Chapter 1


"Samael wake up!" A woman's voice called, rousing a boy of about six years old from a deep sleep, he sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes and looking around, looking up at the young woman with sparkling grey eyes.

"What's wrong mommy?" the boy asked innocently, a bright smile on his face as the mother in question picked him up.

"Today is the day we go and see what your quirk is!" The boy's mother said brightly, making the boy grin and wiggle out of his mother's hold.

"I hope it's as strong as all might's! I want to be a hero just like him!" Samael said, literally shaking with excitement, the mother laughed, looked around the room which was practically covered in all might merchandise, from posters to clothes to video games and action figures, and ruffled his fluffy black mess that he called hair, the same hair that his mother had, if he looked at her eyes he noticed that she had the same ones too.

"Well get ready then mister hero, you don't want to be late for your appointment!" She said tickling him, making him squeal and run from her to get ready.

"Noooo mommy don't do that I hate that!" Samael whined, making her mother roll her eyes good naturedly.

"A hero who's ticklish. Ohh my." She said teasingly making Samael huff.

"When I become a hero I will outlaw tickling." Samael said, his mother burst out laughing.

"Sure, but only after you become the strongest." She said gently.

The black-haired child grinned cheekily and ran to get ready.


The boy looked near tears, as did the mother, but not for herself, for her child. Her loving baby boy.

Her quirk-less baby boy. "Doctor their has to be some kind of mistake!" She insisted, struggling to keep her voice level. "He doesn't have that toe joint, how can he have no Quirk!"

The doctor that Samael's name couldn't recall raised his hand in an attempt to placate his frustrated and heartbroken mother. "I'm sorry miss, but the way I see it there's two possibilities, one: He is just a regular medical anomaly, it is possible to be quirk-less and not have that extra joint but it is exceedingly rare."

"And the second!?" His mother demanded.

"The second…. His Quirk may be invisible." He explained.

"What the hell is an invisible Quirk!?"

"It's a new classification, I don't know much about it myself miss, but what I can tell you is that even though he may have a Quirk… it's probably nothing useful, or it's something that you cant use actively."

At those words Samael's mother grabbed him and began to march him out of the doctors office, however by accident they both ran into another mother and her child.

Remembering her manners Samael's mother bowed. "Oh I'm terribly sorry! My mistake." She said, to which the other mother looked terribly awkward.

"No please it's quite alright!" She said, Samael looked up at her, tears slipping down his face, she had dark green hair and eyes and a slim composition.

He looked down again at the boy beside her, who was probably in his eyes the epitome of sunshine and happiness, he also had dark green eyes and hair, however as the mothers was held up in a pony tail, his was curly and stuck out in several directions, he also had a splatter of freckles under each eye.

The green-haired child looked at him with concern. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Without waiting for an answer, the child gave him a hug which shocked both the mother's and Samael. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, who are you?"

Samael took a minute to answer, which Midoriya waited patiently. "Samael…. Mizaki."

"I should probably introduce myself as well." The green-haired woman said. "I'm Inko Midoriya, were here today to see what my sons Quirk is."

"We just finished with our test…" Samael's mother said sadly, gently rubbing her sons head. "I'm - Mizaki. A pleasure to meet you."

"I'm gonna be the strongest hero! Even stronger than all might!" Midoriya said. "What's your Quirk?"

The boy blanched away, and the tears that had been dripping occasionally started to fall rapidly, and the boy tried to hold back a wrenching sob. "I'm… Quirk-less."

Midoriya's eye's widened in shock. "Oh… I'm sorry. I-"

Samael screamed in sadness and bolted out of the doctors office. His mother screamed his name but he ignored her, and began running as fast as he could home.

"Your child doesn't have a Quirk -. I'm sorry."

"I'm… useless…." Samael had somehow found himself in an alley, crying his heart out. "I'm… Quirk-less…. I cant be a hero, I-I'm sorry All might!" he sobbed brokenly.

A car pulled up beside the alley Samael was in, and he didn't need to look up to know it was his mother, he allowed himself to be led into the car, and barely registered vehicle moving at all throughout the drive.

All his senses were numb, he couldn't feel anything right now.

Not that he wanted to. His mother said something to him, but he didn't really hear. It began to rain. But he didn't really take notice of it.

He didn't take notice of anything.

At least not until the truck crashed into them, killing his mother in the crash.

"M-mommy?" The boy asked weakly. He reached out to his mother, why was his mother in the backseat? Where were her legs? Why was he covered in blood but not hurting?

"MOOOOMMMYYYYY!" The child wailed, suddenly the passenger door was ripped away, and he was being dragged out, screaming bloody murder.

"It's okay boy! I am here!" The man holding him said, the boy sobbing as he held onto his rescuer. His hero, All might.

"Mommy is still in there!" He wailed, All might began to shake and held him tighter.

"My boy… what's your name?" All might asked, trying to distract the child as his own mother was pulled out of the car by the first responders

What was left of her…. Her entire upper body was ripped from her legs, effectively killing her instantly, and the boy, the child of the woman he guessed, was a sobbing mess in his arms.

All he could do until the police and paramedics arrived on scene was distract the boy, to not let him be traumatized further, he was already covered in blood, the child's mother's blood to be exact.

"Samael…." He said. "Samael Mizaki…"

"Young Mizaki. It's okay now, I am here." He reassured, suddenly however, the boy stopped shaking completely, and his entire body suddenly felt colder in All Might's arms.

"My mother's dead. Isn't she?" the boy asked calmly. Too calm.

Unsure of the situation, All Might decided to answer truthfully. "I'm afraid so boy, I was chasing down the people in the truck… I wasn't fast enough. I'm so sorry young Mizaki."

"…Put me down." He demanded, All Might did so gently, and the boy immediately began to walk away.

All Might was so shocked he almost fell over. "W-wait young Mizaki were are you going?"

"You didn't save my mother." Samael said.

"I… I am truly so-"

"You!" The boy turned around, a look on his face so cold it shouldn't belong to a six-year-old boy. "You didn't save her… your no hero."

All Might was shocked at the sudden demeanor change, was this part of his Quirk? Was he able to get over things quickly? "Boy… what's your Quirk?" He asked.

Wrong question, the boy sneered and turned away. "I'm Quirk-less, goodbye, symbol of peace." He said bitterly.

All might let him walk away this time.

Several years later.

"I hate sunny days." An older Samael said to himself, fifteen years old to be exact.

"Why does that memory drag itself forward so often?" He muttered, shielding his eyes from the morning sky, it was a bright day, the same day his mother died.

And he was left alone, not that he isn't used to it by now, ever since he was diagnosed Quirk-less and his mother died people either bullied him or completely ignored him.

He walked up to the gates of hell, normal kids called it school but when you live in a world like this without a Quirk it's hell beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Then again, this entire world is hell, with a sigh he walked through the gates into the school, wishing for all the world that the place would burn down by endeavor, the worlds number two hero.

Who was number one? Fucking All-Might.

Samael made the trek up the stairs and almost made it to class without incident. immediately his hopes were dashed as he was suddenly slammed into a wall by other kids. "Watch where your going Quirk-less freak!" Some boy with the skin of a leopard said, his stupid friends laughing at him.

Samael glared at him, but he was already gone, and he let the glare fall from his face as he walked into the bathroom before class. After doing his business he walked up to the mirror and examined himself.

His eye's were still grey, however they lost the sparkle they once had leaving them a cold grey, his eye's also had shadows under them from long sleepless nights. his black messy hair had turned less messy and switched to curly and his skin was rather pale.

He didn't need to undress to see all the little nicks and scars years of relentless bullying had given him. As well as one scar that spanned his entire torso from one of his tormentors (Also the only one that actually got arrested since it nearly killed him).

His face also a small scar right above his left eyebrow, not enough to mar his face (Which to him wasn't much anyway). But it was there, haunting him.

With a sigh he grabbed his bag and left the bathroom, doing his best to remain unnoticed, when he entered the classroom he almost groaned in frustration, the teacher wasn't there yet which meant he was late, and couldn't stop any bullying that would happen.

Not that he'd really try. Samael thought bitterly. The scars on my body are proof of that.

"Mizaki-kun." A feminine voice said to him, not unpolite but neutral, familiar. Samael sighed but turned around anyway to face her.

"Yes, Yaoyorozu-san?" He asked tersely, he respected her and her strength, considering she's the only one in their entire school who got a recommendation to U.A, the most prestigious hero school in the country. But he didn't like her, she never outwardly bullied him, but she never even bothered to try and help him.

"As your class president it's my duty to inform you that you still haven't turned in your form for what high school you're going to next year, the deadline is tomorrow." She said calmly, her eye's drifting seemingly involuntarily drifting up to the scar above his eyebrow before quickly shifting back down.

Samael opened his mouth to speak, but another classmate decided to put their own two cents in.

"Hey class Prez!" Some girl with excessively long nails and a snooty voice called out suddenly. "I bet he hasn't decided because he's just an orphan Quirk-less freak!"

A spark of rage burnt hot in Samael's chest, but he swallowed the bile in his throat and did his best to ignore it.

"Enough!" Yaoyorozu said sternly, sending a stern look her way. "If you focused on your Quirk and grades you'd be worth more than what you are, focus on yourself instead of trashing others."

Samael had to hold back a snort after that. "Now." She continued. "You're Quirk-less but you're grades are pretty good. There are still schools that will take you even though you have no Quirk, I can help you find one myself if you'd like."

"No, thanks." Samael said quickly shaking his head. "Wouldn't want to take up your time. Yaoyorozu-san."

"…Okay then." She said, suddenly she procured a form from… somewhere and handed it to him, it was a list of all the schools in the district. "Take some time during homeroom to look at these and decide please."

"Fine." Samael said, however when she turned away he pushed the form further on his desk then leaned back in his chair to gaze out of the window, this continued on for a certain amount of time, one thought being on his mind every time.

Why can't I remember my mother's name? I can remember all of that but not her name? What's with that? Samael thought. And… what did I do after walking away that day…. What happened to me?

He was knocked out of his train of thought by a ball of paper slapping the side of his face, annoyed he turned his head to look in what he guessed was the general direction it was thrown from.

Nobody was looking at him, they were (very badly) pretending to ignore him which just made him angrier. He turned his head back to the window for all of five seconds before an entire book this time was thrown at him, he was leaning back in the seat, and when the book hit him knocked him off balance, causing him to fall back in the chair and hit the ground. Hard.

The classroom roared with laughter at his expense, and Samael just laid there quietly seething.

Why are they doing this to me?

What did I do to deserve this? Just leave me alone.


I hate you all.

Slowly, Samael dragged himself up, picked his chair up and sat down back in it, looking at the form he couldn't help but sneer. He grabbed the form and made to rip It up but something stopped him.

At the top of the list of schools, one stood out the most.

U.A. The most prestigious hero school in the country.

Where heroes are made. He thought and looked around at his classmates that were still snickering and looking at him. He looked at their class president again, she was ignoring all of this, just studying away without a care in the world.

Samael got a positively devilish idea, this world was full of pretentious fucks who bullied the weak, he remembered his old dream of becoming the strongest hero, a dream that seemed like such a distant memory now.

He wrote his name and information, placed a check in the box, got up out of his seat and walked over in front of Yaoyorozu's desk and placed the form in front of her.

"I've chosen." He said and watched as her eye's widened when she picked up the form. She looked up at him then back at the form as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

"What's up prez?" A student called out. "You look like he just chose to go to U.A!" The entire class chuckled a little.

Yaoyorozu sat the form down, then looked straight into Samael's eyes. "He did." She said simply.

The classroom got real quiet for a few moments. Then they suddenly burst into uncontrollable laughter. Except for Yaoyorozu, who was still staring at him, with an unreadable expression.

"YOU INTO U.A?!" Oh my god maybe you do have a Quirk Mizaki! Uncontrollable dumbassary!"

"Damn man! I'm the next All Might now!"

"Hey Mizaki, stop joking around and being a dick! Just sit there and be at the bottom where you belong."

"I will make it into the school." Samael said, his voice was quiet, but the fierceness behind it made everybody quiet down, maybe it was also because he hadn't stopped looking at Yaoyorozu the entire time, and she him.

"I will do it. Just to spite all of you, I couldn't give a single shit about being a hero. As long as I get to rub your noses in it." Samael smirked and held out his hands.

A chill went down Momo's spine, his eyes changed, she noticed. The dull grey they usually were for the briefest moment, were replaced by a strange sparkle.

"And when I make it. You all will regret the scars you left on my body." With that declaration in place he casually spun on his heel and sat down.

Nobody bullied him the rest of that day, not even when he left the school to go to the recently reopened mall. In honor of all-might's achievements as a hero.

It bugged Samael, but it was convenient. There were several things wrong with his living space, leaking roofs, no hot water. Roaches (oh god the roaches) and a plethora of other shit.

It was time's like this where the depression really hit. And it imbedded itself deep in Samael's heart like an open wound, the realization that he was utterly alone in this world.

His thoughts drifted back to someone he hasn't seen since the day his mother died. The green-haired boy named Midoriya Izuku, the boy was without a doubt the happiest person he's ever met. He couldn't help but wonder how he was doing now, or what his Quirk was.

Samael didn't have a Quirk, and in ways he made his piece with it, but that didn't stop him from daydreaming at times of having one.

"Sir. Are you going to buy these or just stand there?" A positively bored looking teenage girl asked.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry." Samael said and pulled out his credit card, swiping it across the panel.

A loud beep made his heart drop to his shoes. And he looked back in dismay as he realized his card just got declined, the girl was about to speak but a glare shut her up, and he quietly placed everything back before leaving. Face burning in embarrassment.

I guess the settlement mom left me when she died has run out. I'll need to get a job then, but I'll probably just be denied considering I have no quirk.

His thoughts were ripped away by a sudden piercing scream, covering his ears In a weak effort to block out the sudden pain, the screaming began reaching a higher pitch, he looked around him and saw other people in the mall unconscious from the sound.

The screaming got even higher, and glass windows all around suddenly exploded outward raining shards down.

Other people were screaming in fear and running in the opposite direction of him, bumping into him and nearly sending him pitching to the floor, the screaming finally stopped, and Samael managed to raise his head.

Standing in front of him, holding an unconscious male child, was a woman, with an incredibly thin composition, almost anorexic, her hair was black, long and stringy, and her eye's were completely charcoal, along her hip was a jagged dagger. The most striking thing about her was some sort of mechanical device that was digging into her neck, revealing the inside of her throat, showing her vocal cords, blood dripped down the opening in single red lines.

Fear wiggled it's way into Samael's chest and his legs buckled, He suddenly found himself unable to breath, the woman smirked a horrible smirk and spoke in a raspy voice.

"You know who I am?" She asked, and Samael nodded numbly, how could he not? This was the villain classified as screamer, an A rank villain that captured children, and raped and murdered them. She had the ability to raise her voice to higher pitches, enough to explode brains from the inside.

She raked a finger down Samael's face, and looked at him curiously. "Hmm, your handsome, but you're a bit to old for me, I prefer mine young." She said with a smirk at the end, gesturing to the child on her shoulder.

Samael tried to find his voice. "w-w-why are you d-doing this?" He managed to say, Screamer sighed, a ringing sound that hurt Samael's ears.

"Because I want to?" She said with a bored tone in her voice. Then she smiled a cold, damning smile at him. "If you want to stop me, use your Quirk."

Samael's eyes widened, and Screamer seemed to come to a realization. "Oh. Oh my. You don't have a Quirk, do you?" Samael began to shake, and he put his hands to the floor and looked down, tears started spilling from his eyes.

"Oh you poor thing." She said sardonically. "Allow me to put you out of your misery."

Samael suddenly found strength in his legs, and right before the dagger hit him he managed to jump out of the way, though not without stumbling a bit. He managed to stay on his feet and turned back to face the A ranked villain.

The child seemed to have regained consciousness and was now screaming and thrashing in her grip, crying and kicking, giving Screamer a bit of trouble as she was scowling and punching the child in the face trying to knock him back out.

The boy locked eyes with him and Samael froze. "HELP MEE! MOMMYY!" He screamed at him, or to him.

Samael's mind ripped it's way back through his memories, back to when he was crying out for his mother after the car crash, the sudden calmness and numb feeling he got when he realized she was dead, the rage he felt when he realized All Might couldn't stop the truck that killed her in time.

Screamer screamed, a loud sound that made Samael's mind shake and knocked the boy out again, the sight of the boy now made him snap, and he was reacting before he could think.

"Leave him ALOOONEE!" Samael yelled and rushed the villain, intending to slam into her and force her to drop the child, Screamer's eyes widened as she suddenly felt him slam into her, the force knocking the kid out of her hands, a loud 'thunk' sound as she hit the floor.

"Th-that actually worked?" Samael said aloud, before pivoting on his heel and turning back to the kid. "Hey, hey kid! Wake up you need to run!" He screamed in the boy's face.

Slowly the kid woke up, and Samael sighed with relief, that relief was dashed when he suddenly felt agony split through his chest, the boy was suddenly wide awake and screamed in fear and crawled backwards away. Samael looked down and saw a dagger in place where his chest should be, he also felt hot breath in his right ear.

"You little shit." Screamer snarled. "I usually use this dagger for my victims. But I'll make a special case for you." She yanked the dagger out violently and blood splattered the marble floor.

"Kid… Run." Samael managed to say through the blood pooling through his lips, then immediately coughed up about an ounce of blood.

She must have punctured a lung, I can feel it building in my throat He managed to deduce through his pain fogged mind, he was barely aware of the child sprinting for all he was worth away from them.

Screamer made a 'tsk' sound, and moved around him to his front, then crouched in front of him. "The police are here, which means the Heroes are, hey kid. Guess what, you get to die quickly today, any last words?"

He looked at her and smirked. "I'll see you in hell." He spat at her. Screamers eye's filled with rage and stabbed the dagger straight into his heart, killing him.


All might had just arrived on scene when the boy came barreling through the mall doors. He only had ten minutes left on his transformation, the boy collapsed into his mothers' arms blubbering about somebody still in there.

"There's two heat signatures inside the building, there may be two villains!" One of the officers said, a young officer, with the Quirk to sense body heat.

The police suddenly got more active, he walked up to the boy and kneeled down beside him. "It's okay now, I am here, what's going on?"

"Th-there's somebody still in there! He's fighting that screaming lady! He saved me, but he was stabbed in the chest!"

Screamer…. All Might realized, A dangerous one… wait… a boy was hurt!?

"Can you tell me more about this guy fighting this villain?" All Might asked gently.

The boy opened his mouth to speak when the same heat seeking officer suddenly yelled out: "One of the heat signatures have disappeared! He may be dead!"

All might was already through the doors before he even finished his sentence, rushing through the large hallways of the mall he mentally checked how long he had left on his transformation.

Seven minutes. All Might reminded himself. Please still be alive sir.

He rounded a corner and stopped, his heart dropped when he saw the damage, windows were smashed, blood was everywhere, people were unconscious.

Then he saw Screamer, and his throat clenched when he saw her yank the dagger out of the heart of someone.

Someone he could swear looked familiar, that didn't matter right now, Screamer turned away and locked eye's with All Might, she let out an insane laugh which made his blood boil.

"You made it in time to stop me, but not to save this boy." She taunted. "He was young you know, probably hadn't even made it into high school yet, not that many would take a Quirk-less boy anyway in this… pitiful world."

All might began to shake with rage. "He… was Quirk-less… You killed someone who couldn't even fight back!?"

Screamer rolled her black eyes. "He fought alright, gutsy kid too, told me he'd see me in hell, right before I plunged the dagger into his heart, if he had a Quirk he might have made a decent hero."

All Might was so angry his smile left his face. "Screamer, you are coming with me!" He lunged, he felt the power of One for All flow through his body as he raised his fist, tightened his chest and clenched his butt cheeks.

Screamer tried to get out of the way, but she was too slow. "Detroit SMAAAASSHHH!" He rocketed the punch into her abdomen, holding back just enough not to kill her as he sent her straight through the ceiling, nearly collapsing it all around them.

Two minutes… All might thought when the dust settled. That was close.

"All Might!" A familiar voice called, bringing him relief, he allowed himself to lose his muscular transformation, showing his true form, barely more than a living skeleton.

Ignoring Tsukauchi's call he knelt beside the boy Screamer killed. His heart clenched as he examined him, he really was young. He brushed the teenager's hair out of the way of his face as Tsukauchi put his hand on the number one hero's shoulder. Opting not to speak, he knew how All Might was feeling right now.

"….I know this boy…" All might realized, and right then it was all he could do not to break down crying.

"Knew him well?" Tsukauchi asked gently. All Might shook his head, some of his eye's shadowed.

"Six or seven years ago…. I was chasing a band of criminals…. They crashed into a car… All of them died on impact… but…" All might was crying now, quiet sobs as he told his story.

Tsukauchi finished the story for him. "That car they crashed into, was this boys mother's car wasn't he? I remember you telling me that when I arrived on scene, she died instantly and he survived, covered in blood but unharmed."

"Y-yes… He was so angry… he didn't deserve this Tsukauchi-san. He didn't deserve this." All-Might said.

"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time… he was Quirk-less right? I'll make sure the world knows he died a hero. I'll notify his-"

"He moved." All-Might interrupted.

"Toshinori… It was probably a death rattle, the body ca-"

"Look! His wounds!" All-Might interrupted again, pointing to the hole's in his chest, Tsukauchi's eye's widened as they closed completely, as if they were never there.

Suddenly the teenager woke up with a gasp, gripping his chest he sat up and looked around, eventually resting his eyes on the two adults.

"Wha-what happened? I-I died just now, who are you? Where's Screamer!?" He stood up and immediately lost his balance.

Tsukauchi grabbed his hand to keep him from falling, still processing what just happened, All Might found his voice again.

"Screamer is down, I knocked her out." All Might said. "You… just came back to life, you were dead."

"I…" Samael looked to be in utter disbelief. "Are you… All Might?" He asked, looking to the living skeleton in wonder.

"…Yes, this is my true form, young Mizaki." He admitted.

"You remember me?" Samael asked surprised.

"I remember everyone, I remember you also said you were Quirk-less."

Tsukauchi was gonna need a drink after all of this. "Seems like he just found it, you have an amazing Quirk young man."

"I… you didn't bring me back?" Samael sat down on a nearby bench, rubbing his face he took shuddering breath. "What does this mean?"

All Might hesitantly put a hand on the boys shoulder. "It means my boy, that you have a Quirk after all, Immortality of some sort."

"I don't know what your thinking All-Might. But what I'm thinking is that this young man could be a spectacular hero one day." Tsukauchi said.

The boy jolted. "Me… a hero?" A sparkle came to his eyes, All Might noticed, a hesitant flame seemed to burn in the child, waiting to ignite into something more.

All Might would have given One for All to the teenager right then if he hadn't already passed it on to somebody that was once Quirk-less.

All Might smiled, "What do you want boy?" he still hadn't removed his hand from Samael's shoulder. "What is your dream?"

"My dream…" The boy echoed. "…I want to be a hero!" he said. And All Might saw the flame burn, brightly, almost blinding.

Then he saw it fade, as the boy slumped over. "But how can I be a hero with this… Quirk? I cant help people."

All Might let out a laugh, then transformed into his muscular form. "My boy! Your Quirk defies death! You are immortal, you can be an amazing hero!"

The boy's eyes widened, and he smiled widely. "O-okay!"

Tsukauchi walked over and held a hand out. "Then allow me to be the first to shake your hand." He said and smiled. "Immortal Hero."

Samael grinned, and shook the detective's hand.

Line Break.

Yaoyorozu was home watching the news, broadcasting all the action, shook reveal the teenager who saved the child's life with her family, her jaw dropped when she saw Samael Mizaki's face appear on screen in front of cameras.

That source of those grey eyes, someone she never spoke to out of fear. Because the way he seemed to hate everybody because of their Quirks. She knew about what he went through and never lifted a finger to help.

That's why she was also very impressed when he chose U.A school, just to be a dick to everyone in the room.

"Hmm, Momo darling. Isn't that your Quirk-less classmate?" Yaoyorozu's mother asked, but she wasn't listening. She was focused on the screen, as the reporter, a pretty young woman spoke to Mizaki.

"Right before All Might ran into the building, one of the officers who can read body heat lost your signature, which normally would mean you died, can you tell us your trick? Is It your Quirk?"

Yaoyorozu found it amusing how nervous he appeared to be, but he managed to speak without his voice catching.

"No, uh… yes. I-I thought I was Quirk-less until today, my heat signature was lost because I was in fact killed by Screamer…. My Quirk seems to be something akin to Immortality, because after I was killed I came back a few minutes later, miss." Samael said.

Yaoyorozu, and most of the world watching this news channel without a doubt lost their collective shits at the revelation. The bystanders down there with him certainly did and nobody could blame them. A Quirk that doesn't allow it's user to ever die!

"Is it just from physical wounds you cant die from?" Another reporter asked, or are you completely immortal?"

"W-well since this is my first time dying… I don't know. I'd say testing would be in order but I'd have to… well… die, I can say that my body healed itself completely after I came back which is why I have no injuries… but… it hurt."

Suddenly an officer in a brown overcoat with a matching hat came into view blocking Samael from sight. "That's enough questions for the kid. Be on your way all of you!" He commanded, forcing the reporters to scatter.

The tv cut off, and Yaoyorozu whipped her head around to see her father holding the remote. "The news rot's brains anyway, all this talk about immortality. Peh." He said and walked away.

Her mother rolled her eyes and smiled at Yaoyorozu. "Next week you graduate middle school, and a couple months after that you are going to U.A. I'm so proud of you honey."

"Thanks… mom." Yaoyorozu offered a weak smile, her mother however, noticed something was wrong immediately, which was something that probably had to do with her Quirk empathy: which allowed her to sense the emotional state of other people.

"What's wrong honey? Are you thinking about that Mizaki boy?" She asked.

Yaoyorozu sighed but nodded her head. "For years… he was bullied for years because of his lack of a Quirk… when all this time he had one that powerful, you just couldn't see it… I never… I never did anything to help when I should have, I want to be a hero, but I never tried to help somebody that clearly needed it."

Her mother was silent for a while, then she came over and sat beside her daughter, hugging her. "Your still young." She said. "You have a lot to learn, I don't approve of you never helping him. But I understand why you didn't. Let me guess, he hated the world and all of it's Quirks."

Yaoyorozu began to cry. "Yes… but even so… I should have at least tried!" Momo's mother hugged her as she broke down in her arms, until she fell asleep.

Yaoyorozu's mother didn't move her, just gently pulled a blanket over her and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well my little hero."


Samael's heart nearly beat out of his chest as he stood walked into the examination sight, his nerves were on fire and was fairly sure he was close to puking.

He closed his eyes while walking to take a big breath which was a mistake, as he accidently shoulder checked a girl with pink skin and hair, with horns and black sclera with yellow irises.

"Sorry." He muttered out and kept walking, ignoring the curious glance she sent him but otherwise took little notice.

"DEKU, GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Someone suddenly shouted, Samael looked back and saw someone with green hair basically shoved away from where he was walking by an some douche with blond hair and red eyes.

Samael decided on a whim to be an asshole to the asshole, as subtly as he could he made his way in front of the blonde haired teenager and started walking incredibly slow.

It almost instantly got the reaction he wanted. "HEY GET OUT OF MY WAY!" The blond said, Samael looked back with a blank look on his face.

"Who me?" He asked innocently. "I mean you could just go around me."

"SHUT UP!" he growled, his hands popping. "Get out of my way or die!" he threatened.

Other people stopped their walk to watch the action, the green-haired boy as well watched with wide eyes.

"You cant kill me, so go ahead and try." Samael smirked. It was a little bit of Quirk abuse, but he wanted to put this guys ego in place a little, he was a stereotypical bully and Samael hated that.

The blond's teeth ground together, and he almost literally was fuming with anger. But instead of attacking he walked around Samael who smirked when the blond backed down.

Samael smiled as the green-haired boy from before walked up to him nervously. "Hey, uh… sorry about bakugo… he's a bit tough to handle. I've had it rough today, a girl had to save me from tripping earlier."

"He bullies you, I cant stand bullies. I know the feeling. What's your name?" Samael asked while walking beside him.

"Oh, uh I-Izuku Midoriya." He said politely. And Samael's eye's widened.

"Midoriya!?" He practically shouted. "It's me! Samael!"

Midoriya looked confused for the briefest moment before his eyes widened and he grinned. "Woah! I didn't even recognize you! How've you been man I saw you on the news!"

Still the epitome of sunshine I see. "Ahh, you know. Life's been difficult for me, the day we met… my mother died."

Midoriya's face fell. "I'm… so sorry. I didn't know. The last I saw you in person, you were crying about being Quirk-less, but-"

"It's fine. Please don't be sorry, how about you, what was your Quirk that day?" Samael asked smiling.

Midoriya suddenly looked nervous and he started fidgeting with his hands. "o-oh w-w-w-well the thing i-is, i-… they thought I was Q-quirk-less as well, but I was j-just an incredibly late b-b-bloomer, my quirk didn't m-manifest u-until last year."

"I see…" Samael said in sympathy. "Hey don't feel bad, I thought I didn't have a Quirk until I died."

"Oh yea!" Midoriya realized. "Immortality… that's your Quirk right?"

"Yes technically but that's not the actual name of it." Samael confirmed.

"Then what did you name it?"

"I call it, Undying."

"Cooolll." Midoriya said. "Nice swords by the way."

Samael blushed as he realized he completely forgot about the dual blades on his back.

A gift from All Might. Samael remembered. He told me these blades were strong enough to block a punch from him, since I don't have a quirk I can physically use he gave me these and helped me train to use them.

"T-thanks. It's adamantite, unbreakable."

They found themselves inside a massive auditorium, easily capable of holding thousands of people at once, Izuku waved goodbye to Samael and sat down beside the bakugo person that bullied him. Samael was confused by this but didn't bother to interfere.

Without really thinking about it he picked a random seat and sat down in it, he realized pleasantly that his nerves had calmed down completely, so he was able to relax in spite of being around thousands of people that were stronger than him.

Somebody tapped him on his left shoulder, he looked above him and nearly fell out of his seat when he saw a girl with familiar black hair.

"Seems like you made it despite being weak." Yaoyorozu said, it wasn't an insult, not on purpose despite the way she said it, merely an observation.

"Did you think I wouldn't come?" he shot back, raising an eyebrow. "And why are you even here? Didn't you get in through an official recommendation?"

"I did, on both things. And I chose to go through the exam anyway to see if I was worth my salt, as you could say."

"Even though you were the strongest in our entire school?"

Yaoyorozu smiled. "Was that a compliment?"

Samael huffed. "I always respected your power, I just didn't like you because you never used it to help people." He turned away from her before she could respond and began to listen to the pro hero present mic talk to the students, feeling a spark of anger in him when some uptight guy in glasses called out Midoriya for muttering, causing a lot of people to laugh at him.

Eventually, Present Mic had every student file out of doors and onto buses, a forty-five-minute ride later filled with potential students who were all relaxed and confident. They were surrounded by open fields, however behind tall walls were false cities in which the candidates would take they're tests.

A boy with spiky red hair and teeth like a shark was doing stretches, and his skin would change periodically, as if hardening. In front of them there was a kind with bright blonde hair that literally sparkled and wore a large buckle around his stomach.

Samael for his part was doing last minute drills with his adamantite swords, he only really learned some of the basics, as All Might couldn't train him often because he was training someone else that inherited his power.

Samael was shocked when All Might told him everything, including about his own limitations and the origins of one for all, including that he had passed on his power to somebody.

That somebody in fact, was supposedly in the crowd today, though All Might wouldn't tell him because he wanted it a secret. To be frank, he still wasn't sure why All Might told him all that, he chalked it up to him apologizing for not saving his mother in his own way.

"Woaahhh cool swords!" A voice said behind him, he turned around to see that the red head with shark teeth was admiring his blades.

"Uh… thanks." Samael said awkwardly, other than Izuku and Yaoyorozu (Not counting Bakugo) No one had spoken to him.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima, manliest of man and soon to be student of U.A." Kirishima said boisterously.

"Your pretty confident, the test hasn't even started yet." Samael noted, Kirishima just smiled.

"Well, I have to show courage even if I don't feel courageous at times. How am I gonna be a hero if I don't!?" He shouted this, and Samael kind of sweat-dropped.

"Good luck to you." Samael said, right as another announcement was made.

"BEEEGGGGIIIIIIINNNN!" Present mic suddenly yelled out across the compounds, everyone looked around confused.

"What's wrong! The test has started so get going!" Present mic yelled, Kirishima grinned.

"Good luck on your test!" he said and sprinted away before Samael could speak.

"W-wait a minute!" Samael sheathed his swords and sprinted after them. Damnit, I'm already lagging behind!

Heading into the compound Samael found people fighting already, the blonde douchebag from earlier was smashing his way through the competition, dominating the metal one pointers.

And there were hundreds of them. Running ahead, jumping over a dead one pointer he heads further into the false city, hoping to gain some ground on his fellow candidates.

Eventually he came to a run down part of the compound, this area was being slowly retaken by nature, broken pipes, cracked windows rusted buildings.

A loud metallic groan resounded behind him, and he spun around and jumped back just in time to dodge a strike from a big creature.

This one looked bulky, bulkier than the one pointer machines, however on the flipside it was a lot slower. it looked like a type 3.

It sacrificed it's power for speed, that's good for me, I'm faster than it. Samael thought and drew both swords from the sheaths on his back, the sun gleaming off the blue green blades.

Suddenly, another metal creature jumped from the skyscraper behind him and landed on his flank, it had a humanoid shape, however in place of hands were two large black swords.

That must be a type 2. This one's looks more human than the rest, it's probably a lot faster as well. Samael thought.

His heart picked up speed as the type 3 and type 2 attacked at the same time, Samael dashed forward and rolled under the type 3 as the type 2 swung it's mech blade, slicing into it's mechanical comrade.

Samael crawled under the type 3 further and stabbed both his blades into what counted as it's stomach, it groaned as if in pain and Samael ripped the blades out and rolled out from under it as it collapsed.

The type 2 ran forward again and did a front flip, locked both of it's hands together and brought down it's mech blades hard, Samael managed to dodge the attack however his right hand sword was knocked out of his hand from the impact.

Then the type 2 held both it's hand swords up and started spinning rapidly, suddenly it tilted itself towards Samael and rocketed to him, blades in a spiral.


Samael once again jumped to the side, gripped his sword with both of his hands and swung as hard as he could, the impact split his hands open but also cut the head off of the type 2, oil burst out of it soaking the ground as it collapsed.

Breathing heavily, Samael allowed himself to grin as he grabbed his fallen blade and sheathed his swords, continuing his run deeper into the false city.

Line Break Observation room.

"Well now that's pretty impressive." Present mic said. "He took down a type 3 and type 2 by himself without using his Quirk, that's not easy to do even with a Quirk. Especially with those type 2's"

"I'm wondering why he didn't use it, it leaves less injuries for me to deal with later if they use their powers." A short old woman in a nurse outfit said.

"Maybe he can't use his Quirk…" A man grumbled, his shoulder length black hair partially hanging in front of his face.

Oh. That's right. I forgot to tell them that Mizaki boy's Quirk doesn't activate until he's dead. All might realized. Hmm, should I tell them? No it should be fine, there's little chance of dying here.

Line Break Exam site

Samael ran through an alleyway searching for something, anything at all. His ears pricked as he heard the sounds of fighting up ahead. Running through an alley as the main way was blocked by rubble he came out behind two candidates.

And god damn they were in trouble. Both of them were surrounded by type 2's. One of them he didn't recognize, his most striking feature was in place of his head was the head of a crow, and coming out of his stomach was some sort of black demon.

He groaned as he recognized the other one, Yaoyorozu was fighting for all she was worth, however neither of them could keep up with the suddenly endless amount of type 2's

Bracing himself he jumped in the battle, running forward he drew his swords and stabbed a type 2 in the back, breaking into the circle that had formed around the teenager with the crow face.

"Wh-who are you?" he asked when Samael stood beside him with his weapons drawn.

"Talk later, fight now!" Samael responded as one of the type 2's rushed forward, wind milling it's mech blades, The crow's shadow demon came up from behind and bit it's head off, killing it before it could reach him.

Agh!" The crow yelled in pain, as one of the mechs cut into his arm, Samael lunged forward bringing both of his swords down in a horizontal slash cutting it in half.

One of it's blades went wild after it died and spun and flung itself into another type two's chest killing it instantly.

" That was convenient." Samael muttered. Suddenly he heard the crow yell out a warning. And pain exploded down his back, one of the machines had lunged forwards and slashed its blade down his entire back.

He turned around to kill it but found that the crow had done so already, Samael turned to say thanks but instead threw both his swords on instinct at two more type 2's, killing one and severely injuring the other which the crow finished off.

The crow grabbed both of his swords and threw them both back to Samael, who caught them and stabbed another type 2 killing it. Just like that, the Type 2's surrounding the crow were dead.

Without missing a beat he nodded to the crow and took off towards his former classmate, ignoring the pain his injuries were causing him. One of the type 2's surrounding Yaoyorozu turned around to attack Samael, who ducked under the swing and counter struck, severing both of its arms.

Thank god for All Might's training Samael thought as he once again jumped into the thick of it. Yaoyorozu saw him and her eyes widened, on instinct they both got back to back with each other, however this caused pain to shoot through Samael's back.

"L-looks like you could use some help!" Samael said, gritting his teeth in pain, his breath was coming in ragged gasps.

Yaoyorozu didn't look too bad, however her breathing was hard and she looked noticeably thinner than before. "I'm a bit embarrassed to say this, but I could use the help."

"Heh, maybe I should have gotten the recommendation letter instead of you."

"Don't make me stab you." Yaoyorozu said as she stabbed a type 2 with her staff.

"Eh, I'd just come back!" Samael lunged forward spinning his entire body, attempting to mimic the attack the type 2's would do, it succeeded as both of his blades cut through several type 2's. he only killed one, but he damaged the others which gave Yaoyorozu the opportunity to kill all the others.

They got back to back again. "Not bad beauty queen." He complimented, smirking as he stared down the last five type 2's.

"You've done better than I expected you too." She responded in kind, Samael snorted. It was a very 'Momo' compliment, both insult and genuine impressiveness.

"I gotta keep moving." Samael said. "Think you can handle the last four?"

"Four?" Yaoyorozu echoed. "But there's fi-" She was interrupted by Samael dashing forward swinging his blades and cutting a type 2 in half, the force of the swing sending Samael tumbling forward, who rolled then dashed off, sheathing his swords as he ran.

Momo rolled her eyes and kept fighting, taking out the last four with little effort.

"Two minutes remaining!" An automated voice suddenly rang out, and Samael doubled his efforts.

Line Break Observation room

"Hmm, this is concerning. Midoriya Izuku and Samael Mizaki haven't used their Quirks yet, is it possible they're Quirk less?" A talking animal said, rather strange in it's appearance it seemed to be made up of multiple animals.

"Well the way it's looking now it sure seems that way." The long-haired man said. "There's a striking difference between them though."

"Oh? And what's that?" The old nurse asked.

"Izuku Midoriya has done… literally nothing this entire time but look like he's about to faint. Samael Mizaki however, he's not only fought and destroyed several type 2's, but he's protected his other candidates, the people he's supposed to be competing against, all without using a Quirk. Granted… his attacks are sloppy."

"I agree, on all counts. Aizawa." Present mic said. "Samael's kind of been flailing his arms around and getting lucky."

"Luck doesn't last in the hero world…" Aizawa mumbled.

"Regardless… we cant allow people who are Quirk-less to join our school, it would be unfair to the others with Quirks who have fought to be here." The animal said.

"Principal Nezu." All Might spoke up for the first time in the conversation. "Isn't it also unfair to not accept a student who has done exceedingly well on the test? Even if they have no Quirk? That especially seems like prejudice."

"It does seem like that." Nezu admitted. "But I will take the flak for it, it's for the best. I don't want to be inevitably responsible for a young man's death."

"Sir… are we still talking about Samael, or Midoriya?" All Might asked.

Nezu didn't answer that. All might clenched his hands with tension. Young Midoriya…. Young Mizaki…. He thought concernedly.

Line break Exam Site

"Midoriya!" Samael called, the green-haired boy turned around and his eyes widened when he saw him.

"Samael!" He ran up to him and froze, Samael was covered in oil and blood, his breathing was heavy, and he looked tired.

Even Samael has been doing something… Midoriya thought, his hope's dropping. Why cant I do anything?

Suddenly, the ground shook hard enough that it nearly knocked both teens off balance, Samael and Midoriya's eyes widened as an entire skyscraper fell down, revealing an utterly giant mechanical creature.

"Everyone run! It's a type 4 gimmick!" A candidate screamed out, and all hell broke loose, Midoriya collapsed to the ground and stared up in fear, and Samael's legs were shaking as candidates ran past them.

"Wh-what the hell?" Samael's voice cracked, and he took a couple steps back.

"W-w-w-we need to ru-"Midoriya began but stopped, his eyes still held paralyzing fear in them, both for himself and for someone else.

Samael looked through the smoke and saw a girl that was trapped under the rubble, and a candidate attempting to fight the thing, he had to suppress an eyeroll when he realized that it was in fact Bakugo fighting the giant metal monstrosity, and losing badly, very quickly the volatile blond was thrown by one of it's legs, he hit a gas pipe on his way down and fell unconscious beside the girl.

Midoriya was up and running before Samael even realized it. "Mi-Izuku no!"

Too late, something seemed to possess the green-haired boy and when he got close enough power seemed to charge through his legs, so strong it tore his pants legs apart.

Samael's eye's widened as he watched in awe as Izuku charged up a punch and hit the thing, crushing it's skull in and sending It rearing back, debris began to slowly fall off of it and hit the ground.

Izuku suddenly had nowhere to go but down and began to scream as he fell. Samael's chest nearly exploded with fear as he began running forward in a desperate attempt to save his green haired candidate.

He didn't need to, the girl had managed to free herself and use her Quirk, some sort of floaty ability to levitate herself on a piece of the rubble, rising up and saving him from death.

Samael let out a laugh of pure relief as the brown-haired girl came down. Allowing himself to feel relaxed.

Then all hell broke loose, as the brown-haired girl stepped away from both unconscious boys the head of the giant robot broke off and began to fall.

Target? Right on all three of them. Just like Izuku, Samael dashed forward before thinking, grabbing the girl first he pushed her out of the way, then as quick as he could dragged the unconscious Izuku from under impending death.

He reached Bakugo and had just enough time to push his half-conscious body out of the way, before the robot head landed on him. Samael had just enough time to hear every candidate scream before his world went black.

Line Break

Yaoyorozu was there when the giant robot head crushed Samael's entire body, she knew about his Quirk, but regardless watching someone die shook her in a way she didn't think possible, especially since it was someone she technically knew.

She also knew that there were many others who didn't know about him in the massive crowd, and those people were currently standing there wide-eyed and in disbelief that someone actually died during the exam.

Well, them screaming in horror also cemented that too, her own legs were shaking as she watched the brown-haired girl collapse on to her knees, staring in disbelief at the fallen gimmick head.

Suddenly, though Yaoyorozu was not sure where from, the heroes appeared, the only ones she recognized being All Might and Present Mic themselves as they ran towards the fallen head.

"You better be right All Might." The one with the long hair said.

"I hope he is." An old woman in a nurse's outfit said. "even if he's alive, repairing those injuries will end up killing me."

"Trust me everybody." All Might said. "He wont even be injured." He declared as he effortlessly picked up the Gimmicks head and threw it, All Might did flinch a little but nevertheless he pulled out the mangled corpse of Samael.

It was all Yaoyorozu could do not to throw up, other candidates started whispering among themselves. Seemingly against her will she surged forward, ignoring the bile in her throat as she got closer to her former classmate.

"Hey, you. Don't move any closer." The man with the long hair said. Yaoyorozu wanted to protest but didn't. instead clutching a hand to her chest in worry as she looked at him.

Then suddenly, Samael started coughing. The man with the long hair forgot about Yaoyorozu as he turned around shocked. Samael was sitting up, holding his head, his clothes were covered in blood, but when he took his shirt off his entire body was completely unharmed.

Her heart did a double take as she examined his body, scars literally covered his torso, and an especially nasty one that spanned his entire torso from the bottom of his stomach all the way to his left shoulder.

I could of stopped all of that. She thought guiltily. Yet I stood by.

The Long haired man said something, whether to All Might or to Samael Yaoyorozu couldn't tell because most of the students around her were freaking out that someone literally came back to life.

Yaoyorozu snuck closer so she could hear the talking.

"He really is uninjured…" The old nurse said. "This is remarkable, I never thought I'd live to see the day where someone on this earth would have a Quirk that never lets them die."

"I can still feel it…" Samael muttered. "The pain of dying, then the cold after… I may not be able to die truly… but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck still."

"That's good." The animal said. "Don't ever let yourself grow used to death, even if your Quirk defies it."

"Advice from our loving principal I see." Present mic said.

"Just words of wisdom to one of our students." He responded with a smile.

"I didn't realize we were accepting people already." The long-haired man sighed.

"Come now Aizawa, after the way he displayed himself, he's more than earned the right to be in our school." The animal man said.

Aizawa just grunted.

"U-um… excuse me?" Yaoyorozu hesitantly asked, she managed to keep her composure when all the teachers looked at her.

"I thought I told you to stay back." Aizawa's eyes narrowed as he spoke to her.

"I… you did but I was worried sir." Yaoyorozu said. "He's a former classmate of mine."

"I'm fine Yaoyorozu-san." Samael grunted as he stood up. "I cant die."

The statement sent a chill down her spine. But she nodded to him anyway and gave a small smile. "I'm glad."

Samael's cheeks turned red a little as he turned away. "I assume the test Is over? If so can I go home?"

"Yes, we will mail you a letter later on whether you've been accepted or not." The animal said.

Samael rolled his shoulders and walked away, ignoring the people staring at him as he walked by.

"As a matter of fact!" Present mic yelled, projecting his voice across the area. "The test is now over, you can all go home now!"

After more mumbling by the students they all slowly shuffled out of the compound, still in awe at what they just witnessed.

Once the teachers were alone All might switched back to his true form and Aizawa decided to speak. "His existence is dangerous…"

"We must guide him carefully." All Might said. "And he can be an amazing hero."

"He can also be a deadly villain."

"That is true." Nezu agreed. "We can't hide his Quirk, and the villains could have some major use for it, if they were to ever capture and convert him."

"I don't think you understand just how dangerous he is." Aizawa insisted. "He literally can't die, granted we don't know the extent of his Quirk, but if he literally can't die, then if he turns villain… then All for one will have a field day with him."

"We haven't heard anything from All for one since Toshi-san last fought him." Present Mic said.

"Like I said, we guide him. And we don't let him fall into the villain's hands." All Might said.

"I hope your right… Toshinori…" Aizawa said.

A/N: This is kind of a test for a story I've been mentally brewing in my mind for some time now, clearly I've made some changes to the canon as you can see here. I honestly have little clue how you all will feel about it so make sure to let me know if you like it. I always take criticism however if you straight up flame me you will be blocked.

I also take suggestions, so if you have an idea leave it in a review. Also as a side note, not all chapters will be ten thousand words like this… I just started writing and couldn't stop lol.

Anyway that's about it, tell me your thoughts I'm interested in hearing them.