind them. "Mom's got this Boruto and your mom is standing by with a freaking team of hospital staff. Sis is going to be alright . . . and our dads are here too with Himawari, we're all here for you both." He said, keeping it together surprisingly well.

"Until these babies are here and my wife is back to normal, nothing's gonna calm me down." Boruto told him, concerned eyes trained on Sarada.

"I would argue, but I guess you're right." Junior said and shared a look with his mother. "We're almost there."

When they moved into the room, everyone was made to leave besides Boruto and Sakura. Boruto was still a nervous mess, especially when he found out Sarada's labor was so ahead that she wouldn't be able to receive anything to help her with the pain. He whined as he stared at their clasped hands. He would probably be wounded for life.

The painful process dragged on for hours and hours. It was well into the night before the first baby made an appearance. The doctor held the baby up, grinning. "It's a boy." He said before laying the baby on Sarada's chest. Boruto's eyes were so wide as he looked at them, taking in the way his wife sobbed and laughed as she admired their first baby. A boy… with a head full of black hair.

"He's… beautiful." Boruto murmured, leaning down to place a kiss on his wife's forehead and then gently running his forefinger over the baby's cheek.

"My little boy." Sarada whispered. "Oh Boruto, look at him."

"So precious." Boruto agreed, dazzled and then Sakura came to take the baby.

"We have another one to bring into the world now." She smiled as she picked up the baby boy and carried him over to the waiting nurses.

Boruto's face fell as Sarada's hand went back to his, gripping tight as she moaned. It was another fifteen minutes before the second baby arrived and the doctor held it up.

"It's a girl." He announced and Boruto felt his heart skip a beat.

"A… girl…" He cooed, tears filling his eyes as the baby was laid on Sarada's chest. "Sarada, it's a girl."

Sarada grinned widely despite how tired she felt. "She's perfect. My little girl."

"Her hair is blonde." Boruto cried. "I can't believe it."

It all happened so fast, but the twins had arrived. About an hour passed before Sarada was cleaned and comfortable enough for the rest of their family to come in. While she laid and rested, Hinata and Sakura were giving the babies their first bath. Even being born a month early, they were both healthy. Small, at exactly six pounds each, but healthy. Boruto sat on the side of the hospital bed, staring adoringly at his wife while they waited to be able to hold their babies. He'd always loved her, unimaginably… but after the ordeal she'd just gone through, and bringing him two beautiful children into the world- he loved her even more.

Hinata walked over first, handing a clean baby in a blue blanket to Sarada and then Sakura came to Boruto, handing him another now clean baby, swaddled in pink. He held her carefully, fearful he may hurt or drop her but as he looked into her eyes a calm washed over him, taking away all his insecurities. He lifted the baby and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. She was so precious.

Sarada was admiring her new baby boy, a wide smile on her face. Her labor had been hard and Boruto knew she was exhausted. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked tired but as Boruto looked over at her, his heart warmed as he found her to look more perfect than she ever had. They shared a smile and laid the babies next to each other on the bed to look over both of them. They were perfect. Their family was complete. They'd never been happier.

Their family stayed for a long time, each of them taking turns holding the babies and bonding with them. It was nice knowing they had so much support and so many people that would love their babies as much as they loved them themselves. A couple of hours had passed before Sakura came over, grinning at her daughter and son in law.

"So… you've kept us in suspense long enough, right? What are their names?" She asked excitedly.

Sarada stroked her son's cheek. "Satoshi . . . . Satoshi Uzumaki." She smiled and then looked at her husband and daughter.

"And Satomi Uzumaki." Boruto grinned.

"Aw, very cute names." Sakura gushed. "I love how proud you both are."

Sasuke came and wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist, taking in his now larger family. "We've done well, love. And the two of you . . . you'll do just fine with the twins. I couldn't be happier."

"I know!" Naruto came to throw his arm around Sasuke's shoulder, dramatically groaning. "I've never felt like this before… It's so… amazing. Sasuke help."

Junior suddenly gasped, wide eyes looking between the twins. "Oh shi-shoot . . . I'm an uncle."

Boruto laughed and shook his head at Junior. "Now it's you that's slow… and not Sarada."

"That's right." Sarada giggled. "Take your time, though. I just became a mother, I'm not ready to be an aunt anytime soon."

"Oh no, we're definitely not ready for that. No time soon." Sakura faked a laugh, looking a bit worried. "There is so much else we all need to be worrying about right now… like my health."

"Leave your health to me." Sasuke told her with a smirk and then glanced at his son. "No children anytime soon, Junior."

Junior's face flushed. "Relax everyone, seriously. I'm not even married yet."

"That's exactly right and don't you forget it." Boruto said as Sakura nodded quickly and everyone laughed.

Their family had just grown by two new members and there was even more love than there had been before. They were all happy and grateful. Those babies would be loved unconditionally, spoiled to the highest lengths and protected at any cost for the rest of their lives.

The twins' first birthday came and went. Time had been moving so quickly and they were growing so fast. Every day was a blessing, even when Boruto and Sarada were exhausted. They loved their babies more than anything and were having the time of their lives, and then there were those days their parents gave them a break for the night, sometimes unexpectedly.

Today Boruto was sitting on the living room floor playing with the babies while Sarada had a shower. They were both good babies, rarely fussy and always smiling and laughing. They loved each other very much and did not like to be separated. That was when problems started.

Satoshi was standing up, waving a block in Boruto's face while Satomi was playing with some of the blocks on the floor when the front door suddenly swung open.

"What the-" Boruto scowled at the door and rolled his eyes when he saw Sasuke pouncing in as if he owned the place. He should have known. "Sasuke… way to knock."

Sasuke ignored him and walked up to Satomi, kneeling down and smiling at her. "How about you and your brother ditch your old man and spend some time with grandpa?"

Satomi giggled, black eyes sparkling as she patted his cheek several times. "Pa pa!"

"Honestly, I could never say no to that face." Sasuke mused and then gently pinched Satoshi's nose and his brows furrowed as his blue eyes stared up at his grandpa. "Satoshi, do you want to play with grandpa too?"

"Pa pa!" He grinned then, drool falling out of his mouth.

"Sasuke, you just kept the kids two nights ago…" Boruto trailed off, scowling at him. "They don't want to go with you."

Sasuke picked up Satomi and then Satoshi, both of them squealing in delight. "Two nights ago is too long, I'm going through withdrawls. Besides, they freaking adore me."

"You're being dramatic like your brother again." Boruto scoffed. "You can't just burst in here and think you can take them all the time. At least call first."

"Where is the fun in that?" He asked. "They're better off with me than Itachi anyway. Ready to go, kiddos?"

Boruto got on his feet then. "No, they are not. We were playing blocks and having a good time! Give them back."

Sasuke smirked. "Blocks are lame. Sakura has a lot of cooler toys for them at our house, you and Sarada can take it easy for awhile." He said and gave both of his grandchildren a peck on the cheek. "Say bye bye."

"Bye bye!" They both said, cheesing and waving at their dad whose face fell as Sasuke quickly made an escape with them.

"Ugh!" He growled and started storming through the house. "Sarada!" He yelled as he made his way down the hallway towards their room. "Your fucking dad stole the kids again!" He slammed the bedroom door open and found her standing at the dresser looking for some clothes. She was naked and his eyes started roaming before he could stop them.

"Better him than Junior . . . and judging by the look on your face right now, you're not too upset that we're all alone." Sarada grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Well… I suppose I could make good of this situation… yeah… hell yeah. Come here." He said, smirking as he pulled his shirt over his head.

Sarada laughed. "You got it, hot shot." She said, walking over and was quick to let her hands wonder his newly exposed chest. "How do you want me?"

"First," He chuckled, lifting her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, giggling. "I want you like this."

He moved her against the wall, hands cupping her face as he leaned in to kiss her quickly. She held tight to his hair and moaned against his lips. After a moment he pulled away, meeting her gaze heatedly.


"Don't stop now, honey." She smiled sweetly. "Your boss approves . . . be good to me and I'll give you a raise."

"I'm always good to you, little dove. But I uh… I feel like… I wonder if… I was thinking…" His head turned to the side and his cheeks flushed which had Sarada cocking a brow.

"Don't stall on me now, speed racer. Whatever it is, just say it. I can take it. I'm a bad A." She deadpanned.

"I want to have another baby… or three." He said then.

This time it was Sarada who blushed. "You mean . . . like now? Like right now?"

"Yeah like… let's start trying right now. I foresee a lot more fucking in our near future. Besides, your dad will babysit even when we don't want him to." Boruto chuckled.

"True." She hummed and caressed his face, smiling wide. "Alright, blonde. I'll have as many kids as you want."

"That's my girl." He grinned and rubbed his nose against hers. "I love you so fucking much."

Sarada kissed his forehead and then stole one from his lips. "I love you too, Boruto. More than anything."

"You make me want to be gentle with you, little dove." Boruto teased, carrying her to the bed and laying her down softly before standing up to gaze down at her. "You ready to fall in love with me all over again?"

She laughed and tilted her head. "I may not survive this time around, but yes. Always, Boruto."

He rolled his eyes because she always said that, and yet somehow… she always survived. Sometimes it felt as of they'd been together forever and then there were times when it felt like it had only just begun but either way, they were crazy about each other and couldn't wait to keep making more and more memories with each other… and have more babies as well.


Well this is the end. We had such a great time writing this and we already miss it a lot. Thanks a lot to everyone who took the time to read and review. It meant a lot to us.

And special thanks to all out friends in the BoruSara discord server. We love you guys.

Hope you all enjoyed the epilogue!

Well then... Til next time...
