I'm actually quite surprised you guys like this story. I didn't think that I did a very good job last chapter, but I'm glad you think I did. Now, here's the next chapter for you guys. It might not be very long, but that's because there's no fight scene in this chapter. Mostly just the scene that gets the ball rolling for this story.

*I still don't own RWBY or Harry Potter.*

A Job in Wizardry?

"I hope you understand that your actions today will not go without consequences. You put yourself and others in great danger." Glynda said, scolding the hooded girl.

Almost immediately after Roman and his accomplice got away, Glynda had all but dragged the girl to the local police station to… 'discuss' the possible consequences of the redhead's recklessness. Even if she was doing the right thing by stopping that Dust Shop robbery.

"They started it!" the girl exclaimed, trying to get Glynda to see that it wasn't her fault.

"If it were up to me," Glynda continued, having seemingly not heard the girl. "You'd be sent back home with a pat on the back…"

The girl smiled, thinking that Glynda had finally begun to see reason. Unfortunately, that's not the case, as the blonde woman turned back to the girl and gave a small glare as she raised her riding crop.

"And a slap on the wrist!"

She quickly brought down her crop, drawing a high pitched 'eep' from the girl in question, which sounded more like a whimper from a kicked puppy. Say what you will, but Glynda is just so dang scary! Especially when she's mad!

"But there is someone here who would like to meet you." she sighed.

The girl looked confused about that. Did this woman call the police on her just for trying to help? That hardly seems fair. But she was actually quite surprised to see a very recognizable person walking into the room once Glynda moved aside. One of them was a middle aged man with silver hair and purple spectacles holding a coffee mug in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other.

"Ruby Rose." the man said in greeting.

Of course, we all know that this man is Ozpin, and he shall be addressed as such. Okay, enough breaking the fourth wall. Was that a fourth wall break? Meh, I'll figure it out later.

He leaned down to get a better look at the now identified girl. More specifically, at her eyes.

"You… have silver eyes…!" he said in slight awe.

Ruby wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. It seemed a little random to say something like that to her. That's when Glynda turned her Scroll tablet around to show her a recording of her fight with that mob boss's henchmen.

"So, where did you learn to do this?" Ozpin asked, indicating her fighting style.

More specifically, involving her scythe. Apparently, she managed to take down all of Roman's henchmen quite easily with her scythe, incapacitating them using a combination of her weapon's Sniper Rifle, and its surprisingly large amount of weight as she nearly crushed these men with the blunt side of her scythe.

"S-S-Signal Academy." Ruby replied nervously with a small stutter.

"They taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever made?" Ozpin asked.

"Well, one teacher in particular." Ruby clarified.

"I see."

Taking a moment to absorb this information, Ozpin placed the plate of cookies in front of Ruby, making the girl look at him curiously. Feeling a little suspicious, Ruby slowly took a cookie from the plate and ate it. Seeing that no one was going to stop her and that she wasn't getting in trouble for it, Ruby began eat the rest of the cookies in the batch at a much faster rate.

"It's just that I've only ever met one other scythe wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow." Ozpin admitted.

Ruby mumbled something through the mouthful of cookies she had, but quickly remembered to swallow before speaking again. This time, what she said was far more coherent.

"Sorry. That's my uncle, Qrow. He's a teacher at Signal." she informed. "I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. Now, I'm all…"

Ruby started doing a few karate moves while exaggerating the necessary sound effects. Much to the amusement of Ozpin and company. Not that Glynda will ever admit it.

"So I've noticed." Ozpin said.

He set his mug of hot cocoa on the desk before asking Ruby "And what is an adorable girl like yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

"Well… I want to be a Huntress." Ruby replied, all traces of foolhardiness gone from her voice.

"You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin asked, though it sounded more like a statement.

"Yeah. I only have two more years of training left at Signal, and then I'm going to apply to Beacon." she replied. "See, my sister's starting there this year and she's trying to become a Huntress and I'm trying to become a Huntress because I want to help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, eh you know, might as well make a career out of it. I mean, the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just SO MUCH more romantic and exciting and cool, ya know!?"

Glynda just stared at Ruby blankly at her explanation, most of what she said having gone over her head due to how fast she was speaking. Honestly, what did half of that gibberish even mean? And how on Earth did she not bite her tongue from speaking at about half the speed of sound?

'I didn't understand a word that just came out of her mouth.' Glynda said in her head.

Ozpin just stared before asking Ruby "Do you know who I am?"

"You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon." Ruby said respectfully.

Ozpin grinned and simply said "Hello."

"Nice to meet you." Ruby replied in a more formal greeting.

"You want to come to my school?" Ozpin asked.

"More than anything!" Ruby said honestly.

Glynda looked at Ozpin, her eyes showing the unasked question of if he was serious or not. Ozpin glanced up at her and his eyes gave the answer that she was hoping they wouldn't have. She just groaned and rolled her eyes in response, seeming to know that arguing with her boss would be pointless, as he'd never listen.

"Well, okay." said Ozpin, readily approving Ruby's admission into his school.

Ruby's eyes brightened so much, one might go blind looking into them for too long.

"Well, Miss Rose, since this has all been cleared up, go ahead and get ready for your arrival at Beacon. The Bullheads leave tomorrow morning, and I'm certain you'll wish to be well rested." Ozpin suggested.

Ruby nodded and went to retrieve her scythe, Crescent Rose, before leaving for home for the night. Once she was gone, Ozpin turned to Glynda with a rather playful look on his face. The same kind of look that Glynda remembers old Dumbledore getting whenever he got one of his 'brilliant' ideas. Heavy sarcasm on the word brilliant.

"Now then, you were telling me about an old student you had at Hogwarts?"

"As I've said, his name is Jaune Arc, and he has more than enough experience in both combat and magic due to the actions of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He graduated top of his class from the house of Ravenclaw, and is well versed in all forms of magic. He is also one of the few wizards who can successfully use dark magic to its fullest without being corrupted." Glynda explained.

"And he says he wishes to become a hunter as well?" Ozpin asked, genuinely confused. "With a repertoire like that, I would have thought he would be a shoo-in to become part of the Ministry of Magic. So why choose to become a hunter?"

Glynda sighed and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"He has some rather poor experiences from certain members of the ministry and how they run things in Magical England. He prefers to fight to protect the people rather than turn a blind eye to those in need as much of the ministry has been doing. Those old coots even go so far as to outright ignore the threat that the Grimm pose to humanity."

The older blonde turned to her boss, her eyes showing that she had an idea of her own that would surely get that pompous fool, Fudge, to finally open his eyes. Or at least pop a blood vessel out of anger at being outplayed.

"Therefore, I recommend that we offer him a teaching job at Beacon as one of our own Magic Instructors. I know that we're getting a rather large influx of students who can use magic this year, and as such, I think we need four young magic users of our own to teach these students the ways of magic without any form of bias or animosity against any of the students. I certainly can't trust old Snape to teach at Beacon, as he is rather old fashioned and is openly against any student who is not of the highest blood purity or in House Slytherin. And let's face it, Oz. I may not look it, but I am getting on in years and can't instruct in the ways of magic like I used to. And I happen to know of three other students who can help Jaune teach the next generation as well." Glynda explained.

Ozpin thought it over. While magic users are rather uncommon in these modern times, they aren't exactly unheard of either. And while magic may be a widely kept secret in places like England, here in Remnant, it's actually well known that it exists and those who use magic are generally accepted by the public. Be they human or Faunus.

And having a few strong wizards or witches help train the next generation of magic users in Remnant would actually be a welcome change. Maybe it'll also help Ironwood to finally regain his humanity and drop this nonsense about war and machines he's been babbling on about.

"Alright, Glynda. Let's go extend this job offer to our young wizard, shall we?"

*To Be Continued…*

I'm still accepting ideas for magic using Beacon students, so please keep sending them until next chapter. (Must include the following: Which Hogwarts House they'd be sorted into - meaning Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin - who this student is, whether they have a familiar or not and what that familiar is, and the type of wand that each student has. *Remember to list what the wand is made from as well as the wand's core - I.E. Unicorn Hair, Dragon's Heartstring, Phoenix Feather, etcetera*.)

Thank you all so much for reading. Don't forget to leave a long review. May the Force be with you, and have a great day.