A/N: This will be my second fanfiction on this site and I have to say that I am still working on my previous story, but I also want to get this idea onto this website. Goku becoming a God of Destruction. It may seem unrealistic due to his kind-hearted and upbeat character, so I will do my best to make it as realistic as possible and to show what Goku being a God of Destruction would look like.

GokuxHarem? Let me know your thoughts!

Rated M for language, adult themes. Possibly Lemons? Review for your ideas!

This story will take place immediately after the Tournament of Power, but with a twist that will change Goku's fate and his family.

Also when I use GoD(s) in this syntax, I mean God of Destruction(s).

Read. Review. Enjoy.

F. Zeno = Future Zeno

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Dragon Ball series. All rights owned by Akira Toriyama, FujiTV, and Funimation.

"..." - Talking | '...' - Thinking

ANNOUNCEMENT: The discord server is up! You can talk to me directly and can apply for the writer role if you meet the critera promoting your own story! You can also see upcoming chapter titles and have discussions or suggestions for the writer! The link is on my profile and here!

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Chapter 1

Goku's Promotion

48 minutes. The fate of 8 universes were decided in that allotted time. As predicted or cliched to be, Universe 7 came out victorious. Android 17 made an uncharacterized wish to bring back the universes that were erased, but then again, he has changed immensely through his time as a wildlife protector and the tournament as a whole.

Goku. He has always shown great power and determination when the time comes. Sure. He can act naive and maybe even a bit childish, but when it comes to fighting for his family, he is focused and serious. Goku has even surpassed the GoDs with achieving mastered ultra instinct. Jiren, who has been Goku's toughest battle pushed him beyond what he thought could be possible. Super saiyan blue kaioken x20 with a spirit bomb was child's play to Jiren. Goku eventually got a taste for ultra instinct and kept improving himself until he finally mastered it. He has come a long way. The GoDs see that, his family and friends see that, and even both Zeno's along with the Grand Priest took a liking to Goku's progress through the Tournament of Power. Both Omni King's saw something more within Goku.

They were planning on removing a GoD because of his laziness and lack of responsibility to remain one, but since Goku is here, they have already found a replacement. Goku fits perfectly as a GoD and with the right training he could become the mightiest.

The aftermath of the Tournament of Power has an uplifting end because of Android 17's generosity to wish back the universes erased. The Z-Fighters are still talking to each other and congratulating Goku and 17 because none of them want to talk to a newly resurrected Frieza.

The two Omni King's and the Grand Priest come up to Goku congratulating him on his win and newly found strength. All the GoDs bow in respect to the higher deities and the Grand Priest announces to the participants and deities present to gather around him.

All the angels are present because, of course, they are exempt on being erased, but only Universe 1, 5, 7, 8, and 12 GoDs are present because the rest were resurrected in their respective universe. The GoD from Universe 1 speaks up.

"Great Grand Priest, may I ask what this announcement entails?" Iwne politely asks.

"Yes. This announcement is to appoint a new God of Destruction." The Grand Priest calmly states.

The whole crowd gasps and is actually quite nervous that the participants were tested during the tournament. Vegeta, annoyed that he was being tested, speaks up.

"So you're telling me that we were all tested by both Omni King's and you? Isn't there already 12 GoDs since they were wished back. Why do you need another one?" Vegeta crudely remarks.

"How dare you talk to the Grand Priest in such a manner, mortal!" Arack shouts clearly irritated at Vegeta's tone.

The Grand Priest simply waves off the GoD of the 5th Universe, gesturing that it's alright.

"Well to start off, yes. All participants were tested on strength, strategy, determination, and motive to win. We wanted to know if these participants wanted more than just a good fight along with their intellect to accompany their great strength. If the participants were to evolve, then what was the reasoning or motivation to push themselves. Anger? Or something more like family, friends, or their whole universe's extinction brought them to fight harder for them. We had found two participants who qualify in that regard quite early on. In fact, it was only half way through the tournament. Towards the end of the tournament, we saw a great revelation that me and both Grand Zeno's can agree is ready to take on the mantle of GoD. Also to answer your second question, we are replacing a GoD because that person has not been able to fulfill the responsibility of the role for quite a number of years now and is no longer fit to serve the cosmos. We will announce who is getting replaced in due time, but for now, we would like to announce the selected participant to train to become a GoD." The Grand Priest announced.

The atmosphere in the World of the Void has become thick in anticipation of the selected trainee. The tension in the air can be sliced through with a knife as everyone awaits the participant chosen. The GoDs are also interested who their new fellow colleague would be and hope it won't be some idiot or moron. The angels are also thinking the same thought. Universe 7 participants are also scared with the exception of Goku and Vegeta who really couldn't care less, but Vegeta also sees the opportunity of becoming even more powerful. The Androids are even nervous because they have families they have to go back to and they hope they aren't chosen. It has been merely 10 seconds from the last word of the Grand Priest, but he starts to speak again. Everyone's heart racing with the exception of Goku. The Grand Priest looks right at Goku and this is where Goku begins to get nervous.

"The participant who has shown these qualities along with the potential needed to become greatly stronger and who will uphold the responsibilities of God of Destruction is Son Goku. We will return in exactly 24 hours in Earth time to get you situated as a new God of Destruction." The Grand Priest congratulates.

Everyone is shocked.

Goku. The kind-hearted loving person… a destroyer? It doesn't make any sense. How could he destroy when Goku has given his most fearsome enemies a second chance? The higher deities must've seen that right?

"W-wait what? I can't destroy people or planets… It's not right." Goku nervously says as he gasps for breath.

"Don't worry Son Goku. The role of a GoD is much more complex than mindlessly destroying what one feels like. It'll make sense to you in time. Trust me. I will announce what universe and angel you will be serving for in 24 hours. To the rest of the angels and GoDs present here. I ask that you come with me and the Omni Kings to his palace for a mandatory meeting. Thank you everyone for participating." The Grand Priest says.

Goku feels a little better about the Grand Priest's reassurance, but is still skeptical of the role he is appointed.

"Thanks for the awesome fights!" F. Zeno smiles and laughs.

"Yes! Goku. I know you will make an awesome GoD. Good luck, friend!" Zeno shakes Goku's hand.

"Bye Bye for now!" Both Zeno's yells towards the crowd as they disappear along with the Grand Priest and all the deities besides Universe 7.

Vegeta is beyond infuriated while the rest of the Z gang is astonished that Goku will become a deity.

"What do they see in that clown that they don't see in me! I bet it's those Omni Kings playing favorites!" Vegeta shouts angry at the decision that was made.

"How dare you accuse of the Omni Kings of such favoritism! I should eliminate you from just hearing the utter disrespect from our rulers!" Lord Beerus yells.

"Sorry, my lord. Forgive my foolishness." Vegeta quickly backtracks as he doesn't want to feel the wrath of Lord Beerus.

"Now now. There's no need for such violence. We should celebrate our universe's win and along with Goku being personally appointed by my father and both Omni Kings. He is right Goku. You will soon understand that being a God of Destruction is more than just senseless destruction and eating despite what my lord has shown." Whis calmly states.

"Hey!" Lord Beerus recognizing the insult looking at his attendant with pure rage in his eyes.

"It wasn't meant to be an insult, my lord. I was just stating your recent behavior. Now let's celebrate by going back to Earth and we have much to discuss, Goku." Whis says tapping his staff on the ground as they are transported back to Capsule Corps balcony.

"Goku as a destroyer god. Not even I could have predicted that one." The Old Kai scratches the side of his head.

"Indeed. Quite an impressive development. Wonder what universe he will serve." Supreme Kai asks.

"Yes. I am to intrigued about seeing how Goku will act and respond to the responsibilities of a GoD." Kibito responds.

Whis' staff glows as he gets a message from his father of the meeting that will take place now that requires all the high deities in their universe.

"Well it looks like the celebration is going to be postponed. I got a message from my father stating that we will have a mandatory meeting that requires the Kais, myself, and Lord Beerus' presence. Let's not keep them waiting." Whis starts to walk away with the other deities and they are just about to leave.

"Don't be too nervous, Goku. We will talk when we get back. For now just enjoy and relax. You've earned it." Whis smiles reassuring to what he can call Goku his friend.

"Thanks Whis. I know that I can count on you." Goku waves as the higher deities disappear.

Goku sits down in a nearby chair digesting all the information and feeling the soreness of his body take over. He is utterly exhausted from fighting and the promotion to GoD doesn't help ease his conscious. The planets and people he will destroy will never leave his mind and everyone can see the discomfort on his face.

"Dad. I hope you can at least visit while you're training. I don't think you can just say no to this. Everything will be okay and maybe you can be a more lenient GoD." Gohan speaks up.

"Yeah. I hope I can be that way, but I'll still have to destroy. I just can't fathom doing something like that." Goku says looking down.

"Don't look so down, Goku. You'll become stronger since you will be able to train much more, but you'll see your family a lot less which is a big tradeoff. Everything will be okay. It always has been." Piccolo smiles and puts a hand on Goku's resting shoulder.

"That's what I'm afraid of. I hope that they will understand that I really don't got much of a choice. I appreciate the thought, Piccolo. It'll be okay." Goku says with a sad smile.

"Don't think just because you'll become a GoD that you'll be stronger than me. I won't let that happen. When you are done with your training, I demand a rematch." Vegeta angrily points to Goku.

"Sounds good, Vegeta. You can count on it that I'll become much stronger." Goku smiles.

"God of Destruction, huh, think you can be responsible enough for that." 18 says coldly.

"Aw, come on. I don't think I'm that irresponsible." Goku pouts.

Everyone looks at him without muttering a word.

"Fine. I may have been in the past. But I'm different nowadays, I promise." Goku says excitedly.

"If you say so." Android 17 says.

"Whatever the case is, I am going to leave this mudball you all call a planet. I can see that I'm not welcome here anyways. Until we meet again saiyans." Frieza announces as he flies out of the planet's atmosphere to one of his home planets if you had to guess.

"Was it smart to just let him leave?" Tien questions.

"It doesn't matter now. He stands no chance against me." Vegeta smirks.

"Well I'm going back to my island until the celebration takes place. You know where to find me, NIMBUS!" Roshi shouts and he flies away.

"So, Goku. How does it feel that you're about to become a GoD. I wonder what Chi-Chi would say." Krillin asks.


Everyone sweat drops and falls over anime style.

Bulma walks outside onto the balcony where she heard all the noise and accompanied by Goten, Trunks, Chi-Chi, and the pilaf gang.

"Hi Dad!" Goten rushes towards Goku and launches himself onto his lap. Goku lets out a grunt of pain from still being sore.

Chi-Chi walks up to her husband and kisses him on his forehead seeing his discomfort and pain. "How was the tournament honey?" Chi-Chi asks.

Goku begins to get nervous. Not knowing how to explain to his wife that he's a GoD now.

"U-ummm. N-nothing important. Haha… We won." Goku rubs the back of his head nervously.

"I know that you're lying to me, GOKU! What aren't you telling me!" Chi-Chi begins to get curious and frustrated.

Goku squeaks at the sudden change of volume in his wife's voice.

Trunks walks up to his Dad in a much calmer fashion than Goten. "So, Dad", Trunks begins to say, "Can you tell us what really happened?" Everyone perked up to Trunks' question.

"It was fine. We clearly won. Kakarot can tell you the exciting news." Vegeta bluntly says smirks at the discomfort of Goku.

"Spill it Goku. What's this big news." Bulma asks a bit impatient

Everyone gets nervous because of the newly appointed GoD sitting in the chair. Goku begins to speak up.

"Well. I guess I'm a God of Destruction now." Goku plainly states.

"WHAT!" Goten, Trunks, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and the Pilaf gang exclaims as Chi-Chi characteristically faints.

A/N: The first chapter. How will the others react to the promotion to godhood? Also to clear up Roshi and the flying nimbus. He did training to get rid of his temptation and pervertedness towards women. I may not say that he is completely pure-hearted, but he is close enough and he fought nobly for his universe, so I say he more than qualifies as a pure-hearted person.

Next chapter will be of the meeting between deities and how the new GoD trainee will fit into his destined universe. Will Goku replace his current GoD's universe or will he be placed elsewhere? Find out in the next chapter. I know I'm pretty bad at keeping deadlines, but I have newfound motivation for this story and it should be out within a week or two depending on the length.

This will also be the shortest chapter of my story since it sets everything up for the rest of the story and plot progression.

GokuxHarem? Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for reading! Make sure to review if you want to provide feedback and I will add in your comments if they are along the lines of feedback or ideas for future chapters!